ZenphotoCMS 1.6.1


Provides users a means to log in or out from the theme pages.

Place a call on printUserLogin_out() where you want the link or form to appear.


Stephen Billard (sbillard)

Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums

Plugin option handling class

Table of Contents

printUserLogin_out()  : mixed
Prints the logout link if the user is logged in.



Prints the logout link if the user is logged in.

printUserLogin_out([string $before = '' ][, string $after = '' ][, int $showLoginForm = NULL ][, string $logouttext = NULL ]) : mixed

This is for album passwords only, not admin users;

$before : string = ''

before text

$after : string = ''

after text

$showLoginForm : int = NULL

to display a login form to not display a login form, but just a login link, set to 0 to display a login form set to 1 to display a link to a login form in colorbox, set to 2, but you must have colorbox enabled for the theme pages where this link appears.)

$logouttext : string = NULL

optional replacement text for "Logout"

Return values

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