ZenphotoCMS 1.6.1


This is Zenphoto's unified comment handling facility

Place a call on the function printCommentForm() in your script where you wish the comment items to appear.

The plugin uses %ZENFOLDER%/%PLUGIN_FOLDER%/comment_form/comment_form.php. However, you may override this form by placing a script of the same name in a similar folder in your theme. This will allow you to customize the appearance of the comments on your site.

There are several options to tune what the plugin will do.


Stephen Billard (sbillard)

Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums


Table of Contents

printCommentForm()  : mixed
Prints a form for posting comments



Prints a form for posting comments

printCommentForm([bool $showcomments = true ][, string $addcommenttext = NULL ][, bool $addheader = true ][, string $comment_commententry_mod = '' ][, bool $desc_order = false ]) : mixed
$showcomments : bool = true

defaults to true for showing list of comments

$addcommenttext : string = NULL

alternate text for "Add a comment:"

$addheader : bool = true

set true to display comment count header

$comment_commententry_mod : string = ''

use to add styles, classes to the comment form div

$desc_order : bool = false

default false, set to true to change the comment order to descending ( = newst to oldest)

Return values

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