The simpler media website CMS
Located in /zp-extensions/galleryArticles/combiNews.php [line 3]
Zenpage | --Combi
Inherited From Zenpage
Zenpage::$categoryStructure Zenpage::$page_sortdirection Zenpage::$page_sortorder Zenpage::$sortdirection Zenpage::$sortorder Zenpage::$sortSticky
Zenpage::__construct() Class instantiator Zenpage::expiry() Zenpage::getAllArticleDates() Retrieves a list of all unique years & months Zenpage::getAllCategories() Gets all categories Zenpage::getArticle() Returns an article from the album based on the index passed. Zenpage::getArticles() Gets all news articles titlelink. Zenpage::getCategory() Gets a category titlelink by id Zenpage::getCategoryLink() Gets the category link of a category Zenpage::getCombiNews() Gets news articles and images of a gallery to show them together on the news section Zenpage::getNewsArchivePath() Returns partial path of news date archive Zenpage::getNewsCategoryPath() Returns partial path of news category Zenpage::getNewsIndexURL() Returns the full path of the news index page (news page 1) or if the "news on zp index" option is set a link to the gallery index. Zenpage::getNewsTitlePath() Returns partial path of news article title Zenpage::getOffset() Gets the LIMIT and OFFSET for the query that gets the news articles Zenpage::getPages() Gets all pages or published ones. Zenpage::getSortDirection() Zenpage::getSortSticky() Zenpage::getSortType() Zenpage::getTotalArticles() Returns the articles count Zenpage::setSortDirection() Zenpage::setSortSticky() Zenpage::setSortType() Zenpage::visibleCategory() Zenpage::__toString() "Magic" function to return a string identifying the object when it is treated as a string
void getOldCombiNews( )