ZenphotoCMS 1.6.2


Support for allowing visitors to register to access your site. Users registering are verified via an e-mail to insure the validity of the e-mail address they provide.

Options are provided for setting the required registration details and the default user rights that will be granted.

Place a call on printRegistrationForm() where you want the form to appear. Probably the best use is to create a new custom page script just for handling these user registrations. Then put a link to that script on your index page so that people who wish to register will click on the link and be taken to the registration page.

When successfully registered, a new Zenphoto user will be created with no logon rights. An e-mail will be sent to the user with a link to activate the user ID. When he clicks on that link he will be taken to the registration page and the verification process will be completed. At this point the user ID rights are set to the value of the plugin default user rights option and an email is sent to the Gallery admin announcing the new registration.

NOTE: If you change the rights of a user pending verification you have verified the user!


Stephen Billard (sbillard)

Table of Contents


Plugin class


printRegistrationForm()  : mixed
Parses the verification and registration if they have occurred places the user registration form
printRegisterURL()  : mixed
prints the link to the register user page



Parses the verification and registration if they have occurred places the user registration form

printRegistrationForm([string $thanks = NULL ]) : mixed
$thanks : string = NULL

the message shown on successful registration


prints the link to the register user page

printRegisterURL(string $_linktext[, string $prev = '' ][, string $next = '' ][, string $class = NULL ]) : mixed
$_linktext : string

text for the link

$prev : string = ''

text to insert before the URL

$next : string = ''

text to follow the URL

$class : string = NULL

optional class

On this page

Search results