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Class: mobileTheme

Source Location: /zp-extensions/mobileTheme.php

Class mobileTheme

Class Overview

Mobile devices are detected with php-mobile-detect A particular theme may be designated for phones and for tablets. If the connecting device is one of those, the theme will automatically switch to the designated mobile theme.

Test mode allows you to run your standard desktop client but simulate being either a phone or a tablet.

You may place a call on mobileTheme::controlLink(); in your theme(s) to allow the client viewer to override the switch and view your standard gallery theme. If the same call is placed in your gallery theme he will be able to switch back as well. NOTE: This link is present only when the browsing client is a mobile device!

Class mobile methods you can use in your theme:

  • phone is connected.
    • isiPhone()
    • isBlackBerry()
    • isHTC()
    • isNexus()
    • isDellStreak()
    • isMotorola()
    • isSamsung()
    • isSony()
    • isAsus()
    • isPalm()
  • tablet is connected
    • isBlackBerryTablet()
    • isiPad()
    • isKindle()
    • isSamsungTablet()
    • isMotorolaTablet()
    • isAsusTablet()
  • OS on the device
    • isAndroidOS()
    • isBlackBerryOS()
    • isPalmOS()
    • isSymbianOS()
    • isWindowsMobileOS()
    • isiOS()
  • user agent (browser) on the device
    • isChrome()
    • isDolfin()
    • isOpera()
    • isSkyfire()
    • isIE()
    • isFirefox()
    • isBolt()
    • isTeaShark()
    • isBlazer()
    • isSafari()
    • isMidori()

Located in /zp-extensions/mobileTheme.php [line 82]



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Method Summary
static void   controlLink()   places a link on the theme page to switch to or from the mobile theme
static void   theme()   Filter to "setupTheme" that will override the gallery theme with the appropriate mobile theme
mobileTheme   __construct()  
void   getOptionsSupported()  
void   handleOption()  

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static method controlLink  [line 142]

  static void controlLink( [string $text = NULL], [ $before = NULL], [ $after = Null]  )

places a link on the theme page to switch to or from the mobile theme

string   $text:  link text

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static method theme  [line 117]

  static void theme( string $theme  )

Filter to "setupTheme" that will override the gallery theme with the appropriate mobile theme

string   $theme: 

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Constructor __construct  [line 84]

  mobileTheme __construct( )

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getOptionsSupported  [line 87]

  void getOptionsSupported( )

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handleOption  [line 109]

  void handleOption( $option, $currentValue  )


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Documentation generated on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 18:03:38 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3