Element index for package plugins
Package indexes
[ a ]
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[ z ]
[ _ ]
- __construct
- in file mobileTheme.php, method mobileTheme::__construct()
- __construct
- in file print_album_menu.php, method print_album_menu::__construct()
- __construct
- in file rating.php, method jquery_rating::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file mobileTheme.php, method mobile::__construct()
- __construct
- in file hitcounter.php, method hitcounter::__construct()
- __construct
- in file GoogleMap.php, method codeIgniter_kludge::__construct()
- __construct
- in file GoogleMap.php, method GoogleMap::__construct()
- __construct
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::__construct()
creates a textobject (image standin)
- _disable
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::_disable()
used to disable cashing when the uri is an image processor uri
- __construct
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file zenphoto_news.php, method zenphoto_org_news::__construct()
- __construct
- in file rewriteTokens.php, method rewriteTokens::__construct()
- __construct
- in file ipBlocker.php, method ipBlocker::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManager::__construct()
- __construct
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManagerFeed::__construct()
- __construct
- in file googleVerify.php, method googleVerifyOptions::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file auto_backup.php, method auto_backup::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __destruct
- in file rewriteTokens.php, method rewriteTokens::__destruct()
- __construct
- in file themeSwitcher.php, method themeSwitcher::__construct()
- __construct
- in file deprecated-functions.php, method deprecated_functions::__construct()
- __construct
- in file rss.php, method RSS::__construct()
Creates a feed object from the URL parameters fetched only
- __construct
- in file rss.php, method rss_options::__construct()
- __construct
- in file mergedRSS.php, method MergedRSSOptions::__construct()
- __construct
- in file mergedRSS.php, method MergedRSS::__construct()
- __construct
- in file externalFeed.php, method externalFeed_options::__construct()
- __construct
- in file externalFeed.php, method ExternalFeed::__construct()
Creates a feed object from the URL parameters fetched only
- __construct
- in file PHPMailer.php, method zp_PHPMailer::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::__construct()
- __construct
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::__construct()
- __construct
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::__construct()
- __construct
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::__construct()
Class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file flag_thumbnail.php, method flag_thumbnail::__construct()
- __construct
- in file favoritesHandler.php, method favoritesOptions::__construct()
- __construct
- in file class-AnyFile.php, method AnyFile::__construct()
creates a WEBdocs (image standin)
- __construct
- in file class-WEBdocs.php, method WEBdocs::__construct()
creates a WEBdocs (image standin)
- __construct
- in file class-WEBdocs.php, method WEBdocs_Options::__construct()
- __construct
- in file colorbox_js.php, method colorbox::__construct()
- __construct
- in file bxslider_thumb_nav.php, method bxslider::__construct()
- __construct
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::__construct()
- __construct
- in file galleryArticles.php, method galleryArticles::__construct()
- __construct
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::__construct()
- __construct
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, method defaultCodeblocks::__construct()
- __construct
- in file seo_zenphoto.php, method zenphoto_seo::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file seo_null.php, method null_seo::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file html_meta_tags.php, method htmlmetatags::__construct()
- __construct
- in file dynamic-locale.php, method dynamic_locale::__construct()
- __construct
- in file zpCaptcha.php, method zpCaptcha::__construct()
Class instantiator
- __construct
- in file trivialSpam.php, method zpTrivialSpam::__construct()
The SpamFilter class instantiation function.
- __construct
- in file simpleSpam.php, method zpSimpleSpam::__construct()
The SpamFilter class instantiation function.
- __construct
- in file reCaptcha.php, method reCaptcha::__construct()
Class instantiator
- __construct
- in file legacySpam.php, method zpLegacySpam::__construct()
- __construct
- in file elFinder.php, method elFinder_options::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file register_user.php, method register_user::__construct()
- __construct
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::__construct()
class instantiation function
- __construct
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::__construct()
Option instantiation
- __construct
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::__construct()
Class instantiator
- __construct
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::__construct()
Class instantiator
- __construct
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::__construct()
- __construct
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::__construct()
- __construct
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::__construct()
- __toString
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::__toString()
"Magic" function to return a string identifying the object when it is treated as a string
- addGeoCoord
- in file GoogleMap.php, function addGeoCoord()
Add a point to a map object
- admin-logs.php
- procedural page admin-logs.php
- admin_tabs
- in file comment_form.php, method comment_form::admin_tabs()
- admin_toolbox_global
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::admin_toolbox_global()
Zenpage admin toolbox links
- admin_toolbox_news
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::admin_toolbox_news()
- admin_toolbox_pages
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::admin_toolbox_pages()
- in file print_album_menu.php, constant ALBUM_MENU_COUNT
- in file print_album_menu.php, constant ALBUM_MENU_SHOWSUBS
- abortHTMLCache
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::abortHTMLCache()
Aborts HTML caching
- addThemeCacheSize
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManager::addThemeCacheSize()
- adminAlbumGate
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::adminAlbumGate()
Logs blocked accesses to Managed albums
- adminCookie
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::adminCookie()
- adminGate
- in file ipBlocker.php, method ipBlocker::adminGate()
Monitors blocked accesses to Admin pages
- adminGate
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::adminGate()
Logs blocked accesses to Admin pages
- adminLoginLogger
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::adminLoginLogger()
Logs an attempt to log onto the back-end or as an admin user Returns the rights to grant
- admin_approval
- in file admin-approval.php, class admin_approval
Overrides of the publish save handling use such that only a User with ADMIN_RIGHTS or MANAGE_ALL_<i>object</i> rights may mark an object published.
- admin_showupdate
- in file check_for_update.php, function admin_showupdate()
Displays the "new version available" message on admin pages
- admin_XSRF_access
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::admin_XSRF_access()
Loggs Cross Site Request Forgeries
- albumbutton
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManager::albumbutton()
- anOption
- in file rewriteTokens.php, method rewriteTokens::anOption()
- auto_backup
- in file auto_backup.php, class auto_backup
Option handler class
- admin-approval.php
- procedural page admin-approval.php
- auto_backup.php
- procedural page auto_backup.php
- admin_tab.php
- procedural page admin_tab.php
- admin_tab.php
- procedural page admin_tab.php
- active
- in file themeSwitcher.php, method themeSwitcher::active()
- addPluginScript
- in file deprecated-functions.php, method deprecated_functions::addPluginScript()
- adminLoginAttempt
- in file show_not_logged-in.php, method show_not_loggedin::adminLoginAttempt()
- admin_tab.php
- procedural page admin_tab.php
- album_instantiate
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::album_instantiate()
Filter called when an album object is instantiated sets the sidecars to include xmp files
- AnyFile
- in file class-AnyFile.php, class AnyFile
Core class for handling "non-image" files
- AnyFile_Options
- in file class-AnyFile.php, class AnyFile_Options
Option class for textobjects objects
- AddAlbum
- in file downloadList.php, method AlbumZip::AddAlbum()
generates an array of filenames to zip recurses into the albums subalbums
- AddAlbumCache
- in file downloadList.php, method AlbumZip::AddAlbumCache()
generates an array of cachefilenames to zip recurses into the albums subalbums
- addListItem
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::addListItem()
Adds a new download item to the database. For internal use.
- AlbumZip
- in file downloadList.php, class AlbumZip
- $actingFor
- in file legacySpam.php, variable zpLegacySpam::$actingFor
- admin_alterrights
- in file user_groups.php, method user_groups::admin_alterrights()
- admin_tabs
- in file user_groups.php, method user_groups::admin_tabs()
- admin_tabs
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::admin_tabs()
- alt_login_handler
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::alt_login_handler()
Provides a list of alternate handlers for logon
- authorSelector
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function authorSelector()
Prints a dropdown to select the author of a page or news article (Admin rights users only)
- admin-categories.php
- procedural page admin-categories.php
- admin-edit.php
- procedural page admin-edit.php
- admin-news-articles.php
- procedural page admin-news-articles.php
- admin-pages.php
- procedural page admin-pages.php
- button
- in file hitcounter.php, method hitcounter::button()
- button
- in file search_statistics.php, method search_statistics::button()
- button
- in file publishContent.php, method publishContent::button()
- button
- in file cloneZenphoto.php, method cloneZenphoto::button()
- button
- in file deprecated-functions.php, method deprecated_functions::button()
- bulkActions
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::bulkActions()
- bxslider
- in file bxslider_thumb_nav.php, class bxslider
Plugin option handling class
- bxslider_thumb_nav.php
- procedural page bxslider_thumb_nav.php
- button
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::button()
Admin overview button for download statistics utility
- button
- in file sitemap-extended.php, method sitemap::button()
creates the Utilities button to purge the static sitemap cache
- buttons
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::buttons()
Creates a list of logon buttons for federated logon handlers.
- $counter
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$counter
- $crop
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$crop
- $currentciel
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$currentciel
- $currentfloor
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$currentfloor
- $currentimgnr
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$currentimgnr
- $currentpage
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$currentpage
- checkChosenItemStatus
- in file menu_manager.php, function checkChosenItemStatus()
Checks if the menu item is set visible or not
- checkChosenMenuset
- in file menu_manager.php, function checkChosenMenuset()
Checks which menu set is chosen via $_GET. If none is explicity chosen the "default" one (create initially) is used.
- checkForGuest
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::checkForGuest()
Handles password checks
- checkIfNew
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function checkIfNew()
A little helper function that checks if an image or album is to be considered 'new' within the time range set in relation to getImageDate()/getAlbumDate() Returns true or false.
- checkLayoutUseForImages
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function checkLayoutUseForImages()
Gets the selected layout page for images if the album option to use the equivalent of their album layout is seleted.
- checkParentLayouts
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function checkParentLayouts()
Checks if there is a layout inherited from a parent items (album, page or category) and returns it. Returns false otherwise.
- checkRequiredField
- in file contact_form.php, function checkRequiredField()
Helper function that checks if the field is a required one. If it returns '*" to be appended to the field name as an indicator.
- checkSelectedAlbum
- in file print_album_menu.php, function checkSelectedAlbum()
A printAlbumMenu() helper function for the jump menu mode of printAlbumMenu() that only checks which the current album so that the entry in the in the dropdown jump menu can be selected Not for standalone use.
- CI_jsmin
- in file GoogleMap.php, class CI_jsmin
- CI_load
- in file GoogleMap.php, class CI_load
- codeIgniter_kludge
- in file GoogleMap.php, class codeIgniter_kludge
- comment_form
- in file comment_form.php, class comment_form
- comment_form
- in file comment_form.php, method comment_form::comment_form()
class instantiation function
- common_instantiate
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::common_instantiate()
Handles class common instantiation
- contactformOptions
- in file contact_form.php, method contactformOptions::contactformOptions()
- contactformOptions
- in file contact_form.php, class contactformOptions
Plugin option handling class
- controlLink
- in file mobileTheme.php, method mobileTheme::controlLink()
places a link on the theme page to switch to or from the mobile theme
- copyLayoutSelection
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function copyLayoutSelection()
Enter description here ...
- createMenuIfNotExists
- in file menu_manager.php, function createMenuIfNotExists()
Creates a menu set from the items passed. But only if the menu set does not already exist
- createRelatedItemsResultArray
- in file related_items.php, function createRelatedItemsResultArray()
Helper function for getRelatedItems() only.
- cacheDBImages.php
- procedural page cacheDBImages.php
- cacheImages.php
- procedural page cacheImages.php
- class-textobject_core.php
- procedural page class-textobject_core.php
- comment_form.php
- procedural page comment_form.php
- contact_form.php
- procedural page contact_form.php
- check_for_deprecated.php
- procedural page check_for_deprecated.php
- cacheManager
- in file cacheManager.php, class cacheManager
Standard options interface
- cacheManagerFeed
- in file cacheManager.php, class cacheManagerFeed
- checkForUpdate
- in file check_for_update.php, function checkForUpdate()
Searches the zenphoto.org home page for the current zenphoto download locates the version number of the download and compares it to the version we are running.
- checkIfAllowedPage
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::checkIfAllowedPage()
Checks if the current page should be excluded from caching.
- clearHTMLCache
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::clearHTMLCache()
Cleans out the cache folder. (Adpated from the zenphoto image cache)
- cloneZenphoto
- in file cloneZenphoto.php, class cloneZenphoto
- createCacheFilepath
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::createCacheFilepath()
Creates the path and filename of the page to be cached.
- cacheManager.php
- procedural page cacheManager.php
- check_for_update.php
- procedural page check_for_update.php
- cloneZenphoto.php
- procedural page cloneZenphoto.php
- controlLink
- in file themeSwitcher.php, method themeSwitcher::controlLink()
places a selector so a user may change thems
- colorbox
- in file colorbox_js.php, class colorbox
Loads Colorbox JS and CSS scripts for selected theme page scripts.
- create
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::create()
- css
- in file colorbox_js.php, method colorbox::css()
- custom_album_thumbs
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::custom_album_thumbs()
- custom_album_thumbs
- in file flag_thumbnail.php, method flag_thumbnail::custom_album_thumbs()
- custom_images
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::custom_images()
- custom_images
- in file flag_thumbnail.php, method flag_thumbnail::custom_images()
- cycle
- in file slideshow2.php, class cycle
Plugin option handling class
- cycleJS
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::cycleJS()
- class-AnyFile.php
- procedural page class-AnyFile.php
- class-textobject.php
- procedural page class-textobject.php
- class-WEBdocs.php
- procedural page class-WEBdocs.php
- colorbox_js.php
- procedural page colorbox_js.php
- $codeblocks
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, variable defaultCodeblocks::$codeblocks
- create
- in file downloadList.php, method AlbumZip::create()
Creates a zip file of the album
- crop_image
- in file crop_image.php, class crop_image
- crop_image.php
- procedural page crop_image.php
- checkFolder
- in file seo_cleanup.php, function checkFolder()
- cleanAlbum
- in file seo_cleanup.php, function cleanAlbum()
- clearSitemapCache
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function clearSitemapCache()
Cleans out the cache folder.
- checkCaptcha
- in file zpCaptcha.php, method zpCaptcha::checkCaptcha()
Checks if a CAPTCHA string matches the CAPTCHA attached to the comment post Returns true if there is a match.
- checkCaptcha
- in file reCaptcha.php, method reCaptcha::checkCaptcha()
Checks reCaptcha
- check
- in file http_auth.php, method http_auth::check()
- checkcookie
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::checkcookie()
- checklogon
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::checklogon()
- checkPasswordRenew
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::checkPasswordRenew()
- checkQuota
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::checkQuota()
Checks if upload should be allowed
- cleanup
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::cleanup()
- credentials
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::credentials()
Common logon handler.
- css
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::css()
Load the CSS for the logon buttons
- $categories
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, variable ZenpageNews::$categories
- $categoryStructure
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable Zenpage::$categoryStructure
- categoryIsVisible
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::categoryIsVisible()
returns true if the article exists in any published category (or in no categories)
- checkForEmptyTitle
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function checkForEmptyTitle()
Checks if no title has been provide for items on new item creation
- checkforGuest
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::checkforGuest()
See if a guest is logged on to the news category.
- checkforGuest
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::checkforGuest()
Checks if user is allowed to access the page
- checkforGuest
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::checkforGuest()
Checks if user is allowed to access news category
- checkForPage
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function checkForPage()
If the titlelink is valid this will setup for the page Returns true if page is setup and valid, otherwise returns false
- checkHitcounterDisplay
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function checkHitcounterDisplay()
Checks if there are hitcounts and if they are displayed behind the news article, page or category title
- checkIfChecked
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function checkIfChecked()
Checks if a checkbox is selected and checks it if.
- checkIfLockedNews
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function checkIfLockedNews()
Checks if the current logged in admin user is the author that locked the article.
- checkIfLockedPage
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function checkIfLockedPage()
Checks if the current logged in admin user is the author that locked the page/article.
- Combi
- in file combiNews.php, class Combi
- copy
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::copy()
duplicates an article
- copy
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::copy()
duplicates an article
- $defaultbots
- in file hitcounter.php, variable hitcounter::$defaultbots
- deleteLayoutSelection
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function deleteLayoutSelection()
processes object removals if they have been assigned layouts
- deletestatic_html_cacheFile
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::deletestatic_html_cacheFile()
Deletes a cache file
- deleteThemeCacheSizes
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManager::deleteThemeCacheSizes()
- disable
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::disable()
call to disable caching a page
- donate
- in file zenphotoDonate.php, method zenphotoDonate::donate()
- deprecated_functions
- in file deprecated-functions.php, class deprecated_functions
This plugin deals with functions have been removed from mainstream Zenphoto as they have been supplanted.
- deprecated-functions.php
- procedural page deprecated-functions.php
- defaultCodeblocks
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, class defaultCodeblocks
Use supply default codeblocks to theme pages.
- defaultCodeblocks_codebox
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, function defaultCodeblocks_codebox()
- DownloadList
- in file downloadList.php, class DownloadList
Plugin option handling class
- defaultCodeblocks.php
- procedural page defaultCodeblocks.php
- downloadList.php
- procedural page downloadList.php
- $disable
- in file sitemap-extended.php, variable sitemap::$disable
- dynamic_locale
- in file dynamic-locale.php, class dynamic_locale
- dynamic_localeJS
- in file dynamic-locale.php, method dynamic_locale::dynamic_localeJS()
- dynamic-locale.php
- procedural page dynamic-locale.php
- displayName
- in file trivialSpam.php, method zpTrivialSpam::displayName()
- displayName
- in file simpleSpam.php, method zpSimpleSpam::displayName()
- displayName
- in file legacySpam.php, method zpLegacySpam::displayName()
- deleteArticle
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function deleteArticle()
Deletes an news article from the database
- deleteCategory
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function deleteCategory()
Deletes a category (and also if existing its subpages) from the database
- deletePage
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function deletePage()
Deletes a page (and also if existing its subpages) from the database
- $enabled
- in file static_html_cache.php, variable static_html_cache::$enabled
- in file tinymce4.php, constant EDITOR_SANITIZE_LEVEL
Back-end WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE 4.x.
- endCache
- in file site_upgrade.php, method setupexternalFeed::endCache()
- endCache
- in file site_upgrade.php, method setupRSS::endCache()
- endHTMLCache
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::endHTMLCache()
Ends the caching: Ends the output buffering and writes the html cache file from the buffer
- executeRSS
- in file rss.php, function executeRSS()
- export
- in file mergedRSS.php, method MergedRSS::export()
- ExternalFeed
- in file externalFeed.php, class ExternalFeed
- externalFeed_options
- in file externalFeed.php, class externalFeed_options
This plugin handles External feeds:
- externalFeed.php
- procedural page externalFeed.php
- $effects
- in file image_effects.php, variable image_effects::$effects
- effectsJS
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::effectsJS()
- edit
- in file crop_image.php, method crop_image::edit()
- errorsOnAdmin
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::errorsOnAdmin()
filter to display tweet errors on an admin page
- errorsOnOverview
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::errorsOnOverview()
filter which will display tweet errors on the admin overview page
- $excessiveURLCount
- in file simpleSpam.php, variable zpSimpleSpam::$excessiveURLCount
- elFinder_admin_tabs
- in file elFinder.php, function elFinder_admin_tabs()
- elFinder_options
- in file elFinder.php, class elFinder_options
Option handler class
- elFinder_tinymce
- in file elFinder.php, function elFinder_tinymce()
- elFinder.php
- procedural page elFinder.php
- edit_admin
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::edit_admin()
- edit_admin
- in file user_groups.php, method user_groups::edit_admin()
Returns table row(s) for edit of an admin user's custom data
- edit_admin
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::edit_admin()
Returns table row(s) for edit of an admin user's custom data
- edit_admin
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::edit_admin()
Enter Admin user tab handler
- edit_admin
- in file email-newuser.php, method email_new_user::edit_admin()
- email_new_user
- in file email-newuser.php, class email_new_user
Sends new users an e-mail message urging the user to change his password.
- email-newuser.php
- procedural page email-newuser.php
- expiry
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::expiry()
- form.php
- procedural page form.php
- $feed
- in file cacheManager.php, variable cacheManagerFeed::$feed
- federatedLoginLogger
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::federatedLoginLogger()
Logs an attempt to log on via the federated_logon plugin Returns the rights to grant
- filemanager.php
- procedural page filemanager.php
- $feed
- in file rss.php, variable RSS::$feed
- $feed
- in file externalFeed.php, variable ExternalFeed::$feed
- favoritesOptions
- in file favoritesHandler.php, class favoritesOptions
- flag_thumbnail
- in file flag_thumbnail.php, class flag_thumbnail
Plugin option handling class
- favoritesHandler.php
- procedural page favoritesHandler.php
- flag_thumbnail.php
- procedural page flag_thumbnail.php
- filter
- in file seo_zenphoto.php, method zenphoto_seo::filter()
translates characters with diacritical marks to simple ones
- filter
- in file seo_null.php, method null_seo::filter()
translates whitespace to underscore
- fullHostPath
- in file dynamic-locale.php, method dynamic_locale::fullHostPath()
- filterMessage
- in file trivialSpam.php, method zpTrivialSpam::filterMessage()
The function for processing a message to see if it might be SPAM
- filterMessage
- in file simpleSpam.php, method zpSimpleSpam::filterMessage()
The function for processing a message to see if it might be SPAM
- federated_logon
- in file federated_logon.php, class federated_logon
Option class
- federated_logon.php
- procedural page federated_logon.php
- getAlbumGeodata
- in file GoogleMap.php, function getAlbumGeodata()
Gathers the map data for an album
- getAlbumStatistic
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function getAlbumStatistic()
Returns a list of album statistic accordingly to $option
- getAllTagsFromAlbum
- in file tag_extras.php, function getAllTagsFromAlbum()
Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums. Returns FALSE if no value.
- getAllTagsFromAlbum_multi_unique
- in file tag_extras.php, function getAllTagsFromAlbum_multi_unique()
Removes duplicate entries in multi dimensional array.
- getAllTagsFromZenpage
- in file tag_extras.php, function getAllTagsFromZenpage()
Gets all tags used by either all Zenpage news articles or pages.
- getBody
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::getBody()
- getContent
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::getContent()
Returns the content of the text file
- getCounter
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::getCounter()
Gets From image x to image y counter values
- getCurrentMenuItem
- in file menu_manager.php, function getCurrentMenuItem()
Returns the sort_order of the current menu item
- getCurrentPageObject
- in file rating.php, method jquery_rating::getCurrentPageObject()
returns the $object for the current loaded page
- getCustomImage
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::getCustomImage()
Get a custom sized version of this image based on the parameters.
- getField
- in file contact_form.php, function getField()
Retrieves the post field if it exists
- getGeoCoord
- in file GoogleMap.php, function getGeoCoord()
$returns coordinate informations for an image
- getHitcounter
- in file hitcounter.php, function getHitcounter()
returns the hitcounter for the current page or for the object passed
- getImageGeodata
- in file GoogleMap.php, function getImageGeodata()
Gathers the data for an image
- getImageStatistic
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function getImageStatistic()
Returns a list of image statistic according to $option
- getItem
- in file menu_manager.php, function getItem()
Gets a menu item by its id
- getItemTitleAndURL
- in file menu_manager.php, function getItemTitleAndURL()
Gets the title, url and name of a menu item
- getLayout
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function getLayout()
Gets the select layout page and returns it to the load_theme_script filter
- getLayoutSelector
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function getLayoutSelector()
Worker function for creating layout selectors. Returns the HTML
- getMenuFromLink
- in file menu_manager.php, function getMenuFromLink()
Returns the menu item corresponding to $link
- getMenuItems
- in file menu_manager.php, function getMenuItems()
Gets the menu items
- getMenumanagerPredicessor
- in file menu_manager.php, function getMenumanagerPredicessor()
Returns the link to the predicessor of the current menu item
- getMenumanagerSuccessor
- in file menu_manager.php, function getMenumanagerSuccessor()
Returns the successor link of the current menu item
- getMenuVisibility
- in file menu_manager.php, function getMenuVisibility()
Gets the menu visibility
- getNewsArchiveURL
- in file zenpage.php, function getNewsArchiveURL()
Returns the full path of the news archive page
- getNewsIndexURL
- in file zenpage.php, function getNewsIndexURL()
Returns the full path of the news index page (news page 1)
- getNextThumbsLink
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::getNextThumbsLink()
Gets the link for the next page of thumbs
- getNumAllSubalbums
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function getNumAllSubalbums()
Gets the number of all subalbums of all subalbum levels of either the current album or $albumobj
- getOptionsSupported
- in file comment_form.php, method comment_form::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file print_album_menu.php, method print_album_menu::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file rating.php, method jquery_rating::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file GoogleMap.php, method GoogleMap::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file hitcounter.php, method hitcounter::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file contact_form.php, method contactformOptions::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedthumbsOptions::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file multiple_layouts.php, method multipleLayoutOptions::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file mobileTheme.php, method mobileTheme::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file menu_manager.php, method menu_manager::getOptionsSupported()
- getParentMenuItems
- in file menu_manager.php, function getParentMenuItems()
Gets the parent menu items of the current menu item. Returns the array of the items or false.
- getPrevThumbsLink
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::getPrevThumbsLink()
Gets the link to the previous thumbnail page
- getRating
- in file rating.php, function getRating()
Returns the current rating of an object
- getRatingByIP
- in file rating.php, method jquery_rating::getRatingByIP()
Returns the last vote rating from an IP or false if no vote on record
- getRelatedItems
- in file related_items.php, function getRelatedItems()
- getSelectedLayout
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function getSelectedLayout()
Gets the selected layout page for this item. Returns false if nothing is selected.
- getSizedImage
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::getSizedImage()
- getThumb
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::getThumb()
returns a link to the thumbnail for the text file.
- getThumbImageFile
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::getThumbImageFile()
Returns the image file name for the thumbnail image.
- getThumbs
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::getThumbs()
Gets the thumbnails and returns them as an array with objects
- get_instance
- in file GoogleMap.php, function get_instance()
- GoogleMap
- in file GoogleMap.php, class GoogleMap
- GoogleMap.php
- procedural page GoogleMap.php
- getitems
- in file site_upgrade.php, method setupRSS::getitems()
- getitems
- in file site_upgrade.php, method setupexternalFeed::getitems()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file zenphoto_news.php, method zenphoto_org_news::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file tinymce4.php, method tinymce4Options::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file auto_backup.php, method auto_backup::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file search_statistics.php, method search_statistics::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file rewriteTokens.php, method rewriteTokens::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file googleVerify.php, method googleVerifyOptions::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManager::getOptionsSupported()
supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file ipBlocker.php, method ipBlocker::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getTinyMCE4ConfigFiles
- in file tinymce4.php, function getTinyMCE4ConfigFiles()
- googleVerifyHead
- in file googleVerify.php, function googleVerifyHead()
- googleVerifyOptions
- in file googleVerify.php, class googleVerifyOptions
Option handler class
- guestLoginLogger
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::guestLoginLogger()
Logs an attempt for a guest user to log onto the site Returns the "success" parameter.
- googleVerify.php
- procedural page googleVerify.php
- getOptionsSupported
- in file themeSwitcher.php, method themeSwitcher::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file deprecated-functions.php, method deprecated_functions::getOptionsSupported()
- getItemGallery
- in file rss.php, method RSS::getItemGallery()
Gets the feed item data in a gallery feed
- getItemGallery
- in file externalFeed.php, method ExternalFeed::getItemGallery()
Gets the feed item data in a gallery feed
- getItemNews
- in file rss.php, method RSS::getItemNews()
Gets the feed item data in a Zenpage news feed
- getItemNews
- in file externalFeed.php, method ExternalFeed::getItemNews()
Gets the feed item data in a Zenpage news feed
- getitems
- in file externalFeed.php, method ExternalFeed::getitems()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file rss.php, method rss_options::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file mergedRSS.php, method MergedRSSOptions::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file externalFeed.php, method externalFeed_options::getOptionsSupported()
- getRSSLink
- in file rss.php, function getRSSLink()
Prints a RSS link for if (class_exists('RSS')) printRSSLink() and if (class_exists('RSS')) printRSSHeaderLink()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file PHPMailer.php, method zp_PHPMailer::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getContent
- in file class-WEBdocs.php, method WEBdocs::getContent()
Returns the content of the text file
- getContent
- in file class-AnyFile.php, method AnyFile::getContent()
Returns the content of the text file
- getCounterpartFiles
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::getCounterpartFiles()
TODO: Could not get this to work with Firefox. Low priority so postponed for sometime later...
- getFavoritesURL
- in file favoritesHandler.php, function getFavoritesURL()
- getHeight
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::getHeight()
Returns the height of the player
- getjPlayerSkinCSS
- in file jplayer.php, function getjPlayerSkinCSS()
Gets the css files for a skin. Helper function for getjPlayerSkins().
- getjPlayerSkins
- in file jplayer.php, function getjPlayerSkins()
Gets the skin names and css files
- getMacrojplayer
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::getMacrojplayer()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::getOptionsSupported()
Option interface
- getOptionsSupported
- in file bxslider_thumb_nav.php, method bxslider::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file viewer_size_image.php, method viewer_size_image_options::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file class-AnyFile.php, method AnyFile_Options::getOptionsSupported()
Standard option interface
- getOptionsSupported
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file slideshow.php, method slideshow::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file jcarousel_thumb_nav.php, method jcarousel::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file colorbox_js.php, method colorbox::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file class-WEBdocs.php, method WEBdocs_Options::getOptionsSupported()
Standard option interface
- getOptionsSupported
- in file class-textobject.php, method TextObject_Options::getOptionsSupported()
Standard option interface
- getOptionsSupported
- in file favoritesHandler.php, method favoritesOptions::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file flag_thumbnail.php, method flag_thumbnail::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file jplayer.php, method jplayer_options::getOptionsSupported()
- getPlayer
- in file slideshow.php, method slideshow::getPlayer()
- getPlayerConfig
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::getPlayerConfig()
Get the JS configuration of jplayer
- getPlayerHTMLparts
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::getPlayerHTMLparts()
gets commonly used html parts for the player config
- getShow
- in file slideshow.php, method slideshow::getShow()
- getShow
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::getShow()
- getSlideObj
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::getSlideObj()
We might need this to exclude file types or not…
- getSlideshowPlayer
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::getSlideshowPlayer()
- getThumbImageFile
- in file class-WEBdocs.php, method WEBdocs::getThumbImageFile()
Returns the image file name for the thumbnail image.
- getThumbImageFile
- in file class-AnyFile.php, method AnyFile::getThumbImageFile()
Returns the image file name for the thumbnail image.
- getViewerImageSize
- in file viewer_size_image.php, function getViewerImageSize()
returns the current values for the image size or its height & width
- getWidth
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::getWidth()
Returns the width of the player
- get_AnyFile_suffixes
- in file class-AnyFile.php, function get_AnyFile_suffixes()
- galleryArticles
- in file galleryArticles.php, class galleryArticles
Standard options interface
- getCodeblock
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, method defaultCodeblocks::getCodeblock()
Returns the codeblocks as an serialized array
- getdownloadList
- in file downloadList.php, function getdownloadList()
Gets the actual download list included all subfolders and files
- getDownloadURL
- in file downloadList.php, function getDownloadURL()
Gets the download url for a file
- getItemID
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::getItemID()
Gets the id of a download item from the database for the download link. For internal use.
- getListItemFromDB
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::getListItemFromDB()
- getListItemsFromDB
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::getListItemsFromDB()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file galleryArticles.php, method galleryArticles::getOptionsSupported()
supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, method defaultCodeblocks::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::getOptionsSupported()
supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::getOptionsSupported()
- galleryArticles.php
- procedural page galleryArticles.php
- generateSitemapCacheFile
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function generateSitemapCacheFile()
Generates a sitemap file.
- generateSitemapIndexCacheFile
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function generateSitemapIndexCacheFile()
Generates the sitemap index file that points to the individual sitemaps from the content of the sitemap cache.
- getE
- in file seo_cleanup.php, function getE()
- getHTMLMetaData
- in file html_meta_tags.php, method htmlmetatags::getHTMLMetaData()
Prints html meta data to be used in the <head> section of a page
- getOptionsSupported
- in file dynamic-locale.php, method dynamic_locale::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file seo_null.php, method null_seo::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file html_meta_tags.php, method htmlmetatags::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file sitemap-extended.php, method sitemap::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file seo_zenphoto.php, method zenphoto_seo::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getSitemapAlbumList
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapAlbumList()
Enter description here ...
- getSitemapAlbums
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapAlbums()
Places album and all of its album pages on one sitemap
- getSitemapGoogleImageVideoExtras
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapGoogleImageVideoExtras()
Helper function to get the image/video extra entries for albums if the Google video extension is enabled
- getSitemapGoogleLoopIndex
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapGoogleLoopIndex()
Helper function to get the loop index if the Google video extension is enabled
- getSitemapImages
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapImages()
currently this splitts only sitemaps for albums and its images. Spliting the images itself requires a major rework...
- getSitemapIndexLinks
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapIndexLinks()
- getSitemapZenpageNewsArticles
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapZenpageNewsArticles()
Gets to the Zenpage news articles
- getSitemapZenpageNewsCategories
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapZenpageNewsCategories()
Gets links to Zenpage news categories incl. pagination
- getSitemapZenpageNewsIndex
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapZenpageNewsIndex()
Gets links to the main Zenpage news index incl. pagination
- getSitemapZenpagePages
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function getSitemapZenpagePages()
Gets links to all Zenpage pages
- in file sitemap-extended.php, constant GOOGLE_SITEMAP
- getCaptcha
- in file zpCaptcha.php, method zpCaptcha::getCaptcha()
generates a simple captcha
- getCaptcha
- in file reCaptcha.php, method reCaptcha::getCaptcha()
generates a simple captcha for comments
- getCaptchaKey
- in file zpCaptcha.php, method zpCaptcha::getCaptchaKey()
gets (or creates) the CAPTCHA encryption key
- getOptionsSupported
- in file trivialSpam.php, method zpTrivialSpam::getOptionsSupported()
The admin options interface
- getOptionsSupported
- in file simpleSpam.php, method zpSimpleSpam::getOptionsSupported()
The admin options interface
- getOptionsSupported
- in file reCaptcha.php, method reCaptcha::getOptionsSupported()
Returns array of supported options for the admin-options handler
- getOptionsSupported
- in file zpCaptcha.php, method zpCaptcha::getOptionsSupported()
Returns array of supported options for the admin-options handler
- getOptionsSupported
- in file legacySpam.php, method zpLegacySpam::getOptionsSupported()
- getWords
- in file simpleSpam.php, method zpSimpleSpam::getWords()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file elFinder.php, method elFinder_options::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getCurrentUse
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::getCurrentUse()
Returns current image useage
- getLink
- in file register_user.php, method register_user::getLink()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::getOptionsSupported()
Provides option list
- getOptionsSupported
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file user_login-out.php, method user_logout_options::getOptionsSupported()
- getOptionsSupported
- in file http_auth.php, method http_auth::getOptionsSupported()
Reports the supported options
- getOptionsSupported
- in file register_user.php, method register_user::getOptionsSupported()
- getUploadLimit
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::getUploadLimit()
Returns the upload limit
- getUploadQuota
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::getUploadQuota()
Returns the user's quota
- getUserInfo
- in file register_user.php, method register_user::getUserInfo()
Processes the post of an address
- get_header
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::get_header()
Returns quota text for header, etc.
- groupList
- in file user_groups.php, method user_groups::groupList()
- Google_logon.php
- procedural page Google_logon.php
- getAllArticleDates
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getAllArticleDates()
Retrieves a list of all unique years & months
- getAllCategories
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getAllCategories()
Gets all categories
- getArticle
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getArticle()
Returns an article from the album based on the index passed.
- getArticle
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getArticle()
Returns an article from the album based on the index passed.
- getArticles
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getArticles()
Gets news articles titlelinks this category is attached to
- getArticles
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getArticles()
Gets all news articles titlelink.
- getAuthor
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::getAuthor()
Returns the author
- getAuthor
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getAuthor()
Wrapper function to get the author of a news article or page: Used by getNewsAuthor() and getPageAuthor().
- getBareNewsTitle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getBareNewsTitle()
Returns the raw title of a news article.
- getBarePageTitle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getBarePageTitle()
Returns the raw title of a page.
- getCategories
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::getCategories()
Gets the categories assigned to an news article
- getCategory
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getCategory()
Gets a category titlelink by id
- getCategoryLink
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getCategoryLink()
- getCategoryLink
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getCategoryLink()
Gets the category link of a category
- getCombiNews
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getCombiNews()
Gets news articles and images of a gallery to show them together on the news section
- getContent
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getContent()
Returns the content
- getContent
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::getContent()
Returns the content
- getContentShorten
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getContentShorten()
Shorten the content of any type of item and add the shorten indicator and readmore link set on the Zenpage plugin options. Helper function for getNewsContent() but usage of course not limited to that.
- getCurrentNewsArchive
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getCurrentNewsArchive()
Gets the current select news date (year-month) or formatted
- getDesc
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getDesc()
Returns the description
- getExpireDate
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::getExpireDate()
Returns the expire date
- getExpiryDatePost
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function getExpiryDatePost()
Retrieves posted expiry date and checks it against the current date/time Returns the posted date if it is in the future Returns NULL if the date is past
- getExtraContent
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getExtraContent()
Returns the extra content
- getExtraContent
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::getExtraContent()
Returns the extra content
- getIndex
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::getIndex()
Get the index of this article
- getIndex
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getIndex()
Get the index of this article
- getLastchange
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::getLastchange()
Returns the last change date
- getLastchangeAuthor
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::getLastchangeAuthor()
Returns the last change author
- getLatestNews
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getLatestNews()
Gets the latest news either only news articles or with the latest images or albums
- getLatestZenpageComments
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getLatestZenpageComments()
Gets latest comments for news articles and pages
- getLink
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getLink()
Returns the full path to a news category
- getLink
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getLink()
Returns full path to a specific page
- getLink
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::getLink()
Returns the url to a news article
- getLocked
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::getLocked()
Returns the locked status , "1" if locked (only used on the admin)
- getNewsAdminOption
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function getNewsAdminOption()
Compiles an option parameter list
- getNewsAdminOptionPath
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function getNewsAdminOptionPath()
Creates the admin paths for news articles if you use the dropdowns on the admin news article list together
- getNewsArchivePath
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getNewsArchivePath()
Returns partial path of news date archive
- getNewsArchivePath
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsArchivePath()
Returns path of news date archive
- getNewsAuthor
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsAuthor()
Gets the author of a news article (if in Combinews mode for gallery items the owner)
- getNewsCategories
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsCategories()
Gets the categories of the current news article
- getNewsCategoryCustomData
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsCategoryCustomData()
Gets the custom data field of the current news category
- getNewsCategoryDesc
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsCategoryDesc()
Gets the description of the current news category
- getNewsCategoryPath
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getNewsCategoryPath()
Returns partial path of news category
- getNewsCategoryURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsCategoryURL()
Returns the full path to a news category
- getNewsContent
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsContent()
Gets the content of a news article
- getNewsCustomData
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsCustomData()
Gets the custom data field of the curent news article
- getNewsDate
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsDate()
Gets the date of the current news article
- getNewsExtraContent
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsExtraContent()
Gets the extracontent of a news article if in single news articles view or returns FALSE
- getNewsID
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsID()
Gets the id of a news article/item
- getNewsIndexURL
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getNewsIndexURL()
Returns the full path of the news index page (news page 1) or if the "news on zp index" option is set a link to the gallery index.
- getNewsPagesStatistic
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function getNewsPagesStatistic()
returns an array of how many pages, articles, categories and news or pages comments we got.
- getNewsPathNav
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsPathNav()
- getNewsReadMore
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsReadMore()
Returns the text for the read more link for news articles or gallery items if in CombiNews mode
- getNewsTitle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsTitle()
Gets the news article title
- getNewsTitlePath
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getNewsTitlePath()
Returns partial path of news article title
- getNewsURL
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::getNewsURL()
Returns the url to a news article
- getNewsURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNewsURL()
Returns the link (url) of the current news article.
- getNextArticle
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getNextArticle()
Returns the next article.
- getNextArticle
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::getNextArticle()
Returns the next article.
- getNextNewsPageURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNextNewsPageURL()
Returns the url to the next news page
- getNextNewsURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNextNewsURL()
Returns the title and the titlelink of the next article in single news article pagination as an array Returns false if there is none (or option is empty)
- getNextPrevNews
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNextPrevNews()
Returns the title and the titlelink of the next or previous article in single news article pagination as an array Returns false if there is none (or option is empty)
- getNumNews
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNumNews()
Returns the number of news articles.
- getNumPages
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getNumPages()
Returns a count of the pages
- getOffset
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getOffset()
Gets the LIMIT and OFFSET for the query that gets the news articles
- getOldCombiNews
- in file combiNews.php, method Combi::getOldCombiNews()
- getPageAuthor
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageAuthor()
Returns the author of a page
- getPageContent
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageContent()
Returns page content either of the current page or if requested by titlelink directly. If not both return false Set the titlelink of a page to call a specific even un-published page ($published = false) as a gallery description or on another custom page for example
- getPageCustomData
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageCustomData()
Gets the custom data field of the current page
- getPageDate
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageDate()
Returns the creation date of a page
- getPageExtraContent
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageExtraContent()
Returns page extra content either of the current page or if requested by titlelink directly. If not both return false Set the titlelink of a page to call a specific even un-published page ($published = false) as a gallery description or on another custom page for example
- getPageID
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageID()
Returns the id of a page
- getPageLastChangeDate
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageLastChangeDate()
Returns the last change date of a page if available
- getPageLink
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getPageLink()
Returns full path to a specific page
- getPageParentID
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageParentID()
Returns the id of the parent page of a page
- getPages
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getPages()
Gets the sub pages of a page
- getPages
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getPages()
Gets all pages or published ones.
- getPageSortorder
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageSortorder()
Returns the sortorder of a page
- getPageTitle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageTitle()
Returns title of a page
- getPageTitleLink
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageTitleLink()
Returns titlelink of a page
- getPageURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPageURL()
Returns full path to a specific page
- getParents
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getParents()
Gets the parent pages recursivly to the page whose parentid is passed or the current object
- getParents
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getParents()
Gets the parent categories recursivly to the category whose parentid is passed or the current object
- getPassword
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getPassword()
- getPassword
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getPassword()
Returns the password
- getPasswordHint
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getPasswordHint()
Returns the password hint
- getPasswordHint
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getPasswordHint()
- getPermalink
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageRoot::getPermalink()
Returns the perma link status (only used on admin)
- getPrevArticle
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getPrevArticle()
Return the previous article
- getPrevArticle
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::getPrevArticle()
Return the previous article
- getPrevNewsPageURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPrevNewsPageURL()
Returns the url to the previous news page
- getPrevNewsURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getPrevNewsURL()
Returns the title and the titlelink of the previous article in single news article pagination as an array Returns false if there is none (or option is empty)
- getSortDirection
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getSortDirection()
- getSortDirection
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getSortDirection()
- getSortOrder
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getSortOrder()
Returns the sort order
- getSortOrder
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getSortOrder()
Returns the sort order
- getSortSticky
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getSortSticky()
- getSortSticky
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getSortSticky()
- getSortType
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getSortType()
- getSortType
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getSortType()
- getSticky
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::getSticky()
Returns true if the article is sticky
- getSubCategories
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getSubCategories()
Gets the sub categories recursivly by titlelink
- getSubPages
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getSubPages()
Gets the sub pages recursivly by titlelink
- getTitlelink
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageRoot::getTitlelink()
Returns the titlelink
- getTotalArticles
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::getTotalArticles()
Returns the articles count
- getTotalNewsPages
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getTotalNewsPages()
- getTruncation
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::getTruncation()
- getUser
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::getUser()
Returns the guest user
- getUser
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::getUser()
- getZenpageStatistic
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function getZenpageStatistic()
Gets the statistic for pages, news articles or categories as an unordered list
- $height
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$height
- handleOption
- in file multiple_layouts.php, method multipleLayoutOptions::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file print_album_menu.php, method print_album_menu::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file rating.php, method jquery_rating::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file mobileTheme.php, method mobileTheme::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file menu_manager.php, method menu_manager::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file comment_form.php, method comment_form::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file hitcounter.php, method hitcounter::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file GoogleMap.php, method GoogleMap::handleOption()
- hitcounter
- in file hitcounter.php, class hitcounter
Plugin option handling class
- hitcounter.php
- procedural page hitcounter.php
- handleOption
- in file search_statistics.php, method search_statistics::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file tinymce4.php, method tinymce4Options::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file auto_backup.php, method auto_backup::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file rewriteTokens.php, method rewriteTokens::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file googleVerify.php, method googleVerifyOptions::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManager::handleOption()
custom option handler
- handleOption
- in file ipBlocker.php, method ipBlocker::handleOption()
- handleOptionSave
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManager::handleOptionSave()
process custom option saves
- handleOptionSave
- in file rewriteTokens.php, method rewriteTokens::handleOptionSave()
- handleOptionSave
- in file ipBlocker.php, method ipBlocker::handleOptionSave()
- handler
- in file search_statistics.php, method search_statistics::handler()
Logs User searches
- handleOption
- in file themeSwitcher.php, method themeSwitcher::handleOption()
- head
- in file themeSwitcher.php, method themeSwitcher::head()
- hideAdmin
- in file show_not_logged-in.php, method show_not_loggedin::hideAdmin()
- handleOption
- in file rss.php, method rss_options::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file externalFeed.php, method externalFeed_options::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file mergedRSS.php, method MergedRSSOptions::handleOption()
- handleOptionSave
- in file rss.php, method rss_options::handleOptionSave()
- handleOptionSave
- in file externalFeed.php, method externalFeed_options::handleOptionSave()
- hitcounter
- in file rss.php, method RSS::hitcounter()
Updates the hitcoutner for RSS in the plugin_storage db table.
- handleOption
- in file PHPMailer.php, method zp_PHPMailer::handleOption()
Custom opton handler--creates the clear ratings button
- $height
- in file jplayer.php, variable jPlayer::$height
- handleOption
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file viewer_size_image.php, method viewer_size_image_options::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::handleOption()
Custom option handler
- handleOption
- in file slideshow.php, method slideshow::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file class-AnyFile.php, method AnyFile_Options::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file favoritesHandler.php, method favoritesOptions::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::handleOption()
handles any custom options
- handleOption
- in file colorbox_js.php, method colorbox::handleOption()
- handleOptionSave
- in file favoritesHandler.php, method favoritesOptions::handleOptionSave()
- handleOptionSave
- in file class-AnyFile.php, method AnyFile_Options::handleOptionSave()
- header_js
- in file slideshow.php, method slideshow::header_js()
- headJS
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::headJS()
- handleOption
- in file galleryArticles.php, method galleryArticles::handleOption()
place holder
- handleOption
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, method defaultCodeblocks::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::handleOption()
place holder
- handleOptionSave
- in file galleryArticles.php, method galleryArticles::handleOptionSave()
- handleOptionSave
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::handleOptionSave()
- handleOptionSave
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, method defaultCodeblocks::handleOptionSave()
- handleOption
- in file sitemap-extended.php, method sitemap::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file seo_zenphoto.php, method zenphoto_seo::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file seo_null.php, method null_seo::handleOption()
- htmlmetatags
- in file html_meta_tags.php, class htmlmetatags
- html_meta_tags.php
- procedural page html_meta_tags.php
- handleOption
- in file zpCaptcha.php, method zpCaptcha::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file reCaptcha.php, method reCaptcha::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file simpleSpam.php, method zpSimpleSpam::handleOption()
Handles custom formatting of options for Admin
- handleOption
- in file trivialSpam.php, method zpTrivialSpam::handleOption()
Handles custom formatting of options for Admin
- hasSpamPattern
- in file simpleSpam.php, method zpSimpleSpam::hasSpamPattern()
Tests to see if the text contains any of the SPAM trigger patterns
- hasSpamWords
- in file simpleSpam.php, method zpSimpleSpam::hasSpamWords()
Tests to see if the text contains any of the list of SPAM trigger words
- handleOption
- in file elFinder.php, method elFinder_options::handleOption()
- httpUploadHandler
- in file uploader_http.php, function httpUploadHandler()
This plugin provides an HTTP based image upload handler for the upload/images admin tab.
- httpUploadHandler_admin_tabs
- in file uploader_http.php, function httpUploadHandler_admin_tabs()
- handleOption
- in file register_user.php, method register_user::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file user_login-out.php, method user_logout_options::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file http_auth.php, method http_auth::handleOption()
- handleOption
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::handleOption()
Handles the custom option $option
- handleOptionSave
- in file register_user.php, method register_user::handleOptionSave()
- http_auth
- in file http_auth.php, method http_auth::http_auth()
class instantiation function
- http_auth
- in file http_auth.php, class http_auth
Tries to authorize user based on Apache HTTP authentication credentials
- http_auth.php
- procedural page http_auth.php
- $images
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$images
- $imagesperpage
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$imagesperpage
- id
- in file rating.php, method jquery_rating::id()
returns an "ID" tag for rating records
- inventMenuItem
- in file menu_manager.php, function inventMenuItem()
"invents" a menu item for the current page (for when one does not exist) Adds the item to the current menuset and modifies its "parent" as needed
- isMobile
- in file mobileTheme.php, method mobile::isMobile()
- isMyItemToView
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::isMyItemToView()
Handles item ownership
- isTablet
- in file mobileTheme.php, method mobile::isTablet()
- image_album_statistics.php
- procedural page image_album_statistics.php
- ipBlocker
- in file ipBlocker.php, class ipBlocker
Option handler class
- ipBlocker.php
- procedural page ipBlocker.php
- image_effects
- in file image_effects.php, class image_effects
This plugin is an example demonstrating the use of the various image_html filters.
- image_instantiate
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::image_instantiate()
- is_valid
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::is_valid()
TODO WE MIGHT NOT NEED THIS AS CYCLE2 MIGHT BE ABLE TO DISPLAY ANYTHING! Returns the file extension if the item passed is displayable by the player
- is_valid
- in file slideshow.php, method slideshow::is_valid()
Returns the file extension if the item passed is displayable by the player
- image_effects.php
- procedural page image_effects.php
- ipURI
- in file html_meta_tags.php, method htmlmetatags::ipURI()
Traps imageProcessorURIs for causing them to be cached.
- image_refresh
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::image_refresh()
checks to see if the filesize is set and sets it if not
- $index
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, variable ZenpageNews::$index
- inNewsCategory
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::inNewsCategory()
Checks if an article is in a category and returns TRUE or FALSE
- inProtectedCategory
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::inProtectedCategory()
Checks if an article is in a password protected category and returns TRUE or FALSE NOTE: This function does not check if the password has been entered! Use checkAccess() for that.
- inSubNewsCategoryOf
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::inSubNewsCategoryOf()
Checks if an article is in a sub category of $catlink
- isMyItem
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::isMyItem()
Checks if user is author of page
- isMyItem
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::isMyItem()
Checks if user is news author
- isMyItem
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::isMyItem()
- isProtected
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::isProtected()
returns true if the article resides only in protected categories
- isProtected
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::isProtected()
Checks if a page is protected and returns TRUE or FALSE NOTE: This function does only check if a password is set not if it has been entered! Use $this->checkforGuest() for that.
- isProtected
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::isProtected()
Checks if a category is protected and returns TRUE or FALSE NOTE: This function does only check if a password is set not if it has been entered! Use $this->checkforGuest() for that.
- isSubNewsCategoryOf
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::isSubNewsCategoryOf()
Checks if the current news category is a sub category of $catlink
- is_AdminEditPage
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function is_AdminEditPage()
Checks if the current admin-edit.php page is called for news articles or for pages.
- is_News
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function is_News()
Checks if the current page is in news context.
- is_NewsArchive
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function is_NewsArchive()
Checks if the current page is a news archive page
- is_NewsArticle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function is_NewsArticle()
Checks if the current page is a single news article page
- is_NewsCategory
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function is_NewsCategory()
Checks if the current page is a news category page
- is_NewsPage
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function is_NewsPage()
Checks if the current page is the news page in general.
- is_Pages
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function is_Pages()
Checks if the current page is a zenpage page
- $jsmin
- in file GoogleMap.php, variable codeIgniter_kludge::$jsmin
- jquery_rating
- in file rating.php, class jquery_rating
Option handler class
- js
- in file GoogleMap.php, method GoogleMap::js()
Add required informations in the header
- jcarousel
- in file jcarousel_thumb_nav.php, class jcarousel
Plugin option handling class
- jcarouselOptions
- in file jcarousel_thumb_nav.php, method jcarousel::jcarouselOptions()
- jPlayer
- in file jplayer.php, class jPlayer
- jplayer_options
- in file jplayer.php, method jplayer_options::jplayer_options()
- jplayer_options
- in file jplayer.php, class jplayer_options
Support for the jPlayer jQuery/Flash 2.0.0 multimedia player (jplayer.org). It will play natively via HTML5 in capable browser if the appropiate multimedia formats are provided. This is not an adaption of the existing 3rd party plugin zenjPlayer but a full featured plugin.
- jcarousel_thumb_nav.php
- procedural page jcarousel_thumb_nav.php
- jplayer.php
- procedural page jplayer.php
- js
- in file seo_zenphoto.php, method zenphoto_seo::js()
- js
- in file seo_null.php, method null_seo::js()
- jQueryUploadHandler
- in file uploader_jQuery.php, function jQueryUploadHandler()
This plugin provides an image upload handler for the upload/images admin tab based on the <i>jQuery File Upload Plugin</i> by Sebastian Tschan.
- jQueryUploadHandler_admin_tabs
- in file uploader_jQuery.php, function jQueryUploadHandler_admin_tabs()
- $load
- in file GoogleMap.php, variable codeIgniter_kludge::$load
- layoutSelector
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function layoutSelector()
returns the layout selector for an object.
- layoutSelector_album
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function layoutSelector_album()
returns the layout selectors for an album.
- library
- in file GoogleMap.php, method CI_load::library()
- loadAlbum
- in file cacheImages.php, function loadAlbum()
- load_script
- in file hitcounter.php, method hitcounter::load_script()
Counts the hitcounter for the page/object
- log_message
- in file GoogleMap.php, function log_message()
- load
- in file ipBlocker.php, method ipBlocker::load()
Monitors front end access and excludes access as defined by the options
- login
- in file ipBlocker.php, method ipBlocker::login()
Monitors Login attempts
- log_action
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::log_action()
logs security log actions
- log_setup
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::log_setup()
Logs setup actions
- $listed_functions
- in file deprecated-functions.php, variable deprecated_functions::$listed_functions
- loginRedirect
- in file show_not_logged-in.php, method show_not_loggedin::loginRedirect()
- load_request
- in file seo_locale.php, method seo_locale::load_request()
- localePath
- in file seo_locale.php, method seo_locale::localePath()
- in file dynamic-locale.php, constant LOCALE_TYPE
- legacySpam.php
- procedural page legacySpam.php
- menu_admin_toolbox_global
- in file menu_manager.php, function menu_admin_toolbox_global()
Add menu to the admin toolbox
- menu_manager
- in file menu_manager.php, method menu_manager::menu_manager()
class instantiator
- menu_manager
- in file menu_manager.php, class menu_manager
option handler
- menu_tabs
- in file menu_manager.php, function menu_tabs()
Adds menu manager to admin tabs
- in file menu_manager.php, constant MENU_TRUNCATE_INDICATOR
- in file menu_manager.php, constant MENU_TRUNCATE_STRING
- min
- in file GoogleMap.php, method CI_jsmin::min()
- mobile
- in file mobileTheme.php, class mobile
MIT License ===========
- mobileTheme
- in file mobileTheme.php, class mobileTheme
Mobile devices are detected with php-mobile-detect A particular theme may be designated for phones and for tablets. If the connecting device is one of those, the theme will automatically switch to the designated mobile theme.
- multipleLayoutOptions
- in file multiple_layouts.php, method multipleLayoutOptions::multipleLayoutOptions()
- multipleLayoutOptions
- in file multiple_layouts.php, class multipleLayoutOptions
Plugin option handling class
- menu_manager.php
- procedural page menu_manager.php
- mobileTheme.php
- procedural page mobileTheme.php
- multiple_layouts.php
- procedural page multiple_layouts.php
- macroList_tab.php
- procedural page macroList_tab.php
- macroList_show
- in file macroList.php, function macroList_show()
- macro_admin_tabs
- in file macroList.php, function macro_admin_tabs()
- markRelease_button
- in file markRelease.php, function markRelease_button()
- macroList.php
- procedural page macroList.php
- markRelease.php
- procedural page markRelease.php
- MergedRSS
- in file mergedRSS.php, class MergedRSS
- MergedRSSOptions
- in file mergedRSS.php, class MergedRSSOptions
Merges several RSS feeds into one stream.
- mergedRSS.php
- procedural page mergedRSS.php
- $mode
- in file jplayer.php, variable jPlayer::$mode
- macro
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::macro()
- macro
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::macro()
- macro
- in file slideshow.php, method slideshow::macro()
- in file html_meta_tags.php, constant METATAG_LOCALE_TYPE
- merge_rights
- in file user_groups.php, method user_groups::merge_rights()
Merges rights for multiple group memebership or templates
- MyOpenID_logon.php
- procedural page MyOpenID_logon.php
- $manage_rights
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, variable ZenpagePage::$manage_rights
- $manage_rights
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, variable ZenpageCategory::$manage_rights
- $manage_rights
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, variable ZenpageNews::$manage_rights
- $manage_some_rights
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, variable ZenpagePage::$manage_some_rights
- $manage_some_rights
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, variable ZenpageCategory::$manage_some_rights
- $manage_some_rights
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, variable ZenpageNews::$manage_some_rights
- $next
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$next
- $nextpageimage
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$nextpageimage
- notify
- in file deprecated-functions.php, method deprecated_functions::notify()
- $name
- in file jplayer.php, variable jplayer_options::$name
- new_album
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::new_album()
Filter for handling album objects
- new_image
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::new_image()
Filter for handling image objects
- newZenpageObject
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::newZenpageObject()
filter for new news articles
- noFile
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::noFile()
- null_seo
- in file seo_null.php, class null_seo
Option handler class
- $name
- in file zpCaptcha.php, variable zpCaptcha::$name
- $name
- in file trivialSpam.php, variable zpTrivialSpam::$name
- $name
- in file simpleSpam.php, variable zpSimpleSpam::$name
- $name
- in file reCaptcha.php, variable reCaptcha::$name
- $name
- in file legacySpam.php, variable zpLegacySpam::$name
- new_image
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::new_image()
Assigns owner to new image
- notify
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::notify()
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, constant NEWS_POSITION_NORMAL
zenpage news class
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, constant NEWS_POSITION_STICKY
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, constant NEWS_POSITION_STICK_TO_TOP
- next_news
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function next_news()
Returns the next news item on a page.
- next_page
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function next_page()
Returns pages from the current page object/search/or parent pages based on context
- $pagelistlength
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$pagelistlength
- $pagelistprevnext
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$pagelistprevnext
- $placeholders
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$placeholders
- $prev
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$prev
- $prevpageimage
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$prevpageimage
- pagedThumbsNav
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::pagedThumbsNav()
- pagedThumbsNav
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, class pagedThumbsNav
- pagedthumbsOptions
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, class pagedthumbsOptions
Plugin option handling class
- pagedthumbsOptions
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedthumbsOptions::pagedthumbsOptions()
- printAlbumMenu
- in file print_album_menu.php, function printAlbumMenu()
Prints a list of all albums context sensitive.
- printAlbumMenuJump
- in file print_album_menu.php, function printAlbumMenuJump()
Prints a dropdown menu of all albums(not context sensitive) Is used by the wrapper function printAlbumMenu() if the options "jump" is choosen. For standalone use, too.
- printAlbumMenuJumpAlbum
- in file print_album_menu.php, function printAlbumMenuJumpAlbum()
Handles a single album level for printAlbumMenuJump
- printAlbumMenuList
- in file print_album_menu.php, function printAlbumMenuList()
Prints a nested html list of all albums context sensitive.
- printAlbumMenuListAlbum
- in file print_album_menu.php, function printAlbumMenuListAlbum()
Handles an album for printAlbumMenuList
- printAlbumStatistic
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printAlbumStatistic()
Prints album statistic according to $option as an unordered HTML list A css id is attached by default named '$option_album'
- printAlbumStatisticItem
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printAlbumStatisticItem()
A helper function that only prints a item of the loop within printAlbumStatistic() Not for standalone use.
- printAllTags
- in file tag_extras.php, function printAllTags()
Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums. Base function to printAllTagsFromAlbum().
- printAllTagsFromAlbum
- in file tag_extras.php, function printAllTagsFromAlbum()
Prints a tag cloud list of the tags in one album and optionally its subalbums.
- printAllTagsFromZenpage
- in file tag_extras.php, function printAllTagsFromZenpage()
Prints a tag cloud list of the tags used by either all Zenpage news articles or pages.
- printCommentForm
- in file comment_form.php, function printCommentForm()
Prints a form for posting comments
- printContactForm
- in file contact_form.php, function printContactForm()
Prints the mail contact form, handles checks and the mail sending. It uses Zenphoto's check for valid e-mail address and website URL and also supports CAPTCHA.
- printCounter
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::printCounter()
Prints the counter
- printCustomMenu
- in file menu_manager.php, function printCustomMenu()
Prints a context sensitive menu of all pages as a unordered html list
- printGoogleMap
- in file GoogleMap.php, function printGoogleMap()
Output the google map
- printImageStatistic
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printImageStatistic()
Prints image statistic according to $option as an unordered HTML list A css id is attached by default named accordingly'$option'
- printLatestAlbums
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printLatestAlbums()
Prints the latest albums
- printLatestImages
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printLatestImages()
Prints the latest images by ID (the order zenphoto recognized the images on the filesystem)
- printLatestImagesByDate
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printLatestImagesByDate()
Prints the latest images by date order (date taken order)
- printLatestImagesByMtime
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printLatestImagesByMtime()
Prints the latest images by mtime order (date uploaded order)
- printLatestUpdatedAlbums
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printLatestUpdatedAlbums()
Prints the top voted albums
- printMenuemanagerPageList
- in file menu_manager.php, function printMenuemanagerPageList()
Prints a full page navigation including previous and next page links with a list of all pages in between.
- printMenuemanagerPageListWithNav
- in file menu_manager.php, function printMenuemanagerPageListWithNav()
Prints a list of all pages.
- printMenumanagerBreadcrumb
- in file menu_manager.php, function printMenumanagerBreadcrumb()
Prints the breadcrumbs of the current page
- printMenumanagerNextLink
- in file menu_manager.php, function printMenumanagerNextLink()
Gets the link to the next menu item
- printMenumanagerPrevLink
- in file menu_manager.php, function printMenumanagerPrevLink()
Prints the previous link of the current menu item
- printMostRatedAlbums
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printMostRatedAlbums()
Prints the most rated albums
- printMostRatedImages
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printMostRatedImages()
Prints the n most rated images
- printNextThumbsLink
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::printNextThumbsLink()
Prints the link for the next page of thumbs
- printPagedThumbsNav
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, function printPagedThumbsNav()
Prints a paged thumbnail navigation to be used on a theme's image.php, independent of the album.php's thumbs loop
- printPagedThumbsNavPagelink
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::printPagedThumbsNavPagelink()
- printPagesList
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::printPagesList()
Prints the pagelist for the thumb pages
- printPopularAlbums
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printPopularAlbums()
Prints the most popular albums
- printPopularImages
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printPopularImages()
Prints the most popular images
- printPrevThumbsLink
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::printPrevThumbsLink()
Prints the link to the previous thumbnail page
- printRating
- in file rating.php, function printRating()
Prints the rating star form and the current rating Insert this function call in the page script where you want the star ratings to appear.
- printRelatedItems
- in file related_items.php, function printRelatedItems()
Prints the x related articles based on a tag search
- printThumbs
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, method pagedThumbsNav::printThumbs()
Prints the thumbnails
- printTopRatedAlbums
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printTopRatedAlbums()
Prints the top voted albums
- printTopRatedImages
- in file image_album_statistics.php, function printTopRatedImages()
Prints the n top rated images
- print_album_menu
- in file print_album_menu.php, class print_album_menu
Plugin option handling class
- paged_thumbs_nav.php
- procedural page paged_thumbs_nav.php
- print_album_menu.php
- procedural page print_album_menu.php
- post_error
- in file admin-approval.php, method admin_approval::post_error()
- printNews
- in file zenphoto_news.php, function printNews()
- publishContent
- in file publishContent.php, class publishContent
You will be presented a list un-published albums and a list of not visible images. You can select albums and images from these lists to be published. ( So you can freely upload albums and images then on a periodic basis review which ones to make available to visitors of your gallery.
- published
- in file cacheManager.php, method cacheManager::published()
filter for the setShow() methods
- publishZenphoto
- in file admin-approval.php, method admin_approval::publishZenphoto()
- publish_object
- in file admin-approval.php, method admin_approval::publish_object()
- publishContent.php
- procedural page publishContent.php
- printFeed
- in file externalFeed.php, method ExternalFeed::printFeed()
Prints the feed xml
- printFeed
- in file rss.php, method RSS::printFeed()
Prints the RSS feed xml
- printRSSHeaderLink
- in file rss.php, function printRSSHeaderLink()
Prints the RSS link for use in the HTML HEAD
- printRSSLink
- in file rss.php, function printRSSLink()
Prints an RSS link
- PHPMailer.php
- procedural page PHPMailer.php
- $playersize
- in file jplayer.php, variable jPlayer::$playersize
- playlistJS
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::playlistJS()
- printAddToFavorites
- in file favoritesHandler.php, function printAddToFavorites()
- printFavoritesURL
- in file favoritesHandler.php, function printFavoritesURL()
Prints links to the favorites "albums"
- printjPlayerPlaylist
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::printjPlayerPlaylist()
Prints a playlist using jPlayer. Several playlists per page supported.
- printjPlayerPlaylist
- in file jplayer.php, function printjPlayerPlaylist()
- printPlayerConfig
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::printPlayerConfig()
outputs the player configuration HTML
- printSlide
- in file slideshow2.php, method cycle::printSlide()
Helper function to print the individual slides
- printSlideShow
- in file slideshow.php, function printSlideShow()
Prints the slideshow using the jQuery plugin Cycle
- printSlideShowLink
- in file slideshow.php, function printSlideShowLink()
Prints a link to call the slideshow (not shown if there are no images in the album) To be used on album.php and image.php A CSS id names 'slideshowlink' is attached to the link so it can be directly styled.
- printThumbNav
- in file bxslider_thumb_nav.php, function printThumbNav()
Prints the jQuery bxslider HTML setup to be replaced by JS
- printUserSizeImage
- in file viewer_size_image.php, function printUserSizeImage()
prints the image according to the size chosen
- printUserSizeSelector
- in file viewer_size_image.php, function printUserSizeSelector()
prints the radio button image size selection list
- publish
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::publish()
- putXMP
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::putXMP()
- pageError
- in file downloadList.php, method AlbumZip::pageError()
Emits a page error. Used for attempts to bypass password protection
- printDownloadAlbumZipURL
- in file downloadList.php, function printDownloadAlbumZipURL()
Prints a download link for an album zip of the current album (therefore to be used only on album.php/image.php).
- printdownloadList
- in file downloadList.php, function printdownloadList()
Prints the actual download list included all subfolders and files
- printDownloadURL
- in file downloadList.php, function printDownloadURL()
Prints a download link for a file, depending on the plugin options including the downloadcount and filesize
- printListArray
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::printListArray()
- published
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::published()
filter for the setShow() methods
- published
- in file galleryArticles.php, method galleryArticles::published()
filter for the setShow() methods
- passAlbums
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function passAlbums()
gateway check for albums (no refinement of the criteria)
- passImages
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function passImages()
gateway function for images (screens out dynamic albums and password protected albums)
- printLanguageSelector
- in file dynamic-locale.php, function printLanguageSelector()
prints a form for selecting a locale
- $patternsToDieOn
- in file simpleSpam.php, variable zpSimpleSpam::$patternsToDieOn
- passwordAllowed
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::passwordAllowed()
- post_processor
- in file register_user.php, method register_user::post_processor()
- printRegisterURL
- in file register_user.php, function printRegisterURL()
prints the link to the register user page
- printRegistrationForm
- in file register_user.php, function printRegistrationForm()
Parses the verification and registration if they have occurred places the user registration form
- printUserLogin_out
- in file user_login-out.php, function printUserLogin_out()
Prints the logout link if the user is logged in.
- $page_sortdirection
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable Zenpage::$page_sortdirection
- $page_sortorder
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable Zenpage::$page_sortorder
- printAllNewsCategories
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printAllNewsCategories()
Prints all news categories as a unordered html list
- printArticleCategories
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printArticleCategories()
Print the categories of a news article for the news articles list
- printArticleDatesDropdown
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printArticleDatesDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the date archive selector for the news articles list
- printArticlesPerPageDropdown
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printArticlesPerPageDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the articles per page selector for the news articles list
- printBareNewsTitle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printBareNewsTitle()
- printBarePageTitle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printBarePageTitle()
prints the raw title of a page.
- printCategoriesStatistic
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printCategoriesStatistic()
- printCategoryCheckboxListEntry
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printCategoryCheckboxListEntry()
Prints the checkboxes to select and/or show the category of an news article on the edit or add page
- printCategoryDropdown
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printCategoryDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the category selector for the news articles list
- printCategoryListSortableTable
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printCategoryListSortableTable()
Prints the list entry of a single category for the sortable list
- printCategorySelection
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printCategorySelection()
Prints the checkboxes to select and/or show the category of an news article on the edit or add page
- printCurrentNewsArchive
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printCurrentNewsArchive()
Prints the current select news date (year-month) or formatted
- printCurrentNewsCategory
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printCurrentNewsCategory()
Prints the title of the currently selected news category
- printExpired
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printExpired()
Prints data info for objects
- printLatestNews
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printLatestNews()
Prints the latest news either only news articles or with the latest images or albums as a unordered html list
- printMostPopularItems
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printMostPopularItems()
Prints the most popular pages, news articles and categories as an unordered list
- printMostRatedItems
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printMostRatedItems()
Prints the most rated pages and news articles as an unordered list
- printNestedItemsList
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printNestedItemsList()
Prints the nested list for pages and categories
- printNestedMenu
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNestedMenu()
Prints a context sensitive menu of all pages as a unordered html list
- printNewsArchive
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsArchive()
Prints the monthy news archives sorted by year NOTE: This does only include news articles.
- printNewsAuthor
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsAuthor()
Prints the author of a news article
- printNewsCategories
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsCategories()
Prints the categories of current article as a unordered html list
- printNewsCategoryCustomData
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsCategoryCustomData()
Prints the custom data field of the news category
- printNewsCategoryDesc
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsCategoryDesc()
Prints the description of the news category
- printNewsCategoryURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsCategoryURL()
Prints the full link to a news category
- printNewsContent
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsContent()
Prints the news article content. Note: TinyMCE used by Zenpage for news articles may already add a surrounding <p></p> to the content.
- printNewsCustomData
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsCustomData()
Prints the custom data field of the curent news article
- printNewsDate
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsDate()
Prints the date of the current news article
- printNewsExtraContent
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsExtraContent()
Prints the extracontent of a news article if in single news articles view
- printNewsIndexURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsIndexURL()
Prints the full link of the news index page (news page 1)
- printNewsPageList
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsPageList()
Prints the page number list for news page navigation
- printNewsPageListWithNav
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsPageListWithNav()
Prints the full news page navigation with prev/next links and the page number list
- printNewsStatistic
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printNewsStatistic()
- printNewsTitle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsTitle()
prints the news article title
- printNewsURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNewsURL()
Prints the title of a news article as a full html link
- printNextNewsLink
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNextNewsLink()
Prints the link of the next article in single news article pagination if available
- printNextNewsPageLink
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printNextNewsPageLink()
Prints the link to the next news page
- printPageArticleTags
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printPageArticleTags()
Print the categories of a news article for the news articles list
- printPageAuthor
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageAuthor()
Prints the author of a page
- printPageContent
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageContent()
Print page content either of the current page or if requested by titlelink directly. If not both return false Set the titlelink of a page to call a specific even un-published page ($published = false) as a gallery description or on another custom page for example
- printPageCustomData
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageCustomData()
Prints the custom data field of the current page
- printPageDate
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageDate()
Prints the creation date of a page
- printPageExtraContent
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageExtraContent()
Prints page extra content if on a page either of the current page or if requested by titlelink directly. If not both return false Set the titlelink of a page to call a specific even un-published page ($published = false) as a gallery description or on another custom page for example
- printPageID
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageID()
Prints the id of a page
- printPageLastChangeDate
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageLastChangeDate()
Prints the last change date of a page
- printPageMenu
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageMenu()
Prints a context sensitive menu of all pages as a unordered html list
- printPagesListTable
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printPagesListTable()
Prints the table part of a single page item for the sortable pages list
- printPagesStatistic
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printPagesStatistic()
- printPageTitle
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageTitle()
Prints the title of a page
- printPageTitleLink
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageTitleLink()
Prints titlelink of a page !!!!!!!!!!NOT THE URL TO THE PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- printPageURL
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPageURL()
Prints the url to a specific zenpage page
- printPrevNewsLink
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPrevNewsLink()
Prints the link of the previous article in single news article pagination if available
- printPrevNewsPageLink
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printPrevNewsPageLink()
Prints the link to the previous news page
- printPublished
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printPublished()
Prints data info for objects
- printPublishIconLink
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printPublishIconLink()
Prints the publish/un-published/scheduled publishing icon with a link for the pages and news articles list.
- printSortOrderDropdown
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printSortOrderDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the sortorder selector for the news articles list
- printSubPagesExcerpts
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printSubPagesExcerpts()
Prints excerpts of the direct subpages (1 level) of a page for a kind of overview. The setup is:
- printTopRatedItems
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printTopRatedItems()
Prints the top rated pages and news articles as an unordered list
- printUnpublishedDropdown
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printUnpublishedDropdown()
Prints the dropdown menu for the published/un-publishd selector for the news articles list
- printZenpageIconLegend
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function printZenpageIconLegend()
- printZenpageItemsBreadcrumb
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printZenpageItemsBreadcrumb()
Prints the parent items breadcrumb navigation for pages or categories
- printZenpageStatistic
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function printZenpageStatistic()
Prints the statistics Zenpage items as an unordered list
- processTags
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function processTags()
processes the taglist save
- processZenpageBulkActions
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function processZenpageBulkActions()
Processes the check box bulk actions
- $ratingstate
- in file rating.php, variable jquery_rating::$ratingstate
- ratingJS
- in file rating.php, method jquery_rating::ratingJS()
- rating_purgebutton
- in file rating.php, method jquery_rating::rating_purgebutton()
- rating.php
- procedural page rating.php
- related_items.php
- procedural page related_items.php
- $ratingstate
- in file search_statistics.php, variable search_statistics::$ratingstate
- rewriteTokens
- in file rewriteTokens.php, class rewriteTokens
- rewriteTokens.php
- procedural page rewriteTokens.php
- in file rss.php, class RSS
- rss_options
- in file rss.php, class rss_options
This plugin handles RSS feeds:
- rss.php
- procedural page rss.php
- reCaptcha
- in file reCaptcha.php, class reCaptcha
Standins for when no captcha is enabled
- reCaptcha.php
- procedural page reCaptcha.php
- register_user
- in file register_user.php, class register_user
Plugin class
- reverify
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::reverify()
Re-validates user's e-mail via ticket.
- register_user_form.php
- procedural page register_user_form.php
- register_user.php
- procedural page register_user.php
- remove
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::remove()
Deletes a category (and also if existing its subpages) from the database
- remove
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::remove()
Deletes an news article from the database
- remove
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::remove()
Deletes a page (and also if existing its subpages) from the database
- RSS_Channel
- in file rsslib.php, function RSS_Channel()
- RSS_Retrieve
- in file rsslib.php, function RSS_Retrieve()
- RSS_Tags
- in file rsslib.php, function RSS_Tags()
- rsslib.php
- procedural page rsslib.php
- $searchimages
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$searchimages
- $showpagelist
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$showpagelist
- saveLayoutSelection
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function saveLayoutSelection()
Saves the layout page assignment via filter on the backend
- saveZenphotoLayoutSelection
- in file multiple_layouts.php, function saveZenphotoLayoutSelection()
Saves the layout page assignment via filter on the backend for images and albums
- showOrNotShowField
- in file contact_form.php, function showOrNotShowField()
Helper function that checks if a field should be shown ("required" or "show") or omitted ("ommitt").
- submenuOf
- in file menu_manager.php, function submenuOf()
Returns true if the current menu item is a sub item of $link
- switcher_controllink
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::switcher_controllink()
- switcher_head
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::switcher_head()
- switcher_setup
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::switcher_setup()
- search_analysis.php
- procedural page search_analysis.php
- slideshow-counter.php
- procedural page slideshow-counter.php
- slideshow-counter.php
- procedural page slideshow-counter.php
- search_statistics
- in file search_statistics.php, method search_statistics::search_statistics()
class instantiation function
- search_statistics
- in file search_statistics.php, class search_statistics
Option handler class
- security_logger
- in file security-logger.php, class security_logger
Option handler class
- security_misc
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::security_misc()
Catch all logger for miscellaneous security records
- setupexternalFeed
- in file site_upgrade.php, class setupexternalFeed
- setupRSS
- in file site_upgrade.php, class setupRSS
- site_upgrade_button
- in file site_upgrade.php, function site_upgrade_button()
- site_upgrade_status
- in file site_upgrade.php, function site_upgrade_status()
- startCache
- in file site_upgrade.php, method setupRSS::startCache()
- startCache
- in file site_upgrade.php, method setupexternalFeed::startCache()
- startHTMLCache
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::startHTMLCache()
Starts the caching: Gets either an already cached file if existing or starts the output buffering.
- static_html_cache
- in file static_html_cache.php, class static_html_cache
Used to cache Theme pages (i.e. those pages launched by the Zenphoto index.php script.)
- static_html_cache_options
- in file static_html_cache.php, method static_html_cache::static_html_cache_options()
- suspended
- in file ipBlocker.php, method ipBlocker::suspended()
- search_statistics.php
- procedural page search_statistics.php
- security-logger.php
- procedural page security-logger.php
- site_upgrade.php
- procedural page site_upgrade.php
- static_html_cache.php
- procedural page static_html_cache.php
- show_not_loggedin
- in file show_not_logged-in.php, class show_not_loggedin
When enabled, Zenphoto users will be appear not to be logged-in when viewing gallery pages
- show_not_logged-in.php
- procedural page show_not_logged-in.php
- $supplied
- in file jplayer.php, variable jPlayer::$supplied
- $supplied_counterparts
- in file jplayer.php, variable jPlayer::$supplied_counterparts
- setModeAndSuppliedFormat
- in file jplayer.php, method jPlayer::setModeAndSuppliedFormat()
Sets the properties $mode, $supplied and $supplied_counterparts
- sidecars
- in file xmpMetadata.php, method xmpMetadata::sidecars()
- slideshow
- in file slideshow.php, method slideshow::slideshow()
- slideshow
- in file slideshow.php, class slideshow
- std_album_thumbs
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::std_album_thumbs()
- std_album_thumbs
- in file flag_thumbnail.php, method flag_thumbnail::std_album_thumbs()
- std_images
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::std_images()
- std_image_thumbs
- in file image_effects.php, method image_effects::std_image_thumbs()
- std_image_thumbs
- in file flag_thumbnail.php, method flag_thumbnail::std_image_thumbs()
- slideshow.php
- procedural page slideshow.php
- slideshow2.php
- procedural page slideshow2.php
- scan
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::scan()
filter which checks if there are any matured tweets to be sent
- scan
- in file galleryArticles.php, method galleryArticles::scan()
filter which checks if there are any matured items to be sent
- setCodeblock
- in file defaultCodeblocks.php, method defaultCodeblocks::setCodeblock()
set the codeblocks as an serialized array
- $startmtime
- in file sitemap-extended.php, variable sitemap::$startmtime
- seo_cleanup_button
- in file seo_cleanup.php, function seo_cleanup_button()
- in file seo_locale.php, constant SEO_FULLWEBPATH
- seo_locale
- in file seo_locale.php, class seo_locale
- in file seo_locale.php, constant SEO_WEBPATH
- sitemap
- in file sitemap-extended.php, method sitemap::sitemap()
- sitemap
- in file sitemap-extended.php, class sitemap
Plugin option handling class
- in file sitemap-extended.php, constant SITEMAP_CHUNK
- sitemap_echonl
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function sitemap_echonl()
Simple helper function which simply outputs a string and ends it of with a new-line.
- sitemap_getChangefreq
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function sitemap_getChangefreq()
Checks the changefreq value if entered manually and makes sure it is only one of the supported regarding sitemap.org
- sitemap_getDateformat
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function sitemap_getDateformat()
Gets the dateformat for images and albums only.
- sitemap_getDBLimit
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function sitemap_getDBLimit()
Gets the limit and offset for the db queries for sitemap splitting.
- sitemap_getISO8601Date
- in file sitemap-extended.php, function sitemap_getISO8601Date()
Returns an ISO-8601 compliant date/time string for the given date/time.
- in file sitemap-extended.php, constant SITEMAP_LOCALE_TYPE
- seo_cleanup.php
- procedural page seo_cleanup.php
- seo_locale.php
- procedural page seo_locale.php
- seo_null.php
- procedural page seo_null.php
- seo_zenphoto.php
- procedural page seo_zenphoto.php
- sitemap-extended.php
- procedural page sitemap-extended.php
- simpleSpam.php
- procedural page simpleSpam.php
- save
- in file email-newuser.php, method email_new_user::save()
- save_admin
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::save_admin()
Saves admin custom data Called when an admin is saved
- save_admin
- in file user_groups.php, method user_groups::save_admin()
Saves admin custom data Called when an admin is saved
- save_custom
- in file federated_logon.php, method federated_logon::save_custom()
Check if an e-mail address has been provided
- $sortdirection
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable Zenpage::$sortdirection
- $sortdirection
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable ZenpageRoot::$sortdirection
- $sortdirection
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, variable ZenpageCategory::$sortdirection
- $sortorder
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, variable ZenpageCategory::$sortorder
- $sortorder
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable ZenpageRoot::$sortorder
- $sortorder
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable Zenpage::$sortorder
- $sortSticky
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, variable ZenpageCategory::$sortSticky
- $sortSticky
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable Zenpage::$sortSticky
- $sortSticky
- in file zenpage-class.php, variable ZenpageRoot::$sortSticky
- setAuthor
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::setAuthor()
sets the author attribute
- setCategories
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::setCategories()
- setContent
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setContent()
Set the content datum
- setContent
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::setContent()
Set the content datum
- setDesc
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setDesc()
Stores the description
- setExpireDate
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::setExpireDate()
sets the expire date
- setExtraContent
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setExtraContent()
sets the extra content
- setExtraContent
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::setExtraContent()
sets the extra content
- setLastchange
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::setLastchange()
sets the last change date
- setLastchangeAuthor
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::setLastchangeAuthor()
stores the last change author
- setLocked
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageItems::setLocked()
sets the locked status , "1" if locked (only used on the admin)
- setPassword
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setPassword()
Sets the encrypted password
- setPassword
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::setPassword()
Sets the encrypted password
- setPasswordHint
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::setPasswordHint()
Sets the password hint
- setPasswordHint
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setPasswordHint()
Sets the password hint
- setPermalink
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageRoot::setPermalink()
- setSortDirection
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setSortDirection()
- setSortDirection
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::setSortDirection()
- setSortOrder
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::setSortOrder()
Stores the sort order
- setSortOrder
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setSortOrder()
Stores the sort order
- setSortSticky
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setSortSticky()
- setSortSticky
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::setSortSticky()
- setSortType
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setSortType()
- setSortType
- in file zenpage-class.php, method Zenpage::setSortType()
- setSticky
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::setSticky()
- setTitlelink
- in file zenpage-class.php, method ZenpageRoot::setTitlelink()
sets the title link
- setTruncation
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, method ZenpageNews::setTruncation()
- setUser
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, method ZenpagePage::setUser()
Sets the guest user
- setUser
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, method ZenpageCategory::setUser()
Sets the guest user
- skipScheduledPublishing
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function skipScheduledPublishing()
Skips the scheduled publishing by setting the date of a page or article to the current date to publish it immediately
- stickyNews
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function stickyNews()
returns the "sticky" value of the news article
- $totalimages
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$totalimages
- $totalpages
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$totalpages
- tagSuggestJS
- in file tag_suggest.php, function tagSuggestJS()
- TextObject
- in file class-textobject_core.php, class TextObject
Core class for handling "non-image" files
- theme
- in file mobileTheme.php, method mobileTheme::theme()
Filter to "setupTheme" that will override the gallery theme with the appropriate mobile theme
- toolbox
- in file comment_form.php, method comment_form::toolbox()
- trim_value
- in file contact_form.php, method contactformOptions::trim_value()
Used in array_walk to trim the e-mail addresses
- tag_extras.php
- procedural page tag_extras.php
- tag_suggest.php
- procedural page tag_suggest.php
- tabs
- in file rewriteTokens.php, method rewriteTokens::tabs()
- timer_handler
- in file auto_backup.php, method auto_backup::timer_handler()
Handles the periodic start of the backup/restore utility to backup the database
- tinymce4ConfigJS
- in file tinymce4.php, function tinymce4ConfigJS()
- tinymce4Options
- in file tinymce4.php, class tinymce4Options
Plugin option handling class
- tinymce4Options
- in file tinymce4.php, method tinymce4Options::tinymce4Options()
- tinymce4.php
- procedural page tinymce4.php
- tabs
- in file deprecated-functions.php, method deprecated_functions::tabs()
- theme
- in file themeSwitcher.php, method themeSwitcher::theme()
Filter to "setupTheme" that will override the gallery theme with user selected theme
- themeSwitcher
- in file themeSwitcher.php, class themeSwitcher
When this plugin is enabled, a selector will be floated at the upper left corner of the browser window. This enables a visitor to select which theme he wants to use.
- themeSwitcher.php
- procedural page themeSwitcher.php
- TextObject_Options
- in file class-textobject.php, class TextObject_Options
Option class for textobjects objects
- themeJS
- in file jcarousel_thumb_nav.php, method jcarousel::themeJS()
- themeJS
- in file bxslider_thumb_nav.php, method bxslider::themeJS()
- toolbox
- in file crop_image.php, method crop_image::toolbox()
- tweet
- in file tweet_news.php, class tweet
Standard options interface
- tweeter
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::tweeter()
filter to place tweet action on object edit pages
- tweeterExecute
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::tweeterExecute()
processes the image and album tweet request
- tweeterZenpageExecute
- in file tweet_news.php, method tweet::tweeterZenpageExecute()
filter to process zenpage tweet requests
- tweet_news.php
- procedural page tweet_news.php
- trivialSpam.php
- procedural page trivialSpam.php
- updateDimensions
- in file class-textobject_core.php, method TextObject::updateDimensions()
- update.php
- procedural page update.php
- UserSave
- in file security-logger.php, method security_logger::UserSave()
logs attempts to save on the user tab
- $unique_functions
- in file deprecated-functions.php, variable deprecated_functions::$unique_functions
- updateListItemCount
- in file downloadList.php, method DownloadList::updateListItemCount()
Updates the download count entry when processing a download. For internal use.
- uploader_http.php
- procedural page uploader_http.php
- uploader_jQuery.php
- procedural page uploader_jQuery.php
- upload_filetypes
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::upload_filetypes()
Removes ZIP from list of upload suffixes
- upload_helper_js
- in file quota_manager.php, method quota_manager::upload_helper_js()
Returns Javascript needed to support quota system
- in file user_groups-tab.php, constant USERS_PER_PAGE
- user_expiry
- in file user-expiry.php, class user_expiry
Option handler class
- user_expiry
- in file user-expiry.php, method user_expiry::user_expiry()
class instantiation function
- user_groups
- in file user_groups.php, class user_groups
User group management. You can create groups with common rights and assign users to the groups. Then you can alter these user's rights simply by changing the group rights.
- user_logout_options
- in file user_login-out.php, method user_logout_options::user_logout_options()
- user_logout_options
- in file user_login-out.php, class user_logout_options
Plugin option handling class
- user_mailing_list_button
- in file user_mailing_list.php, function user_mailing_list_button()
A tool to send e-mails to all registered users who have provided an e-mail address.
- user-expiry-tab.php
- procedural page user-expiry-tab.php
- user-expiry.php
- procedural page user-expiry.php
- user_groups-tab.php
- procedural page user_groups-tab.php
- user_groups.php
- procedural page user_groups.php
- user_login-out.php
- procedural page user_login-out.php
- user_mailing_list.php
- procedural page user_mailing_list.php
- updateArticle
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function updateArticle()
Updates or adds a news article and returns the object of that article
- updateCategory
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function updateCategory()
Updates or adds a category
- updateItemSortorder
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function updateItemSortorder()
Updates the sortorder of the items list in the database
- updatePage
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function updatePage()
Updates or adds a page and returns the object of that page
- $watermark
- in file class-textobject_core.php, variable TextObject::$watermark
- $watermarkDefault
- in file class-textobject_core.php, variable TextObject::$watermarkDefault
- $width
- in file paged_thumbs_nav.php, variable pagedThumbsNav::$width
- $width
- in file jplayer.php, variable jPlayer::$width
- WEBdocs
- in file class-WEBdocs.php, class WEBdocs
Core class for handling "non-image" files
- WEBdocs_Options
- in file class-WEBdocs.php, class WEBdocs_Options
Option class for textobjects objects
- wordpress_import_button
- in file wordpress_import.php, function wordpress_import_button()
This imports Wordpress pages, posts, categories and comments to Zenpage
- wpimport_TryAgainError
- in file wordpress_import.php, function wpimport_TryAgainError()
- wp_prefix
- in file wordpress_import.php, function wp_prefix()
- wp_query_full_array
- in file wordpress_import.php, function wp_query_full_array()
- wordpress_import.php
- procedural page wordpress_import.php
- $wordsToDieOn
- in file simpleSpam.php, variable zpSimpleSpam::$wordsToDieOn
- xmpMetadata
- in file xmpMetadata.php, class xmpMetadata
Plugin option handling class
- in file xmpMetadata.php, constant XMP_EXTENSION
- xmpMetadata.php
- procedural page xmpMetadata.php
- zenpagecms
- in file zenpage.php, method zenpagecms::zenpagecms()
- zenpagecms
- in file zenpage.php, class zenpagecms
- zenpage.php
- procedural page zenpage.php
- Zenpage
- in file admin-approval.php, method admin_approval::Zenpage()
- zenphotoDonate
- in file zenphotoDonate.php, class zenphotoDonate
Provides a donation button to solicit contributions to Zenphoto
- zenphoto_org_news
- in file zenphoto_news.php, class zenphoto_org_news
A backend plugin that displays the lastest news articles from the RSS news feed from Zenphoto.org on Zenphoto's backend overview page.
- zenphotoDonate.php
- procedural page zenphotoDonate.php
- zenphoto_news.php
- procedural page zenphoto_news.php
- zenphoto_PHPMailer
- in file PHPMailer.php, function zenphoto_PHPMailer()
- zenphoto_sendmail
- in file zenphoto_sendmail.php, function zenphoto_sendmail()
PHP sendmail mailing handler
- zenphoto_sendmail.php
- procedural page zenphoto_sendmail.php
- zp_PHPMailer
- in file PHPMailer.php, class zp_PHPMailer
Option handler class
- zenphoto_seo
- in file seo_zenphoto.php, class zenphoto_seo
Option handler class
- zpCaptcha.php
- procedural page zpCaptcha.php
- zpCaptcha
- in file zpCaptcha.php, class zpCaptcha
Zenphoto default captcha handler
- zpLegacySpam
- in file legacySpam.php, class zpLegacySpam
- zpSimpleSpam
- in file simpleSpam.php, class zpSimpleSpam
This implements the standard SpamFilter class for the Simple spam filter.
- zpTrivialSpam
- in file trivialSpam.php, class zpTrivialSpam
This implements the standard SpamFilter class for the none spam filter.
- Zenpage
- in file zenpage-class.php, class Zenpage
- zenpageAlbumImage
- in file zenpage-template-functions.php, function zenpageAlbumImage()
support to show an image from an album The imagename is optional. If absent the album thumb image will be used and the link will be to the album. If present the link will be to the image.
- zenpageBulkActionMessage
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function zenpageBulkActionMessage()
- ZenpageCategory
- in file zenpage-class-category.php, class ZenpageCategory
zenpage news category class
- ZenpageItems
- in file zenpage-class.php, class ZenpageItems
Base class from which Zenpage news articles and pages derive
- zenpageJSCSS
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function zenpageJSCSS()
Prints the links to JavaScript and CSS files zenpage needs.
- ZenpageNews
- in file zenpage-class-news.php, class ZenpageNews
Base class from which Zenpage news articles and pages derive
- ZenpagePage
- in file zenpage-class-page.php, class ZenpagePage
zenpage page class
- zenpagePublish
- in file zenpage-admin-functions.php, function zenpagePublish()
Publishes a page or news article
- ZenpageRoot
- in file zenpage-class.php, class ZenpageRoot
Base class from which all Zenpage classes derive
- in file zenpage-class.php, constant ZENPAGE_COMBINEWS
Some global variable setup
- zenpage-admin-functions.php
- procedural page zenpage-admin-functions.php
- zenpage-class-category.php
- procedural page zenpage-class-category.php
- zenpage-class-news.php
- procedural page zenpage-class-news.php
- zenpage-class-page.php
- procedural page zenpage-class-page.php
- zenpage-class.php
- procedural page zenpage-class.php
- zenpage-template-functions.php
- procedural page zenpage-template-functions.php
- in file zenpage-class.php, constant ZP_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE
- in file zenpage-class.php, constant ZP_COMBINEWS
- in file zenpage-class.php, constant ZP_READ_MORE
- in file zenpage-class.php, constant ZP_SHORTENINDICATOR
- in file zenpage-class.php, constant ZP_SHORTEN_LENGTH