This plugin handles <i>RSS</i> feeds:
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- rss_options
- Base feed class from which all others descend.
Table of Contents
- getRSSLink() : mixed
- Prints a RSS link for if (class_exists('RSS')) printRSSLink() and if (class_exists('RSS')) printRSSHeaderLink()
- printRSSLink() : mixed
- Prints an RSS link
- printRSSHeaderLink() : mixed
- Prints the RSS link for use in the HTML HEAD
- executeRSS() : mixed
Prints a RSS link for if (class_exists('RSS')) printRSSLink() and if (class_exists('RSS')) printRSSHeaderLink()
getRSSLink(string $option[, string $lang = NULL ][, string $addl = NULL ]) : mixed
- $option : string
type of RSS: "Gallery" feed for latest images of the whole gallery "Album" for latest images only of the album it is called from "Collection" for latest images of the album it is called from and all of its subalbums "Comments" for all comments of all albums and images "Comments-image" for latest comments of only the image it is called from "Comments-album" for latest comments of only the album it is called from "AlbumsRSS" for latest albums "AlbumsRSScollection" only for latest subalbums with the album it is called from or "News" feed for all news articles "Category" for only the news articles of the category that is currently selected "NewsWithImages" for all news articles and latest images "Comments" for all news articles and pages "Comments-news" for comments of only the news article it is called from "Comments-page" for comments of only the page it is called from "Comments-all" for comments from all albums, images, news articels and pages "Pages" feed for all pages
- $lang : string = NULL
optional to display a feed link for a specific language. Enter the locale like "de_DE" (the locale must be installed on your Zenphoto to work of course). If empty the locale set in the admin option or the language selector (getOption('locale') is used.
- $addl : string = NULL
provided additional data for feeds (e.g. album object for album feeds, $categorylink for zenpage categories
Return values
mixed —printRSSLink()
Prints an RSS link
printRSSLink(string $option, string $prev, string $linktext, string $next[, bool $printIcon = true ][, string $class = null ][, string $lang = '' ][, string $addl = NULL ]) : mixed
- $option : string
type of RSS: See getRSSLink for details
- $prev : string
text to before before the link
- $linktext : string
title of the link
- $next : string
text to appear after the link
- $printIcon : bool = true
print an RSS icon beside it? if true, the icon is zp-core/images/rss.png
- $class : string = null
css class
- $lang : string = ''
optional to display a feed link for a specific language. Enter the locale like "de_DE" (the locale must be installed on your Zenphoto to work of course). If empty the locale set in the admin option or the language selector (getOption('locale') is used.
- $addl : string = NULL
provided additional data for feeds (e.g. album object for album feeds, $categorylink for zenpage categories
Return values
mixed —printRSSHeaderLink()
Prints the RSS link for use in the HTML HEAD
printRSSHeaderLink(string $option, string $linktext[, string $lang = '' ][, string $addl = NULL ]) : mixed
- $option : string
type of RSS: "Gallery" feed for latest images of the whole gallery "Album" for latest images only of the album it is called from "Collection" for latest images of the album it is called from and all of its subalbums "Comments" for all comments of all albums and images "Comments-image" for latest comments of only the image it is called from "Comments-album" for latest comments of only the album it is called from "AlbumsRSS" for latest albums "AlbumsRSScollection" only for latest subalbums with the album it is called from
- $linktext : string
title of the link
- $lang : string = ''
optional to display a feed link for a specific language. Enter the locale like "de_DE" (the locale must be installed on your Zenphoto to work of course). If empty the locale set in the admin option or the language selector (getOption('locale') is used.
- $addl : string = NULL
provided additional data for feeds (e.g. album object for album feeds, $categorylink for zenpage categories
Return values
mixed —executeRSS()
executeRSS() : mixed