ZenphotoCMS 1.6.2

Combi extends Zenpage

Zenpage root classes

Table of Contents


$categoryStructure  : mixed
$category_sortdirection  : mixed
$category_sorttype  : mixed
$page_sortdirection  : mixed
$page_sorttype  : mixed
$sortdirection  : mixed
$sortSticky  : mixed
$sorttype  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
Class instantiator
__toString()  : string
"Magic" function to return a string identifying the object when it is treated as a string
expiry()  : mixed
getAllArticleDates()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves a list of all unique years & months. Note if in localized date mode a "-03" day is appended because otherwise localized dates are not properly generated
getAllAuthors()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets all authors assigned to news articles or pages
getAllCategories()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets all categories
getArticle()  : int
Returns an article from the album based on the index passed.
getArticles()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets all news articles titlelink.
getCategory()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a category titlelink by id
getItemDefaultSortorder()  : string
Gets the default sortorder for a Zenpage caategory or page that does not yet have one, e.g. because newly created The sortorder takae care of existing ones and add the item after existing items.
getNotViewableNews()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a list of Zenpage news article IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see Helper function to be used with getAllTagsUnique() and getAllTagsCount() or db queries only Note if the Zenpage plugin is not enabled but items exists this returns no IDs so you need an extra check afterwards!
getNotViewablePages()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a list of Zenpage page IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see Helper function to be used with getAllTagsUnique() and getAllTagsCount() Note if the Zenpage plugin is not enabled but items exists this returns no IDs so you need an extra check afterwards!
getOffset()  : string
Gets the LIMIT and OFFSET for the query that gets the news articles
getOldCombiNews()  : mixed
getPages()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets all pages or published ones.
getSortDirection()  : booliean
Gets the internal default sortdirection
getSortSticky()  : mixed
getSortType()  : string
Gets the sorttype
getTotalArticles()  : mixed
Returns the articles count
getTotalNewsPages()  : mixed
Gets the total news pages
setSortDirection()  : mixed
Sets the sortdirection
setSortSticky()  : mixed
setSortType()  : string
Sets the sortdtype
visibleCategory()  : type
Checks if a category itself is published.
getCategoryStructure()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Provides the complete category structure regardless of permissions.
siftResults()  : mixed
filters query results for only news that should be shown. (that is fit to print?)



protected mixed $category_sortdirection = \false


protected mixed $category_sorttype = 'sort_order'


protected mixed $page_sortdirection = \false


protected mixed $page_sorttype = 'sort_order'



Class instantiator

public __construct() : mixed


"Magic" function to return a string identifying the object when it is treated as a string

public __toString() : string
Return values


Retrieves a list of all unique years & months. Note if in localized date mode a "-03" day is appended because otherwise localized dates are not properly generated

public getAllArticleDates([bool $yearsonly = false ][, string $order = 'desc' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$yearsonly : bool = false

If set to true only the years' count is returned (Default false)

$order : string = 'desc'

'desc' (default) or 'asc' for descending or ascending

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets all authors assigned to news articles or pages

public static getAllAuthors([string $type = 'news' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$type : string = 'news'

"news" or "pages"

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets all categories

public getAllCategories([bool $visible = true ][, string $sorttype = NULL ][, bool $sortdirection = NULL ][, bool $toplevel = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$visible : bool = true

TRUE for published and unprotected

$sorttype : string = NULL

NULL for the standard order as sorted on the backend, "title", "id", "popular", "random"

$sortdirection : bool = NULL

TRUE for descending (default) or FALSE for ascending order

$toplevel : bool = false

True for only toplevel categories

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns an article from the album based on the index passed.

public getArticle(int $index[, mixed $published = NULL ][, mixed $sortorder = NULL ][, mixed $sortdirection = NULL ][, mixed $sticky = true ]) : int
$index : int
$published : mixed = NULL
$sortorder : mixed = NULL
$sortdirection : mixed = NULL
$sticky : mixed = true
Return values


Gets all news articles titlelink.

public getArticles([int $articles_per_page = 0 ][, string $published = NULL ][, bool $ignorepagination = false ][, string $sortorder = NULL ][, bool $sortdirection = NULL ][, bool $sticky = NULL ][, obj $category = NULL ][, string $author = null ][, string|null|false $date = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

NOTE: Since this function only returns titlelinks for use with the object model it does not exclude articles that are password protected via a category

$articles_per_page : int = 0

The number of articles to get

$published : string = NULL

"published" for an published articles, "unpublished" for an unpublised articles, "published-unpublished" for published articles only from an unpublished category, "sticky" for sticky articles (published or not!) for admin page use only, "all" for all articles

$ignorepagination : bool = false

Since also used for the news loop this function automatically paginates the results if the "page" GET variable is set. To avoid this behaviour if using it directly to get articles set this TRUE (default FALSE)

$sortorder : string = NULL

"date" (default), "title", "id, "popular", "mostrated", "toprated", "random" This parameter is not used for date archives

$sortdirection : bool = NULL

TRUE for descending, FALSE for ascending. Note: This parameter is not used for date archives

$sticky : bool = NULL

set to true to place "sticky" articles at the front of the list.

$category : obj = NULL

Object of category to get articles of only

$author : string = null

Optional author name to get the article of

$date : string|null|false = null

Date YYYY-mm format for a date archive, default null uses global theme date archive context, set to false to disable date archive context

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets a category titlelink by id

public getCategory(int $id) : array<string|int, mixed>
$id : int

id of the category

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets the default sortorder for a Zenpage caategory or page that does not yet have one, e.g. because newly created The sortorder takae care of existing ones and add the item after existing items.

public getItemDefaultSortorder([string $type = 'category' ]) : string
$type : string = 'category'

"category" or "page"

Return values


Returns a list of Zenpage news article IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see Helper function to be used with getAllTagsUnique() and getAllTagsCount() or db queries only Note if the Zenpage plugin is not enabled but items exists this returns no IDs so you need an extra check afterwards!

public getNotViewableNews() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns a list of Zenpage page IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see Helper function to be used with getAllTagsUnique() and getAllTagsCount() Note if the Zenpage plugin is not enabled but items exists this returns no IDs so you need an extra check afterwards!

public getNotViewablePages() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets the LIMIT and OFFSET for the query that gets the news articles

public static getOffset(int $articles_per_page[, bool $ignorepagination = false ]) : string
$articles_per_page : int

The number of articles to get

$ignorepagination : bool = false

If pagination should be ingored so always with the first is started (false is default)

Return values


public getOldCombiNews() : mixed


Gets all pages or published ones.

public getPages([bool $published = NULL ][, bool $toplevel = false ][, int $number = NULL ][, string $sorttype = NULL ][, string $sortdirection = NULL ][, string $author = null ][, obj $pageobj = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

NOTE: Since this function only returns titlelinks for use with the object model it does not exclude pages that are password protected

$published : bool = NULL

TRUE for published or FALSE for all pages including un-published

$toplevel : bool = false

TRUE for only the toplevel pages

$number : int = NULL

number of pages to get (NULL by default for all)

$sorttype : string = NULL

NULL for the standard order as sorted on the backend, "title", "date", "id", "popular", "mostrated", "toprated", "random"

$sortdirection : string = NULL

false for ascenting, true for descending

$author : string = null

Optional author name to get the pages of

$pageobj : obj = null

Optional pageobj to get its subpages

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets the internal default sortdirection

public getSortDirection([sting $what = 'news' ]) : booliean
$what : sting = 'news'

"new", "pages", "categories"

Return values


Gets the sorttype

public getSortType([string $what = 'news' ]) : string
$what : string = 'news'

"new", "pages", "categories"

Return values


Returns the articles count

public getTotalArticles() : mixed
  • This gets the news articles of the news index - For categories use the same named method of the Category object


Gets the total news pages

public getTotalNewsPages() : mixed
  • This gets the news page number of the news index - For categories use the same named method of the Category object


Sets the sortdirection

public setSortDirection(bool $value[, string $what = 'news' ]) : mixed
$value : bool

The true for decending false for ascending

$what : string = 'news'

"new", "pages", "categories"


public setSortSticky(mixed $value) : mixed
$value : mixed


Sets the sortdtype

public setSortType(bool $value[, string $what = 'news' ]) : string
$value : bool

The field/sorttype to sort by

$what : string = 'news'

"new", "pages", "categories"

Return values


Checks if a category itself is published.

public visibleCategory(type $cat) : type
$cat : type

Use the method isPublic() of the ZenpageCategory class instead.

Return values


Provides the complete category structure regardless of permissions.

private getCategoryStructure() : array<string|int, mixed>

This is needed for quick checking of status of a category and is used only internally to the Zenpage core.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


filters query results for only news that should be shown. (that is fit to print?)

private siftResults( $sql,  $offset,  $limit) : mixed
$sql :

query to return all candidates of interest

$offset :

skip this many legitimate items (used for pagination)

$limit :

return only this many items


Unused and obsolete method - articles are already filtered via getArticles()

On this page

Search results