ZenphotoCMS 1.6.1


This plugin deals with functions that have either been altered* or removed** from mainstream Zenphoto completely.

Altered functions have deprecated parameters. Removed functions are not maintained and they are not guaranteed to function correctly with the current version of Zenphoto.

The actual set of functions resides in a deprecated-functions.php script within the plugins folder. (General deprecated functions are in the %PLUGIN_FOLDER%/deprecated-functins folder)

Convention is that the deprecated functions script will have a class defined for containing the following:

  • general functions with parameters which have been deprecated: these are declared public static
  • class methods that have been deprecated: these are declared static
  • clas methods with parameters which have been deprecated: these are declared final static

The default settings cause an E_USER_NOTICE error to be generated when the function is used. The text of the error message will tell you how to replace calls on the deprecated function. The error message can be disabled to allow your scripts to continue to run. Visit the deprecated-functions plugin options. Find the function and uncheck the box by the function.

A utility button is provided that allows you to search themes and plugins for uses of functions which have been deprecated. Use it to be proactive in replacing or changing these items.


Stephen Billard (sbillard)

Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums


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