Each effect is defined by a text file these sections (no individual section is required).
Documents the source of the effect
Each effect will have a head section that contains the HTML to be emitted in the theme head.
Elements from this section will be added to the class element of the <img src... /> tag.
It is also possible to create a extra section for html that will be inserted into the <img src... /> just befor the />. This can be used to insert style="..." or other elements.
<validate><i>file path</i></validate>
Used specially for Effenberger effects, but applicable to similar situations. Causes the named file to have its presence tested. If it is not present, the "effect" is not made available. Multiple files are separated by semicolons. Each is tested.
The following tokens are available to represent paths:
- %WEBPATH%</v> to represent the WEB path to the Zenphoto installation.</li>
<li><var>%SERVERPATH% to represent the server path to the Zenphoto installation.
- %PLUGIN_FOLDER% to represent the Zenphoto "extensions" folder.
- %USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER% to represent the root "plugin" folder.
- %ZENFOLDER% to represent the zp-core folder.
Pixastic effects:
Included standard are several effects from Pixastic. Please visit their site for detailed documentation.
Effenberger effects::
Some effects which can be used are the javascript effects created by Christian Effenberger which may be downloaded from his site:
Note: No effenberger effects are distributed with this plugin to conform with CVI licensing constraints. To add an effect to the plugin, download the zip file from the site. Extract the effect files and place in the image_effects folder (in the global plugins folder.)
For instance, to add the Reflex effect, download reflex.zip, unzip it, and place reflex.js in the folder. Check the image_effects foder in the zenphoto extensions to see if there is already header file. If not create one in the plugins/image_effects folder. Use as a model one of the other Effenberger effects header files.
Included are some typical Effenberger files as examples. Simply provide the appropriate js script as above to activate them.