Table of Contents
- getExpiryDatePost() : string
- Retrieves posted expiry date and checks it against the current date/time Returns the posted date if it is in the future Returns NULL if the date is past
- processTags() : mixed
- processes the taglist save
- updatePage() : object
- Updates or adds a page and returns the object of that page
- deletePage() : mixed
- Deletes a page (and also if existing its subpages) from the database
- printPagesListTable() : mixed
- Prints the table part of a single page item for the sortable pages list
- updateArticle() : object
- Updates or adds a news article and returns the object of that article
- deleteArticle() : mixed
- Deletes an news article from the database
- printArticleCategories() : mixed
- Print the categories of a news article for the news articles list
- printPageArticleTags() : mixed
- Print the categories of a news article for the news articles list
- printCategorySelection() : mixed
- Prints the checkboxes to select and/or show the category of an news article on the edit or add page
- printArticleDatesDropdown() : mixed
- Prints the dropdown menu for the date archive selector for the news articles list
- getNewsAdminOption() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Compiles an option parameter list
- getNewsAdminOptionPath() : string
- Creates the admin paths for news articles if you use the dropdowns on the admin news article list together
- printUnpublishedDropdown() : mixed
- Prints the dropdown menu for the published/un-publishd selector for the news articles list
- printSortOrderDropdown() : mixed
- Prints the dropdown menu for the sortorder selector for the news articles list
- printCategoryDropdown() : mixed
- Prints the dropdown menu for the category selector for the news articles list
- printArticlesPerPageDropdown() : mixed
- Prints the dropdown menu for the articles per page selector for the news articles list
- printAuthorDropdown() : mixed
- Prints the dropdown menu all authors that currently are authors of news articles
- updateCategory() : mixed
- Updates or adds a category
- deleteCategory() : mixed
- Deletes a category (and also if existing its subpages) from the database
- printCategoryListSortableTable() : string
- Prints the list entry of a single category for the sortable list
- printCategoryCheckboxListEntry() : mixed
- Prints the checkboxes to select and/or show the category of an news article on the edit or add page
- printNestedItemsList() : string
- Prints the nested list for pages and categories
- updateItemSortorder() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Updates the sortorder of the items list in the database
- checkForEmptyTitle() : string
- Checks if no title has been provide for items on new item creation
- zenpagePublish() : string
- Publishes a page or news article
- skipScheduledPublishing() : string
- Skips the scheduled future publishing by setting the date of a page or article to the current date to publish it immediately or the expiration handling by setting the expiredate to null.
- checkHitcounterDisplay() : string
- Checks if there are hitcounts and if they are displayed behind the news article, page or category title
- getNewsPagesStatistic() : mixed
- returns an array of how many pages, articles, categories and news or pages comments we got.
- printPagesStatistic() : mixed
- printNewsStatistic() : mixed
- printCategoriesStatistic() : mixed
- zenpageJSCSS() : mixed
- Prints the links to JavaScript and CSS files zenpage needs.
- printZenpageIconLegend() : mixed
- authorSelector() : mixed
- Prints a dropdown to select the author of a page or news article (Admin rights users only)
- printPublishIconLink() : mixed
- Prints the publish/un-published/scheduled publishing icon with a link for the pages and news articles list.
- checkIfChecked() : mixed
- Checks if a checkbox is selected and checks it if.
- checkIfLockedPage() : bool
- Checks if the current logged in admin user is the author that locked the page/article.
- checkIfLockedNews() : bool
- Checks if the current logged in admin user is the author that locked the article.
- is_AdminEditPage() : bool
- Checks if the current admin-edit.php page is called for news articles or for pages.
- processZenpageBulkActions() : mixed
- Processes the check box bulk actions
- zenpageBulkActionMessage() : mixed
- createTitlelink() : type
- Creates the titlelink from the title passed.
- checkTitlelinkDuplicate() : bool
- Checks if a title link of this itemtype already exists
- addDateToTitlelink() : string
- Append or prepends a date string to a titlelink as defined.
Retrieves posted expiry date and checks it against the current date/time Returns the posted date if it is in the future Returns NULL if the date is past
getExpiryDatePost() : string
Return values
string —processTags()
processes the taglist save
processTags(object $object) : mixed
- $object : object
the object on which the save happened
Return values
mixed —updatePage()
Updates or adds a page and returns the object of that page
updatePage(array<string|int, mixed> &$reports[, bool $newpage = false ]) : object
- $reports : array<string|int, mixed>
report display
- $newpage : bool = false
true if it is a new page
Return values
object —deletePage()
Deletes a page (and also if existing its subpages) from the database
deletePage(mixed $titlelink) : mixed
- $titlelink : mixed
Return values
mixed —printPagesListTable()
Prints the table part of a single page item for the sortable pages list
printPagesListTable(object $page, bool $flag) : mixed
- $page : object
The array containing the single page
- $flag : bool
set to true to flag the element as having a problem with nesting level
Return values
mixed —updateArticle()
Updates or adds a news article and returns the object of that article
updateArticle(array<string|int, mixed> &$reports[, bool $newarticle = false ]) : object
- $reports : array<string|int, mixed>
- $newarticle : bool = false
true if a new article
Return values
object —deleteArticle()
Deletes an news article from the database
deleteArticle(mixed $titlelink) : mixed
- $titlelink : mixed
Return values
mixed —printArticleCategories()
Print the categories of a news article for the news articles list
printArticleCategories(obj $obj) : mixed
- $obj : obj
object of the news article
Return values
mixed —printPageArticleTags()
Print the categories of a news article for the news articles list
printPageArticleTags(obj $obj) : mixed
- $obj : obj
object of the news article
Return values
mixed —printCategorySelection()
Prints the checkboxes to select and/or show the category of an news article on the edit or add page
printCategorySelection([int $id = '' ][, string $option = '' ]) : mixed
- $id : int = ''
ID of the news article if the categories an existing articles is assigned to shall be shown, empty if this is a new article to be added.
- $option : string = ''
"all" to show all categories if creating a new article without categories assigned, empty if editing an existing article that already has categories assigned.
Return values
mixed —printArticleDatesDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the date archive selector for the news articles list
printArticleDatesDropdown(mixed $pagenumber) : mixed
- $pagenumber : mixed
Return values
mixed —getNewsAdminOption()
Compiles an option parameter list
getNewsAdminOption(array<string|int, mixed> $test) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $test : array<string|int, mixed>
array of parameter=>type elements. type=0:string type=1:numeric
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getNewsAdminOptionPath()
Creates the admin paths for news articles if you use the dropdowns on the admin news article list together
getNewsAdminOptionPath(array<string|int, mixed> $list) : string
- $list : array<string|int, mixed>
an parameter array of item=>value for instance, the result of getNewsAdminOption()
Return values
string —printUnpublishedDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the published/un-publishd selector for the news articles list
printUnpublishedDropdown() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printSortOrderDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the sortorder selector for the news articles list
printSortOrderDropdown() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printCategoryDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the category selector for the news articles list
printCategoryDropdown() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printArticlesPerPageDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the articles per page selector for the news articles list
printArticlesPerPageDropdown(mixed $pagenumber, mixed $articles_page) : mixed
- $pagenumber : mixed
- $articles_page : mixed
Return values
mixed —printAuthorDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu all authors that currently are authors of news articles
printAuthorDropdown() : mixed
Return values
mixed —updateCategory()
Updates or adds a category
updateCategory(array<string|int, mixed> &$reports[, bool $newcategory = false ]) : mixed
- $reports : array<string|int, mixed>
the results display
- $newcategory : bool = false
true if a new article
Return values
mixed —deleteCategory()
Deletes a category (and also if existing its subpages) from the database
deleteCategory(mixed $titlelink) : mixed
- $titlelink : mixed
Return values
mixed —printCategoryListSortableTable()
Prints the list entry of a single category for the sortable list
printCategoryListSortableTable(array<string|int, mixed> $cat, string $flag) : string
- $cat : array<string|int, mixed>
Array storing the db info of the category
- $flag : string
If the category is protected
Return values
string —printCategoryCheckboxListEntry()
Prints the checkboxes to select and/or show the category of an news article on the edit or add page
printCategoryCheckboxListEntry(mixed $cat, mixed $articleid, string $option[, mixed $class = '' ]) : mixed
- $cat : mixed
- $articleid : mixed
- $option : string
"all" to show all categories if creating a new article without categories assigned, empty if editing an existing article that already has categories assigned.
- $class : mixed = ''
Return values
mixed —printNestedItemsList()
Prints the nested list for pages and categories
printNestedItemsList([string $listtype = 'cats-sortablelist' ][, $obj = '' ][, string $option = '' ][, mixed $class = 'nestedItem' ]) : string
- $listtype : string = 'cats-sortablelist'
'cats-checkboxlist' for a fake nested checkbock list of categories for the news article edit/add page 'cats-sortablelist' for a sortable nested list of categories for the admin categories page 'pages-sortablelist' for a sortable nested list of pages for the admin pages page
- $obj : = ''
$obj Optional, default empty. Passing an articledid is deprecated and will be removed in ZenphotoCMS 2.0.
- listtype = 'cats-checkboxlist': Object of the news article if the categories an existing articles is assigned to shall be shown, empty if this is a new article to be added.
- listtype = 'pages-sortablelist': Object of the page object to show sub pages of or empty for all
- $option : string = ''
Only for $listtype = 'cats-checkboxlist': "all" to show all categories if creating a new article without categories assigned, empty if editing an existing article that already has categories assigned.
- $class : mixed = 'nestedItem'
Return values
string —| bool
Updates the sortorder of the items list in the database
updateItemSortorder([string $mode = 'pages' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $mode : string = 'pages'
'pages' or 'categories'
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —checkForEmptyTitle()
Checks if no title has been provide for items on new item creation
checkForEmptyTitle(string $titlefield, string $type[, mixed $truncate = true ]) : string
- $titlefield : string
The title field
- $type : string
'page', 'news' or 'category'
- $truncate : mixed = true
Return values
string —zenpagePublish()
Publishes a page or news article
zenpagePublish(object $obj, int $show) : string
- $obj : object
- $show : int
the value for publishing
Return values
string —skipScheduledPublishing()
Skips the scheduled future publishing by setting the date of a page or article to the current date to publish it immediately or the expiration handling by setting the expiredate to null.
skipScheduledPublishing(object $obj[, string $type = 'futuredate' ]) : string
- $obj : object
- $type : string = 'futuredate'
"futuredate" or "expiredate"
Return values
string —checkHitcounterDisplay()
Checks if there are hitcounts and if they are displayed behind the news article, page or category title
checkHitcounterDisplay(string $item) : string
- $item : string
The array of the current news article, page or category in the list.
Return values
string —getNewsPagesStatistic()
returns an array of how many pages, articles, categories and news or pages comments we got.
getNewsPagesStatistic(string $option) : mixed
- $option : string
What the statistic should be shown of: "news", "pages", "categories"
Return values
mixed —printPagesStatistic()
printPagesStatistic() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printNewsStatistic()
printNewsStatistic() : mixed
Return values
mixed —printCategoriesStatistic()
printCategoriesStatistic() : mixed
Return values
mixed —zenpageJSCSS()
Prints the links to JavaScript and CSS files zenpage needs.
zenpageJSCSS() : mixed
Actually the same as for zenphoto but with different paths since we are in the plugins folder.
Return values
mixed —printZenpageIconLegend()
printZenpageIconLegend() : mixed
Return values
mixed —authorSelector()
Prints a dropdown to select the author of a page or news article (Admin rights users only)
authorSelector([mixed $author = NULL ]) : mixed
- $author : mixed = NULL
Return values
mixed —printPublishIconLink()
Prints the publish/un-published/scheduled publishing icon with a link for the pages and news articles list.
printPublishIconLink(obj $obj[, mixed $type = '' ][, mixed $linkback = '' ]) : mixed
- $obj : obj
Object of the page or news article to check
- $type : mixed = ''
- $linkback : mixed = ''
Return values
mixed —checkIfChecked()
Checks if a checkbox is selected and checks it if.
checkIfChecked(string $field) : mixed
- $field : string
the array field of an item array to be checked (for example "permalink" or "comments on")
Return values
mixed —checkIfLockedPage()
Checks if the current logged in admin user is the author that locked the page/article.
checkIfLockedPage(object $page) : bool
Only that author or any user with admin rights will be able to edit or unlock.
- $page : object
The array of the page or article to check
Return values
bool —checkIfLockedNews()
Checks if the current logged in admin user is the author that locked the article.
checkIfLockedNews(mixed $news) : bool
Only that author or any user with admin rights will be able to edit or unlock.
- $news : mixed
Return values
bool —is_AdminEditPage()
Checks if the current admin-edit.php page is called for news articles or for pages.
is_AdminEditPage(string $page) : bool
- $page : string
What you want to check for, "page" or "newsarticle"
Return values
bool —processZenpageBulkActions()
Processes the check box bulk actions
processZenpageBulkActions(mixed $type) : mixed
- $type : mixed
Return values
mixed —zenpageBulkActionMessage()
zenpageBulkActionMessage(mixed $action) : mixed
- $action : mixed
Return values
mixed —createTitlelink()
Creates the titlelink from the title passed.
createTitlelink(string|array<string|int, mixed> $title, string $date) : type
- $title : string|array<string|int, mixed>
The title respectively language array of titles
- $date : string
The date the article is saved
Return values
type —checkTitlelinkDuplicate()
Checks if a title link of this itemtype already exists
checkTitlelinkDuplicate(string $titlelink, string $itemtype) : bool
- $titlelink : string
The titlelink to check
- $itemtype : string
Return values
bool —addDateToTitlelink()
Append or prepends a date string to a titlelink as defined.
addDateToTitlelink(string $titlelink) : string
Note: This does not check the item type option and will add to any string passed!
- $titlelink : string
The titleink (e.g. as created by createTitleink())