Package core
_zp_captcha | Standins for when no captcha is enabled |
_zp_HTML_cache | stand-in for when there is no HTML cache plugin enabled |
external_auth | |
lib_GD_Options | Option class for lib-GD |
lib_Imagick_Options | Option class for lib-Imagick |
lib_NoGraphics | Option class for lib-GD |
utf8 | |
zpFunctions |
add_context | |
applyMacros | Deals with the [macro parameters] substitutions |
byteConvert | Returns a byte size from a size value (eg: 100M). |
cacheImage | Creates the cache folder version of the image, including watermarking |
checkAlbumPassword | Checks to see access is allowed to an album Returns true if access is allowed. There is no password dialog--you must have already had authorization via a cookie. |
checkObjectsThumb | Search for a thumbnail for the image |
checkPublishDates | |
checkSignature | |
cleanHTML | |
commentsAllowed | Returns true if all the right conditions are set to allow comments for the $type |
cron_starter | Starts a sechedule script run |
dateTimeConvert | Converts a datetime to connoical form |
db_count | |
db_name | |
debug404 | produce debugging information on 404 errors |
debugLogBacktrace | Logs the calling stack |
debugLogVar | Records a Var to the debug log |
dircopy | Copies a directory recursively |
enableExtension | Enables a plugin |
extensionEnabled | Returns if a plugin is enabled |
fetchComments | Gets an array of comments for the current admin |
filesystemToInternal | Converts a file system filename to UTF-8 for zenphoto internal storage |
fix_path_redirect | Checks to see if the current URL is a query string url when mod_rewrite is active. If so it will redirects to the rewritten URL with a 301 Moved Permanently. |
galleryAlbumsPerPage | Returns the number of album thumbs that go on a gallery page |
generateLanguageList | Returns an array of available language locales. |
generateListFromArray | Creates the body of a select list |
generateListFromFiles | Generates a selection list from files found on disk |
get_context | |
get_language_string | Returns the sring for the current language from a serialized set of language strings Defaults to the string for the current locale, the en_US string, or the first string which ever is present |
getAllSubAlbumIDs | Returns an array of album ids whose parent is the folder |
getAllTagsCount | Returns an array indexed by 'tag' with the element value the count of the tag |
getAllTagsUnique | Returns an array of unique tag names |
getAllTranslations | returns a serialized "multilingual array" of translations Used for setting default options with multi-lingual strings. |
getBare | Cleans tags and some content. |
getEnabledPlugins | Returns an array of the currently enabled plugins |
getImageRotation | |
getItemByID | Gets an item object by id |
getLanguageArray | |
getLanguageFlag | |
getLinkHTML | |
getMacros | |
getManagedAlbumList | Populates and returns the $_zp_admin_album_list array |
getNestedAlbumList | generates a nested list of albums for the album tab sorting Returns an array of "albums" each element contains: 'name' which is the folder name 'sort_order' which is an array of the sort order set |
getNotViewableAlbums | Returns a list of album IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see |
getNotViewableImages | Returns a list of image IDs that the current viewer is not allowed to see |
getOptionFromDB | |
getPlugin | Returns the fully qualified file name of the plugin file. |
getPluginFiles | Returns a consolidated list of plugins The array structure is key=plugin name, value=plugin path |
getSerializedArray | if $string is an serialzied array it is unserialized otherwise an appropriate array is returned |
getSetClause | Constructs a SET clause ("SET uniqueid1='uniquevalue1', uniqueid2='uniquevalue2' ...") from an array (map) of variables and their values which identifies a unique record in the database table. Used to 'move' records. Note: does not check anything. |
getTagCountByAccess | Checks if a tag is assigned at all and if it can be viewed by the current visitor and returns the corrected count Helper function used optionally within getAllTagsCount() and getAllTagsUnique() |
gettext_pl | Gettext replacement function for separate translations of third party plugins within the root plugins folder. |
gettext_th | Gettext replacement function for separate translations of third party themes. |
getThemeOption | Returns the value of a theme option |
getTimezones | Returns a list of timezones |
getUrAlbum | Returns the oldest ancestor of an alubm; |
getUserIP | Returns the viewer's IP address Deals with transparent proxies |
getUserLocale | Returns a saved (or posted) locale. Posted locales are stored as a cookie. |
getWhereClause | Constructs a WHERE clause ("WHERE uniqueid1='uniquevalue1' AND uniqueid2='uniquevalue2' ...") from an array (map) of variables and their values which identifies a unique record in the database table. |
getXSRFToken | returns an XSRF token |
handleSearchParms | recovers search parameters from stored cookie, clears the cookie |
html_decode | |
html_encode | encodes a pre-sanitized string to be used in an HTML text-only field (value, alt, title, etc.) |
html_encodeTagged | HTML encodes the non-metatag part of the string. |
i18nSetLocale | Wrapper function for setLocale() so that all the proper permutations are used Returns the result from the setLocale call |
imageDebug | Prints debug information from the arguments to i.php. |
imageError | If in debug mode, prints the given error message and continues; otherwise redirects to the given error message image and exits; designed for a production gallery. |
in_context | |
internalToFilesystem | Converts a Zenphoto Internal filename string to one compatible with the file system |
iptc_make_tag | iptc_make_tag() function by Thies C. Arntzen |
is_connected | Returns true if there is an internet connection |
is_valid_email_zp | Determines if the input is an e-mail address. Adapted from WordPress. Name changed to avoid conflicts in WP integrations. |
isImagePhoto | Returns true if the image is a standard photo type |
isImageVideo | Returns video argument of the current Image. |
isValidURL | Checks to see if a URL is valid |
ksesProcess | Internal "helper" function to apply the tag removal |
load_zenpage_news | Loads a zenpage news article Sets up $_zp_current_zenpage_news and returns it as the function result. |
load_zenpage_pages | Loads a zenpage pages page Sets up $_zp_current_zenpage_page and returns it as the function result. |
lookupSortKey | Returns a sort field part for querying Note: $sorttype may be a comma separated list of field names. If so, these are peckmarked and returned otherwise unchanged. |
mb_strlen | |
mb_strpos | |
mb_strrpos | |
mb_strtolower | |
mb_strtoupper | |
mb_substr | |
mb_substr_count | |
mkdir_recursive | Makes directory recursively, returns TRUE if exists or was created sucessfuly. Note: PHP5 includes a recursive parameter to mkdir, but it apparently does not does not traverse symlinks! |
myts_date | Simple SQL timestamp formatting function. |
ngettext_pl | ngettext replacement function for separate translations of third party plugins within the root plugins folder. |
ngettext_th | ngettext replacement function for separate translations of third party themes. |
parseAllowedTags | parses the allowed HTML tags for use by htmLawed |
parseHttpAcceptLanguage | This function will parse a given HTTP Accepted language instruction (or retrieve it from $_SERVER if not provided) and will return a sorted array. For example, it will parse fr;en-us;q=0.8 |
populateManagedObjectsList | Returns a list of album names managed by $id |
prefix | Prefix a table name with a user-defined string to avoid conflicts. This MUST be used in all database queries. |
prepareAlbumPage | |
prepareCustomPage | |
prepareImagePage | |
prepareIndexPage | |
printLinkHTML | General link printing function |
propSizes | Calculates proprotional width and height Used internally by cacheImage |
rc4 | |
read_exif_data_protected | Provides an error protected read of image EXIF/IPTC data |
readTags | Retrieves the tags for an object Returns them in an array |
reconfigureAction | |
reconfigureCS | |
reconfigurePage | |
rem_context | |
restore_context | |
reveal | uses down and up arrow links to show and hide sections of HTML |
safe_fnmatch | pattern match function Works with characters with diacritical marks where the PHP one does not. |
sanitize | Make strings generally clean. Takes an input string and cleans out null-bytes, slashes (if magic_quotes_gpc is on), and optionally use KSES library to prevent XSS attacks and other malicious user input. |
sanitize_numeric | Checks if the input is numeric, rounds if so, otherwise returns false. |
sanitize_path | Takes user input meant to be used within a path to a file or folder and removes anything that could be insecure or malicious, or result in duplicate representations for the same physical file. |
sanitize_script | removes script tags |
sanitize_string | returns a sanitized string for the sanitize function |
sanitizeRedirect | |
save_context | |
seoFriendly | Strips out and/or replaces characters from the string that are not "soe" friendly |
seoFriendlyJS | |
set_context | |
setMainDomain | Sets the locale, etc. to the zenphoto domain details. Returns the result of setupCurrentLocale() |
setThemeOption | Set options local to theme and/or album |
setThemeOptionDefault | Used to set default values for theme specific options |
setupCurrentLocale | Setup code for gettext translation Returns the result of the setlocale call |
setupDomain | Sets the translation domain and type for optional theme or plugin based translations |
setupTheme | Returns the theme folder If there is an album theme, loads the theme options. |
shortenContent | Returns truncated html formatted content |
shuffle_assoc | shuffles an array maintaining the keys |
signatureChange | |
sortByKey | sorts the found albums (images) by the required key(s) |
sortByMultilingual | Sorts the results of a DB search by the current locale string for $field |
sortMultiArray | multidimensional array column sort |
storeTags | Stores tags for an object |
timezoneDiff | Returns the difference between the server timez one and the local (users) time zone |
truncate_string | Returns a truncated string |
validateLocale | checks a "supplied" locale against the valid locales. Returns a valid locale if one exists else returns NULL |
XSRFToken | Emits a "hidden" input for the XSRF token |
zp_clearCookie | |
zp_cookieEncode | |
zp_error | triggers an error |
zp_getCookie | Returns the value of a cookie from either the cookies or from $_SESSION[] |
zp_handle_password | checks password posting |
zp_handle_password_single | Handles a passwort |
zp_image_types | returns a list of comment record 'types' for "images" |
zp_load_album | zp_load_album - loads the album given by the folder name $folder into the global context, and sets the context appropriately. |
zp_load_gallery | initializes the gallery. |
zp_load_image | zp_load_image - loads the image given by the $folder and $filename into the global context, and sets the context appropriately. |
zp_load_page | |
zp_load_request | Figures out what is being accessed and calls the appropriate load function |
zp_load_search | Loads the search object. |
zp_loggedin | |
zp_mail | Send an mail to the mailing list. We also attempt to intercept any form injection attacks by slime ball spammers. Returns error message if send failure. |
zp_setCookie | Sets a cookie both in the browser cookies and in $_SESSION[] |
zpErrorHandler | |
zpFormattedDate | Returns a formated date for output |
zpRewriteURL | Creates a "REWRITE" url given the query parameters that represent the link |