Table of Contents
- ZENPHOTO_LOCALE = \setMainDomain()
- ZP_NEWS_ENABLED = \false
- parseAllowedTags() : array<string|int, mixed>
- parses the allowed HTML tags for use by htmLawed
- checkObjectsThumb() : string
- Search for a thumbnail for the image
- truncate_string() : string
- Returns a truncated string
- tidyHTML() : string
- Fixes unbalanced HTML tags. Uses the library htmlawed or if available the native PHP extension tidy
- shortenContent() : string
- Returns truncated html formatted content
- lookupSortKey() : string
- Returns a sort field part for querying Note: $sorttype may be a comma separated list of field names. If so, these are peckmarked and returned otherwise unchanged.
- zpFormattedDate() : string
- Returns a formatted date for output
- getDatetimeObject() : object
- Returns a datetime object
- getStandardDateFormats() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array with datetime (keys) and ICU dateformat (values) strings
- myts_date() : string
- Simple SQL timestamp formatting function.
- zp_mail() : string
- Send an mail to the mailing list. We also attempt to intercept any form injection attacks by slime ball spammers. Returns error message if send failure.
- sortByMultilingual() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Sorts the results of a DB search by the current locale string for $field
- checkAlbumPassword() : bool
- Checks to see access is allowed to an album Returns true if access is allowed.
- getPluginFiles() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a consolidated list of plugins The array structure is key=plugin name, value=plugin path
- getPlugin() : string
- Returns the fully qualified file name of the plugin file.
- getEnabledPlugins() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array of the currently enabled plugins
- extensionEnabled() : bool
- Returns if a plugin is enabled
- enableExtension() : mixed
- Enables a plugin
- disableExtension() : mixed
- Disables an extension
- getManagedAlbumList() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Populates and returns the $_zp_admin_album_list array
- populateManagedObjectsList() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of album names managed by $id
- getAllSubAlbumIDs() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array of album ids whose parent is the folder
- handleSearchParms() : mixed
- recovers search parameters from stored cookie, clears the cookie
- galleryAlbumsPerPage() : int
- Returns the number of album thumbs that go on a gallery page
- setupTheme() : string
- Returns the theme folder If there is an album theme, loads the theme options.
- getAllTagsUnique() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array of unique tag names
- getAllTagsCount() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array indexed by 'tag' with the element value the count of the tag
- getTagCountByAccess() : int
- Checks if a tag is assigned at all and if it can be viewed by the current visitor and returns the corrected count Helper function used optionally within getAllTagsCount() and getAllTagsUnique()
- storeTags() : mixed
- Stores tags for an object
- readTags() : unknown
- Retrieves the tags for an object Returns them in an array
- generateListFromArray() : mixed
- Creates the body of a select list
- generateListFromFiles() : mixed
- Generates a selection list from files found on disk
- generateAttributesFromArray() : string
- Helper to generate attributename="attributevalue" for HTML elements based on an array consisting of key => value pairs
- getLinkHTML() : mixed
- printLinkHTML() : mixed
- General link printing function
- shuffle_assoc() : bool
- shuffles an array maintaining the keys
- sortByKey() : mixed
- sorts the found albums (images) by the required key(s)
- sortMultiArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
- multidimensional array column sort
- sortArray() : bool
- General one dimensional array sorting function. Key/value associations are preserved.
- getNotViewableAlbums() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of album IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see
- getNotViewableImages() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of image IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see
- isValidURL() : bool
- Checks to see if a URL is valid
- safe_fnmatch() : bool
- pattern match function Works with characters with diacritical marks where the PHP one does not.
- isValidEmail() : bool
- Returns true if the mail address passed is valid.
- zp_image_types() : string
- returns a list of comment record 'types' for "images"
- dircopy() : the
- Copies a directory recursively
- byteConvert() : string
- Returns a byte size from a size value (eg: 100M).
- dateTimeConvert() : mixed
- Converts a datetime to connoical form
- get_context() : mixed
- set_context() : mixed
- in_context() : mixed
- add_context() : mixed
- rem_context() : mixed
- save_context() : mixed
- restore_context() : mixed
- zp_handle_password() : mixed
- checks password posting
- zp_handle_password_single() : bool
- Handles a passwort
- getOptionFromDB() : mixed
- Gets an option directly from the database.
- setThemeOption() : mixed
- Set options local to theme and/or album
- replaceThemeOption() : mixed
- Replaces/renames an option. If the old option exits, it creates the new option with the old option's value as the default unless the new option has already been set otherwise. Independently it always deletes the old option.
- purgeThemeOption() : mixed
- Deletes an theme option for a specific or the current theme from the database
- purgeThemeOptionTotal() : mixed
- Deletes a theme option for all themes present or not
- setThemeOptionDefault() : mixed
- Used to set default values for theme specific options
- getThemeOption() : mixed
- Returns the value of a theme option
- getUserIP() : string
- Returns the viewer's IP address Deals with transparent proxies
- getAnonymIP() : string
- Anonymizing of IP addresses
- seoFriendly() : string
- Strips out and/or replaces characters from the string that are not "soe" friendly
- seoFriendlyJS() : mixed
- emit the javascript seojs() function
- is_connected() : bool
- Returns true if there is an internet connection
- debug404() : mixed
- produce debugging information on 404 errors
- XSRFdefender() : mixed
- Checks for Cross Site Request Forgeries
- getXSRFToken() : mixed
- returns an XSRF token
- XSRFToken() : mixed
- Emits a "hidden" input for the XSRF token
- cron_starter() : mixed
- Starts a sechedule script run
- zp_loggedin() : bool
- Check if logged in (with specific rights) Returns a true value if there is a user logged on with the required rights
- read_exif_data_protected() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Provides an error protected read of image EXIF/IPTC data
- getLanguageFlag() : string
- fetches the path to the flag image
- getItemByID() : mixed
- Gets an item object by id
- reveal() : mixed
- uses down and up arrow links to show and hide sections of HTML
- applyMacros() : string
- Deals with the [macro parameters] substitutions
- getMacros() : mixed
- getNestedAlbumList() : array<string|int, mixed>
- generates a nested list of albums for the album tab sorting Returns an array of "albums" each element contains: 'name' which is the folder name 'sort_order' which is an array of the sort order set
- setexifvars() : mixed
- initializes the $_zp_exifvars array display state
- removeDir() : bool
- Recursively clears and removes a folder
- tagURLs() : mixed
- inserts location independent WEB path tags in place of site path tags
- unTagURLs() : string
- reverses tagURLs()
- updateImageProcessorLink() : string
- Searches out i.php image links and replaces them with cache links if image is cached
- pluginDebug() : mixed
- removeTrailingSlash() : string
- Removes a trailing slash from a string if one exists, otherwise just returns the string Used primarily within date and tag searches and news date archive results
- getDataUsageNotice() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array the data privacy policy page and the data usage confirmation text as defined on Options > Security array( 'notice' => '<The defined text>', 'url' => '<url to the define page either custom page url or Zenpage page>', 'linktext' => '<The defined text>' )
- printDataUsageNotice() : mixed
- Prints the data privacy policy page and the data usage confirmation text as defined on Options > Security If there is no page defined it only prints the default text.
- getCookieInfoData() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array with predefined info about general cookies set by the system and/or plugins
- getCookieInfoHTML() : string
- Returns a definition list with predefined info about general cookies set by the system and/or plugins as a string
- printCookieInfo() : mixed
- Prints a definition list with predefined info about general cookies set by the system and/or plugins
- getCookieInfoMacro() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Registers the content macro(s)
= \setMainDomain()
= \false
= \false
parses the allowed HTML tags for use by htmLawed
parseAllowedTags(string &$source) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $source : string
by name, contains the string with the tag options
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —the allowed_tags array.
Search for a thumbnail for the image
checkObjectsThumb( $localpath) : string
Return values
string —truncate_string()
Returns a truncated string
truncate_string(string $string, int $length[, string $elipsis = '...' ]) : string
- $string : string
souirce string
- $length : int
how long it should be
- $elipsis : string = '...'
the text to tack on indicating shortening
Return values
string —tidyHTML()
Fixes unbalanced HTML tags. Uses the library htmlawed or if available the native PHP extension tidy
tidyHTML(string $html) : string
- $html : string
Return values
string —shortenContent()
Returns truncated html formatted content
shortenContent(string $articlecontent, int $shorten, string $shortenindicator[, bool $forceindicator = false ]) : string
- $articlecontent : string
the source string
- $shorten : int
new size
- $shortenindicator : string
- $forceindicator : bool = false
set to true to include the indicator no matter what
Return values
string —lookupSortKey()
Returns a sort field part for querying Note: $sorttype may be a comma separated list of field names. If so, these are peckmarked and returned otherwise unchanged.
lookupSortKey(string $sorttype, string $default, string $table) : string
- $sorttype : string
the 'Display" name of the sort
- $default : string
the default if $sorttype is empty
- $table : string
the database table being used.
Return values
string —zpFormattedDate()
Returns a formatted date for output
zpFormattedDate([string $format = '' ][, string|int $datetime = '' ][, bool $localized_date = null ]) : string
- $format : string = ''
A datetime compatible format string. Leave empty to use the option value. NOTE: If $localize_date = true you need to provide an ICU dateformat string instead of a datetime format string unless you pass the DATE_FORMAT constant using one of the standard formats. You can then also submit these custom formats 'locale_preferreddate_time' and 'locale_preferreddate_notime'
- $datetime : string|int = ''
the date to be formatted. Can be a date string or a timestamp.
- $localized_date : bool = null
Default null to use the related option setting. Set to true to use localized dates. PHP intl extension required
Return values
string —getDatetimeObject()
Returns a datetime object
getDatetimeObject([string|int $datetime = '' ]) : object
- $datetime : string|int = ''
the date to be output. Can be a date string or a timestamp. If empty "now" is used
Return values
object —getStandardDateFormats()
Returns an array with datetime (keys) and ICU dateformat (values) strings
getStandardDateFormats([string $type = "datetime" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $type : string = "datetime"
"date" for date formats without time, "time" for time formats, "datetime" for both combined
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —myts_date()
Simple SQL timestamp formatting function.
myts_date(string $format, int $mytimestamp) : string
- $format : string
formatting template
- $mytimestamp : int
Return values
string —zp_mail()
Send an mail to the mailing list. We also attempt to intercept any form injection attacks by slime ball spammers. Returns error message if send failure.
zp_mail(string $subject, string $message[, array<string|int, mixed> $email_list = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $cc_addresses = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $bcc_addresses = NULL ][, string $replyTo = NULL ]) : string
- $subject : string
The subject of the email.
- $message : string
The message contents of the email.
- $email_list : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
a list of email addresses to send to
- $cc_addresses : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
a list of addresses to send copies to.
- $bcc_addresses : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
a list of addresses to send blind copies to.
- $replyTo : string = NULL
reply-to address
Return values
string —sortByMultilingual()
Sorts the results of a DB search by the current locale string for $field
sortByMultilingual(array<string|int, mixed> $dbresult, string $field, bool $descending) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $dbresult : array<string|int, mixed>
the result of the DB query
- $field : string
the field name to sort on
- $descending : bool
the direction of the sort
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —the sorted result
Checks to see access is allowed to an album Returns true if access is allowed.
checkAlbumPassword(string $album[, string &$hint = NULL ]) : bool
There is no password dialog--you must have already had authorization via a cookie.
- $album : string
album object or name of the album
- $hint : string = NULL
becomes populated with the password hint.
Return values
bool —getPluginFiles()
Returns a consolidated list of plugins The array structure is key=plugin name, value=plugin path
getPluginFiles(string $pattern[, string $folder = '' ][, bool $stripsuffix = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $pattern : string
File system wildcard matching pattern to limit the search
- $folder : string = ''
subfolder within the plugin folders to search
- $stripsuffix : bool = true
set to true to remove the suffix from the key name in the array
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getPlugin()
Returns the fully qualified file name of the plugin file.
getPlugin(string $plugin[, bool $inTheme = false ][, bool $webpath = false ]) : string
Note: order of selection is: 1-theme folder file (if $inTheme is set) 2-user plugin folder file 3-zp-extensions file first file found is used
- $plugin : string
is the name of the plugin file, typically something.php
- $inTheme : bool = false
tells where to find the plugin. true means look in the current theme false means look in the zp-core/plugins folder.
- $webpath : bool = false
return a WEBPATH rather than a SERVERPATH
Return values
string —getEnabledPlugins()
Returns an array of the currently enabled plugins
getEnabledPlugins() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —extensionEnabled()
Returns if a plugin is enabled
extensionEnabled(string $extension) : bool
- $extension : string
Return values
bool —enableExtension()
Enables a plugin
enableExtension(string $extension, int $priority[, bool $persistent = true ]) : mixed
- $extension : string
- $priority : int
- $persistent : bool = true
Return values
mixed —disableExtension()
Disables an extension
disableExtension(string $extension[, bool $persistent = true ]) : mixed
- $extension : string
- $persistent : bool = true
Return values
mixed —getManagedAlbumList()
Populates and returns the $_zp_admin_album_list array
getManagedAlbumList() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —populateManagedObjectsList()
Returns a list of album names managed by $id
populateManagedObjectsList(string $type, int $id[, bool $rights = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $type : string
which kind of object
- $id : int
admin ID
- $rights : bool = false
set true for album sub-rights
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getAllSubAlbumIDs()
Returns an array of album ids whose parent is the folder
getAllSubAlbumIDs([string $albumfolder = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $albumfolder : string = ''
folder name if you want a album different >>from the current album
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —handleSearchParms()
recovers search parameters from stored cookie, clears the cookie
handleSearchParms(string $what[, string $album = NULL ][, string $image = NULL ]) : mixed
- $what : string
the page type
- $album : string = NULL
Name of the album
- $image : string = NULL
Name of the image
Return values
mixed —galleryAlbumsPerPage()
Returns the number of album thumbs that go on a gallery page
galleryAlbumsPerPage() : int
Return values
int —setupTheme()
Returns the theme folder If there is an album theme, loads the theme options.
setupTheme([object $album = NULL ]) : string
- $album : object = NULL
album object if override desired
Return values
string —getAllTagsUnique()
Returns an array of unique tag names
getAllTagsUnique([bool $checkaccess = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $checkaccess : bool = false
Set to true if you wish to exclude tags that are assigned to items (or are not assigned at all) the visitor is not allowed to see Beware that this may cause overhead on large sites. Usage of the static_html_cache plugin is strongely recommended.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getAllTagsCount()
Returns an array indexed by 'tag' with the element value the count of the tag
getAllTagsCount([bool $exclude_unassigned = false ][, bool $checkaccess = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $exclude_unassigned : bool = false
Set to true if you wish to exclude tags that are not assigne to any item
- $checkaccess : bool = false
Set to true if you wish to exclude tags that are assigned to items (or are not assigned at all) the visitor is not allowed to see If set to true it overrides the $exclude_unassigned parameter. Beware that this may cause overhead on large sites. Usage of the static_html_cache plugin is strongely recommended.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getTagCountByAccess()
Checks if a tag is assigned at all and if it can be viewed by the current visitor and returns the corrected count Helper function used optionally within getAllTagsCount() and getAllTagsUnique()
getTagCountByAccess(array<string|int, mixed> $tag) : int
- $tag : array<string|int, mixed>
Array representing a tag containing at least its name and id
Return values
int —storeTags()
Stores tags for an object
storeTags(array<string|int, mixed> $tags, int $id, string $tbl) : mixed
- $tags : array<string|int, mixed>
the tag values
- $id : int
the record id of the album/image
- $tbl : string
database table of the object
Return values
mixed —readTags()
Retrieves the tags for an object Returns them in an array
readTags(int $id, string $tbl) : unknown
- $id : int
the record id of the album/image
- $tbl : string
'albums' or 'images', etc.
Return values
unknown —generateListFromArray()
Creates the body of a select list
generateListFromArray(array<string|int, mixed> $currentValue, array<string|int, mixed> $list, bool $descending, bool $localize) : mixed
- $currentValue : array<string|int, mixed>
list of items to be flagged as checked
- $list : array<string|int, mixed>
the elements of the select list
- $descending : bool
set true for a ascending order sort. Set to null to keep the array as it is passed.
- $localize : bool
set true if the keys as description should be listed instead of the plain values
Return values
mixed —generateListFromFiles()
Generates a selection list from files found on disk
generateListFromFiles(strig $currentValue, string $root, string $suffix[, bool $descending = false ]) : mixed
- $currentValue : strig
the current value of the selector
- $root : string
directory path to search
- $suffix : string
suffix to select for
- $descending : bool = false
set true to get a reverse order sort. Set to null to keep the array as it is passed.
Return values
mixed —generateAttributesFromArray()
Helper to generate attributename="attributevalue" for HTML elements based on an array consisting of key => value pairs
generateAttributesFromArray([array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $exclude = array() ]) : string
Returns a string with with prependend space to directly use with an HTML element.
Note: There is no check if these attributes are valid. Also values are not html_encoded as that could break for example JS event handlers. Do this in your attribute definition array as needed. Attributes with an empty value are skipped except the alt attribute or known boolean attributes (see in function definition)
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
key => value pairs of element attribute name and value. e.g. array('class' => 'someclass', 'id' => 'someid');
- $exclude : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Names of attributes to exclude (in case already set otherwise)
Return values
string —getLinkHTML()
getLinkHTML(string $url, string $text[, string $title = NULL ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $extra_attr = array() ]) : mixed
- $url : string
The link URL
- $text : string
The text to go with the link
- $title : string = NULL
Text for the title tag
- $class : string = NULL
optional class
- $id : string = NULL
optional id
- $extra_attr : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Additional attributes as array of key => value pairs
Return values
mixed —printLinkHTML()
General link printing function
printLinkHTML(string $url, string $text[, string $title = NULL ][, string $class = NULL ][, string $id = NULL ]) : mixed
- $url : string
The link URL
- $text : string
The text to go with the link
- $title : string = NULL
Text for the title tag
- $class : string = NULL
optional class
- $id : string = NULL
optional id
Return values
mixed —shuffle_assoc()
shuffles an array maintaining the keys
shuffle_assoc(array<string|int, mixed> &$array) : bool
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
bool —sortByKey()
sorts the found albums (images) by the required key(s)
sortByKey(array<string|int, mixed> $results, string $sortkey, string $order) : mixed
NB: this sort is sensitive to the key(s) chosen and makes the appropriate sorts based on same. Some multi-key sorts will not make any sense and will give unexpected results. Most notably any that contain the keys "title" or "desc" as these require multi-lingual sorts.
- $results : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sortkey : string
- $order : string
Return values
mixed —sortMultiArray()
multidimensional array column sort
sortMultiArray(array<string|int, mixed> $array, mixed $index[, string $descending = false ][, bool $natsort = true ][, bool $case_sensitive = false ][, bool $preservekeys = false ][, array<string|int, mixed> $remove_criteria = array() ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
If the system's PHP has the native intl extension and its Collator class available the sorting is locale aware (true natural order) and always case sensitive if $natsort is set to true
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
The multidimensional array to be sorted
- $index : mixed
Which key(s) should be sorted by
- $descending : string = false
true for descending sortorder
- $natsort : bool = true
If natural order should be used. If available sorting will be locale aware.
- $case_sensitive : bool = false
If the sort should be case sensitive. Note if $natsort is true and locale aware sorting is available sorting is always case sensitive
- $preservekeys : bool = false
Default false,
- $remove_criteria : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Array of indices to remove.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —sortArray()
General one dimensional array sorting function. Key/value associations are preserved.
sortArray(array<string|int, mixed> &$array[, string $descending = false ][, bool $natsort = true ][, bool $case_sensitive = false ]) : bool
If the system's PHP has the native intl extension and its Collator class available and $natsort is set to true the sorting is locale sensitive (true natural order).
The function follows native PHP array sorting functions (natcasesort() etc.) and uses the array by reference and returns true or false on success or failure.
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
The array to sort. The array is passed by reference
- $descending : string = false
true for descending sorts (default false)
- $natsort : bool = true
If natural order should be used (default true). If available sorting will be locale sensitive.
- $case_sensitive : bool = false
If the sort should be case sensitive (default false). Note if $natsort is true and locale aware sorting is available sorting is always case sensitive
Return values
bool —getNotViewableAlbums()
Returns a list of album IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see
getNotViewableAlbums() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getNotViewableImages()
Returns a list of image IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see
getNotViewableImages() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —isValidURL()
Checks to see if a URL is valid
isValidURL(string $url) : bool
- $url : string
the URL being checked
Return values
bool —safe_fnmatch()
pattern match function Works with characters with diacritical marks where the PHP one does not.
safe_fnmatch(string $pattern, string $string) : bool
- $pattern : string
- $string : string
Return values
bool —isValidEmail()
Returns true if the mail address passed is valid.
isValidEmail(string $email) : bool
It uses PHP's internal filter_var
functions to validate the syntax but not the existence.
- $email : string
An email address
Return values
bool —zp_image_types()
returns a list of comment record 'types' for "images"
zp_image_types(string $quote) : string
- $quote : string
quotation mark to use
Return values
string —dircopy()
Copies a directory recursively
dircopy(string $srcdir, string $dstdir) : the
- $srcdir : string
the source directory.
- $dstdir : string
the destination directory.
Return values
the —total number of files copied.
Returns a byte size from a size value (eg: 100M).
byteConvert(int $bytes) : string
- $bytes : int
Return values
string —dateTimeConvert()
Converts a datetime to connoical form
dateTimeConvert(string $datetime[, bool $raw = false ]) : mixed
- $datetime : string
input date/time string
- $raw : bool = false
set to true to return the timestamp otherwise you get a string
Return values
mixed —get_context()
get_context() : mixed
Return values
mixed —set_context()
set_context(mixed $context) : mixed
- $context : mixed
Return values
mixed —in_context()
in_context(mixed $context) : mixed
- $context : mixed
Return values
mixed —add_context()
add_context(mixed $context) : mixed
- $context : mixed
Return values
mixed —rem_context()
rem_context(mixed $context) : mixed
- $context : mixed
Return values
mixed —save_context()
save_context() : mixed
Return values
mixed —restore_context()
restore_context() : mixed
Return values
mixed —zp_handle_password()
checks password posting
zp_handle_password([string $authType = NULL ][, mixed $check_auth = NULL ][, mixed $check_user = NULL ]) : mixed
- $authType : string = NULL
override of athorization type
- $check_auth : mixed = NULL
- $check_user : mixed = NULL
Return values
mixed —zp_handle_password_single()
Handles a passwort
zp_handle_password_single([string $authType = NULL ][, string $check_auth = NULL ][, string $check_user = NULL ]) : bool
- $authType : string = NULL
override of authorization type
- $check_auth : string = NULL
- $check_user : string = NULL
Return values
bool —getOptionFromDB()
Gets an option directly from the database.
getOptionFromDB(string $key) : mixed
- $key : string
Return values
mixed —setThemeOption()
Set options local to theme and/or album
setThemeOption(string $key, string $value, object $album, string $theme[, bool $default = false ]) : mixed
- $key : string
- $value : string
- $album : object
- $theme : string
default theme
- $default : bool = false
set to true for setting default theme options (does not set the option if it already exists)
Return values
mixed —replaceThemeOption()
Replaces/renames an option. If the old option exits, it creates the new option with the old option's value as the default unless the new option has already been set otherwise. Independently it always deletes the old option.
replaceThemeOption(string $oldkey, string $newkey) : mixed
- $oldkey : string
Old option name
- $newkey : string
New option name
Return values
mixed —purgeThemeOption()
Deletes an theme option for a specific or the current theme from the database
purgeThemeOption(string $key[, mixed $album = NULL ][, mixed $theme = NULL ][, mixed $allthemes = false ]) : mixed
- $key : string
- $album : mixed = NULL
- $theme : mixed = NULL
- $allthemes : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —purgeThemeOptionTotal()
Deletes a theme option for all themes present or not
purgeThemeOptionTotal(string $key) : mixed
- $key : string
Return values
mixed —setThemeOptionDefault()
Used to set default values for theme specific options
setThemeOptionDefault(string $key, mixed $value) : mixed
- $key : string
- $value : mixed
Return values
mixed —getThemeOption()
Returns the value of a theme option
getThemeOption(string $option[, object $album = NULL ][, string $theme = NULL ]) : mixed
- $option : string
option key
- $album : object = NULL
- $theme : string = NULL
default theme name
Return values
mixed —getUserIP()
Returns the viewer's IP address Deals with transparent proxies
getUserIP([bool $anonymize = null ]) : string
- $anonymize : bool = null
If null (default) the backend option setting is used. Override with anonymize levels
- 0 (No anonymizing)
- 1 (Last fourth anonymized)
- 2 (Last half anonymized)
- 3 (Last three fourths anonymized)
- 4 (Full anonymization, no IP stored)
Return values
string —getAnonymIP()
Anonymizing of IP addresses
getAnonymIP(mixed $ip[, bool $anonymize = null ]) : string
- $ip : mixed
- $anonymize : bool = null
If null (default) the backend option setting is used. Override with anonymize levels
- 0 (No anonymizing)
- 1 (Last fourth anonymized)
- 2 (Last half anonymized)
- 3 (Last three fourths anonymized)
- 4 (Full anonymization, no IP stored)
Return values
string —seoFriendly()
Strips out and/or replaces characters from the string that are not "soe" friendly
seoFriendly(string $string) : string
- $string : string
Return values
string —seoFriendlyJS()
emit the javascript seojs() function
seoFriendlyJS() : mixed
Return values
mixed —is_connected()
Returns true if there is an internet connection
is_connected([string $host = '' ]) : bool
- $host : string = ''
optional host name to test
Return values
bool —debug404()
produce debugging information on 404 errors
debug404(string $album, string $image, string $theme) : mixed
- $album : string
- $image : string
- $theme : string
Return values
mixed —XSRFdefender()
Checks for Cross Site Request Forgeries
XSRFdefender(string $action) : mixed
- $action : string
Return values
mixed —getXSRFToken()
returns an XSRF token
getXSRFToken(string $action) : mixed
- $action : string
Return values
mixed —XSRFToken()
Emits a "hidden" input for the XSRF token
XSRFToken(string $action) : mixed
- $action : string
Return values
mixed —cron_starter()
Starts a sechedule script run
cron_starter(string $script, array<string|int, mixed> $params, mixed $offsetPath[, bool $inline = false ]) : mixed
- $script : string
The script file to load
- $params : array<string|int, mixed>
"POST" parameters
- $offsetPath : mixed
- $inline : bool = false
set to true to run the task "in-line". Set false run asynchronously
Return values
mixed —zp_loggedin()
Check if logged in (with specific rights) Returns a true value if there is a user logged on with the required rights
zp_loggedin([bit $rights = ALL_RIGHTS ]) : bool
- $rights : bit = ALL_RIGHTS
rights required by the caller
Return values
bool —read_exif_data_protected()
Provides an error protected read of image EXIF/IPTC data
read_exif_data_protected(string $path) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $path : string
image path
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getLanguageFlag()
fetches the path to the flag image
getLanguageFlag(string $lang) : string
- $lang : string
whose flag
Return values
string —getItemByID()
Gets an item object by id
getItemByID(string $table, int $id) : mixed
- $table : string
database table to search
- $id : int
id of the item to get
Return values
mixed —reveal()
uses down and up arrow links to show and hide sections of HTML
reveal(string $content[, bool $visible = false ]) : mixed
- $content : string
the id of the html section to be revealed
- $visible : bool = false
true if the content is initially visible
Return values
mixed —applyMacros()
Deals with the [macro parameters] substitutions
applyMacros(string $text) : string
See the macroList plugin for details
- $text : string
Return values
string —getMacros()
getMacros() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getNestedAlbumList()
generates a nested list of albums for the album tab sorting Returns an array of "albums" each element contains: 'name' which is the folder name 'sort_order' which is an array of the sort order set
getNestedAlbumList( $subalbum, $levels[, $checkalbumrights = true ][, $level = array() ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $subalbum :
root level album (NULL is the gallery)
- $levels :
how far to nest
- $checkalbumrights : = true
TRUE (Default) for album rights for backend usage, FALSE to skip for frontend usage
- $level : = array()
internal for keeping the sort order elements
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —setexifvars()
initializes the $_zp_exifvars array display state
setexifvars() : mixed
Return values
mixed —removeDir()
Recursively clears and removes a folder
removeDir(string $path[, mixed $within = false ]) : bool
- $path : string
- $within : mixed = false
Return values
bool —tagURLs()
inserts location independent WEB path tags in place of site path tags
tagURLs(string $text) : mixed
- $text : string
Return values
mixed —unTagURLs()
reverses tagURLs()
unTagURLs(string|array<string|int, mixed> $text) : string
- $text : string|array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
string —updateImageProcessorLink()
Searches out i.php image links and replaces them with cache links if image is cached
updateImageProcessorLink(string $text) : string
- $text : string
Return values
string —pluginDebug()
pluginDebug(mixed $extension, mixed $priority, mixed $start) : mixed
- $extension : mixed
- $priority : mixed
- $start : mixed
Return values
mixed —removeTrailingSlash()
Removes a trailing slash from a string if one exists, otherwise just returns the string Used primarily within date and tag searches and news date archive results
removeTrailingSlash(string $string) : string
- $string : string
Return values
string —getDataUsageNotice()
Returns an array the data privacy policy page and the data usage confirmation text as defined on Options > Security array( 'notice' => '<The defined text>', 'url' => '<url to the define page either custom page url or Zenpage page>', 'linktext' => '<The defined text>' )
getDataUsageNotice() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —printDataUsageNotice()
Prints the data privacy policy page and the data usage confirmation text as defined on Options > Security If there is no page defined it only prints the default text.
printDataUsageNotice() : mixed
Return values
mixed —getCookieInfoData()
Returns an array with predefined info about general cookies set by the system and/or plugins
getCookieInfoData([string $section = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $section : string = null
Name of the section to get: 'authenticaion', 'search', 'admin', 'cookie', 'various' or null (default) for the full array
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getCookieInfoHTML()
Returns a definition list with predefined info about general cookies set by the system and/or plugins as a string
getCookieInfoHTML([string $section = null ][, string $sectionheadline = 'h2' ]) : string
- $section : string = null
Name of the section to get: 'authenticaion', 'search', 'admin', 'cookie', 'various' or null (default) for the full array
- $sectionheadline : string = 'h2'
Add h2 to h6 to print as the section headline, h2 default.
Return values
string —printCookieInfo()
Prints a definition list with predefined info about general cookies set by the system and/or plugins
printCookieInfo([string $section = null ][, string $sectionheadline = 'h2' ]) : mixed
- $section : string = null
Name of the section to get: 'authenticaion', 'search', 'admin', 'cookie', 'various' or null (default) for the full array
- $sectionheadline : string = 'h2'
Add h2 to h6 to print as the section headline, h2 default.
Return values
mixed —getCookieInfoMacro()
Registers the content macro(s)
getCookieInfoMacro(array<string|int, mixed> $macros) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $macros : array<string|int, mixed>
Passes through the array of already registered