Element index for package classes
Package indexes
[ a ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ l ]
[ m ]
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[ o ]
[ p ]
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[ s ]
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[ u ]
[ v ]
[ w ]
[ z ]
[ _ ]
- $_zp_albumHandlers
- in file class-gallery.php, global variable $_zp_albumHandlers
registers object handlers for album varients
- $_zp_extra_filetypes
- in file class-gallery.php, global variable $_zp_extra_filetypes
registers object handlers for image varients
- _albumCheck
- in file class-album.php, method Album::_albumCheck()
album validity check
- _albumCheck
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::_albumCheck()
album validity check
- _getAlbums
- in file class-album.php, method Album::_getAlbums()
Guts of fetching the subalbums
- _move
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::_move()
common album move code
- __construct
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::__construct()
Class instantiator
- __construct
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::__construct()
- __construct
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::__construct()
- __construct
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::__construct()
Constructor for an Administrator
- __construct
- in file class-image.php, method Transientimage::__construct()
creates a transient image (that is, one that is not stored in the database)
- __construct
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::__construct()
Class instantiator
- __construct
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::__construct()
Creates an instance of a gallery
- __construct
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::__construct()
- __construct
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::__construct()
Constructor for a comment
- __construct
- in file class-image.php, method Image::__construct()
Constructor for class-image
- __construct
- in file class-album.php, method Album::__construct()
Constructor for albums
- __construct
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::__construct()
- __construct
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::__construct()
- __toString
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::__toString()
"Magic" function to return a string identifying the object when it is treated as a string
- __toString
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::__toString()
"Magic" function to return a string identifying the object when it is treated as a string
- __construct
- in file class-video.php, method Video::__construct()
Constructor for class-video
- $admin_all
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Authority::$admin_all
- $admin_groups
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Authority::$admin_groups
- $admin_other
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Authority::$admin_other
- $admin_users
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Authority::$admin_users
- $album
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$album
- $album
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$album
- $albumdir
- in file class-gallery.php, variable Gallery::$albumdir
- $albumfolder
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$albumfolder
- $albumlink
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$albumlink
- $albumname
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$albumname
- $albumnamealbum
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$albumnamealbum
- $albumpath
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$albumpath
- $albums
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$albums
- $albums
- in file class-gallery.php, variable Gallery::$albums
- $albumSortDirection
- in file favoritesClass.php, variable favorites::$albumSortDirection
- $albumSortType
- in file favoritesClass.php, variable favorites::$albumSortType
- $albumthumbnail
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$albumthumbnail
- $album_list
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$album_list
- $articles
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$articles
- addAlbum
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::addAlbum()
- addAlbumHandler
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::addAlbumHandler()
- addComment
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::addComment()
Adds comments to the album assumes data is coming straight from GET or POST
- addImage
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::addImage()
- addImageHandler
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::addImageHandler()
- ad_removeButton
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::ad_removeButton()
- Album
- in file class-album.php, class Album
Root class for images and albums
- AlbumBase
- in file class-album.php, class AlbumBase
Root class for images and albums
- albumSubRights
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::albumSubRights()
returns the mitigated album rights.
- allowedSearchFields
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::allowedSearchFields()
Returns an array of the enabled search fields
- $category_list
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$category_list
- $catlink
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$catlink
- $cattitle
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$cattitle
- $channel_title
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$channel_title
- $collection
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$collection
- $commentfeedtype
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$commentfeedtype
- $comments
- in file classes.php, variable ThemeObject::$comments
- $comment_error_text
- in file class-comment.php, variable Comment::$comment_error_text
- checkAccess
- in file class-image.php, method Image::checkAccess()
returns true if user is allowed to see the image
- checkAccess
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::checkAccess()
Checks if viewing of object is allowed
- checkAuthorization
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::checkAuthorization()
Retuns the administration rights of a saved authorization code Will promote an admin to ADMIN_RIGHTS if he is the most privileged admin
- checkCookieCredentials
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::checkCookieCredentials()
Checks saved cookies to see if a user is logged in
- checkforGuest
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::checkforGuest()
Checks if guest is loggedin for the album
- checkforGuest
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::checkforGuest()
Checks if guest is loggedin for the album
- checkForGuest
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::checkForGuest()
returns false (deny) if gallery is "private"
- checkforGuest
- in file class-image.php, method Image::checkforGuest()
Checks if guest is loggedin for the album
- checkLogon
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::checkLogon()
Checks a logon user/password against admins
- class-album.php
- procedural page class-album.php
- class-feed.php
- procedural page class-feed.php
- class-gallery.php
- procedural page class-gallery.php
- class-image.php
- procedural page class-image.php
- class-search.php
- procedural page class-search.php
- classes.php
- procedural page classes.php
- classSetup
- in file class-image.php, method Image::classSetup()
generic "image" class setup code Returns true if valid image.
- clearCache
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::clearCache()
Cleans out the cache folder
- clearCache
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::clearCache()
Cleans out the cache folder
- clearSearchWords
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::clearSearchWords()
- codifySearchString
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::codifySearchString()
recodes the search words replacing the boolean operators with text versions
- Comment
- in file class-comment.php, class Comment
Comment Class
- commentClean
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::commentClean()
- compressedIDList
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::compressedIDList()
Takes a list of IDs and makes a where clause
- copy
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::copy()
Copy this album to the location specified by $newfolder, copying all metadata, subalbums, and subalbums' metadata with it.
- copy
- in file class-album.php, method Album::copy()
Copy this album to the location specified by $newfolder, copying all metadata, subalbums, and subalbums' metadata with it.
- copy
- in file class-image.php, method Image::copy()
Copies the image to a new album, along with all metadata.
- copy
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::copy()
Copy this record to another unique set. Checks if the record exists there first, if so returns false. If successful returns true. No changes are made to this object and no other objects are created, just the database entry.
- copy
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::copy()
Copy this album to the location specified by $newfolder, copying all metadata, subalbums, and subalbums' metadata with it.
- countHit
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::countHit()
counts visits to the object
- countHit
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::countHit()
counts visits to the object
- createPrimealbum
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::createPrimealbum()
Creates a "prime" album for the user. Album name is based on the userid
- class-comment.php
- procedural page class-comment.php
- class-video.php
- procedural page class-video.php
- $feed
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$feed
- $feeditem
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$feeditem
- $feedtype
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$feedtype
- $fieldList
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$fieldList
- $filemtime
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$filemtime
- $filename
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$filename
- favorites
- in file favoritesClass.php, class favorites
This is the class declaration
- feed
- in file class-feed.php, class feed
- feed404
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::feed404()
- fileChanged
- in file class-image.php, method Image::fileChanged()
Returns true if the file has changed since last time we looked
- Gallery
- in file class-gallery.php, class Gallery
Gallery Class
- garbageCollect
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::garbageCollect()
For every image in the album, look for its file. Delete from the database if the file does not exist. Same for each sub-directory/album.
- garbageCollect
- in file class-album.php, method Album::garbageCollect()
For every image in the album, look for its file. Delete from the database if the file does not exist. Same for each sub-directory/album.
- garbageCollect
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::garbageCollect()
For every album in the gallery, look for its file. Delete from the database if the file does not exist. Do the same for images. Clean up comments that have been left orphaned.
- get
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::get()
Get the value of a variable. If $current is false, return the value as of the last save of this object.
- get
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::get()
- getAdminEmail
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getAdminEmail()
Returns the email addresses of the Admin with ADMIN_USERS rights
- getAdministrators
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getAdministrators()
Returns an array of admin users, indexed by the userid and ordered by "privileges"
- getAlbum
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getAlbum()
Returns the a specific album in the array indicated by index.
- getAlbum
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getAlbum()
Returns the album that holds this image
- getAlbum
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getAlbum()
Returns the user's "prime" album. See setAlbum().
- getAlbumDir
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getAlbumDir()
Returns the main albums directory
- getAlbumIndex
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getAlbumIndex()
Returns the index of the album within the search albums
- getAlbumLink
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getAlbumLink()
Returns an URL to the album, including the current page number
- getAlbumList
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getAlbumList()
return the list of albums found
- getAlbumName
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getAlbumName()
Retuns the folder name of the album that holds this image
- getAlbumPublish
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getAlbumPublish()
- getAlbums
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::getAlbums()
Returns all folder names for all the subdirectories.
- getAlbums
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::getAlbums()
Returns all folder names for all the subdirectories.
- getAlbums
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getAlbums()
Get Albums will create our $albums array with a fully populated set of Album names in the correct order.
- getAlbums
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getAlbums()
Returns all folder names for all the subdirectories.
- getAlbums
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getAlbums()
Returns an array of album names found in the search.
- getAlbums
- in file class-album.php, method Album::getAlbums()
Returns all folder names for all the subdirectories.
- getAlbumSortKey
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getAlbumSortKey()
Returns the DB field corresponding to the album sort type desired
- getAlbumSortKey
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getAlbumSortKey()
Returns the DB key associated with the subalbum sort type
- getAlbumSortType
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getAlbumSortType()
Returns the sort type for subalbums in this album.
- getAlbumTheme
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getAlbumTheme()
Returns the theme for the album
- getAlbumThumb
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getAlbumThumb()
Gets the thumbnail URL for the album thumbnail image as returned by $this->getAlbumThumbImage();
- getAlbumThumbImage
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getAlbumThumbImage()
Gets the album's set thumbnail image from the database if one exists, otherwise, finds the first image in the album or sub-album and returns it as an Image object.
- getAlbumUseImagedate
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getAlbumUseImagedate()
Option to update album date from date of new images
- getAnAdmin
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getAnAdmin()
Returns an admin object from the $pat:$criteria
- getAnon
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getAnon()
Returns true if the comment is flagged anonymous
- getArticles
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getArticles()
Returns a list of News Titlelinks found in the search
- getAuthCookies
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getAuthCookies()
returns an array of the active "password" cookies
- getBareTitle
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getBareTitle()
Returns a tag stripped title
- getCacheFilename
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::getCacheFilename()
Creates a file name from the options array
- getCacheTag
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getCacheTag()
creates a unique id for a search
- getCategoryList
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getCategoryList()
return the list of categories found
- getChallengePhraseInfo
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getChallengePhraseInfo()
- getChannelTitleExtra
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::getChannelTitleExtra()
- getCity
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getCity()
Returns the city field of the image
- getCodeblock
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getCodeblock()
Returns the codeblocks as an serialized array
- getCodeblock
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getCodeblock()
Returns the codeblocks as an serialized array
- getComment
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getComment()
Returns the comment text
- getCommentCount
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getCommentCount()
Returns the count of comments in the album. Ignores comments in moderation
- getComments
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getComments()
Returns an array of comments for this album
- getCommentsAllowed
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getCommentsAllowed()
Retuns true if comments are allowed
- getContent
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getContent()
Returns the default sized image HTML
- getCopyright
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getCopyright()
Returns the copyright field of the image
- getCountry
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getCountry()
Returns the country field of the image
- getCredentials
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getCredentials()
Data to support other credential systems integration
- getCredit
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getCredit()
Returns the credit field of the image
- getCurrentTheme
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getCurrentTheme()
Returns the foldername of the current theme.
- getCustomData
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getCustomData()
returns the custom data field
- getCustomData
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getCustomData()
Returns the custom data field of the comment
- getCustomData
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getCustomData()
Returns custom data
- getCustomImage
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getCustomImage()
Get a custom sized version of this image based on the parameters.
- getData
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::getData()
returns the database record of the object
- getDateTime
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getDateTime()
Returns the unformatted date
- getDateTime
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getDateTime()
Returns the unformatted date
- getDateTime
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getDateTime()
returns the comment date/time
- getDesc
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getDesc()
Returns the gallery description
- getDesc
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::getDesc()
Returns the description
- getDynamicAlbum
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getDynamicAlbum()
- getEmail
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getEmail()
returns the email address of the commentor
- getEmail
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getEmail()
Returns the user email
- getExpireDate
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::getExpireDate()
Returns the expire date
- getFileName
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getFileName()
Returns the image filename
- getFileName
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getFileName()
Returns the folder on the filesystem
- getFolder
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getFolder()
Returns the folder on the filesystem
- getFullImage
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getFullImage()
Returns a path to the original image in the original folder.
- getFullImageURL
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getFullImageURL()
returns URL to the original image
- getGalleryPage
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getGalleryPage()
Returns the page number in the gallery of this album
- getGallerySession
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getGallerySession()
Option of for gallery sessions
- getGroup
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getGroup()
Returns user's group
- getHeight
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getHeight()
Returns the height of the image
- getHitcounter
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getHitcounter()
Returns the hitcount
- getHitcounter
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getHitcounter()
Returns the hitcount
- getID
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getID()
- getID
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::getID()
Returns the id
- getID
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getID()
mimic an album object
- getImage
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getImage()
Returns a specific image
- getImage
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getImage()
Returns an image from the album based on the index passed.
- getImageFootprint
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getImageFootprint()
Returns the disk size of the image
- getImageIndex
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getImageIndex()
Returns the index of this image in the search images
- getImageLink
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getImageLink()
Returns a path urlencoded image page link for the image
- getImagePublish
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getImagePublish()
- getImages
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::getImages()
Returns a of a slice of the images for this album. They will also be sorted according to the sort type of this album, or by filename if none has been set.
- getImages
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getImages()
Returns a of a slice of the images for this album. They will also be sorted according to the sort type of this album, or by filename if none has been set.
- getImages
- in file class-album.php, method Album::getImages()
Returns a of a slice of the images for this album. They will also be sorted according to the sort type of this album, or by filename if none has been set.
- getImages
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getImages()
Returns an array of images found in the search It will return a "page's worth" if $page is non zero
- getImages
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::getImages()
Returns a of a slice of the images for this album. They will also be sorted according to the sort type of this album, or by filename if none has been set.
- getImageSize
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::getImageSize()
Helper function that gets the images size of the "size" get parameter
- getImageSortKey
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getImageSortKey()
Returns the DB key associated with the image sort type
- getIndex
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getIndex()
Get the index of this image in the album, taking sorting into account.
- getInModeration
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getInModeration()
Returns true if the comment is marked for moderation
- getInstance
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::getInstance()
- getIP
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getIP()
Returns the IP address of the comment poster
- getitemComments
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::getitemComments()
Gets the feed item data in a comments feed
- getitemPages
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::getitemPages()
Gets the feed item data in a Zenpage news feed
- getitems
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::getitems()
Gets the feed items
- getLanguage
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getLanguage()
Returns the user's prefered language
- getLastLogon
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getLastLogon()
returns the last time the user has logged on
- getLink
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::getLink()
- getLink
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getLink()
Returns an URL to the album, including the current page number
- getLink
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getLink()
Returns a path urlencoded image page link for the image
- getList
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::getList()
- getLocation
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getLocation()
Returns the location field of the image
- getLocation
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getLocation()
Returns the place data of an album
- getMasterUser
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getMasterUser()
- getMetaData
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getMetaData()
Returns an array of EXIF data
- getName
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getName()
Returns the commentor's name
- getName
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getName()
Returns the user name
- getNextAlbum
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getNextAlbum()
Returns the album following the current one
- getNextAlbum
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getNextAlbum()
Returns the album following the current album
- getNextImage
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getNextImage()
Returns the next Image.
- getNumAlbums
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getNumAlbums()
Returns the total number of TOPLEVEL albums in the gallery (does not include sub-albums)
- getNumAlbums
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getNumAlbums()
Returns the count of subalbums
- getNumAlbums
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getNumAlbums()
Returns the number of albums found in a search
- getNumComments
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getNumComments()
Returns the count of comments
- getNumImages
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getNumImages()
Returns the number of images in this album (not counting its subalbums)
- getNumImages
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getNumImages()
Returns the number of images found in the search
- getNumImages
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getNumImages()
Returns the number of images in the gallery
- getObjects
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getObjects()
Saves local copy of managed objects.
- getOptionsSupported
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getOptionsSupported()
Declares options used by lib-auth
- getOwner
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getOwner()
Owner functions
- getOwner
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getOwner()
Owner functions
- getOwnerID
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getOwnerID()
Returns the id of the comment owner
- getPages
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getPages()
Returns pages from a search
- getParent
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getParent()
Returns The parent Album of this Album. NULL if this is a top-level album.
- getParentID
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getParentID()
- getParentID
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getParentID()
Returns the partent id
- getPass
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getPass()
Returns stored password hash
- getPassword
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::getPassword()
Returns the password
- getPassword
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getPassword()
Returns the hashed password for guest gallery access
- getPasswordHint
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::getPasswordHint()
Returns the password hint
- getPasswordHint
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getPasswordHint()
Returns the hind associated with the gallery password
- getPrevAlbum
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getPrevAlbum()
Returns the album prior to the current album
- getPrevAlbum
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getPrevAlbum()
Returns the album preceding the current one
- getPrevImage
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getPrevImage()
Return the previous Image
- getPrivate
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getPrivate()
Returns true if the comment is flagged private
- getPublishDate
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::getPublishDate()
Returns the publish date
- getQuota
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getQuota()
Returns the users quota
- getResetTicket
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getResetTicket()
- getRights
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getRights()
Returns user rights
- getRights
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getRights()
Returns an array of the rights definitions for $version (default returns current version rights)
- getSearchDate
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getSearchDate()
Returns the search dates variable
- getSearchEngine
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::getSearchEngine()
Returns the search engine for a dynamic album
- getSearchEngine
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getSearchEngine()
Returns the search engine for a dynamic album
- getSearchExtra
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getSearchExtra()
Retrieves search extra parameters
- getSearchFieldList
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getSearchFieldList()
Returns a list of search fields display names indexed by the search mask
- getSearchFields
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getSearchFields()
Returns the search fields variable
- getSearchFieldsText
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getSearchFieldsText()
Returns the "searchstring" element of a query parameter set
- getSearchParams
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getSearchParams()
creates a search query from the search words
- getSearchParams
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::getSearchParams()
Returns the search parameters for a dynamic album
- getSearchParams
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getSearchParams()
Returns the search parameters for a dynamic album
- getSearchString
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getSearchString()
Parses a search string Items within quotations are treated as atomic AND, OR and NOT are converted to &, |, and !
- getSearchWords
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::getSearchWords()
Returns the search words variable
- getSecondLevelThumbs
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getSecondLevelThumbs()
Option to show subalbum images in the thumbnail selector
- getSecurity
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getSecurity()
Option to allow only registered users view the site
- getShow
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getShow()
Returns true published
- getSizedImage
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getSizedImage()
Returns a path to a sized version of the image
- getSortDirection
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getSortDirection()
Returns either the subalbum sort direction or the image sort direction of the album
- getSortDirection
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getSortDirection()
- getSortOrder
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::getSortOrder()
Returns the sort order
- getSortType
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getSortType()
Returns the sort type of the album images Will return a parent sort type if the sort type for this album is empty
- getSortType
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getSortType()
- getState
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getState()
Returns the state field of the image
- getTags
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getTags()
Returns the tag data
- getThemes
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getThemes()
Populates the theme array and returns it. The theme array contains information about all the currently available themes.
- getThumb
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getThumb()
Get a default-sized thumbnail of this image.
- getThumb
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getThumb()
Gets the thumbnail URL for the album thumbnail image as returned by $this->getAlbumThumbImage();
- getThumbCropping
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getThumbCropping()
Returns an array of cropping parameters. Used as a "helper" function for various inherited getThumb() methods
- getThumbImageFile
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getThumbImageFile()
Returns the image file name for the thumbnail image.
- getThumbSelectImages
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getThumbSelectImages()
Option to show images in the thumbnail selector
- getTitle
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getTitle()
Returns the gallery title
- getTitle
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::getTitle()
Returns the title
- getType
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getType()
Returns the 'type' of the comment. i.e. the class of the owner object
- getUpdatedDate
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getUpdatedDate()
Date at which the album last discovered an image
- getUser
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getUser()
Returns user's user id
- getUser
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::getUser()
Returns the guest user
- getUser
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getUser()
- getUserLogonField
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getUserLogonField()
Option to expose the user field on logon forms
- getValid
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::getValid()
Returns the valid flag
- getVersion
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::getVersion()
- getWatchers
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::getWatchers()
- getWatermark
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getWatermark()
Returns the custom watermark name
- getWatermark
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getWatermark()
returns the album watermark
- getWatermarkThumb
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::getWatermarkThumb()
Returns the album watermark thumb
- getWebsite
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::getWebsite()
returns the Website of the commentor
- getWebsiteTitle
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getWebsiteTitle()
Title to be used for the home (not Zenphoto gallery) WEBsite
- getWebsiteURL
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::getWebsiteURL()
The URL of the home (not Zenphoto gallery) WEBsite
- getWidth
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getWidth()
Returns the width of the image
- getWMUse
- in file class-image.php, method Image::getWMUse()
Returns the custom watermark usage
- getBody
- in file class-video.php, method Video::getBody()
- getContent
- in file class-video.php, method Video::getContent()
returns the content of the vido
- getCustomImage
- in file class-video.php, method Video::getCustomImage()
Get a custom sized version of this image based on the parameters.
- getFullImageURL
- in file class-video.php, method Video::getFullImageURL()
returns URL to the original image or to a high quality alternate e.g. ogg, avi, wmv files that can be handled by the client browser
- getHeight
- in file class-video.php, method pseudoPlayer::getHeight()
- in file class-video.php, constant GETID3_INCLUDEPATH
- getOptionsSupported
- in file class-video.php, method VideoObject_Options::getOptionsSupported()
Standard option interface
- getPlayerConfig
- in file class-video.php, method pseudoPlayer::getPlayerConfig()
- getSizedImage
- in file class-video.php, method Video::getSizedImage()
- getThumb
- in file class-video.php, method Video::getThumb()
Get a default-sized thumbnail of this image.
- getThumbImageFile
- in file class-video.php, method Video::getThumbImageFile()
Returns the image file name for the thumbnail image.
- getWidth
- in file class-video.php, method pseudoPlayer::getWidth()
- $id
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$id
- $id
- in file classes.php, variable PersistentObject::$id
- $imagefolder
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$imagefolder
- $imagepath
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$imagepath
- $images
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$images
- $images
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$images
- $imagesize
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$imagesize
- $imageSortDirection
- in file favoritesClass.php, variable favorites::$imageSortDirection
- $imageSortType
- in file favoritesClass.php, variable favorites::$imageSortType
- $index
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$index
- $index
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$index
- $instance
- in file favoritesClass.php, variable favorites::$instance
- $itemnumber
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$itemnumber
- $itemobj
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$itemobj
- $iteration
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$iteration
- Image
- in file class-image.php, class Image
handles 'picture' images
- in file class-album.php, constant IMAGE_SORT_DIRECTION
- in file class-album.php, constant IMAGE_SORT_TYPE
- instantiate
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::instantiate()
Prime instantiator for Zenphoto objects
- isAlbumClass
- in file class-album.php, function isAlbumClass()
Returns true if the object is a zenphoto 'album'
- isDynamic
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::isDynamic()
Returns true if the album is "dynamic"
- isDynamic
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::isDynamic()
- isImageClass
- in file class-image.php, function isImageClass()
Returns true if the object is a zenphoto 'image'
- isMasterUser
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::isMasterUser()
- isMyItem
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::isMyItem()
Checks basic access rights of an object
- isMyItem
- in file class-image.php, method Image::isMyItem()
- isMyItem
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::isMyItem()
checks access to the album
- isProtected
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::isProtected()
returns true if there is any protection on the gallery
- isProtected
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::isProtected()
returns true if there is any protection on the album
- isProtected
- in file class-image.php, method Image::isProtected()
returns true if there is any protection on the image
- isUnprotectedPage
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::isUnprotectedPage()
Tests if a page is excluded from password protection
- $lastalbumsort
- in file class-gallery.php, variable Gallery::$lastalbumsort
- $lastimagesort
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$lastimagesort
- $lastsubalbumsort
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$lastsubalbumsort
- $linkname
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$linkname
- $list
- in file favoritesClass.php, variable favorites::$list
- $loaded
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$loaded
- $loaded
- in file classes.php, variable PersistentObject::$loaded
- $locale
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$locale
- $locale_xml
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$locale_xml
- $localpath
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$localpath
- $localpath
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$localpath
- $logout_link
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Administrator::$logout_link
- lib-auth.php
- procedural page lib-auth.php
- loadFileNames
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::loadFileNames()
- loadFileNames
- in file class-album.php, method Album::loadFileNames()
Load all of the filenames that are found in this Albums directory on disk.
- loadFileNames
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::loadFileNames()
Load all of the filenames that are found in this Albums directory on disk.
- loadScript
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::loadScript()
- logUser
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::logUser()
Set log-in cookie for a user
- $manage_rights
- in file classes.php, variable ThemeObject::$manage_rights
- $manage_rights
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$manage_rights
- $manage_rights
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$manage_rights
- $manage_some_rights
- in file classes.php, variable ThemeObject::$manage_some_rights
- $manage_some_rights
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$manage_some_rights
- $manage_some_rights
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$manage_some_rights
- $master
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Administrator::$master
- $master_user
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Authority::$master_user
- $mode
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$mode
- $modrewritesuffix
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$modrewritesuffix
- $msg
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Administrator::$msg
- MediaObject
- in file classes.php, class MediaObject
Root class for images and albums
- migrateAuth
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::migrateAuth()
Migrates credentials
- move
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::move()
Change one or more values of the unique set assigned to this record.
- move
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::move()
Move this album to the location specified by $newfolder, copying all metadata, subalbums, and subalbums' metadata with it.
- move
- in file class-album.php, method Album::move()
Move this album to the location specified by $newfolder, copying all metadata, subalbums, and subalbums' metadata with it.
- move
- in file class-image.php, method Image::move()
Moves an image to a new album and/or filename (rename).
- move
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::move()
Move this album to the location specified by $newfolder, copying all metadata, subalbums, and subalbums' metadata with it.
- $page
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$page
- $pages
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$pages
- $parent
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$parent
- $parentalbum
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$parentalbum
- $passhash
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Administrator::$passhash
- $pattern
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$pattern
- $preferred_version
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Authority::$preferred_version
- $processed_search
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$processed_search
- pageCount
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::pageCount()
- parseQueryFields
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::parseQueryFields()
Returns the set of fields from the url query/post
- passwordHash
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::passwordHash()
Returns the hash of the zenphoto password
- pbkdf2
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::pbkdf2()
PBKDF2 Implementation (described in RFC 2898)
- PersistentObject
- in file classes.php, class PersistentObject
- PersistentObject
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::PersistentObject()
- preLoad
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::preLoad()
Simply creates objects of all the images and sub-albums in this album to load accurate values into the database.
- preLoad
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::preLoad()
Simply creates objects of all the images and sub-albums in this album to load accurate values into the database.
- printLoginForm
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::printLoginForm()
Print the login form for ZP. This will take into account whether mod_rewrite is enabled or not.
- printPasswordForm
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::printPasswordForm()
- printPasswordFormJS
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::printPasswordFormJS()
Javascript for password change input handling
- pseudoPlayer
- in file class-video.php, class pseudoPlayer
- $reset
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Administrator::$reset
- $rightsset
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Authority::$rightsset
- remove
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::remove()
Deletes object from the database
- remove
- in file class-album.php, method Album::remove()
Delete the entire album PERMANENTLY. Be careful! This is unrecoverable.
- remove
- in file class-image.php, method Image::remove()
Permanently delete this image (permanent: be careful!)
- remove
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::remove()
Removes a user from the system
- remove
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::remove()
Delete the entire album PERMANENTLY. Be careful! This is unrecoverable.
- remove
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::remove()
Delete the entire album PERMANENTLY. Be careful! This is unrecoverable.
- removeAlbum
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::removeAlbum()
- removeImage
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::removeImage()
- rename
- in file class-image.php, method Image::rename()
Renames an image to a new filename, keeping it in the same album. Convenience for move($image->album, $newfilename).
- rename
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::rename()
Rename this album folder. Alias for move($newfoldername);
- $searchengine
- in file class-album.php, variable dynamicAlbum::$searchengine
- $searches
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$searches
- $search_no_albums
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$search_no_albums
- $search_no_images
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$search_no_images
- $search_no_news
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$search_no_news
- $search_no_pages
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$search_no_pages
- $search_structure
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$search_structure
- $search_unpublished
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$search_unpublished
- $sidecars
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$sidecars
- $sidecars
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$sidecars
- $sortdirection
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$sortdirection
- $sortorder
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$sortorder
- $sortorder
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$sortorder
- $subalbums
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$subalbums
- $subrights
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$subrights
- $supports_version
- in file lib-auth.php, variable Zenphoto_Authority::$supports_version
- save
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::save()
- save
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::save()
Save the updates made to this object since the last update. Returns true if successful, false if not.
- save
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::save()
Uptates the database with all changes
- searchDate
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::searchDate()
returns the results of a date search
- SearchEngine
- in file class-search.php, class SearchEngine
- searchFieldsAndTags
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::searchFieldsAndTags()
Searches the table for tags Returns an array of database records.
- in file class-search.php, constant SEARCH_CACHE_DURATION
- in file class-search.php, constant SEARCH_DURATION
- search_quote
- in file class-search.php, function search_quote()
encloses search word in quotes if needed
- set
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::set()
- set
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::set()
Set a variable in this object. Does not persist to the database until save() is called. So, IMPORTANT: Call save() after set() to persist.
- setAlbum
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setAlbum()
Records the "prime album" of a user. Prime albums are linked to the user and removed if the user is removed.
- setAlbumPublish
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setAlbumPublish()
- setAlbumTheme
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setAlbumTheme()
Sets the theme of the album
- setAlbumThumb
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setAlbumThumb()
Stores the thumbnail path for an album thumg
- setAlbumUseImagedate
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setAlbumUseImagedate()
- setAnon
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setAnon()
Sets the anonymous flag of the comment
- setChallengePhraseInfo
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setChallengePhraseInfo()
- setCity
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setCity()
Stores the city field of the image
- setCodeblock
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setCodeblock()
set the codeblocks as an serialized array
- setCodeblock
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::setCodeblock()
set the codeblocks as an serialized array
- setComment
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setComment()
Stores the comment text
- setCommentsAllowed
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::setCommentsAllowed()
Sets the comments allowed flag
- setCopyright
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setCopyright()
Stores the text for the copyright field of the image
- setCountry
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setCountry()
Stores the country field of the image
- setCredentials
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setCredentials()
- setCredit
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setCredit()
Stores the credit field of the image
- setCurrentTheme
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setCurrentTheme()
Sets the current theme
- setCustomData
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setCustomData()
Stores the custom data field of the comment
- setCustomData
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setCustomData()
Stores custom data
- setCustomData
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::setCustomData()
Sets the custom data field
- setDateTime
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::setDateTime()
Stores the date
- setDateTime
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setDateTime()
Stores the date
- setDateTime
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setDateTime()
Sets a comment date/time value
- setDefaults
- in file class-album.php, method Album::setDefaults()
Sets default values for a new album
- setDefaults
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setDefaults()
Sets up default items on new comment objects
- setDefaults
- in file classes.php, method PersistentObject::setDefaults()
Sets default values for new objects using the set() method.
- setDefaults
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setDefaults()
Sets default values for a new album
- setDefaults
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setDefaults()
- setDesc
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::setDesc()
Stores the description
- setDesc
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setDesc()
Sets the gallery description
- setEmail
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setEmail()
Sets the email address of the commentor
- setEmail
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setEmail()
Stores the user email
- setExpireDate
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::setExpireDate()
sets the expire date
- setGallerySession
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setGallerySession()
- setGroup
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setGroup()
Sets the user's group.
- setImagePublish
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setImagePublish()
- setInModeration
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setInModeration()
Sets the moderation flag of the comment
- setIP
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setIP()
Sets the IP address field of the comment
- setLanguage
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setLanguage()
Sets the user's preferec language
- setLocation
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setLocation()
Stores the album place
- setLocation
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setLocation()
Stores the location field of the image
- setName
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setName()
Sets the commentor's name
- setName
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setName()
Stores the user name
- setObjects
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setObjects()
Returns local copy of managed objects.
- setOwner
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setOwner()
- setOwner
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setOwner()
- setOwnerID
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setOwnerID()
Sets the id of the owner of the comment
- setParentID
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::setParentID()
Sets the ParentID field
- setPass
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setPass()
Hashes and stores the password
- setPassword
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setPassword()
- setPassword
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::setPassword()
Sets the encrypted password
- setPasswordHint
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::setPasswordHint()
Sets the password hint
- setPasswordHint
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setPasswordHint()
- setPrivate
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setPrivate()
Sets the private flag of the comment
- setPublishDate
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::setPublishDate()
sets the publish date
- setQuota
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setQuota()
Sets the users quota
- setRights
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setRights()
Stores user rights
- setSearchExtra
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::setSearchExtra()
Stores extra search params for plugin use
- setSearchParams
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::setSearchParams()
Parses and stores a search string NOTE!! this function assumes that the 'words' part of the list has been urlencoded!!!
- setSearchParams
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setSearchParams()
Sets the search parameters of a dynamic album
- setSearchParams
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::setSearchParams()
Sets the search parameters of a dynamic album
- setSearchUnpublished
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::setSearchUnpublished()
- setSecondLevelThumbs
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setSecondLevelThumbs()
- setSecurity
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setSecurity()
- setShow
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::setShow()
Stores the published value
- setSortDirection
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setSortDirection()
- setSortDirection
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setSortDirection()
sets sort directions for the album
- setSortDirection
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::setSortDirection()
sets sort directions
- setSortOrder
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::setSortOrder()
Stores the sort order
- setSortType
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setSortType()
Stores the sort type for the album
- setSortType
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setSortType()
- setSortType
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::setSortType()
Stores the sort type
- setState
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setState()
Stores the state field of the image
- setSubalbumSortType
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setSubalbumSortType()
Stores the subalbum sort type for this abum
- setTags
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::setTags()
Stores tag information
- setThumb
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setThumb()
Stores the thumbnail path for an album thumg
- setThumbSelectImages
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setThumbSelectImages()
- setTitle
- in file classes.php, method ThemeObject::setTitle()
Stores the title
- setTitle
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setTitle()
- setType
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setType()
Sets the 'type' field of the comment
- setUnprotectedPage
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setUnprotectedPage()
- setUpdatedDate
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setUpdatedDate()
- setUser
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setUser()
- setUser
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setUser()
Sets the user's user id
- setUser
- in file classes.php, method MediaObject::setUser()
Sets the guest user
- setUserLogonField
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setUserLogonField()
- setValid
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Administrator::setValid()
Sets the "valid" flag. Valid is 1 for users, 0 for groups and templates
- setWatermark
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setWatermark()
Sets the album watermark
- setWatermark
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setWatermark()
Set custom watermark
- setWatermarkThumb
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::setWatermarkThumb()
Sets the custom watermark usage
- setWebsite
- in file class-comment.php, method Comment::setWebsite()
Stores the website of the commentor
- setWebsiteTitle
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setWebsiteTitle()
- setWebsiteURL
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::setWebsiteURL()
- setWMUse
- in file class-image.php, method Image::setWMUse()
Sets the custom watermark usage
- showWatchers
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::showWatchers()
- sortAlbumArray
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::sortAlbumArray()
Sort the album array based on either according to the sort key.
- sortImageArray
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::sortImageArray()
sortImageArray will sort an array of Images based on the given key. The key must be one of (filename, title, sort_order) at the moment.
- sortKey
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::sortKey()
get connical sort key and direction parameters.
- startCache
- in file class-feed.php, method feed::startCache()
Starts static caching
- subsetNewsCategories
- in file class-search.php, method SearchEngine::subsetNewsCategories()
Returns an array of News article IDs belonging to the search categories
- succeed
- in file class-album.php, method Album::succeed()
- succeed
- in file class-album.php, method dynamicAlbum::succeed()
- succeed
- in file class-album.php, method AlbumBase::succeed()
- $table
- in file classes.php, variable PersistentObject::$table
- $table
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$table
- $table
- in file class-gallery.php, variable Gallery::$table
- $tagPattern
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$tagPattern
- $theme
- in file class-gallery.php, variable Gallery::$theme
- $themes
- in file class-gallery.php, variable Gallery::$themes
- $titleappendix
- in file class-feed.php, variable feed::$titleappendix
- $transient
- in file classes.php, variable PersistentObject::$transient
- $transient
- in file class-search.php, variable SearchEngine::$transient
- ThemeObject
- in file classes.php, class ThemeObject
The basic ThemeObject class. Extends PersistentObject, is extended by various Theme related objects.
- toolbox
- in file favoritesClass.php, method favorites::toolbox()
- Transientimage
- in file class-image.php, class Transientimage
handles 'picture' images
- $view_rights
- in file classes.php, variable ThemeObject::$view_rights
- $view_rights
- in file class-image.php, variable Image::$view_rights
- $view_rights
- in file class-album.php, variable AlbumBase::$view_rights
- validateTicket
- in file lib-auth.php, method Zenphoto_Authority::validateTicket()
- validImage
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::validImage()
Returns true if the file is an image
- validImageAlt
- in file class-gallery.php, method Gallery::validImageAlt()
Returns true if the file is handled by an image handler plugin object
- $videoalt
- in file class-video.php, variable Video::$videoalt
- Video
- in file class-video.php, class Video
handles 'picture' images
- VideoObject_Options
- in file class-video.php, method VideoObject_Options::VideoObject_Options()
- VideoObject_Options
- in file class-video.php, class VideoObject_Options
Option class for video objects