ZenphotoCMS 1.6.2


Plugin option handling class

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
cycleJS()  : mixed
getOptionsSupported()  : mixed
getShow()  : mixed
getSlide()  : mixed
Helper function to print the individual slides
getSlideObj()  : type
We might need this to exclude file types or not…
getSlideshowPlayer()  : mixed
handleOption()  : mixed
is_valid()  : string
TODO WE MIGHT NOT NEED THIS AS CYCLE2 MIGHT BE ABLE TO DISPLAY ANYTHING! Returns the file extension if the item passed is displayable by the player
macro()  : mixed
printSlide()  : mixed
Helper function to print the individual slides



public getOptionsSupported() : mixed


public static getShow(mixed $heading, mixed $speedctl, mixed $albumobj, mixed $imageobj, mixed $width, mixed $height, mixed $crop, mixed $shuffle, mixed $linkslides, mixed $controls, mixed $returnpath, mixed $imagenumber) : mixed
$heading : mixed
$speedctl : mixed
$albumobj : mixed
$imageobj : mixed
$width : mixed
$height : mixed
$crop : mixed
$shuffle : mixed
$linkslides : mixed
$controls : mixed
$returnpath : mixed
$imagenumber : mixed


Helper function to print the individual slides

public static getSlide(obj $albumobj, obj $imgobj, int $width, int $height, int $cropw, int $croph, bool $linkslides[, bool $crop = false ][, bool $carousel = false ]) : mixed
$albumobj : obj

Album object

$imgobj : obj

Current slide obj

$width : int

Slide image width

$height : int

Slide image height

$cropw : int

Slide image crop width

$croph : int

Slide image crop height

$linkslides : bool

True or false if the slides should be linked to their image page. Note: In carousel mode this means full image links as here slides are always linked to the image page.

$crop : bool = false

True or false to crop the image

$carousel : bool = false

if the slideshow is a carousel so we can enable full image linking (only images allowed!)


We might need this to exclude file types or not…

public static getSlideObj(type $slide, type $albumobj) : type
$slide : type
$albumobj : type
Return values


public static getSlideshowPlayer(mixed $album[, mixed $controls = false ][, mixed $width = NULL ][, mixed $height = NULL ]) : mixed
$album : mixed
$controls : mixed = false
$width : mixed = NULL
$height : mixed = NULL


public handleOption(mixed $option, mixed $currentValue) : mixed
$option : mixed
$currentValue : mixed


TODO WE MIGHT NOT NEED THIS AS CYCLE2 MIGHT BE ABLE TO DISPLAY ANYTHING! Returns the file extension if the item passed is displayable by the player

public static is_valid(mixed $image, array<string|int, mixed> $valid_types) : string
$image : mixed

either an image object or the filename of an image.

$valid_types : array<string|int, mixed>

list of the types we will accept

Return values


public static macro(mixed $macros) : mixed
$macros : mixed


Helper function to print the individual slides

public static printSlide(obj $albumobj, obj $imgobj, int $width, int $height, int $cropw, int $croph, bool $linkslides[, bool $crop = false ][, bool $carousel = false ]) : mixed
$albumobj : obj

Album object

$imgobj : obj

Current slide obj

$width : int

Slide image width

$height : int

Slide image height

$cropw : int

Slide image crop width

$croph : int

Slide image crop height

$linkslides : bool

True or false if the slides should be linked to their image page. Note: In carousel mode this means full image links as here slides are always linked to the image page.

$crop : bool = false

True or false to crop the image

$carousel : bool = false

if the slideshow is a carousel so we can enable full image linking (only images allowed!)

On this page

Search results