Functions used to display content in themes.
Table of Contents
- getVersion() : mixed
- Returns the zenphoto version string
- printVersion() : mixed
- Prints the zenphoto version string
- printZenJavascripts() : mixed
- Print any Javascript required by zenphoto.
- adminToolbox() : mixed
- Prints the clickable drop down toolbox on any theme page with generic admin helpers
- getGalleryTitle() : string
- Returns the raw title of the gallery.
- getBareGalleryTitle() : string
- Returns a text-only title of the gallery.
- printGalleryTitle() : mixed
- Prints the title of the gallery.
- printBareGalleryTitle() : mixed
- getHeadTitle() : mixed
- Function to create the page title to be used within the html <head> <title></title> element.
- printHeadTitle() : mixed
- Function to print the html <title>title</title> within the <head> of a html page based on the current theme page Usefull if you use one header.php for the header of all theme pages instead of individual ones on the theme pages It prints the title and site name including the <title> tag in reversed breadcrumb order: <title><title of current page> | <parent item if present> | <gallery title></title> It supports standard gallery pages as well a custom and Zenpage news articles, categories and pages.
- getGalleryDesc() : string
- Returns the raw description of the gallery.
- getBareGalleryDesc() : string
- Returns a text-only description of the gallery.
- printGalleryDesc() : mixed
- Prints the description of the gallery.
- printBareGalleryDesc() : mixed
- getParentSiteTitle() : string
- Returns the name of the parent website as set by the "Website Title" option on the gallery options tab. Use this if Zenphoto is only a part of your website.
- getParentSiteURL() : string
- Returns the URL of the main website as set by the "Website URL" option on the gallery options tab. Use this if Zenphoto is only a part of your website.
- getMainSiteName() : string
- getMainSiteURL() : string
- getGalleryIndexURL() : string
- Returns the URL of the main gallery index page. If a custom index page is set this returns that page.
- getStandardGalleryIndexURL() : string
- Returns the url to the standard gallery index.php page
- getCustomGalleryIndexURL() : string
- Gets the custom gallery index url if one is set, otherwise false
- getCustomGalleryIndexPage() : string
- Returns the name to the individual custom gallery index page name if set, otherwise returns generic custom gallery page "gallery.php" that is widely supported by themes If you need to check if there is an indovidual custom_index_page set use `getOption('custom_index_page')` or `getCustomGalleryIndexURL()`
- printGalleryIndexURL() : mixed
- If a custom gallery index page is set this first prints a link to the actual site index (home page = index.php) followed by the gallery index page link. Otherwise just the gallery index link
- getSiteHomeURL() : string
- Returns the home page link (WEBPATH) to the Zenphoto theme index.php page Use in breadcrumbs if the theme uses a custom gallery index page so the gallery is not the site's home page
- printSiteHomeURL() : mixed
- Prints the home page link (WEBPATH with trailing slash) to a Zenphoto theme index.php page Use in breadcrumbs if the theme uses a custom gallery index page so the gallery is not the site's home page
- printPrivacyPageLink() : mixed
- If the privacy page url option is set this prints a link to it
- getNumAlbums() : int
- Returns the number of albums.
- getCurrentTheme() : string
- Returns the name of the currently active theme
- next_album() : bool
- WHILE next_album(): context switches to Album.
- getCurrentPage() : int
- Returns the number of the current page without printing it.
- getAllAccessibleAlbums() : mixed
- Gets an array of the album ids of all accessible albums (publich or user dependend)
- getTotalPages() : int
- Returns the number of pages for the current object
- getPageNumURL() : int
- Returns the URL of the page number passed as a parameter
- hasNextPage() : bool
- Returns true if there is a next page
- getNextPageURL() : string
- Returns the URL of the next page. Use within If or while loops for pagination.
- printNextPageURL() : mixed
- Prints the URL of the next page.
- hasPrevPage() : bool
- Returns TRUE if there is a previous page. Use within If or while loops for pagination.
- getPrevPageURL() : string
- Returns the URL of the previous page.
- printPrevPageURL() : mixed
- Returns the URL of the previous page.
- printPageNav() : mixed
- Prints a page navigation including previous and next page links
- printPageList() : mixed
- Prints a list of all pages.
- getPageNavList() : mixed
- returns a page nav list.
- printPageListWithNav() : mixed
- Prints a full page navigation including previous and next page links with a list of all pages in between.
- makeAlbumCurrent() : mixed
- Sets the album passed as the current album
- getAlbumTitle() : string
- Returns the raw title of the current album.
- getBareAlbumTitle() : string
- Returns a text-only title of the current album.
- getAnnotatedAlbumTitle() : mixed
- Returns an album title taged with of Not visible or password protected status
- printAnnotatedAlbumTitle() : mixed
- printAlbumTitle() : mixed
- Prints an encapsulated title of the current album.
- printBareAlbumTitle() : mixed
- albumNumber() : int
- Gets the 'n' for n of m albums
- getParentAlbums() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array of the names of the parents of the current album.
- getAlbumBreadcrumb() : array<string|int, mixed>
- returns the breadcrumb item for the current images's album
- printAlbumBreadcrumb() : mixed
- prints the breadcrumb item for the current images's album
- printSearchBreadcrumb() : mixed
- Prints the "breadcrumb" for a search page if the search was for a data range, the breadcrumb is "Archive" otherwise it is "Search"
- getParentBreadcrumb() : array<string|int, mixed>
- returns the breadcrumb navigation for album, gallery and image view.
- printParentBreadcrumb() : mixed
- Prints the breadcrumb navigation for album, gallery and image view.
- printHomeLink() : mixed
- Prints a link to the 'main website', not the Zenphoto site home page! Only prints the link if the url is not empty and does not point back the gallery page
- getAlbumDate() : string
- Returns the formatted date field of the album
- printAlbumDate() : mixed
- Prints the date of the current album
- getAlbumLocation() : string
- Returns the Location of the album.
- printAlbumLocation() : mixed
- Prints the location of the album
- getAlbumDesc() : string
- Returns the raw description of the current album.
- getBareAlbumDesc() : string
- Returns a text-only description of the current album.
- printAlbumDesc() : mixed
- Prints description of the current album
- printBareAlbumDesc() : mixed
- getAlbumCustomData() : string
- Returns the custom_data field of the current album
- printAlbumCustomData() : mixed
- Prints the custom_data field of the current album.
- getAlbumData() : string
- A composit for getting album data
- printAlbumData() : mixed
- Prints arbitrary data from the album object
- getAlbumPage() : int
- Returns the album page number of the current image
- getAlbumURL() : string
- Returns the album link url of the current album.
- printAlbumURL() : mixed
- Prints the album link url of the current album.
- getAlbumThumb() : string
- Returns the name of the defined album thumbnail image.
- getPasswordProtectImage() : string
- Returns an <img> element of the password protect thumb substitute
- getPasswordProtectedImage() : string
- Gets the URL to the password protected images
- printPasswordProtectedImage() : mixed
- Prints an image element with the password protected image.
- printAlbumThumbImage() : mixed
- Prints the album thumbnail image.
- getCustomAlbumThumb() : string
- Returns a link to a custom sized thumbnail of the current album
- printCustomAlbumThumbImage() : string
- Prints a link to a custom sized thumbnail of the current album
- getMaxSpaceContainer() : mixed
- Called by ***MaxSpace functions to compute the parameters to be passed to xxCustomyyy functions.
- getCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace() : string
- Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current album thumb within the given height and width dimensions.
- printCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace() : mixed
- Prints a un-cropped custom sized album thumb within the given height and width dimensions.
- getNextAlbum() : object
- Returns the next album
- getNextAlbumURL() : string
- Get the URL of the next album in the gallery.
- getPrevAlbum() : object
- Returns the previous album
- getPrevAlbumURL() : string
- Get the URL of the previous album in the gallery.
- isImagePage() : bool
- Returns true if this page has image thumbs on it
- isAlbumPage() : bool
- Returns true if this page has album thumbs on it
- getNumImages() : int
- Returns the number of images in the album.
- getFirstPageImages() : type
- next_image() : bool
- Returns the next image on a page.
- makeImageCurrent() : mixed
- Sets the image passed as the current image
- getImageTitle() : string
- Returns the raw title of the current image.
- getBareImageTitle() : string
- Returns a text-only title of the current image.
- getAnnotatedImageTitle() : string
- Returns the image title taged with not visible annotation.
- printAnnotatedImageTitle() : mixed
- printImageTitle() : mixed
- Prints title of the current image
- printBareImageTitle() : mixed
- imageNumber() : int
- Returns the 'n' of n of m images
- getImageDate() : string
- Returns the image date of the current image in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
- printImageDate() : mixed
- Prints the date of the current album
- getImageLocation() : string
- Returns the Location field of the current image
- getImageCity() : string
- Returns the City field of the current image
- getImageState() : string
- Returns the State field of the current image
- getImageCountry() : string
- Returns the Country field of the current image
- getImageDesc() : string
- Returns the raw description of the current image.
- getBareImageDesc() : string
- Returns a text-only description of the current image.
- printImageDesc() : mixed
- Prints the description of the current image.
- printBareImageDesc() : mixed
- getImageData() : string
- A composit for getting image data
- getImageCustomData() : string
- Returns the custom_data field of the current image
- printImageCustomData() : string
- Prints the custom_data field of the current image.
- printImageData() : mixed
- Prints arbitrary data from the image object
- getFullImageFilesize() : int
- Returns the file size of the full original image
- hasNextImage() : bool
- True if there is a next image
- hasPrevImage() : bool
- True if there is a previous image
- getNextImageURL() : string
- Returns the url of the next image.
- getPrevImageURL() : string
- Returns the url of the previous image.
- getPrevImageThumb() : string
- Returns the thumbnail of the previous image.
- getNextImageThumb() : string
- Returns the thumbnail of the next image.
- getImageURL() : string
- Returns the url of the current image.
- printImageURL() : mixed
- Prints the link to the current image.
- getImageMetaData() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the Metadata infromation from the current image
- printImageMetadata() : mixed
- Prints the Metadata data of the current image
- getSizeCustomImage() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array with the height & width
- getSizeDefaultImage() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array [width, height] of the default-sized image.
- getSizeFullImage() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array [width, height] of the original image.
- getDefaultWidth() : int
- The width of the default-sized image (in printDefaultSizedImage)
- getDefaultHeight() : int
- Returns the height of the default-sized image (in printDefaultSizedImage)
- getFullWidth() : int
- Returns the width of the original image
- getFullHeight() : int
- Returns the height of the original image
- isLandscape() : bool
- Returns true if the image is landscape-oriented (width is greater than height) or - kept here for backwards compatibility - square (equal widht and height)
- getDefaultSizedImage() : string
- Returns the url to the default sized image.
- printDefaultSizedImage() : mixed
- Show video player with video loaded or display the image.
- getImageThumb() : string
- Returns the url to the thumbnail of the current image.
- printImageThumb() : mixed
- getSizeDefaultThumb() : aray
- Gets the width and height of a default thumb for the <img> tag height/width
- getFullImageURL() : string
- Returns the url to original image.
- getUnprotectedImageURL() : string
- Returns the "raw" url to the image in the albums folder
- getProtectedImageURL() : string
- Returns an url to the password protected/watermarked current image
- getSizedImageURL() : mixed
- Returns a link to the current image custom sized to $size
- getCustomImageURL() : string
- Returns the url to the image with the dimensions you define with this function.
- printCustomSizedImage() : mixed
- Print normal video or custom sized images.
- getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace() : string
- Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current image within the given height and width dimensions.
- getCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace() : string
- Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current image within the given height and width dimensions.
- printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace() : mixed
- Creates image thumbnails which will fit un-cropped within the width & height parameters given
- printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace() : mixed
- Print normal video or un-cropped within the given height and width dimensions. Use for sized images or thumbnails in an album.
- printSizedImageURL() : mixed
- Prints link to an image of specific size
- getTags() : string
- Returns a list of tags for context of the page called where called
- printTags() : mixed
- Prints a list of tags, editable by admin
- printAllTagsAs() : mixed
- Either prints all of the galleries tgs as a UL list or a cloud
- getAllDates() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Retrieves a list of all unique years & months from the images in the gallery
- printAllDates() : mixed
- Prints a compendum of dates and links to a search page that will show results of the date
- getCustomPageURL() : string
- Produces the url to a custom page (e.g. one that is not album.php, image.php, or index.php)
- printCustomPageURL() : mixed
- Prints the url to a custom page (e.g. one that is not album.php, image.php, or index.php)
- isArchive() : bool
- tests if a search page is an "archive" page
- getSearchURL() : string
- Returns a search URL
- printSearchForm() : mixed
- Prints the search form
- getSearchWords() : string
- Returns the a sanitized version of the search string
- getSearchDate() : string
- Returns the date of the search
- checkForGuest() : string
- returns the auth type of a guest login
- checkAccess() : bool
- Checks to see if a password is needed
- getPageRedirect() : string
- Returns a redirection link for the password form
- printPasswordForm() : mixed
- Prints the album password form
- printZenphotoLink() : mixed
- prints the zenphoto logo and link
- exposeZenPhotoInformations() : mixed
- Expose some informations in a HTML comment
- getCodeblock() : string
- Gets the content of a codeblock for an image, album or Zenpage newsarticle or page.
- printCodeblock() : string
- Prints the content of a codeblock for an image, album or Zenpage newsarticle or page.
- checkPageValidity() : bool
- Checks for URL page out-of-bounds for "standard" themes Note: This function assumes that an "index" page will display albums and the pagination be determined by them. Any other "index" page strategy needs to be handled by the theme itself.
- print404status() : mixed
- getOwnerAuthor() : bool
- Gets current item's owner (gallery images and albums) or author (Zenpage articles and pages)
- printOwnerAuthor() : mixed
- Prints current item's owner (gallery images and albums) or author (Zenpage articles and pages)
- getOwnerAuthorURL() : type
- Returns the search url for items the current item's owner (gallery) or author (Zenpage) is assigned to
- printOwnerAuthorURL() : mixed
- Prints the link to the search engine for results of all items the current item's owner (gallery) or author (Zenpage) is assigned to
- getUserURL() : string|null
- Returns a an url for the search engine for results of all items the user with $username is assigned to either as owner (gallery) or author (Zenpage) Note there is no check if the user name is actually a vaild user account name, owner or author! Use the *OwerAuthor() function for that instead
- printUserURL() : mixed
- Prints the link to the search engine for results of all items $username is assigned to either as owner (gallery) or author (Zenpage) Note there is no check if the user name is actually a vaild user account name, owner or author! Use the *OwerAuthor() function for that instead
- printCopyrightNotice() : mixed
- Display the site or image copyright notice if defined and display is enabled
- printGalleryCopyrightNotice() : mixed
- Display the site copyright notice if defined and display is enabled
- printImageCopyrightNotice() : mixed
- Display the image copyright notice if defined and display iss enabled
- getCurrentPageAppendix() : string
- Gets the current page number if it is larger than 1 for use on paginated pages for SEO reason to avoid duplicate titles
- printCurrentPageAppendix() : mixed
- Prints the current page number if it is larger than 1 for use on paginated pages for SEO reason to avoid duplicate titles
Returns the zenphoto version string
getVersion() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printVersion()
Prints the zenphoto version string
printVersion() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printZenJavascripts()
Print any Javascript required by zenphoto.
printZenJavascripts() : mixed
Return values
mixed —adminToolbox()
Prints the clickable drop down toolbox on any theme page with generic admin helpers
adminToolbox() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getGalleryTitle()
Returns the raw title of the gallery.
getGalleryTitle() : string
Return values
string —getBareGalleryTitle()
Returns a text-only title of the gallery.
getBareGalleryTitle() : string
Return values
string —printGalleryTitle()
Prints the title of the gallery.
printGalleryTitle() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printBareGalleryTitle()
printBareGalleryTitle() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getHeadTitle()
Function to create the page title to be used within the html <head> <title></title> element.
getHeadTitle([string $separator = ' | ' ][, bool $listparentalbums = false ][, mixed $listparentpages = false ]) : mixed
Usefull if you use one header.php for the header of all theme pages instead of individual ones on the theme pages It returns the title and site name in reversed breadcrumb order:
<title of current page> |Parameters
- $separator : string = ' | '
How you wish the parts to be separated
- $listparentalbums : bool = false
If the parent albums should be printed in reversed order before the current
- $listparentpages : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —printHeadTitle()
Function to print the html <title>title</title> within the <head> of a html page based on the current theme page Usefull if you use one header.php for the header of all theme pages instead of individual ones on the theme pages It prints the title and site name including the <title> tag in reversed breadcrumb order: <title><title of current page> | <parent item if present> | <gallery title></title> It supports standard gallery pages as well a custom and Zenpage news articles, categories and pages.
printHeadTitle([string $separator = ' | ' ][, bool $listparentalbums = true ][, mixed $listparentpages = false ]) : mixed
- $separator : string = ' | '
How you wish the parts to be separated
- $listparentalbums : bool = true
If the parent albums should be printed in reversed order before the current
- $listparentpages : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —getGalleryDesc()
Returns the raw description of the gallery.
getGalleryDesc() : string
Return values
string —getBareGalleryDesc()
Returns a text-only description of the gallery.
getBareGalleryDesc() : string
Return values
string —printGalleryDesc()
Prints the description of the gallery.
printGalleryDesc() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printBareGalleryDesc()
printBareGalleryDesc() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getParentSiteTitle()
Returns the name of the parent website as set by the "Website Title" option on the gallery options tab. Use this if Zenphoto is only a part of your website.
getParentSiteTitle() : string
Return values
string —getParentSiteURL()
Returns the URL of the main website as set by the "Website URL" option on the gallery options tab. Use this if Zenphoto is only a part of your website.
getParentSiteURL() : string
Return values
string —getMainSiteName()
getMainSiteName() : string
Return values
string —getMainSiteURL()
getMainSiteURL() : string
Return values
string —getGalleryIndexURL()
Returns the URL of the main gallery index page. If a custom index page is set this returns that page.
getGalleryIndexURL() : string
So this is not necessarily the home page of the site!
Return values
string —getStandardGalleryIndexURL()
Returns the url to the standard gallery index.php page
getStandardGalleryIndexURL([int $page = 1 ][, bool $webpath = null ]) : string
- $page : int = 1
Pagenumber to append
- $webpath : bool = null
host path to be prefixed. If "false" is passed you will get a localized "WEBPATH"
Return values
string —getCustomGalleryIndexURL()
Gets the custom gallery index url if one is set, otherwise false
getCustomGalleryIndexURL([int $page = 1 ][, bool $webpath = null ]) : string
- $page : int = 1
Pagenumber for pagination
- $webpath : bool = null
host path to be prefixed. If "false" is passed you will get a localized "WEBPATH"
Return values
string —getCustomGalleryIndexPage()
Returns the name to the individual custom gallery index page name if set, otherwise returns generic custom gallery page "gallery.php" that is widely supported by themes If you need to check if there is an indovidual custom_index_page set use `getOption('custom_index_page')` or `getCustomGalleryIndexURL()`
getCustomGalleryIndexPage() : string
Return values
string —printGalleryIndexURL()
If a custom gallery index page is set this first prints a link to the actual site index (home page = index.php) followed by the gallery index page link. Otherwise just the gallery index link
printGalleryIndexURL([string $after = NULL ][, string $text = NULL ][, bool $printHomeURL = true ]) : mixed
- $after : string = NULL
Text to append after and outside the link for breadcrumbs
- $text : string = NULL
Name of the link, if NULL "Gallery" is used
- $printHomeURL : bool = true
In case of a custom gallery index, display breadcrumb with home link (default is true)
Return values
mixed —getSiteHomeURL()
Returns the home page link (WEBPATH) to the Zenphoto theme index.php page Use in breadcrumbs if the theme uses a custom gallery index page so the gallery is not the site's home page
getSiteHomeURL() : string
Return values
string —printSiteHomeURL()
Prints the home page link (WEBPATH with trailing slash) to a Zenphoto theme index.php page Use in breadcrumbs if the theme uses a custom gallery index page so the gallery is not the site's home page
printSiteHomeURL([string $after = NULL ][, string $text = NULL ]) : mixed
- $after : string = NULL
Text after and outside the link for breadcrumbs
- $text : string = NULL
Text of the link, if NULL "Home"
Return values
mixed —printPrivacyPageLink()
If the privacy page url option is set this prints a link to it
printPrivacyPageLink([string $before = null ][, string $after = null ]) : mixed
- $before : string = null
To print before the link
- $after : string = null
To print after the link
Return values
mixed —getNumAlbums()
Returns the number of albums.
getNumAlbums() : int
Return values
int —getCurrentTheme()
Returns the name of the currently active theme
getCurrentTheme() : string
Return values
string —next_album()
WHILE next_album(): context switches to Album.
next_album([bool $all = false ][, bool $mine = NULL ]) : bool
If we're already in the album context, this is a sub-albums loop, which, quite simply, changes the source of the album list. Switch back to the previous context when there are no more albums.
Returns true if there are albums, false if none
- $all : bool = false
true to go through all the albums
- $mine : bool = NULL
override the password checks
Return values
bool —getCurrentPage()
Returns the number of the current page without printing it.
getCurrentPage() : int
Return values
int —getAllAccessibleAlbums()
Gets an array of the album ids of all accessible albums (publich or user dependend)
getAllAccessibleAlbums(object $obj, array<string|int, mixed> &$albumlist, bool $scan) : mixed
- $obj : object
from whence to get the albums
- $albumlist : array<string|int, mixed>
collects the list
- $scan : bool
force scan for new images in the album folder
Return values
mixed —getTotalPages()
Returns the number of pages for the current object
getTotalPages([bool $one_image_page = false ]) : int
- $one_image_page : bool = false
set to true if your theme collapses all image thumbs or their equivalent to one page. This is typical with flash viewer themes
Return values
int —getPageNumURL()
Returns the URL of the page number passed as a parameter
getPageNumURL(int $page[, int $total = null ]) : int
- $page : int
Which page is desired
- $total : int = null
How many pages there are.
Return values
int —hasNextPage()
Returns true if there is a next page
hasNextPage() : bool
Return values
bool —getNextPageURL()
Returns the URL of the next page. Use within If or while loops for pagination.
getNextPageURL() : string
Return values
string —printNextPageURL()
Prints the URL of the next page.
printNextPageURL(string $text[, string $title = NULL ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ]) : mixed
- $text : string
text for the URL
- $title : string = NULL
Text for the HTML title
- $class : string = NULL
Text for the HTML class
- $id : string = NULL
Text for the HTML id
Return values
mixed —hasPrevPage()
Returns TRUE if there is a previous page. Use within If or while loops for pagination.
hasPrevPage() : bool
Return values
bool —getPrevPageURL()
Returns the URL of the previous page.
getPrevPageURL() : string
Return values
string —printPrevPageURL()
Returns the URL of the previous page.
printPrevPageURL(string $text[, string $title = NULL ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ]) : mixed
- $text : string
The linktext that should be printed as a link
- $title : string = NULL
The text the html-tag "title" should contain
- $class : string = NULL
Insert here the CSS-class name you want to style the link with
- $id : string = NULL
Insert here the CSS-ID name you want to style the link with
Return values
mixed —printPageNav()
Prints a page navigation including previous and next page links
printPageNav(string $prevtext, string $separator, string $nexttext[, string $class = 'pagenav' ][, string $id = NULL ]) : mixed
- $prevtext : string
Insert here the linktext like 'previous page'
- $separator : string
Insert here what you like to be shown between the prev and next links
- $nexttext : string
Insert here the linktext like "next page"
- $class : string = 'pagenav'
Insert here the CSS-class name you want to style the link with (default is "pagelist")
- $id : string = NULL
Insert here the CSS-ID name if you want to style the link with this
Return values
mixed —printPageList()
Prints a list of all pages.
printPageList([string $class = 'pagelist' ][, string $id = NULL ][, int $navlen = 9 ]) : mixed
- $class : string = 'pagelist'
the css class to use, "pagelist" by default
- $id : string = NULL
the css id to use
- $navlen : int = 9
Number of navigation links to show (0 for all pages). Works best if the number is odd.
Return values
mixed —getPageNavList()
returns a page nav list.
getPageNavList(bool $_zp_one_image_page, int $navlen, bool $firstlast, int $current, int $total) : mixed
- $_zp_one_image_page : bool
set to true if there is only one image page as, for instance, in flash themes
- $navlen : int
Number of navigation links to show (0 for all pages). Works best if the number is odd.
- $firstlast : bool
Add links to the first and last pages of you gallery
- $current : int
the current page
- $total : int
total number of pages
Return values
mixed —printPageListWithNav()
Prints a full page navigation including previous and next page links with a list of all pages in between.
printPageListWithNav(string $prevtext, string $nexttext[, bool $_zp_one_image_page = false ][, string $nextprev = true ][, string $class = 'pagelist' ][, string $id = NULL ][, bool $firstlast = true ][, int $navlen = 9 ]) : mixed
- $prevtext : string
Insert here the linktext like 'previous page'
- $nexttext : string
Insert here the linktext like 'next page'
- $_zp_one_image_page : bool = false
set to true if there is only one image page as, for instance, in flash themes
- $nextprev : string = true
set to true to get the 'next' and 'prev' links printed
- $class : string = 'pagelist'
Insert here the CSS-class name you want to style the link with (default is "pagelist")
- $id : string = NULL
Insert here the CSS-ID name if you want to style the link with this
- $firstlast : bool = true
Add links to the first and last pages of you gallery
- $navlen : int = 9
Number of navigation links to show (0 for all pages). Works best if the number is odd.
Return values
mixed —makeAlbumCurrent()
Sets the album passed as the current album
makeAlbumCurrent(object $album) : mixed
- $album : object
the album to be made current
Return values
mixed —getAlbumTitle()
Returns the raw title of the current album.
getAlbumTitle() : string
Return values
string —getBareAlbumTitle()
Returns a text-only title of the current album.
getBareAlbumTitle() : string
Return values
string —getAnnotatedAlbumTitle()
Returns an album title taged with of Not visible or password protected status
getAnnotatedAlbumTitle() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printAnnotatedAlbumTitle()
printAnnotatedAlbumTitle() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printAlbumTitle()
Prints an encapsulated title of the current album.
printAlbumTitle() : mixed
If you are logged in you can click on this to modify the title on the fly.
Return values
mixed —printBareAlbumTitle()
printBareAlbumTitle() : mixed
Return values
mixed —albumNumber()
Gets the 'n' for n of m albums
albumNumber() : int
Return values
int —getParentAlbums()
Returns an array of the names of the parents of the current album.
getParentAlbums([object $album = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $album : object = null
optional album object to use inseted of the current album
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getAlbumBreadcrumb()
returns the breadcrumb item for the current images's album
getAlbumBreadcrumb([string $title = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $title : string = NULL
Text to be used as the URL title tag
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —printAlbumBreadcrumb()
prints the breadcrumb item for the current images's album
printAlbumBreadcrumb([string $before = '' ][, string $after = '' ][, string $title = NULL ]) : mixed
- $before : string = ''
Text to place before the breadcrumb
- $after : string = ''
Text to place after the breadcrumb
- $title : string = NULL
Text to be used as the URL title attribute and text link
Return values
mixed —printSearchBreadcrumb()
Prints the "breadcrumb" for a search page if the search was for a data range, the breadcrumb is "Archive" otherwise it is "Search"
printSearchBreadcrumb([string $between = NULL ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $search = NULL ][, string $archive = NULL ][, string $format = 'F Y' ]) : mixed
- $between : string = NULL
Insert here the text to be printed between the links
- $class : string = NULL
is the class for the link (if present)
- $search : string = NULL
text for a search page title
- $archive : string = NULL
text for an archive page title
- $format : string = 'F Y'
data format for archive page breadcrumb - A datetime format, if using localized dates an ICU dateformat
Return values
mixed —getParentBreadcrumb()
returns the breadcrumb navigation for album, gallery and image view.
getParentBreadcrumb() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —printParentBreadcrumb()
Prints the breadcrumb navigation for album, gallery and image view.
printParentBreadcrumb([string $before = NULL ][, string $between = NULL ][, string $after = NULL ][, mixed $truncate = NULL ][, string $elipsis = NULL ]) : mixed
- $before : string = NULL
Insert here the text to be printed before the links
- $between : string = NULL
Insert here the text to be printed between the links
- $after : string = NULL
Insert here the text to be printed after the links
- $truncate : mixed = NULL
if not empty, the max lenght of the description.
- $elipsis : string = NULL
the text to append to the truncated description
Return values
mixed —printHomeLink()
Prints a link to the 'main website', not the Zenphoto site home page! Only prints the link if the url is not empty and does not point back the gallery page
printHomeLink([string $before = '' ][, string $after = '' ][, string $title = NULL ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ]) : mixed
- $before : string = ''
text to precede the link
- $after : string = ''
text to follow the link
- $title : string = NULL
Title text
- $class : string = NULL
optional css class
- $id : string = NULL
optional css id
Return values
mixed —getAlbumDate()
Returns the formatted date field of the album
getAlbumDate([string $format = null ]) : string
- $format : string = null
optional format string for the date - A datetime format, if using localized dates an ICU dateformat
Return values
string —printAlbumDate()
Prints the date of the current album
printAlbumDate([string $before = '' ][, string $format = NULL ]) : mixed
- $before : string = ''
Insert here the text to be printed before the date.
- $format : string = NULL
A datetime format, if using localized dates an ICU dateformat
Return values
mixed —getAlbumLocation()
Returns the Location of the album.
getAlbumLocation() : string
Return values
string —printAlbumLocation()
Prints the location of the album
printAlbumLocation() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getAlbumDesc()
Returns the raw description of the current album.
getAlbumDesc() : string
Return values
string —getBareAlbumDesc()
Returns a text-only description of the current album.
getBareAlbumDesc() : string
Return values
string —printAlbumDesc()
Prints description of the current album
printAlbumDesc() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printBareAlbumDesc()
printBareAlbumDesc() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getAlbumCustomData()
Returns the custom_data field of the current album
getAlbumCustomData() : string
Return values
string —printAlbumCustomData()
Prints the custom_data field of the current album.
printAlbumCustomData() : mixed
Converts and displays line break in the admin field as
Return values
mixed —getAlbumData()
A composit for getting album data
getAlbumData(string $field) : string
- $field : string
which field you want
Return values
string —printAlbumData()
Prints arbitrary data from the album object
printAlbumData(string $field[, string $label = '' ]) : mixed
- $field : string
the field name of the data desired
- $label : string = ''
text to label the field
Return values
mixed —getAlbumPage()
Returns the album page number of the current image
getAlbumPage([object $album = NULL ]) : int
- $album : object = NULL
optional album object
Return values
int —getAlbumURL()
Returns the album link url of the current album.
getAlbumURL([object $album = NULL ]) : string
- $album : object = NULL
optional album object
Return values
string —printAlbumURL()
Prints the album link url of the current album.
printAlbumURL(string $text, string $title[, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ]) : mixed
- $text : string
Insert the link text here.
- $title : string
Insert the title text here.
- $class : string = NULL
Insert here the CSS-class name with with you want to style the link.
- $id : string = NULL
Insert here the CSS-id name with with you want to style the link.
Return values
mixed —getAlbumThumb()
Returns the name of the defined album thumbnail image.
getAlbumThumb() : string
Return values
string —getPasswordProtectImage()
Returns an <img> element of the password protect thumb substitute
getPasswordProtectImage([string $extra = '' ]) : string
- $extra : string = ''
extra stuff to put in the HTML
Return values
string —getPasswordProtectedImage()
Gets the URL to the password protected images
getPasswordProtectedImage() : string
Return values
string —printPasswordProtectedImage()
Prints an image element with the password protected image.
printPasswordProtectedImage([string $extra = '' ]) : mixed
- $extra : string = ''
extra attributes, trailing space required. Do not pass the width/height as it is taken from the image itself
Return values
mixed —printAlbumThumbImage()
Prints the album thumbnail image.
printAlbumThumbImage([string $alt = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, string $id = '' ][, string $title = '' ]) : mixed
- $alt : string = ''
Insert the text for the alternate image name here.
- $class : string = ''
Insert here the CSS-class name with with you want to style the link.
- $id : string = ''
Insert here the CSS-id name with with you want to style the link.
- $title : string = ''
option title attribute
Return values
mixed —getCustomAlbumThumb()
Returns a link to a custom sized thumbnail of the current album
getCustomAlbumThumb([int $size = null ][, int $width = NULL ][, int $height = NULL ][, int $cropw = NULL ][, int $croph = NULL ][, int $cropx = NULL ][, int $cropy = null ][, bool $effects = NULL ]) : string
- $size : int = null
the size of the image to have
- $width : int = NULL
- $height : int = NULL
- $cropw : int = NULL
crop width
- $croph : int = NULL
crop height
- $cropx : int = NULL
crop part x axis
- $cropy : int = null
crop part y axis
- $effects : bool = NULL
image effects (e.g. set 'gray' to force grayscale)
Return values
string —printCustomAlbumThumbImage()
Prints a link to a custom sized thumbnail of the current album
printCustomAlbumThumbImage([string $alt = '' ][, int $size = null ][, int $width = NULL ][, int $height = NULL ][, int $cropw = NULL ][, int $croph = NULL ][, int $cropx = NULL ][, int $cropy = null ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ][, string $title = null ][, bool $maxspace = false ]) : string
See getCustomImageURL() for details.
- $alt : string = ''
Alt atribute text
- $size : int = null
- $width : int = NULL
- $height : int = NULL
- $cropw : int = NULL
- $croph : int = NULL
crop height
- $cropx : int = NULL
crop part x axis
- $cropy : int = null
crop part y axis
- $class : string = NULL
css class
- $id : string = NULL
css id
- $title : string = null
title attribute
- $maxspace : bool = false
true for maxspace image, false is default
Return values
string —getMaxSpaceContainer()
Called by ***MaxSpace functions to compute the parameters to be passed to xxCustomyyy functions.
getMaxSpaceContainer(int &$width, int &$height, object $image[, bool $thumb = false ]) : mixed
- $width : int
maxspace width
- $height : int
maxspace height
- $image : object
the image in question
- $thumb : bool = false
true if for a thumbnail
Return values
mixed —getCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace()
Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current album thumb within the given height and width dimensions.
getCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace(int $width, int $height) : string
- $width : int
- $height : int
Return values
string —printCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace()
Prints a un-cropped custom sized album thumb within the given height and width dimensions.
printCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace([string $alt = '' ][, int $width = null ][, int $height = null ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ][, string $title = null ]) : mixed
Note: a class of 'not_visible' or 'password_protected' will be added as appropriate
- $alt : string = ''
Alt text for the url
- $width : int = null
- $height : int = null
- $class : string = NULL
Optional style class
- $id : string = NULL
Optional style id
- $title : string = null
Optional title attribute
Return values
mixed —getNextAlbum()
Returns the next album
getNextAlbum() : object
Return values
object —getNextAlbumURL()
Get the URL of the next album in the gallery.
getNextAlbumURL() : string
Return values
string —getPrevAlbum()
Returns the previous album
getPrevAlbum() : object
Return values
object —getPrevAlbumURL()
Get the URL of the previous album in the gallery.
getPrevAlbumURL() : string
Return values
string —isImagePage()
Returns true if this page has image thumbs on it
isImagePage() : bool
Return values
bool —isAlbumPage()
Returns true if this page has album thumbs on it
isAlbumPage() : bool
Return values
bool —getNumImages()
Returns the number of images in the album.
getNumImages() : int
Return values
int —getFirstPageImages()
getFirstPageImages([type $one_image_page = false ]) : type
- $one_image_page : type = false
Return values
type —next_image()
Returns the next image on a page.
next_image([bool $all = false ][, int $firstPageCount = NULL ][, bool $mine = NULL ]) : bool
sets $_zp_current_image to the next image in the album.
Returns true if there is an image to be shown
- $all : bool = false
set to true disable pagination
- $firstPageCount : int = NULL
the number of images which can go on the page that transitions between albums and images Normally this parameter should be NULL so as to use the default computations.
- $mine : bool = NULL
overridePassword the password check
Return values
bool —makeImageCurrent()
Sets the image passed as the current image
makeImageCurrent(object $image) : mixed
- $image : object
the image to become current
Return values
mixed —getImageTitle()
Returns the raw title of the current image.
getImageTitle() : string
Return values
string —getBareImageTitle()
Returns a text-only title of the current image.
getBareImageTitle() : string
Return values
string —getAnnotatedImageTitle()
Returns the image title taged with not visible annotation.
getAnnotatedImageTitle() : string
Return values
string —printAnnotatedImageTitle()
printAnnotatedImageTitle() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printImageTitle()
Prints title of the current image
printImageTitle() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printBareImageTitle()
printBareImageTitle() : mixed
Return values
mixed —imageNumber()
Returns the 'n' of n of m images
imageNumber() : int
Return values
int —getImageDate()
Returns the image date of the current image in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
getImageDate([string $format = null ]) : string
Pass it a date format string for custom formatting
- $format : string = null
A datetime format, if using localized dates an ICU dateformat
Return values
string —printImageDate()
Prints the date of the current album
printImageDate([string $before = '' ][, string $format = null ]) : mixed
- $before : string = ''
Insert here the text to be printed before the date.
- $format : string = null
A datetime format, if using localized dates an ICU dateformat
Return values
mixed —getImageLocation()
Returns the Location field of the current image
getImageLocation() : string
Return values
string —getImageCity()
Returns the City field of the current image
getImageCity() : string
Return values
string —getImageState()
Returns the State field of the current image
getImageState() : string
Return values
string —getImageCountry()
Returns the Country field of the current image
getImageCountry() : string
Return values
string —getImageDesc()
Returns the raw description of the current image.
getImageDesc() : string
new lines are replaced with
Return values
string —getBareImageDesc()
Returns a text-only description of the current image.
getBareImageDesc() : string
Return values
string —printImageDesc()
Prints the description of the current image.
printImageDesc() : mixed
Converts and displays line breaks set in the admin field as
Return values
mixed —printBareImageDesc()
printBareImageDesc() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getImageData()
A composit for getting image data
getImageData(string $field) : string
- $field : string
which field you want
Return values
string —getImageCustomData()
Returns the custom_data field of the current image
getImageCustomData() : string
Return values
string —printImageCustomData()
Prints the custom_data field of the current image.
printImageCustomData() : string
Converts and displays line breaks set in the admin field as
Return values
string —printImageData()
Prints arbitrary data from the image object
printImageData(string $field[, string $label = '' ]) : mixed
- $field : string
the field name of the data desired
- $label : string = ''
text to label the field.
Return values
mixed —getFullImageFilesize()
Returns the file size of the full original image
getFullImageFilesize() : int
Return values
int —hasNextImage()
True if there is a next image
hasNextImage() : bool
Return values
bool —hasPrevImage()
True if there is a previous image
hasPrevImage() : bool
Return values
bool —getNextImageURL()
Returns the url of the next image.
getNextImageURL() : string
Return values
string —getPrevImageURL()
Returns the url of the previous image.
getPrevImageURL() : string
Return values
string —getPrevImageThumb()
Returns the thumbnail of the previous image.
getPrevImageThumb() : string
Return values
string —getNextImageThumb()
Returns the thumbnail of the next image.
getNextImageThumb() : string
Return values
string —getImageURL()
Returns the url of the current image.
getImageURL() : string
Return values
string —printImageURL()
Prints the link to the current image.
printImageURL(string $text, string $title[, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ]) : mixed
- $text : string
text for the link
- $title : string
title tag for the link
- $class : string = NULL
optional style class for the link
- $id : string = NULL
optional style id for the link
Return values
mixed —getImageMetaData()
Returns the Metadata infromation from the current image
getImageMetaData([ $image = NULL ][, string $displayonly = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $image : = NULL
optional image object
- $displayonly : string = true
set to true to return only the items selected for display
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —printImageMetadata()
Prints the Metadata data of the current image
printImageMetadata([string $title = NULL ][, bool $toggle = true ][, string $id = 'imagemetadata' ][, string $class = null ][, mixed $span = NULL ]) : mixed
- $title : string = NULL
title tag for the class
- $toggle : bool = true
set to true to get a javascript toggle on the display of the data
- $id : string = 'imagemetadata'
style class id
- $class : string = null
style class
- $span : mixed = NULL
Return values
mixed —getSizeCustomImage()
Returns an array with the height & width
getSizeCustomImage([int $size = null ][, int $width = NULL ][, int $height = NULL ][, int $cw = NULL ][, int $ch = NULL ][, int $cx = NULL ][, int $cy = NULL ][, obj $image = NULL ][, string $type = 'image' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $size : int = null
- $width : int = NULL
- $height : int = NULL
- $cw : int = NULL
crop width
- $ch : int = NULL
crop height
- $cx : int = NULL
crop x axis
- $cy : int = NULL
crop y axis
- $image : obj = NULL
The image object for which the size is desired. NULL means the current image
- $type : string = 'image'
"image" (sizedimage) (default), "thumb" (thumbnail) required for using option settings for uncropped images
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getSizeDefaultImage()
Returns an array [width, height] of the default-sized image.
getSizeDefaultImage([int $size = NULL ][, $image = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $size : int = NULL
override the 'image_zize' option
- $image : = NULL
object the image for which the size is desired. NULL means the current image
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getSizeFullImage()
Returns an array [width, height] of the original image.
getSizeFullImage([ $image = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getDefaultWidth()
The width of the default-sized image (in printDefaultSizedImage)
getDefaultWidth([mixed $size = NULL ][, $image = NULL ]) : int
- $size : mixed = NULL
- $image : = NULL
object the image for which the size is desired. NULL means the current image
Return values
int —getDefaultHeight()
Returns the height of the default-sized image (in printDefaultSizedImage)
getDefaultHeight([mixed $size = NULL ][, $image = NULL ]) : int
- $size : mixed = NULL
- $image : = NULL
object the image for which the size is desired. NULL means the current image
Return values
int —getFullWidth()
Returns the width of the original image
getFullWidth([ $image = NULL ]) : int
Return values
int —getFullHeight()
Returns the height of the original image
getFullHeight([ $image = NULL ]) : int
Return values
int —isLandscape()
Returns true if the image is landscape-oriented (width is greater than height) or - kept here for backwards compatibility - square (equal widht and height)
isLandscape([ $image = NULL ]) : bool
Return values
bool —getDefaultSizedImage()
Returns the url to the default sized image.
getDefaultSizedImage([ $image = NULL ]) : string
Return values
string —printDefaultSizedImage()
Show video player with video loaded or display the image.
printDefaultSizedImage(string $alt[, string $class = null ][, string $id = null ][, string $title = null ][, obj $image = null ]) : mixed
- $alt : string
Alt text
- $class : string = null
Optional style class
- $id : string = null
Optional style id
- $title : string = null
Optional title attribute
- $image : obj = null
optional image object, null means current image
Return values
mixed —getImageThumb()
Returns the url to the thumbnail of the current image.
getImageThumb() : string
Return values
string —printImageThumb()
printImageThumb(string $alt[, string $class = null ][, string $id = null ][, string $title = null ][, obj $image = null ]) : mixed
- $alt : string
Alt text
- $class : string = null
optional class attribute
- $id : string = null
optional id attribute
- $title : string = null
optional title attribute
- $image : obj = null
optional image object, null means current image
Return values
mixed —getSizeDefaultThumb()
Gets the width and height of a default thumb for the <img> tag height/width
getSizeDefaultThumb([obj $image = NULL ]) : aray
- $image : obj = NULL
Image object, if NULL the current image is used
Return values
aray —getFullImageURL()
Returns the url to original image.
getFullImageURL([ $image = NULL ]) : string
It will return a protected image is the option "protect_full_image" is set
Return values
string —getUnprotectedImageURL()
Returns the "raw" url to the image in the albums folder
getUnprotectedImageURL([ $image = NULL ]) : string
Return values
string —getProtectedImageURL()
Returns an url to the password protected/watermarked current image
getProtectedImageURL([object $image = NULL ][, string $disposal = NULL ]) : string
- $image : object = NULL
optional image object overrides the current image
- $disposal : string = NULL
set to override the 'protect_full_image' option. 'protected', "download", "unprotected" or "no-access"
Return values
string —getSizedImageURL()
Returns a link to the current image custom sized to $size
getSizedImageURL(int $size) : mixed
- $size : int
The size the image is to be
Return values
mixed —getCustomImageURL()
Returns the url to the image with the dimensions you define with this function.
getCustomImageURL(int $size[, int $width = NULL ][, int $height = NULL ][, int $cropw = NULL ][, int $croph = NULL ][, int $cropx = NULL ][, int $cropy = NULL ][, bool $thumbStandin = false ][, bool $effects = NULL ][, obj $image = null ]) : string
- $size : int
the size of the image to have
- $width : int = NULL
- $height : int = NULL
- $cropw : int = NULL
crop width
- $croph : int = NULL
crop height
- $cropx : int = NULL
crop part x axis
- $cropy : int = NULL
crop part y axis
- $thumbStandin : bool = false
set true to inhibit watermarking
- $effects : bool = NULL
image effects (e.g. set gray to force to grayscale)
- $image : obj = null
optional image object, null means current image
Return values
string —$size, $width, and $height are used in determining the final image size. At least one of these must be provided. If $size is provided, $width and $height are ignored. If both $width and $height are provided, the image will have those dimensions regardless of the original image height/width ratio. (Yes, this means that the image may be distorted!)
The $crop* parameters determine the portion of the original image that will be incorporated into the final image.
$cropw and $croph "sizes" are typically proportional. That is you can set them to values that reflect the ratio of width to height that you want for the final image. Typically you would set them to the final height and width. These values will always be adjusted so that they are not larger than the original image dimensions.
The $cropx and $cropy values represent the offset of the crop from the top left corner of the image. If these values are provided, the $croph and $cropw parameters are treated as absolute pixels not proportions of the image. If cropx and cropy are not provided, the crop will be "centered" in the image.
When $cropx and $cropy are not provided the crop is offset from the top left proportionally to the ratio of the final image size and the crop size.
Some typical croppings:
$size=200, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $cropw=200, $croph=100, $cropx=NULL, $cropy=NULL produces an image cropped to a 2x1 ratio which will fit in a 200x200 pixel frame.
$size=NULL, $width=200, $height=NULL, $cropw=200, $croph=100, $cropx=100, $cropy=10 will will take a 200x100 pixel slice from (10,100) of the picture and create a 200x100 image
$size=NULL, $width=200, $height=100, $cropw=200, $croph=120, $cropx=NULL, $cropy=NULL will produce a (distorted) image 200x100 pixels from a 1x0.6 crop of the image.
$size=NULL, $width=200, $height=NULL, $cropw=180, $croph=120, $cropx=NULL, $cropy=NULL will produce an image that is 200x133 from a 1.5x1 crop that is 5% from the left and 15% from the top of the image.
Print normal video or custom sized images.
printCustomSizedImage([string $alt = '' ][, int $size = null ][, int $width = NULL ][, int $height = NULL ][, int $cropw = NULL ][, int $croph = NULL ][, int $cropx = NULL ][, int $cropy = NULL ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ][, bool $thumbStandin = false ][, bool $effects = NULL ][, string $title = null ][, string $type = 'image' ][, obj $image = null ][, bool $maxspace = false ]) : mixed
Note: a class of 'not_visible' or 'password_protected' will be added as appropriate
Notes on cropping:
The $crop* parameters determine the portion of the original image that will be incorporated into the final image. The w and h "sizes" are typically proportional. That is you can set them to values that reflect the ratio of width to height that you want for the final image. Typically you would set them to the fincal height and width.
- $alt : string = ''
Alt text for the url
- $size : int = null
- $width : int = NULL
- $height : int = NULL
- $cropw : int = NULL
crop width
- $croph : int = NULL
crop height
- $cropx : int = NULL
crop x axis
- $cropy : int = NULL
crop y axis
- $class : string = NULL
Optional style class
- $id : string = NULL
Optional style id
- $thumbStandin : bool = false
set to true to treat as thumbnail
- $effects : bool = NULL
image effects (e.g. set gray to force grayscale)
- $title : string = null
Optional title attribute
- $type : string = 'image'
"image" (sizedimage) (default), "thumb" (thumbnail) required for using option settings for uncropped images
- $image : obj = null
optional image object, null means current image
- $maxspace : bool = false
true for maxspace, false default
Return values
mixed —getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace()
Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current image within the given height and width dimensions.
getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace(int $width, int $height) : string
Use for sized images.
- $width : int
- $height : int
Return values
string —getCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace()
Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current image within the given height and width dimensions.
getCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace(int $width, int $height) : string
Use for sized thumbnails.
- $width : int
- $height : int
Return values
string —printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace()
Creates image thumbnails which will fit un-cropped within the width & height parameters given
printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace([string $alt = '' ][, int $width = null ][, int $height = null ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ][, string $title = null ][, obj $image = null ]) : mixed
- $alt : string = ''
Alt text for the url
- $width : int = null
- $height : int = null
- $class : string = NULL
Optional style class
- $id : string = NULL
Optional style id
- $title : string = null
optional title attribute
- $image : obj = null
optional image object, null means current image
Return values
mixed —printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace()
Print normal video or un-cropped within the given height and width dimensions. Use for sized images or thumbnails in an album.
printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace([string $alt = '' ][, int $width = null ][, int $height = null ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ][, mixed $thumb = false ][, string $title = null ][, obj $image = null ]) : mixed
Note: a class of 'not_visible' or 'password_protected' will be added as appropriate
- $alt : string = ''
Alt text for the url
- $width : int = null
- $height : int = null
- $class : string = NULL
Optional style class
- $id : string = NULL
Optional style id
- $thumb : mixed = false
- $title : string = null
optional title attribute
- $image : obj = null
optional image object, null means current image
Return values
mixed —printSizedImageURL()
Prints link to an image of specific size
printSizedImageURL(int $size, string $text, string $title[, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ]) : mixed
- $size : int
how big
- $text : string
URL text
- $title : string
URL title
- $class : string = NULL
optional URL class
- $id : string = NULL
optional URL id
Return values
mixed —getTags()
Returns a list of tags for context of the page called where called
getTags() : string
Return values
string —printTags()
Prints a list of tags, editable by admin
printTags([string $option = 'links' ][, string $preText = NULL ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $separator = ', ' ]) : mixed
- $option : string = 'links'
links by default, if anything else the tags will not link to all other images with the same tag
- $preText : string = NULL
text to go before the printed tags
- $class : string = NULL
css class to apply to the div surrounding the UL list
- $separator : string = ', '
what charactor shall separate the tags
Return values
mixed —printAllTagsAs()
Either prints all of the galleries tgs as a UL list or a cloud
printAllTagsAs(string $option[, string $class = '' ][, string $sort = NULL ][, bool $counter = FALSE ][, bool $links = TRUE ][, int $maxfontsize = 2 ][, int $maxcount = 50 ][, int $mincount = 1 ][, int $limit = NULL ][, int $minfontsize = 0.8 ][, bool $exclude_unassigned = true ][, bool $checkaccess = false ]) : mixed
- $option : string
"cloud" for tag cloud, "list" for simple list
- $class : string = ''
CSS class
- $sort : string = NULL
"results" for relevance list, "random" for random ordering, otherwise the list is alphabetical
- $counter : bool = FALSE
TRUE if you want the tag count within brackets behind the tag
- $links : bool = TRUE
set to TRUE to have tag search links included with the tag.
- $maxfontsize : int = 2
largest font size the cloud should display
- $maxcount : int = 50
the floor count for setting the cloud font size to $maxfontsize
- $mincount : int = 1
the minimum count for a tag to appear in the output
- $limit : int = NULL
set to limit the number of tags displayed to the top $numtags
- $minfontsize : int = 0.8
minimum font size the cloud should display
- $exclude_unassigned : bool = true
True or false if you wish to exclude tags that are not assigne to any item (default: true)
- $checkaccess : bool = false
True or false (default: false) if you wish to exclude tags that are assigned to items (or are not assigned at all) the visitor is not allowed to see Beware that this may cause overhead on large sites. Usage of the static_html_cache is strongely recommended then.
Return values
mixed —getAllDates()
Retrieves a list of all unique years & months from the images in the gallery
getAllDates([string $order = 'asc' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $order : string = 'asc'
set to 'desc' for the list to be in descending order
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —printAllDates()
Prints a compendum of dates and links to a search page that will show results of the date
printAllDates([string $class = 'archive' ][, string $yearid = 'year' ][, string $monthid = 'month' ][, string $order = 'desc' ]) : mixed
- $class : string = 'archive'
optional class
- $yearid : string = 'year'
optional class for "year"
- $monthid : string = 'month'
optional class for "month"
- $order : string = 'desc'
set to 'desc' for the list to be in descending order
Return values
mixed —getCustomPageURL()
Produces the url to a custom page (e.g. one that is not album.php, image.php, or index.php)
getCustomPageURL(string $page[, string $q = '' ][, bool $webpath = null ]) : string
- $page : string
page name to include in URL
- $q : string = ''
query string to add to url
- $webpath : bool = null
host path to be prefixed. If "false" is passed you will get a localized "WEBPATH"
Return values
string —printCustomPageURL()
Prints the url to a custom page (e.g. one that is not album.php, image.php, or index.php)
printCustomPageURL(string $linktext, string $page[, string $q = '' ][, string $prev = '' ][, string $next = '' ][, string $class = NULL ]) : mixed
- $linktext : string
Text for the URL
- $page : string
page name to include in URL
- $q : string = ''
query string to add to url
- $prev : string = ''
text to insert before the URL
- $next : string = ''
text to follow the URL
- $class : string = NULL
optional class
Return values
mixed —isArchive()
tests if a search page is an "archive" page
isArchive() : bool
Return values
bool —getSearchURL()
Returns a search URL
getSearchURL(mixed $words, mixed $dates, mixed $fields, int $page[, array<string|int, mixed> $object_list = NULL ]) : string
- $words : mixed
the search words target
- $dates : mixed
the dates that limit the search
- $fields : mixed
the fields on which to search
- $page : int
the page number for the URL
- $object_list : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
the list of objects to search
Return values
string —printSearchForm()
Prints the search form
printSearchForm([string $prevtext = NULL ][, string $id = 'search' ][, string $buttonSource = '' ][, string $buttontext = '' ][, string $iconsource = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $query_fields = NULL ][, mixed $object_list = NULL ][, string $within = NULL ][, bool $enable_fieldselector = null ]) : mixed
Search works on a list of tokens entered into the search form.
Tokens may be part of boolean expressions using &, |, !, and parens. (Comma is retained as a synonom of | for backwords compatibility.)
Tokens may be enclosed in quotation marks to create exact pattern matches or to include the boolean operators and parens as part of the tag..
- $prevtext : string = NULL
text to go before the search form
- $id : string = 'search'
css id for the search form, default is 'search'
- $buttonSource : string = ''
optional path to the image for the button or if not a path to an image, this will be the button hint
- $buttontext : string = ''
optional text for the button ("Search" will be the default text)
- $iconsource : string = NULL
optional theme based icon for the search fields toggle
- $query_fields : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
override selection for enabled fields with this list
- $object_list : mixed = NULL
- $within : string = NULL
set to true to search within current results, false to search fresh
- $enable_fieldselector : bool = null
True|false to enable/disable the search fields selector. Default null to use the option as set
Return values
mixed —getSearchWords()
Returns the a sanitized version of the search string
getSearchWords() : string
Return values
string —getSearchDate()
Returns the date of the search
getSearchDate([string $format = 'F Y' ]) : string
- $format : string = 'F Y'
A datetime format, if using localized dates an ICU dateformat
Return values
string —checkForGuest()
returns the auth type of a guest login
checkForGuest([string &$hint = NULL ][, string &$show = NULL ]) : string
- $hint : string = NULL
- $show : string = NULL
Return values
string —checkAccess()
Checks to see if a password is needed
checkAccess([string &$hint = NULL ][, bool &$show = NULL ]) : bool
Returns true if access is allowed
The password protection is hereditary. This normally only impacts direct url access to an object since if you are going down the tree you will be stopped at the first place a password is required.
- $hint : string = NULL
the password hint
- $show : bool = NULL
whether there is a user associated with the password.
Return values
bool —getPageRedirect()
Returns a redirection link for the password form
getPageRedirect() : string
Return values
string —printPasswordForm()
Prints the album password form
printPasswordForm(mixed $_password_hint[, mixed $_password_showuser = NULL ][, mixed $_password_showProtected = true ][, mixed $_password_redirect = NULL ]) : mixed
- $_password_hint : mixed
- $_password_showuser : mixed = NULL
- $_password_showProtected : mixed = true
- $_password_redirect : mixed = NULL
Return values
mixed —printZenphotoLink()
prints the zenphoto logo and link
printZenphotoLink() : mixed
Return values
mixed —exposeZenPhotoInformations()
Expose some informations in a HTML comment
exposeZenPhotoInformations([string $obj = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $plugins = '' ][, string $theme = '' ]) : mixed
- $obj : string = ''
the path to the page being loaded
- $plugins : array<string|int, mixed> = ''
list of activated plugins
- $theme : string = ''
The theme being used
Return values
mixed —getCodeblock()
Gets the content of a codeblock for an image, album or Zenpage newsarticle or page.
getCodeblock([int $number = 1 ][, mixed $object = NULL ]) : string
The priority for codeblocks will be (based on context) 1: articles 2: pages 3: images 4: albums 5: gallery.
This means, for instance, if we are in ZP_ZENPAGE_NEWS_ARTICLE context we will use the news article codeblock even if others are available.
Note: Echoing this array's content does not execute it. Also no special chars will be escaped. Use printCodeblock() if you need to execute script code.
- $number : int = 1
The codeblock you want to get
- $object : mixed = NULL
Return values
string —printCodeblock()
Prints the content of a codeblock for an image, album or Zenpage newsarticle or page.
printCodeblock([int $number = 1 ][, mixed $what = NULL ]) : string
- $number : int = 1
The codeblock you want to get
- $what : mixed = NULL
optonal object for which you want the codeblock
Return values
string —checkPageValidity()
Checks for URL page out-of-bounds for "standard" themes Note: This function assumes that an "index" page will display albums and the pagination be determined by them. Any other "index" page strategy needs to be handled by the theme itself.
checkPageValidity(bool $request, string $gallery_page, int $page) : bool
- $request : bool
- $gallery_page : string
- $page : int
Return values
bool —will be true if all is well, false if a 404 error should occur
print404status(mixed $album, mixed $image, mixed $obj) : mixed
- $album : mixed
- $image : mixed
- $obj : mixed
Return values
mixed —getOwnerAuthor()
Gets current item's owner (gallery images and albums) or author (Zenpage articles and pages)
getOwnerAuthor([bool $fullname = false ]) : bool
- $fullname : bool = false
If the owner/author has a real user account and there is a full name set it is returned
Return values
bool —printOwnerAuthor()
Prints current item's owner (gallery images and albums) or author (Zenpage articles and pages)
printOwnerAuthor([type $fullname = false ]) : mixed
- $fullname : type = false
Return values
mixed —getOwnerAuthorURL()
Returns the search url for items the current item's owner (gallery) or author (Zenpage) is assigned to
getOwnerAuthorURL() : type
This eventually may return the url to an actual user profile page in the future.
Return values
type —printOwnerAuthorURL()
Prints the link to the search engine for results of all items the current item's owner (gallery) or author (Zenpage) is assigned to
printOwnerAuthorURL([type $fullname = false ][, type $resulttype = 'all' ][, type $class = null ][, type $id = null ][, type $title = null ]) : mixed
This eventually may return the url to an actual user profile page in the future.
- $fullname : type = false
- $resulttype : type = 'all'
- $class : type = null
- $id : type = null
- $title : type = null
Return values
mixed —getUserURL()
Returns a an url for the search engine for results of all items the user with $username is assigned to either as owner (gallery) or author (Zenpage) Note there is no check if the user name is actually a vaild user account name, owner or author! Use the *OwerAuthor() function for that instead
getUserURL(string $username[, string $resulttype = 'all' ]) : string|null
This eventually may return the url to an actual user profile page in the future.
- $username : string
The user name of a user. Note there is no check if the user name is actually valid!
- $resulttype : string = 'all'
'all' for owner and author, 'gallery' for owner of images/albums only, 'zenpage' for author of news articles and pages
Return values
string|null —printUserURL()
Prints the link to the search engine for results of all items $username is assigned to either as owner (gallery) or author (Zenpage) Note there is no check if the user name is actually a vaild user account name, owner or author! Use the *OwerAuthor() function for that instead
printUserURL(string $username[, string $resulttype = 'all' ][, string $linktext = null ][, string $class = null ][, type $id = null ][, type $title = null ]) : mixed
This eventually may point to an actual user profile page in the future.
- $username : string
The user name of a user.
- $resulttype : string = 'all'
'all' for owner and author, 'gallery' for owner of images/albums only, 'zenpage' for author of news articles and pages
- $linktext : string = null
The link text. If null the user name will be used
- $class : string = null
The CSS class to attach, default null.
- $id : type = null
The CSS id to attach, default null.
- $title : type = null
The title attribute to attach, default null so the user name is used
Return values
mixed —printCopyrightNotice()
Display the site or image copyright notice if defined and display is enabled
printCopyrightNotice([string $before = '' ][, string $after = '' ][, mixed $linked = true ][, mixed $type = 'gallery' ]) : mixed
- $before : string = ''
Text to print before it
- $after : string = ''
Text to print after it œparam bool $linked Default true to use the copyright URL if defined
- $linked : mixed = true
- $type : mixed = 'gallery'
Return values
mixed —printGalleryCopyrightNotice()
Display the site copyright notice if defined and display is enabled
printGalleryCopyrightNotice([string $before = '' ][, string $after = '' ][, mixed $linked = true ]) : mixed
- $before : string = ''
Text to print before it
- $after : string = ''
Text to print after it œparam bool $linked Default true to use the copyright URL if defined
- $linked : mixed = true
Return values
mixed —printImageCopyrightNotice()
Display the image copyright notice if defined and display iss enabled
printImageCopyrightNotice([string $before = '' ][, string $after = '' ][, mixed $linked = true ]) : mixed
- $before : string = ''
Text to print before it
- $after : string = ''
Text to print after it œparam bool $linked Default true to use the copyright URL if defined
- $linked : mixed = true
Return values
mixed —getCurrentPageAppendix()
Gets the current page number if it is larger than 1 for use on paginated pages for SEO reason to avoid duplicate titles
getCurrentPageAppendix([string $before = ' (' ][, string $after = ')' ]) : string
- $before : string = ' ('
Text to add before the page number. Default ' (';
- $after : string = ')'
Text to add ager the page number. Default ')';
Return values
string —printCurrentPageAppendix()
Prints the current page number if it is larger than 1 for use on paginated pages for SEO reason to avoid duplicate titles
printCurrentPageAppendix([string $before = ' (' ][, string $after = ')' ]) : mixed
- $before : string = ' ('
Text to add before the page number. Default ' (';
- $after : string = ')'
Text to add ager the page number. Default ')';