ZenphotoCMS 1.6.2


This is the root class for use by plugins to extend the Zenphoto database table fields. The administrative tabs for the objects will have input items for these new fields. They will be placed in the proximate location of the "custom data" field on the page.

Fields added to searchable objects will be included in the list of selectable search fields. They will be enabled in the list by default. The standard search form allows a visitor to choose to disable the field for a particular search.

Since the Zenphoto objects are not directly aware of these new fields, themes must use the "get()" methods to retrieve the content for display. E.g. echo $_zp_current_album->get('new_field');

Fields are defined in the child class and passed as the fields array parameter which consists of a multi-dimensional array, one row per object/field. The elements of each row are:

"table" is the database table name (without prefix) of the object to which the field is to be added. "name" is the MySQL field name for the new field "desc" is the "display name" of the field "type" is the database field type: int, varchar, tinytext, text, mediumtext, and longtext. "size" is the byte size of the varchar or int field (it is not needed for other types)

Database fields names must conform to MySQL field naming rules.

The constructor($fields) method establishes the fields in the database. It is recommended that the plugin invoke this method from its class __constructor method and that the the class be instantiated when the plugin is loaded from the setup plugin options processing (e.g. when OFFSET_PATH==2. The constructor method will check if the plugin is enabled. If so it adds the fields, if not it removes any previously added fields.


Stephen Billard (sbillard)


Table of Contents


_addToSearch()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Updates the list of search fields to include the new fields
_adminEdit()  : string
Displays the edit fields for user type objects
_adminNotice()  : type
Notification of need to run setup
_adminSave()  : bool
Process the save of user object type elements
_getCustomData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array with the content of the custom fields for the object
_mediaItemEdit()  : string
Displays the edit fields for image and album objects
_mediaItemSave()  : mixed
Processes the save of image and album objects
_register()  : mixed
registers filters for handling display and edit of objects as appropriate
_setCustomData()  : mixed
_zenpageItemEdit()  : string
Displays the edit fields for zenpage objects
_zenpageItemSave()  : string
Processes the save of zenpage objects
constructor()  : mixed
This method establishes the current set of database fields. It will add the fields to the database if they are not already present. Fields from previous constructor calls that are no longer in the list will be removed from the database (along with any data associated with them.)



Updates the list of search fields to include the new fields

public static _addToSearch(array<string|int, mixed> $list, mixed $fields) : array<string|int, mixed>
$list : array<string|int, mixed>

the list of fields as known to the search engine

$fields : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Displays the edit fields for user type objects

public static _adminEdit(string $html, object $userobj, int $i, string $background, bool $current, mixed $fields) : string
$html : string
$userobj : object
$i : int
$background : string
$current : bool
$fields : mixed
Return values


Notification of need to run setup

public static _adminNotice(type $tab, type $subtab, type $me) : type
$tab : type
$subtab : type
$me : type
Return values


Process the save of user object type elements

public static _adminSave(bool $updated, object $userobj, int $i, bool $alter, mixed $fields) : bool
$updated : bool
$userobj : object
$i : int
$alter : bool
$fields : mixed
Return values


Returns an array with the content of the custom fields for the object

public static _getCustomData(object $obj, array<string|int, mixed> $fields) : array<string|int, mixed>
$obj : object
$fields : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Displays the edit fields for image and album objects

public static _mediaItemEdit(string $html, object $object, int $i, mixed $fields) : string
$html : string
$object : object
$i : int
$fields : mixed
Return values


Processes the save of image and album objects

public static _mediaItemSave(object $object, int $i, mixed $fields) : mixed
$object : object
$i : int
$fields : mixed


registers filters for handling display and edit of objects as appropriate

public static _register(mixed $me, mixed $fields) : mixed
$me : mixed
$fields : mixed


public static _setCustomData(mixed $obj, mixed $values) : mixed
$obj : mixed
$values : mixed


Displays the edit fields for zenpage objects

public static _zenpageItemEdit(string $html, object $object, mixed $fields) : string
$html : string
$object : object
$fields : mixed
Return values


Processes the save of zenpage objects

public static _zenpageItemSave(string $custom, object $object, mixed $fields) : string
$custom : string
$object : object
$fields : mixed
Return values


This method establishes the current set of database fields. It will add the fields to the database if they are not already present. Fields from previous constructor calls that are no longer in the list will be removed from the database (along with any data associated with them.)

public constructor(mixed $me, array<string|int, mixed> $newfields) : mixed
$me : mixed
$newfields : array<string|int, mixed>

On this page

Search results