Function printNestedMenu
Prints a context sensitive menu of all pages as a unordered html list
Package: plugins\zenpage
Author: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard)
Located at zp-extensions/zenpage/zenpage-template-functions.php
Author: Malte Müller (acrylian), Stephen Billard (sbillard)
Located at zp-extensions/zenpage/zenpage-template-functions.php
string |
$option = 'list' |
<p>The mode for the menu: "list" context sensitive toplevel plus sublevel pages, "list-top" only top level pages, "omit-top" only sub level pages "list-sub" lists only the current pages direct offspring</p> |
string |
$mode = NULL |
'pages' or 'categories' |
boolean |
$counter = TRUE |
Only $mode = 'categories': Count the articles in each category |
string |
$css_id = NULL |
CSS id of the top level list |
string |
$css_class_topactive = NULL |
class of the active item in the top level list |
string |
$css_class = NULL |
CSS class of the sub level list(s) |
string |
$css_class_active = NULL |
$$css_class_active CSS class of the sub level list(s) |
string |
$indexname = NULL |
insert the name (default "Gallery Index") how you want to call the link to the gallery index, insert "" (default) if you don't use it, it is not printed then. |
integer |
$showsubs = 0 |
Set to depth of sublevels that should be shown always. 0 by default. To show all, set to a true! Only valid if option=="list". |
boolean |
$startlist = true |
set to true to output the UL tab (false automatically if you use 'omit-top' or 'list-sub') |
integer |
$limit = NULL |
truncation limit display strings |
string |