Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
Table of Contents
- Check for use of deprecated functions
- setThemeColumns() : mixed
- controls the thumbnail layout of themes.
- getMimeString() : string
- Returns the mimetype for a suffix
- newAlbum() : Album
- Wrapper instantiation function for albums. Do not instantiate directly
- isAlbumClass() : bool
- Returns true if the object is a zenphoto 'album'
- getUrAlbum() : object
- Returns the oldest ancestor of an alubm;
- newImage() : object
- Returns a new "image" object based on the file extension
- isImageClass() : bool
- Returns true if the object is a zenphoto 'image'
- search_quote() : string
- encloses search word in quotes if needed
- isImageVideo() : bool
- Returns video argument of the current Image.
- isImagePhoto() : bool
- Returns true if the image is a standard photo type
- replaceOption() : mixed
- Replaces/renames an option. If the old option exits, it creates the new option with the old option's value as the default unless the new option has already been set otherwise. Independently it always deletes the old option.
- is_valid_email_zp() : bool
- Determines if the input is an e-mail address. Adapted from WordPress.
- genAlbumList() : mixed
- Populatest $list with an one dimensional list with album name and title of all albums or the subalbums of a specific album
- getAllAlbums() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of all albums decendent from an album
- printPopularAlbums() : mixed
- printLatestAlbums() : mixed
- printMostRatedAlbums() : mixed
- printTopRatedAlbums() : mixed
- printLatestUpdatedAlbums() : mixed
- printPopularImages() : mixed
- printTopRatedImages() : mixed
- printMostRatedImages() : mixed
- printLatestImages() : mixed
- printLatestImagesByDate() : mixed
- printLatestImagesByMtime() : mixed
- filterImageQuery() : mixed
- performs a query and then filters out "illegal" images returning the first "good" image used by the random image functions.
- getRandomImages() : object
- Returns a randomly selected image from the gallery. (May be NULL if none exists)
- getRandomImagesAlbum() : object
- Returns a randomly selected image from the album or its subalbums. (May be NULL if none exists)
- printRandomImages() : mixed
- Puts up random image thumbs from the gallery
- cleanHTML() : string
- fixes unbalanced HTML tags. Used by shortenContent when PHP tidy is not present
- getTotalImagesIn() : int
- Returns the count of all the images in the album and any subalbums
- checkPublishDates() : mixed
- checks if the item has expired
- getPHPFiles() : string
- formatList() : bool
- listUses() : type
- listDBUses() : bool
Check for use of deprecated functions
= 4
controls the thumbnail layout of themes.
setThemeColumns() : mixed
Uses the theme options: albums_per_row albums_per_page images_per_row images_per_page
Return values
mixed —getMimeString()
Returns the mimetype for a suffix
getMimeString(string $suffix) : string
- $suffix : string
Suffix without . to get the mimetype for
Return values
string —newAlbum()
Wrapper instantiation function for albums. Do not instantiate directly
newAlbum(string $folder8[, bool $cache = true ][, bool $quiet = false ]) : Album
- $folder8 : string
the name of the folder (inernal character set)
- $cache : bool = true
true if the album should be fetched from the cache
- $quiet : bool = false
true to supress error messages
Return values
Album —isAlbumClass()
Returns true if the object is a zenphoto 'album'
isAlbumClass([object $album = NULL ]) : bool
- $album : object = NULL
Return values
bool —getUrAlbum()
Returns the oldest ancestor of an alubm;
getUrAlbum(string $album) : object
- $album : string
an album object
Return values
object —newImage()
Returns a new "image" object based on the file extension
newImage(object $album, string $filename[, bool $quiet = false ]) : object
- $album : object
the owner album
- $filename : string
the filename
- $quiet : bool = false
set true to supress error messages (used by loadimage)
Return values
object —isImageClass()
Returns true if the object is a zenphoto 'image'
isImageClass([object $image = NULL ]) : bool
- $image : object = NULL
Return values
bool —search_quote()
encloses search word in quotes if needed
search_quote(string $word) : string
- $word : string
Return values
string —isImageVideo()
Returns video argument of the current Image.
isImageVideo([object $image = NULL ]) : bool
- $image : object = NULL
optional image object
Return values
bool —isImagePhoto()
Returns true if the image is a standard photo type
isImagePhoto([object $image = NULL ]) : bool
- $image : object = NULL
optional image object
Return values
bool —replaceOption()
Replaces/renames an option. If the old option exits, it creates the new option with the old option's value as the default unless the new option has already been set otherwise. Independently it always deletes the old option.
replaceOption(string $oldkey, string $newkey) : mixed
- $oldkey : string
Old option name
- $newkey : string
New option name
Return values
mixed —is_valid_email_zp()
Determines if the input is an e-mail address. Adapted from WordPress.
is_valid_email_zp(string $input_email) : bool
Name changed to avoid conflicts in WP integrations.
- $input_email : string
email address?
Return values
bool —genAlbumList()
Populatest $list with an one dimensional list with album name and title of all albums or the subalbums of a specific album
genAlbumList(array<string|int, mixed> &$list[, obj $curAlbum = NULL ][, int $rights = UPLOAD_RIGHTS ]) : mixed
- $list : array<string|int, mixed>
The array to fill with the album list
- $curAlbum : obj = NULL
Optional object of the album to start with
- $rights : int = UPLOAD_RIGHTS
Rights constant to filter album access by.
Return values
mixed —getAllAlbums()
Returns a list of all albums decendent from an album
getAllAlbums([object $album = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $album : object = NULL
optional album. If absent the current album is used
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —printPopularAlbums()
printPopularAlbums([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = 'hitcounter' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $firstimglink = false ], mixed $threshold[, mixed $collection = false ]) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = 'hitcounter'
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $firstimglink : mixed = false
- $threshold : mixed
- $collection : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —printLatestAlbums()
printLatestAlbums([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $firstimglink = false ][, mixed $collection = false ]) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $firstimglink : mixed = false
- $collection : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —printMostRatedAlbums()
printMostRatedAlbums([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $firstimglink = false ], mixed $threshold[, mixed $collection = false ]) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $firstimglink : mixed = false
- $threshold : mixed
- $collection : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —printTopRatedAlbums()
printTopRatedAlbums([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $firstimglink = false ], mixed $threshold[, mixed $collection = false ]) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $firstimglink : mixed = false
- $threshold : mixed
- $collection : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —printLatestUpdatedAlbums()
printLatestUpdatedAlbums([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $firstimglink = false ][, mixed $collection = false ]) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $firstimglink : mixed = false
- $collection : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —printPopularImages()
printPopularImages([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $collection = false ][, mixed $fullimagelink = false ], mixed $threshold) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $collection : mixed = false
- $fullimagelink : mixed = false
- $threshold : mixed
Return values
mixed —printTopRatedImages()
printTopRatedImages([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $albumfolder = "" ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $collection = false ][, mixed $fullimagelink = false ], mixed $threshold) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $albumfolder : mixed = ""
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $collection : mixed = false
- $fullimagelink : mixed = false
- $threshold : mixed
Return values
mixed —printMostRatedImages()
printMostRatedImages([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $collection = false ][, mixed $fullimagelink = false ], mixed $threshold) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $collection : mixed = false
- $fullimagelink : mixed = false
- $threshold : mixed
Return values
mixed —printLatestImages()
printLatestImages([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $collection = false ][, mixed $fullimagelink = false ]) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $collection : mixed = false
- $fullimagelink : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —printLatestImagesByDate()
printLatestImagesByDate([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $collection = false ][, mixed $fullimagelink = false ]) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $collection : mixed = false
- $fullimagelink : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —printLatestImagesByMtime()
printLatestImagesByMtime([mixed $number = 5 ][, mixed $albumfolder = '' ][, mixed $showtitle = false ][, mixed $showdate = false ][, mixed $showdesc = false ][, mixed $desclength = 40 ][, mixed $showstatistic = '' ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ][, mixed $crop = NULL ][, mixed $collection = false ][, mixed $fullimagelink = false ]) : mixed
- $number : mixed = 5
- $albumfolder : mixed = ''
- $showtitle : mixed = false
- $showdate : mixed = false
- $showdesc : mixed = false
- $desclength : mixed = 40
- $showstatistic : mixed = ''
- $width : mixed = NULL
- $height : mixed = NULL
- $crop : mixed = NULL
- $collection : mixed = false
- $fullimagelink : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —filterImageQuery()
performs a query and then filters out "illegal" images returning the first "good" image used by the random image functions.
filterImageQuery(object $result, string $source) : mixed
- $result : object
query result
- $source : string
album object if this is search within the album
Return values
mixed —getRandomImages()
Returns a randomly selected image from the gallery. (May be NULL if none exists)
getRandomImages([bool $daily = false ]) : object
- $daily : bool = false
set to true and the picture changes only once a day.
Return values
object —getRandomImagesAlbum()
Returns a randomly selected image from the album or its subalbums. (May be NULL if none exists)
getRandomImagesAlbum([mixed $rootAlbum = NULL ][, bool $daily = false ]) : object
- $rootAlbum : mixed = NULL
optional album object/folder from which to get the image.
- $daily : bool = false
set to true to change picture only once a day.
Return values
object —printRandomImages()
Puts up random image thumbs from the gallery
printRandomImages([int $number = 5 ][, string $class = null ][, string $option = 'all' ][, mixed $rootAlbum = '' ][, int $width = NULL ][, int $height = NULL ][, bool $crop = NULL ][, bool $fullimagelink = false ]) : mixed
- $number : int = 5
how many images
- $class : string = null
optional class
- $option : string = 'all'
what you want selected: all for all images, album for selected ones from an album
- $rootAlbum : mixed = ''
optional album object/folder from which to get the image.
- $width : int = NULL
the width/cropwidth of the thumb if crop=true else $width is longest size.
- $height : int = NULL
the height/cropheight of the thumb if crop=true else not used
- $crop : bool = NULL
'true' (default) if the thumb should be cropped, 'false' if not
- $fullimagelink : bool = false
'false' (default) for the image page link , 'true' for the unprotected full image link (to use Colorbox for example)
Return values
mixed —cleanHTML()
fixes unbalanced HTML tags. Used by shortenContent when PHP tidy is not present
cleanHTML(string $html) : string
- $html : string
Return values
string —getTotalImagesIn()
Returns the count of all the images in the album and any subalbums
getTotalImagesIn(object $album) : int
- $album : object
The album whose image count you want
Return values
int —checkPublishDates()
checks if the item has expired
checkPublishDates(array<string|int, mixed> $row) : mixed
- $row : array<string|int, mixed>
database row of the object
Return values
mixed —getPHPFiles()
getPHPFiles(type $folder, type $exclude) : string
- $folder : type
- $exclude : type
Return values
string —formatList()
formatList(type $title, type $subject, type $pattern) : bool
- $title : type
- $subject : type
- $pattern : type
Return values
bool —listUses()
listUses(type $files, type $base, type $pattern) : type
- $files : type
- $base : type
- $pattern : type
Return values
type —listDBUses()
listDBUses(type $pattern) : bool
- $pattern : type