Element index for package functions
Package indexes
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
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[ e ]
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[ i ]
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[ m ]
[ n ]
[ o ]
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[ r ]
[ s ]
[ t ]
[ u ]
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[ z ]
[ _ ]
- accessAllAlbums
- in file functions-basic.php, function accessAllAlbums()
Checks access for the album root
- adminToolbox
- in file template-functions.php, function adminToolbox()
Prints the clickable drop down toolbox on any theme page with generic admin helpers
- albumNumber
- in file template-functions.php, function albumNumber()
Gets the 'n' for n of m albums
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ALBUM_FOLDER_EMPTY
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ALBUM_FOLDER_SERVERPATH
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ALBUM_FOLDER_WEBPATH
- build_query
- in file functions-basic.php, function build_query()
createsa query string from the array passed
- build_url
- in file functions-basic.php, function build_url()
Builds a url from parts
- checkAccess
- in file template-functions.php, function checkAccess()
Checks to see if a password is needed
- checkForGuest
- in file template-functions.php, function checkForGuest()
returns the auth type of a guest login
- checkInstall
- in file functions-basic.php, function checkInstall()
Check to see if the setup script needs to be run
- checkPageValidity
- in file template-functions.php, function checkPageValidity()
Checks for URL page out-of-bounds for "standard" themes Note: This function assumes that an "index" page will display albums and the pagination be determined by them. Any other "index" page strategy needs to be handled by the theme itself.
- in file functions-basic.php, constant CHMOD_VALUE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant COOKIE_PATH
- in file functions-basic.php, constant COOKIE_PESISTENCE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant DATABASE_PREFIX
- in file functions-basic.php, constant DATA_MOD
- in file functions-basic.php, constant DATE_FORMAT
- debugLog
- in file functions-basic.php, function debugLog()
Write output to the debug log Use this for debugging when echo statements would come before headers are sent or would create havoc in the HTML.
- in file functions-basic.php, constant DEBUG_LOG_SIZE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ENT_FLAGS
- exitZP
- in file functions-basic.php, function exitZP()
Call when terminating a script.
- exposeZenPhotoInformations
- in file template-functions.php, function exposeZenPhotoInformations()
Expose some informations in a HTML comment
- in file functions-basic.php, constant FILESYSTEM_CHARSET
- in file functions-basic.php, constant FILE_MOD
- filterImageQuery
- in file template-functions.php, function filterImageQuery()
performs a query and then filters out "illegal" images returning the first "good" image used by the random image functions.
- in file functions-basic.php, constant FOLDER_MOD
- in file functions-basic.php, constant FULLIMAGE_WATERMARK
- in file functions-basic.php, constant FULLWEBPATH
- functions-basic.php
- procedural page functions-basic.php
- functions-filter.php
- procedural page functions-filter.php
- in file functions-basic.php, constant GALLERY_SECURITY
- in file functions-basic.php, constant GALLERY_SESSION
- getAlbumArray
- in file functions-basic.php, function getAlbumArray()
getAlbumArray - returns an array of folder names corresponding to the given album string.
- getAlbumBreadcrumb
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumBreadcrumb()
returns the breadcrumb item for the current images's album
- getAlbumCustomData
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumCustomData()
Returns the custom_data field of the current album
- getAlbumData
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumData()
A composit for getting album data
- getAlbumDate
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumDate()
Returns the formatted date field of the album
- getAlbumDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumDesc()
Returns the raw description of the current album.
- getAlbumFolder
- in file functions-basic.php, function getAlbumFolder()
Returns the fully qualified path to the album folders
- getAlbumInherited
- in file functions-basic.php, function getAlbumInherited()
returns the non-empty value of $field from the album or one of its parents
- getAlbumLocation
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumLocation()
Returns the Location of the album.
- getAlbumPage
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumPage()
Returns the album page number of the current image
- getAlbumThumb
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumThumb()
Returns the name of the defined album thumbnail image.
- getAlbumTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumTitle()
Returns the raw title of the current album.
- getAlbumURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getAlbumURL()
Returns the album link url of the current album.
- getAllAccessibleAlbums
- in file template-functions.php, function getAllAccessibleAlbums()
Gets an array of the album ids of all accessible albums (publich or user dependend)
- getAllAlbums
- in file template-functions.php, function getAllAlbums()
Returns a list of all albums decendent from an album
- getAllDates
- in file template-functions.php, function getAllDates()
Retrieves a list of all unique years & months from the images in the gallery
- getAllowedTags
- in file functions-basic.php, function getAllowedTags()
Returns an array of html tags allowed
- getAnnotatedAlbumTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getAnnotatedAlbumTitle()
Returns an album title taged with of Not visible or password protected status
- getAnnotatedImageTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getAnnotatedImageTitle()
Returns the image title taged with not visible annotation.
- getBareAlbumDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function getBareAlbumDesc()
Returns a text-only description of the current album.
- getBareAlbumTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getBareAlbumTitle()
Returns a text-only title of the current album.
- getBareGalleryDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function getBareGalleryDesc()
Returns a text-only description of the gallery.
- getBareGalleryTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getBareGalleryTitle()
Returns a text-only title of the gallery.
- getBareImageDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function getBareImageDesc()
Returns a text-only description of the current image.
- getBareImageTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getBareImageTitle()
Returns a text-only title of the current image.
- getCodeblock
- in file template-functions.php, function getCodeblock()
Gets the content of a codeblock for an image, album or Zenpage newsarticle or page.
- getCurrentPage
- in file template-functions.php, function getCurrentPage()
Returns the number of the current page without printing it.
- getCurrentTheme
- in file template-functions.php, function getCurrentTheme()
Returns the name of the currently active theme
- getCustomAlbumThumb
- in file template-functions.php, function getCustomAlbumThumb()
Returns a link to a custom sized thumbnail of the current album
- getCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace
- in file template-functions.php, function getCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace()
Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current album thumb within the given height and width dimensions.
- getCustomImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getCustomImageURL()
Returns the url to the image with the dimensions you define with this function.
- getCustomPageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getCustomPageURL()
Produces the url to a custom page (e.g. one that is not album.php, image.php, or index.php)
- getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace
- in file template-functions.php, function getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace()
Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current image within the given height and width dimensions.
- getCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace
- in file template-functions.php, function getCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace()
Returns a link to a un-cropped custom sized version of the current image within the given height and width dimensions.
- getDefaultHeight
- in file template-functions.php, function getDefaultHeight()
Returns the height of the default-sized image (in printDefaultSizedImage)
- getDefaultSizedImage
- in file template-functions.php, function getDefaultSizedImage()
Returns the url to the default sized image.
- getDefaultWidth
- in file template-functions.php, function getDefaultWidth()
The width of the default-sized image (in printDefaultSizedImage)
- getFullHeight
- in file template-functions.php, function getFullHeight()
Returns the height of the original image
- getFullImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getFullImageURL()
Returns the url to original image.
- getFullWidth
- in file template-functions.php, function getFullWidth()
Returns the width of the original image
- getGalleryDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function getGalleryDesc()
Returns the raw description of the gallery.
- getGalleryIndexURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getGalleryIndexURL()
Returns the URL of the main gallery index.php page
- getGalleryTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getGalleryTitle()
Returns the raw title of the gallery.
- getHeadTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getHeadTitle()
Function to create the page title to be used within the html <head> <title></title> element.
- getImageArgs
- in file functions-basic.php, function getImageArgs()
Extract the image parameters from the input variables
- getImageCacheFilename
- in file functions-basic.php, function getImageCacheFilename()
Returns the path of an image for uses in caching it NOTE: character set if for the filesystem
- getImageCachePostfix
- in file functions-basic.php, function getImageCachePostfix()
Returns the crop/sizing string to postfix to a cache image
- getImageCity
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageCity()
Returns the City field of the current image
- getImageCountry
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageCountry()
Returns the Country field of the current image
- getImageCustomData
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageCustomData()
Returns the custom_data field of the current image
- getImageData
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageData()
A composit for getting image data
- getImageDate
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageDate()
Returns the image date of the current image in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
- getImageDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageDesc()
Returns the raw description of the current image.
- getImageLocation
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageLocation()
Returns the Location field of the current image
- getImageMetaData
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageMetaData()
Returns the Metadata infromation from the current image
- getImageParameters
- in file functions-basic.php, function getImageParameters()
Validates and edits image size/cropping parameters
- getImageProcessorURI
- in file functions-basic.php, function getImageProcessorURI()
forms the i.php parameter list for an image.
- getImageState
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageState()
Returns the State field of the current image
- getImageThumb
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageThumb()
Returns the url to the thumbnail of the current image.
- getImageTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageTitle()
Returns the raw title of the current image.
- getImageURI
- in file functions-basic.php, function getImageURI()
Returns an URI to the image:
- getImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getImageURL()
Returns the url of the current image.
- getMainSiteName
- in file template-functions.php, function getMainSiteName()
Returns the name of the main website as set by the "Website Title" option on the gallery options tab.
- getMainSiteURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getMainSiteURL()
Returns the URL of the main website as set by the "Website URL" option on the gallery options tab.
- getMaxSpaceContainer
- in file template-functions.php, function getMaxSpaceContainer()
Called by ***MaxSpace functions to compute the parameters to be passed to xxCustomyyy functions.
- getNextAlbum
- in file template-functions.php, function getNextAlbum()
Returns the next album
- getNextAlbumURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getNextAlbumURL()
Get the URL of the next album in the gallery.
- getNextImageThumb
- in file template-functions.php, function getNextImageThumb()
Returns the thumbnail of the next image.
- getNextImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getNextImageURL()
Returns the url of the next image.
- getNextPageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getNextPageURL()
Returns the URL of the next page. Use within If or while loops for pagination.
- getNumAlbums
- in file template-functions.php, function getNumAlbums()
Returns the number of albums.
- getNumImages
- in file template-functions.php, function getNumImages()
Returns the number of images in the album.
- getOption
- in file functions-basic.php, function getOption()
Get a option stored in the database.
- getOptionList
- in file functions-basic.php, function getOptionList()
Retuns the option array
- getPageNavList
- in file template-functions.php, function getPageNavList()
returns a page nav list.
- getPageNumURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getPageNumURL()
Returns the URL of the page number passed as a parameter
- getPageRedirect
- in file template-functions.php, function getPageRedirect()
Returns a redirection link for the password form
- getParentAlbums
- in file template-functions.php, function getParentAlbums()
Returns an array of the names of the parents of the current album.
- getParentBreadcrumb
- in file template-functions.php, function getParentBreadcrumb()
returns the breadcrumb navigation for album, gallery and image view.
- getPasswordProtectImage
- in file template-functions.php, function getPasswordProtectImage()
Returns an img src link to the password protect thumb substitute
- getPrevAlbum
- in file template-functions.php, function getPrevAlbum()
Returns the previous album
- getPrevAlbumURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getPrevAlbumURL()
Get the URL of the previous album in the gallery.
- getPrevImageThumb
- in file template-functions.php, function getPrevImageThumb()
Returns the thumbnail of the previous image.
- getPrevImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getPrevImageURL()
Returns the url of the previous image.
- getPrevPageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getPrevPageURL()
Returns the URL of the previous page.
- getProtectedImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getProtectedImageURL()
Returns an url to the password protected/watermarked current image
- getRandomImages
- in file template-functions.php, function getRandomImages()
Returns a randomly selected image from the gallery. (May be NULL if none exists)
- getRandomImagesAlbum
- in file template-functions.php, function getRandomImagesAlbum()
Returns a randomly selected image from the album or its subalbums. (May be NULL if none exists)
- getRequestURI
- in file functions-basic.php, function getRequestURI()
Returns the script requesting URI.
- getSearchDate
- in file template-functions.php, function getSearchDate()
Returns the date of the search
- getSearchURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getSearchURL()
Returns a search URL
- getSearchWords
- in file template-functions.php, function getSearchWords()
Returns the a sanitized version of the search string
- getSizeCustomImage
- in file template-functions.php, function getSizeCustomImage()
Returns an array with the height & width
- getSizeDefaultImage
- in file template-functions.php, function getSizeDefaultImage()
Returns an array [width, height] of the default-sized image.
- getSizeDefaultThumb
- in file template-functions.php, function getSizeDefaultThumb()
Gets the width and height of a default thumb for the <img> tag height/width
- getSizedImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getSizedImageURL()
Returns a link to the current image custom sized to $size
- getSizeFullImage
- in file template-functions.php, function getSizeFullImage()
Returns an array [width, height] of the original image.
- getSuffix
- in file functions-basic.php, function getSuffix()
Returns the suffix of a file name
- getTags
- in file template-functions.php, function getTags()
Returns a list of tags for context of the page called where called
- getTotalImagesIn
- in file template-functions.php, function getTotalImagesIn()
Returns the count of all the images in the album and any subalbums
- getTotalPages
- in file template-functions.php, function getTotalPages()
Returns the number of pages for the current object
- getUnprotectedImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function getUnprotectedImageURL()
Returns the "raw" url to the image in the albums folder
- getVersion
- in file template-functions.php, function getVersion()
Returns the zenphoto version string
- getWatermarkParam
- in file functions-basic.php, function getWatermarkParam()
Returns the watermark image to pass to i.php
- getWatermarkPath
- in file functions-basic.php, function getWatermarkPath()
Returns the path to a watermark
- get_filterScript
- in file functions-filter.php, function get_filterScript()
returns a list of scripts that have attached to the hook
- in file functions-basic.php, constant GRAPHICS_LIBRARY
- hasDynamicAlbumSuffix
- in file functions-basic.php, function hasDynamicAlbumSuffix()
Returns true if the file has the dynamic album suffix
- in file functions-basic.php, constant HASH_SEED
- hasNextImage
- in file template-functions.php, function hasNextImage()
True if there is a next image
- hasNextPage
- in file template-functions.php, function hasNextPage()
Returns true if there is a next page
- hasPrevImage
- in file template-functions.php, function hasPrevImage()
True if there is a previous image
- hasPrevPage
- in file template-functions.php, function hasPrevPage()
Returns TRUE if there is a previous page. Use within If or while loops for pagination.
- imageNumber
- in file template-functions.php, function imageNumber()
Returns the 'n' of n of m images
- in file functions-basic.php, constant IMAGE_CACHE_SUFFIX
- in file functions-basic.php, constant IMAGE_WATERMARK
- imgSrcURI
- in file functions-basic.php, function imgSrcURI()
Returns an img src URI encoded based on the OS of the server
- in file functions-basic.php, constant IM_SUFFIX
- installSignature
- in file functions-basic.php, function installSignature()
Computes the "installation signature" of the Zenphoto install
- instrument
- in file functions-basic.php, function instrument()
Tool to log execution times of script bits
- in file functions-basic.php, constant IP_TIED_COOKIES
- isAlbumPage
- in file template-functions.php, function isAlbumPage()
Returns true if this page has album thumbs on it
- isArchive
- in file template-functions.php, function isArchive()
tests if a search page is an "archive" page
- isHandledAlbum
- in file functions-basic.php, function isHandledAlbum()
checks if there is a file with the prefix and one of the handled suffixes. Returns the found suffix
- isImagePage
- in file template-functions.php, function isImagePage()
Returns true if this page has image thumbs on it
- isLandscape
- in file template-functions.php, function isLandscape()
Returns true if the image is landscape-oriented (width is greater than height)
- js_encode
- in file functions-basic.php, function js_encode()
encodes a pre-sanitized string to be used as a Javascript parameter
- loadLocalOptions
- in file functions-basic.php, function loadLocalOptions()
Loads option table with album/theme options
- in file functions-basic.php, constant LOCAL_CHARSET
- lock
- in file functions-basic.php, method Mutex::lock()
- makeAlbumCurrent
- in file template-functions.php, function makeAlbumCurrent()
Sets the album passed as the current album
- makeImageCurrent
- in file template-functions.php, function makeImageCurrent()
Sets the image passed as the current image
- makeSpecialImageName
- in file functions-basic.php, function makeSpecialImageName()
Returns an i.php "image name" for an image not within the albums structure
- in file functions-basic.php, constant MAX_SIZE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant MEMBERS_ONLY_COMMENTS
- in file functions-basic.php, constant MOD_REWRITE
- Mutex
- in file functions-basic.php, class Mutex
Zenphoto Mutex class
- next_album
- in file template-functions.php, function next_album()
WHILE next_album(): context switches to Album.
- next_image
- in file template-functions.php, function next_image()
Returns the next image on a page.
- in file functions-basic.php, constant NO_WATERMARK
- in file functions-basic.php, constant OFFSET_PATH
see if we are executing out of any of the known script folders. If so we know how to adjust the paths
- in file functions-basic.php, constant OPEN_IMAGE_CACHE
- parse_query
- in file functions-basic.php, function parse_query()
parses a query string WITHOUT url decoding it!
- parse_size
- in file functions-basic.php, function parse_size()
Parses a byte size from a size value (eg: 100M) for comparison.
- pathurlencode
- in file functions-basic.php, function pathurlencode()
rawurlencode function that is path-safe (does not encode /)
- print404status
- in file template-functions.php, function print404status()
- printAlbumBreadcrumb
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumBreadcrumb()
prints the breadcrumb item for the current images's album
- printAlbumCustomData
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumCustomData()
Prints the custom_data field of the current album.
- printAlbumData
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumData()
Prints arbitrary data from the album object
- printAlbumDate
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumDate()
Prints the date of the current album
- printAlbumDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumDesc()
Prints description of the current album
- printAlbumLocation
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumLocation()
Prints the location of the album
- printAlbumThumbImage
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumThumbImage()
Prints the album thumbnail image.
- printAlbumTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumTitle()
Prints an encapsulated title of the current album.
- printAlbumURL
- in file template-functions.php, function printAlbumURL()
Prints the album link url of the current album.
- printAllDates
- in file template-functions.php, function printAllDates()
Prints a compendum of dates and links to a search page that will show results of the date
- printAllTagsAs
- in file template-functions.php, function printAllTagsAs()
Either prints all of the galleries tgs as a UL list or a cloud
- printAnnotatedAlbumTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printAnnotatedAlbumTitle()
- printAnnotatedImageTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printAnnotatedImageTitle()
- printBareAlbumDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function printBareAlbumDesc()
- printBareAlbumTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printBareAlbumTitle()
- printBareGalleryDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function printBareGalleryDesc()
- printBareGalleryTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printBareGalleryTitle()
- printBareImageDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function printBareImageDesc()
- printBareImageTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printBareImageTitle()
- printCodeblock
- in file template-functions.php, function printCodeblock()
Prints the content of a codeblock for an image, album or Zenpage newsarticle or page.
- printCustomAlbumThumbImage
- in file template-functions.php, function printCustomAlbumThumbImage()
Prints a link to a custom sized thumbnail of the current album
- printCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace
- in file template-functions.php, function printCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace()
Prints a un-cropped custom sized album thumb within the given height and width dimensions.
- printCustomPageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function printCustomPageURL()
Prints the url to a custom page (e.g. one that is not album.php, image.php, or index.php)
- printCustomSizedImage
- in file template-functions.php, function printCustomSizedImage()
Print normal video or custom sized images.
- printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace
- in file template-functions.php, function printCustomSizedImageMaxSpace()
Print normal video or un-cropped within the given height and width dimensions. Use for sized images or thumbnails in an album.
- printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace
- in file template-functions.php, function printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace()
Creates image thumbnails which will fit un-cropped within the width & height parameters given
- printDefaultSizedImage
- in file template-functions.php, function printDefaultSizedImage()
Show video player with video loaded or display the image.
- printGalleryDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function printGalleryDesc()
Prints the description of the gallery.
- printGalleryTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printGalleryTitle()
Prints the title of the gallery.
- printHeadTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printHeadTitle()
Function to print the html <title>title</title> within the <head> of a html page based on the current theme page
- printHomeLink
- in file template-functions.php, function printHomeLink()
Prints a link to the 'main website' Only prints the link if the url is not empty and does not point back the gallery page
- printImageCustomData
- in file template-functions.php, function printImageCustomData()
Prints the custom_data field of the current image.
- printImageData
- in file template-functions.php, function printImageData()
Prints arbitrary data from the image object
- printImageDate
- in file template-functions.php, function printImageDate()
Prints the date of the current album
- printImageDesc
- in file template-functions.php, function printImageDesc()
Prints the description of the current image.
- printImageMetadata
- in file template-functions.php, function printImageMetadata()
Prints the Metadata data of the current image
- printImageThumb
- in file template-functions.php, function printImageThumb()
- printImageTitle
- in file template-functions.php, function printImageTitle()
Prints title of the current image
- printImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function printImageURL()
Prints the link to the current image.
- printNextPageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function printNextPageURL()
Prints the URL of the next page.
- printPageList
- in file template-functions.php, function printPageList()
Prints a list of all pages.
- printPageListWithNav
- in file template-functions.php, function printPageListWithNav()
Prints a full page navigation including previous and next page links with a list of all pages in between.
- printPageNav
- in file template-functions.php, function printPageNav()
Prints a page navigation including previous and next page links
- printParentBreadcrumb
- in file template-functions.php, function printParentBreadcrumb()
Prints the breadcrumb navigation for album, gallery and image view.
- printPasswordForm
- in file template-functions.php, function printPasswordForm()
Prints the album password form
- printPrevPageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function printPrevPageURL()
Returns the URL of the previous page.
- printRandomImages
- in file template-functions.php, function printRandomImages()
Puts up random image thumbs from the gallery
- printSearchBreadcrumb
- in file template-functions.php, function printSearchBreadcrumb()
Prints the "breadcrumb" for a search page
- printSearchForm
- in file template-functions.php, function printSearchForm()
Prints the search form
- printSizedImageURL
- in file template-functions.php, function printSizedImageURL()
Prints link to an image of specific size
- printTags
- in file template-functions.php, function printTags()
Prints a list of tags, editable by admin
- printVersion
- in file template-functions.php, function printVersion()
Prints the zenphoto version string
- printZenJavascripts
- in file template-functions.php, function printZenJavascripts()
Print any Javascript required by zenphoto.
- printZenphotoLink
- in file template-functions.php, function printZenphotoLink()
prints the zenphoto logo and link
- in file functions-basic.php, constant PROTOCOL
- purgeOption
- in file functions-basic.php, function purgeOption()
- rewrite_get_album_image
- in file functions-basic.php, function rewrite_get_album_image()
Handles the special cases of album/image[rewrite_suffix]
- rewrite_path
- in file functions-basic.php, function rewrite_path()
Returns either the rewrite path or the plain, non-mod_rewrite path based on the mod_rewrite option.
- safe_glob
- in file functions-basic.php, function safe_glob()
Provide an alternative to glob which does not return filenames with accented charactes in them
- in file functions-basic.php, constant SAFE_MODE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant SAFE_MODE_ALBUM_SEP
- secureServer
- in file functions-basic.php, function secureServer()
Checks to see if access was through a secure protocol
- in file template-functions.php, constant SEO_FULLWEBPATH
- in file template-functions.php, constant SEO_WEBPATH
- in file functions-basic.php, constant SERVERCACHE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant SERVERPATH
- in file functions-basic.php, constant SERVER_PROTOCOL
- setOption
- in file functions-basic.php, function setOption()
Stores an option value.
- setOptionDefault
- in file functions-basic.php, function setOptionDefault()
Sets the default value of an option.
- setThemeColumns
- in file template-functions.php, function setThemeColumns()
controls the thumbnail layout of themes.
- stripSuffix
- in file functions-basic.php, function stripSuffix()
returns a file name sans the suffix
- switchLog
- in file functions-basic.php, function switchLog()
Rolls a log over if it has grown too large.
- unlock
- in file functions-basic.php, method Mutex::unlock()
Unlock the mutex.
- in file functions-basic.php, constant UTF8_IMAGE_URI
- in file functions-basic.php, constant WEBPATH
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_ALBUM
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_ALBUM_LINKED
- zp_apply_filter
- in file functions-filter.php, function zp_apply_filter()
Performs a filtering operation on a zenphoto element or event.
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_COMMENT
- zp_filter_slot
- in file functions-filter.php, function zp_filter_slot()
Returns the position of the function in the hook queue
- zp_filter_unique_id
- in file functions-filter.php, function zp_filter_unique_id()
Build Unique ID for storage and retrieval.
- zp_has_filter
- in file functions-filter.php, function zp_has_filter()
Check if any filter has been registered for a hook.
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_IMAGE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_IMAGE_LINKED
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_INDEX
- zp_register_filter
- in file functions-filter.php, function zp_register_filter()
Registers a filtering function Filtering functions are used to post process zenphoto elements or to trigger functions when a filter occur
- zp_remove_filter
- in file functions-filter.php, function zp_remove_filter()
Removes a function from a specified filter hook.
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_SEARCH
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_SEARCH_LINKED
- zp_session_start
- in file functions-basic.php, function zp_session_start()
Starts a zenphoto session (perhaps a secure one)
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_ZENPAGE_NEWS_ARTICLE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_ZENPAGE_NEWS_CATEGORY
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_ZENPAGE_NEWS_DATE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_ZENPAGE_NEWS_PAGE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_ZENPAGE_PAGE
- in file functions-basic.php, constant ZP_ZENPAGE_SINGLE