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Class: security_logger

Source Location: /zp-extensions/security-logger.php

Class security_logger

Method Summary
static void   adminAlbumGate()   Logs blocked accesses to Managed albums
static void   adminCookie()  
static void   adminGate()   Logs blocked accesses to Admin pages
static int   adminLoginLogger()   Logs an attempt to log onto the back-end or as an admin user Returns the rights to grant
static bool   admin_XSRF_access()   Loggs Cross Site Request Forgeries
static int   federatedLoginLogger()   Logs an attempt to log on via the federated_logon plugin Returns the rights to grant
static bool   guestLoginLogger()   Logs an attempt for a guest user to log onto the site Returns the "success" parameter.
static void   log_action()   logs security log actions
static void   log_setup()   Logs setup actions
static void   security_misc()   Catch all logger for miscellaneous security records
static void   UserSave()   logs attempts to save on the user tab
security_logger   __construct()   class instantiation function
array   getOptionsSupported()   Reports the supported options
void   handleOption()  

[ Top ]
static method adminAlbumGate  [line 359]

  static void adminAlbumGate( bool $allow, string $page  )

Logs blocked accesses to Managed albums

bool   $allow:  set to true to override the block
string   $page:  the "return" link

[ Top ]
static method adminCookie  [line 343]

  static void adminCookie( $allow, $auth, $id  )


[ Top ]
static method adminGate  [line 329]

  static void adminGate( bool $allow, string $page  )

Logs blocked accesses to Admin pages

bool   $allow:  set to true to override the block
string   $page:  the "return" link

[ Top ]
static method adminLoginLogger  [line 251]

  static int adminLoginLogger( int $success, string $user, string $pass, [ $auth = 'zp_admin_auth']  )

Logs an attempt to log onto the back-end or as an admin user Returns the rights to grant

int   $success:  the admin rights granted
string   $user: 
string   $pass: 

[ Top ]
static method admin_XSRF_access  [line 393]

  static bool admin_XSRF_access( bool $discard, string $token  )

Loggs Cross Site Request Forgeries

bool   $discard: 
string   $token: 

[ Top ]
static method federatedLoginLogger  [line 285]

  static int federatedLoginLogger( int $success, string $user, string $pass  )

Logs an attempt to log on via the federated_logon plugin Returns the rights to grant

int   $success:  the admin rights granted
string   $user: 
string   $pass: 

[ Top ]
static method guestLoginLogger  [line 299]

  static bool guestLoginLogger( bool $success, string $user, string $pass, string $athority  )

Logs an attempt for a guest user to log onto the site Returns the "success" parameter.

bool   $success: 
string   $user: 
string   $pass: 
string   $athority:  what kind of login

[ Top ]
static method log_action  [line 405]

  static void log_action( bool $allow, string $log, string $action  )

logs security log actions

bool   $allow: 
string   $log: 
string   $action: 

[ Top ]
static method log_setup  [line 417]

  static void log_setup( bool $success, string $action, $txt, string $file  )

Logs setup actions

bool   $success: 
string   $action: 
string   $file: 

[ Top ]
static method security_misc  [line 430]

  static void security_misc( bool $success, string $requestor, string $auth, string $txt  )

Catch all logger for miscellaneous security records

bool   $success: 
string   $requestor: 
string   $auth: 
string   $txt: 

[ Top ]
static method UserSave  [line 380]

  static void UserSave( string $discard, object $userobj, string $class  )

logs attempts to save on the user tab

string   $discard: 
object   $userobj:  user object upon which the save was targeted
string   $class:  what the action was.

[ Top ]
Constructor __construct  [line 52]

  security_logger __construct( )

class instantiation function

[ Top ]
getOptionsSupported  [line 69]

  array getOptionsSupported( )

Reports the supported options

[ Top ]
handleOption  [line 82]

  void handleOption( $option, $currentValue  )


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Documentation generated on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 18:03:44 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3