ZenphotoCMS 1.6.5


Provides functions to print a tag cloud/list of all image tags from an album (optionally including the subalbums) or the album tags including sub album tags.

Or alternatively a tag cloud/list of all tags used by either Zenpage news articles or pages.

Note: The optional counter prints the total number of the tag used, not just for the select items (as clicking on it will return all anyway.)


Malte Müller (acrylian)

Table of Contents


getAllTagsFromAlbum()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums. Returns FALSE if no value.
getAllTagsFromZenpage()  : mixed
Gets all tags used by either all Zenpage news articles or pages.
printAllTagsFromZenpage()  : mixed
Prints a tag cloud list of the tags used by either all Zenpage news articles or pages.
printAllTagsFromAlbum()  : mixed
Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums.
printAllTags()  : mixed
Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums. Base function to printAllTagsFromAlbum().
getAllTagsFromAlbum_multi_unique()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Removes duplicate entries in multi dimensional array.



Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums. Returns FALSE if no value.

getAllTagsFromAlbum(string $albumname[, bool $subalbums = false ][, string $mode = 'images' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$albumname : string

folder name of the album to get the tags from ($subalbums = true this is the base albums)- This value is mandatory.

$subalbums : bool = false

TRUE if the tags of subalbum should be. FALSE is default

$mode : string = 'images'

"images" for image tags, "albums" for album tags."images" is default.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets all tags used by either all Zenpage news articles or pages.

getAllTagsFromZenpage([string $mode = 'news' ]) : mixed
$mode : string = 'news'

"news" for Zenpage news article tags, "pages" for Zenpage pages tags


Prints a tag cloud list of the tags used by either all Zenpage news articles or pages.

printAllTagsFromZenpage([string $mode = 'news' ][, string $separator = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, int $showcounter = true ][, bool $tagcloud = true ][, integere $size_min = 1 ][, int $size_max = 5 ][, int $count_min = 1 ][, int $count_max = 50 ]) : mixed
$mode : string = 'news'

"news" for Zenpage news article tags, "pages" for Zenpage pages tags

$separator : string = ''

how to separate the entries

$class : string = ''

css classs to style the list

$showcounter : int = true

if the tag count should be shown (no counter if $mode = "all")

$tagcloud : bool = true

if set to false a simple list without font size changes will be printed, set to true (default) prints a list as a tag cloud

$size_min : integere = 1

smallest font size the cloud should display

$size_max : int = 5

largest font size the cloud should display

$count_min : int = 1

the minimum count for a tag to appear in the output

$count_max : int = 50

the floor count for setting the cloud font size to $size_max


Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums.

printAllTagsFromAlbum([string $albumname = "" ][, bool $subalbums = false ][, string $mode = 'images' ][, string $separator = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, int $showcounter = true ][, bool $tagcloud = true ][, integere $size_min = 1 ][, int $size_max = 5 ][, int $count_min = 1 ][, int $count_max = 50 ]) : mixed

Known limitation: If $mode is set to "all" there is no tag count and therefore no tag cloud but a simple list

$albumname : string = ""

folder name of the album to get the tags from ($subalbums = true this is the base albums)

$subalbums : bool = false

TRUE if the tags of subalbum should be. FALSE is default

$mode : string = 'images'

"images" for image tags, "albums" for album tags, "all" for both mixed

$separator : string = ''

how to separate the entries

$class : string = ''

css classs to style the list

$showcounter : int = true

if the tag count should be shown (no counter if $mode = "all")

$tagcloud : bool = true

if set to false a simple list without font size changes will be printed, set to true (default) prints a list as a tag cloud

$size_min : integere = 1

smallest font size the cloud should display

$size_max : int = 5

largest font size the cloud should display

$count_min : int = 1

the minimum count for a tag to appear in the output

$count_max : int = 50

the floor count for setting the cloud font size to $size_max


Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums. Base function to printAllTagsFromAlbum().

printAllTags(array<string|int, mixed> $tags, string $mode[, string $separator = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, int $showcounter = true ][, bool $tagcloud = true ][, integere $size_min = 1 ][, int $size_max = 5 ][, int $count_min = 1 ][, int $count_max = 50 ]) : mixed

Note meant to be used standalone.

$tags : array<string|int, mixed>

array of tags with the fields count, id, and name (as passed by the specific printAllTagsFrom.... functions)

$mode : string

"images" for image tags, "albums" for album tags, "all" for images and albums mixed or "news" for Zenpage news articles, "pages" for Zenpage pages

$separator : string = ''

how to separate the entries

$class : string = ''

css classs to style the list

$showcounter : int = true

if the tag count should be shown (no counter if $mode = "all")

$tagcloud : bool = true

if set to false a simple list without font size changes will be printed, set to true (default) prints a list as a tag cloud

$size_min : integere = 1

smallest font size the cloud should display

$size_max : int = 5

largest font size the cloud should display

$count_min : int = 1

the minimum count for a tag to appear in the output

$count_max : int = 50

the floor count for setting the cloud font size to $size_max


Removes duplicate entries in multi dimensional array.

getAllTagsFromAlbum_multi_unique(array<string|int, mixed> $array) : array<string|int, mixed>

From kenrbnsn at rbnsn dot com http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.array-unique.php#57202

$array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

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