Provides functionality to list (or get) objects related to the current object based on a search of the tags the assigned to the current object.
Table of Contents
- getRelatedItems() : mixed
- createRelatedItemsResultArray() : mixed
- Helper function for getRelatedItems() only.
- printRelatedItems() : mixed
- Prints the x related articles based on a tag search
getRelatedItems([mixed $type = 'news' ][, mixed $album = NULL ]) : mixed
- $type : mixed = 'news'
- $album : mixed = NULL
Return values
mixed —createRelatedItemsResultArray()
Helper function for getRelatedItems() only.
createRelatedItemsResultArray(array<string|int, mixed> $result, string $type) : mixed
Returns an array with array for each item with name, album (images only), type and weight (search weight value) Excludes the current item itself.
- $result : array<string|int, mixed>
array with search results
- $type : string
"albums", "images", "news", "pages"
Return values
mixed —printRelatedItems()
Prints the x related articles based on a tag search
printRelatedItems([int $number = 5 ][, string $type = 'news' ][, string $specific = NULL ][, bool $excerpt = NULL ][, bool $thumb = false ][, mixed $date = false ]) : mixed
- $number : int = 5
Number of items to get
- $type : string = 'news'
'albums', 'images','news','pages', "all" for all combined.
- $specific : string = NULL
If $type = 'albums' or 'images' name of album
- $excerpt : bool = NULL
If a text excerpt (gallery items: description; Zenpage items: content) should be shown. NULL for none or number of length
- $thumb : bool = false
For $type = 'albums' or 'images' if a thumb should be shown (default size as set on the options)
- $date : mixed = false