ZenphotoCMS 1.6.2


Table of Contents


$counter  : mixed
$crop  : mixed
$currentciel  : mixed
$currentfloor  : mixed
$currentimgnr  : mixed
$currentpage  : mixed
$height  : mixed
$images  : mixed
$imagesperpage  : mixed
$next  : mixed
$nextpageimage  : mixed
$pagelistlength  : mixed
$pagelistprevnext  : mixed
$placeholders  : mixed
$prev  : mixed
$prevpageimage  : mixed
$searchimages  : mixed
$showpagelist  : mixed
$totalimages  : mixed
$totalpages  : mixed
$width  : mixed


__construct()  : pagedThumbsNav
getCounter()  : mixed
Gets From image x to image y counter values
getNextThumbsLink()  : string
Gets the link for the next page of thumbs
getPrevThumbsLink()  : string
Gets the link to the previous thumbnail page
getThumbs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets the thumbnails and returns them as an array with objects
printCounter()  : mixed
Prints the counter
printNextThumbsLink()  : mixed
Prints the link for the next page of thumbs
printPagedThumbsNavPagelink()  : mixed
printPagesList()  : mixed
Prints the pagelist for the thumb pages
printPrevThumbsLink()  : mixed
Prints the link to the previous thumbnail page
printThumbs()  : mixed
Prints the thumbnails




public __construct([unknown_type $imagesperpage = 0 ][, unknown_type $counter = false ][, unknown_type $prev = '' ][, unknown_type $next = '' ][, unknown_type $width = NULL ][, unknown_type $height = NULL ][, unknown_type $crop = NULL ][, unknown_type $placeholders = NULL ][, unknown_type $showpagelist = false ][, unknown_type $pagelistprevnext = false ][, unknown_type $pagelistlength = 6 ]) : pagedThumbsNav
$imagesperpage : unknown_type = 0
$counter : unknown_type = false
$prev : unknown_type = ''
$next : unknown_type = ''
$width : unknown_type = NULL
$height : unknown_type = NULL
$crop : unknown_type = NULL
$placeholders : unknown_type = NULL
$showpagelist : unknown_type = false
$pagelistprevnext : unknown_type = false
$pagelistlength : unknown_type = 6
Return values


Gets From image x to image y counter values

public getCounter() : mixed

Gets the link for the next page of thumbs

public getNextThumbsLink() : string
Return values

Gets the link to the previous thumbnail page

public getPrevThumbsLink() : string
Return values


Gets the thumbnails and returns them as an array with objects

public getThumbs() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

with objects

Prints the link for the next page of thumbs

public printNextThumbsLink() : mixed
public printPagedThumbsNavPagelink(mixed $i, mixed $linktext) : mixed
$i : mixed
$linktext : mixed


Prints the pagelist for the thumb pages

public printPagesList() : mixed

Prints the link to the previous thumbnail page

public printPrevThumbsLink() : mixed

On this page

Search results