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Class: Comment

Source Location: /zp-extensions/comment_form/class-comment.php

Class Comment

Inherited Properties, Constants, and Methods
Inherited Properties Inherited Methods Inherited Constants

Inherited From PersistentObject


Inherited From PersistentObject

Copy this record to another unique set. Checks if the record exists there first, if so returns false. If successful returns true. No changes are made to this object and no other objects are created, just the database entry.
Get the value of a variable. If $current is false, return the value as of the last save of this object.
returns the database record of the object
Returns the id
Prime instantiator for Zenphoto objects
Change one or more values of the unique set assigned to this record.
Deletes object from the database
Save the updates made to this object since the last update. Returns true if successful, false if not.
Set a variable in this object. Does not persist to the database until save() is called. So, IMPORTANT: Call save() after set() to persist.
Sets default values for new objects using the set() method.
"Magic" function to return a string identifying the object when it is treated as a string

[ Top ]
Method Summary
Comment   __construct()   Constructor for a comment
bool   getAnon()   Returns true if the comment is flagged anonymous
string   getComment()   Returns the comment text
string   getCustomData()   Returns the custom data field of the comment
string   getDateTime()   returns the comment date/time
string   getEmail()   returns the email address of the commentor
int   getInModeration()   Returns true if the comment is marked for moderation
string   getIP()   Returns the IP address of the comment poster
string   getName()   Returns the commentor's name
int   getOwnerID()   Returns the id of the comment owner
bool   getPrivate()   Returns true if the comment is flagged private
string   getType()   Returns the 'type' of the comment. i.e. the class of the owner object
string   getWebsite()   returns the Website of the commentor
void   setAnon()   Sets the anonymous flag of the comment
void   setComment()   Stores the comment text
void   setCustomData()   Stores the custom data field of the comment
void   setDateTime()   Sets a comment date/time value
void   setDefaults()   Sets up default items on new comment objects
void   setEmail()   Sets the email address of the commentor
void   setInModeration()   Sets the moderation flag of the comment
void   setIP()   Sets the IP address field of the comment
void   setName()   Sets the commentor's name
void   setOwnerID()   Sets the id of the owner of the comment
void   setPrivate()   Sets the private flag of the comment
void   setType()   Sets the 'type' field of the comment
void   setWebsite()   Stores the website of the commentor

[ Top ]
mixed   $comment_error_text = NULL [line 11]

[ Top ]
Constructor __construct  [line 25]

  Comment __construct( [int $id = NULL]  )

Constructor for a comment

int   $id:  set to the ID of the comment if not a new one.

[ Top ]
getAnon  [line 186]

  bool getAnon( )

Returns true if the comment is flagged anonymous

[ Top ]
getComment  [line 117]

  string getComment( )

Returns the comment text

[ Top ]
getCustomData  [line 199]

  string getCustomData( )

Returns the custom data field of the comment

[ Top ]
getDateTime  [line 44]

  string getDateTime( )

returns the comment date/time

[ Top ]
getEmail  [line 91]

  string getEmail( )

returns the email address of the commentor

[ Top ]
getInModeration  [line 130]

  int getInModeration( )

Returns true if the comment is marked for moderation

[ Top ]
getIP  [line 160]

  string getIP( )

Returns the IP address of the comment poster

[ Top ]
getName  [line 78]

  string getName( )

Returns the commentor's name

[ Top ]
getOwnerID  [line 65]

  int getOwnerID( )

Returns the id of the comment owner

[ Top ]
getPrivate  [line 173]

  bool getPrivate( )

Returns true if the comment is flagged private

[ Top ]
getType  [line 143]

  string getType( )

Returns the 'type' of the comment. i.e. the class of the owner object

[ Top ]
getWebsite  [line 104]

  string getWebsite( )

returns the Website of the commentor

[ Top ]
setAnon  [line 192]

  void setAnon( bool $value  )

Sets the anonymous flag of the comment

bool   $value: 

[ Top ]
setComment  [line 123]

  void setComment( string $value  )

Stores the comment text

string   $value: 

[ Top ]
setCustomData  [line 205]

  void setCustomData( string $value  )

Stores the custom data field of the comment

string   $value: 

[ Top ]
setDateTime  [line 50]

  void setDateTime( string $datetime  )

Sets a comment date/time value

string   $datetime: 

[ Top ]
setDefaults  [line 33]

  void setDefaults( )

Sets up default items on new comment objects

Redefinition of:
Sets default values for new objects using the set() method.

[ Top ]
setEmail  [line 97]

  void setEmail( string $value  )

Sets the email address of the commentor

string   $value: 

[ Top ]
setInModeration  [line 136]

  void setInModeration( int $value  )

Sets the moderation flag of the comment

int   $value: 

[ Top ]
setIP  [line 166]

  void setIP( string $value  )

Sets the IP address field of the comment

string   $value: 

[ Top ]
setName  [line 84]

  void setName( string $value  )

Sets the commentor's name

string   $value: 

[ Top ]
setOwnerID  [line 71]

  void setOwnerID( int $value  )

Sets the id of the owner of the comment

int   $value: 

[ Top ]
setPrivate  [line 179]

  void setPrivate( bool $value  )

Sets the private flag of the comment

bool   $value: 

[ Top ]
setType  [line 151]

  void setType( string $type  )

Sets the 'type' field of the comment

string   $type: 

[ Top ]
setWebsite  [line 110]

  void setWebsite( string $value  )

Stores the website of the commentor

string   $value: 

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 18:03:16 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3