Table of Contents
- getLanguageArray() : mixed
- functions-i18n.php -- support functions for internationalization
- generateLanguageList() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array of available language locales.
- setMainDomain() : mixed
- Sets the locale, etc. to the zenphoto domain details.
- gettext_th() : string
- Gettext replacement function for separate translations of third party themes.
- ngettext_th() : string
- ngettext replacement function for separate translations of third party themes.
- gettext_pl() : string
- Gettext replacement function for separate translations of third party plugins within the root plugins folder.
- ngettext_pl() : string
- ngettext replacement function for separate translations of third party plugins within the root plugins folder.
- i18nSetLocale() : string
- Wrapper function for setLocale() so that all the proper permutations are used Returns the result from the setLocale call
- setupDomain() : mixed
- Sets the translation domain and type for optional theme or plugin based translations
- setupCurrentLocale() : mixed
- Setup code for gettext translation Returns the result of the setlocale call
- getLangAttributeLocale() : string
- Converts underscore locales like "en_US" to valid IANA/BCP 47 hyphen locales like "en-US" Needed for example in JS or HTML "lang" attributes.
- parseHttpAcceptLanguage() : array<string|int, mixed>
- This function will parse a given HTTP Accepted language instruction (or retrieve it from $_SERVER if not provided) and will return a sorted array. For example, it will parse fr;en-us;q=0.8
- validateLocale() : mixed
- checks a "supplied" locale against the valid locales.
- getUserLocale() : mixed
- Returns a saved (or posted) locale. Posted locales are stored as a cookie.
- get_language_string() : string
- Returns the sring for the current language from a serialized set of language strings Defaults to the string for the current locale, the en_US string, or the first string which ever is present
- getTimezones() : unknown
- Returns a list of timezones
- timezoneDiff() : int
- Returns the difference between the server timez one and the local (users) time zone
- getAllTranslations() : mixed
- returns a serialized "multilingual array" of translations Used for setting default options with multi-lingual strings.
- getLanguageSubdomains() : mixed
- creates an SEO language prefix list
- getLanguageText() : string
- Returns a canonical language name string for the location
- getSystemLocales() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Gets all locales suppported on the current server as a multidimensional array
- getLanguageDisplayName() : string
- Returns the real language name to the locale passed.
- printLangAttribute() : mixed
- Prints the lang="" attribute for the main <html> element.
- getFormattedLocaleDate() : string
- Returns a locale aware - e.g. translated day and month names - formatted date. Requires the PHP intl extension to work properly Otherwise returns standard formatted date.
= 'en_US'
functions-i18n.php -- support functions for internationalization
getLanguageArray() : mixed
Returns an array of available language locales.
generateLanguageList([mixed $all = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $all : mixed = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>setMainDomain()
Sets the locale, etc. to the zenphoto domain details.
setMainDomain() : mixed
Returns the result of setupCurrentLocale()
Gettext replacement function for separate translations of third party themes.
gettext_th(string $string[, string $theme = Null ]) : string
- $string : string
The string to be translated
- $theme : string = Null
The name of the plugin. Only required for strings on the 'theme_description.php' file like the general theme description. If the theme is the current theme the function sets it automatically.
Return values
ngettext replacement function for separate translations of third party themes.
ngettext_th(string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n[, string $theme = NULL ]) : string
- $msgid1 : string
- $msgid2 : string
- $n : int
- $theme : string = NULL
Return values
Gettext replacement function for separate translations of third party plugins within the root plugins folder.
gettext_pl(string $string, string $plugin) : string
- $string : string
The string to be translated
- $plugin : string
The name of the plugin. Required.
Return values
ngettext replacement function for separate translations of third party plugins within the root plugins folder.
ngettext_pl(string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n, string $plugin) : string
- $msgid1 : string
- $msgid2 : string
- $n : int
- $plugin : string
Return values
Wrapper function for setLocale() so that all the proper permutations are used Returns the result from the setLocale call
i18nSetLocale( $locale) : string
Return values
Sets the translation domain and type for optional theme or plugin based translations
setupDomain([mixed $domain = NULL ][, $type = NULL ]) : mixed
Setup code for gettext translation Returns the result of the setlocale call
setupCurrentLocale([string $override = NULL ]) : mixed
- $override : string = NULL
force locale to this
Converts underscore locales like "en_US" to valid IANA/BCP 47 hyphen locales like "en-US" Needed for example in JS or HTML "lang" attributes.
getLangAttributeLocale([string $locale = NULL ]) : string
- $locale : string = NULL
a locale like "en_US", if empty the current locale is used
Return values
This function will parse a given HTTP Accepted language instruction (or retrieve it from $_SERVER if not provided) and will return a sorted array. For example, it will parse fr;en-us;q=0.8
parseHttpAcceptLanguage([string $str = NULL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Thanks to for this code.
- $str : string = NULL
optional language string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>validateLocale()
checks a "supplied" locale against the valid locales.
validateLocale(string $userlocale, mixed $source) : mixed
Returns a valid locale if one exists else returns NULL
- $userlocale : string
- $source : mixed
Returns a saved (or posted) locale. Posted locales are stored as a cookie.
getUserLocale() : mixed
Sets the 'locale' option to the result (non-persistent)
Returns the sring for the current language from a serialized set of language strings Defaults to the string for the current locale, the en_US string, or the first string which ever is present
get_language_string(string $dbstring[, string $locale = NULL ]) : string
- $dbstring : string
either a serialized languag string array or a single string
- $locale : string = NULL
optional locale of the translation desired
Return values
Returns a list of timezones
getTimezones() : unknown
Return values
Returns the difference between the server timez one and the local (users) time zone
timezoneDiff(string $server, string $local) : int
- $server : string
- $local : string
Return values
returns a serialized "multilingual array" of translations Used for setting default options with multi-lingual strings.
getAllTranslations(string $text) : mixed
- $text : string
to be translated
creates an SEO language prefix list
getLanguageSubdomains() : mixed
Returns a canonical language name string for the location
getLanguageText([string $loc = NULL ][, mixed $separator = NULL ]) : string
- $loc : string = NULL
the location. If NULL use the current cookie
- $separator : mixed = NULL
Return values
Gets all locales suppported on the current server as a multidimensional array
getSystemLocales([bool $plainarray = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $plainarray : bool = false
Default false for a multidimensial array grouped by locale base. Set to true to generate a single dimensional array with all locales.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>getLanguageDisplayName()
Returns the real language name to the locale passed.
getLanguageDisplayName(string $locale) : string
If available it will use the native PHP Locale class. It returns the name in the language/locale currently set. Otherwise the far more limited internal Zenphoto catalogue stored in getLanguageArray() will be used.
- $locale : string
A vaild locale.
Return values
Prints the lang="" attribute for the main <html> element.
printLangAttribute([string $locale = null ]) : mixed
- $locale : string = null
Default null so the current locale is used. Or a locale like "en_US" which will get the underscores replaced by hyphens to be valid
Returns a locale aware - e.g. translated day and month names - formatted date. Requires the PHP intl extension to work properly Otherwise returns standard formatted date.
getFormattedLocaleDate([string $format = 'Y-m-dd' ][, string|int $datetime = '' ]) : string
- $format : string = 'Y-m-dd'
An ICU dateformat string or one of the custom formats 'locale_preferreddate_time' and 'locale_preferreddate_notime'
- $datetime : string|int = ''
A date() compatible string or a timestamp. If empty "now" is used