ZenphotoCMS 1.6.2


This plugin is the centralized Image Cache manager for Zenphoto.

It provides:

  • pre-creating the Image cache images
  • utilities for purging Image caches

Image cache pre-creating will examine the gallery and make image references to any images which have not already been cached. Your browser will then request these images causing the caching process to be executed.

The Zenphoto distributed themes have created Caching size options for the images sizes they use.


  • Setting theme options or installing a new version of Zenphoto will re-create these caching sizes. Use a different theme name for custom versions that you create. If you set image options that impact the default caching you will need to re-create these caching sizes by one of the above methods.
  • The pre-creating process will cause your browser to display each and every image that has not been previously cached. If your server does not do a good job of thread management this may swamp it! You should probably also clear your browser cache before using this utility. Otherwise your browser may fetch the images locally rendering the above process useless.
  • You may have to refresh the page multiple times until the report of the number of images cached is zero. If some images seem to never be rendered you may be experiencing memory limit or other graphics processor errors. You can click on the image that does not render to get the i.php debug screen for the image. This may help in figuring out what has gone wrong.
  • Caching sizes shown on the cache images tab will be identified with the same post-fixes as the image names in your cache folders. Some examples are shown below:
    • _595: sized to 595 pixels
    • _w180_cw180_ch80_thumb: a size of 180px wide and 80px high and it is a thumbnail (thumb)
    • _85_cw72_ch72_thumb_copyright_gray: sized 85px cropped at about 7.6% (one half of 72/85) from the horizontal and vertical sides with a watermark (copyright) and rendered in grayscale (gray)
    • _w85_h85_cw350_ch350_cx43_cy169_thumb_copyright: a custom cropped 85px thumbnail with watermark.
    		If a field is not represented in the cache size, it is not applied.
    		Custom crops (those with cx and cy)
    		really cannot be cached easily since each image has unique values. See the
    		<i>template-functions</i>::<var>getCustomImageURL()</var> comment block
    		for details on these fields.

Stephen Billard (sbillard), Malte Müller (acrylian)

Table of Contents


Standard options interface

On this page

Search results