Package plugins\zenpage
Zenpage | |
ZenpageCategory | zenpage news category class |
ZenpageItems | |
ZenpageNews | |
ZenpagePage | zenpage page class |
ZenpageRoot |
authorSelector | Prints a dropdown to select the author of a page or news article (Admin rights users only) |
checkForEmptyTitle | Checks if no title has been provide for items on new item creation |
checkForPage | If the titlelink is valid this will setup for the page Returns true if page is setup and valid, otherwise returns false |
checkHitcounterDisplay | Checks if there are hitcounts and if they are displayed behind the news article, page or category title |
checkIfChecked | Checks if a checkbox is selected and checks it if. |
checkIfLockedNews | Checks if the current logged in admin user is the author that locked the article. Only that author or any user with admin rights will be able to edit or unlock. |
checkIfLockedPage | Checks if the current logged in admin user is the author that locked the page/article. Only that author or any user with admin rights will be able to edit or unlock. |
deleteArticle | Deletes an news article from the database |
deleteCategory | Deletes a category (and also if existing its subpages) from the database |
deletePage | Deletes a page (and also if existing its subpages) from the database |
getAuthor | Wrapper function to get the author of a news article or page: Used by getNewsAuthor() and getPageAuthor(). |
getBareNewsTitle | Returns the raw title of a news article. |
getBarePageTitle | Returns the raw title of a page. |
getContentShorten | Shorten the content of any type of item and add the shorten indicator and readmore link set on the Zenpage plugin options. Helper function for getNewsContent() but usage of course not limited to that. If there is nothing to shorten the content passed. |
getCurrentNewsArchive | Gets the current select news date (year-month) or formatted |
getExpiryDatePost | Retrieves posted expiry date and checks it against the current date/time Returns the posted date if it is in the future Returns NULL if the date is past |
getLatestNews | Gets the latest news either only news articles or with the latest images or albums |
getLatestZenpageComments | Gets latest comments for news articles and pages |
getNewsAdminOption | |
getNewsAdminOptionPath | Creates the admin paths for news articles if you use the dropdowns on the admin news article list together |
getNewsArchivePath | Returns path of news date archive |
getNewsAuthor | Gets the author of a news article (if in Combinews mode for gallery items the owner) |
getNewsCategories | Gets the categories of the current news article |
getNewsCategoryCustomData | Gets the custom data field of the current news category |
getNewsCategoryDesc | Gets the description of the current news category |
getNewsCategoryURL | Returns the full path to a news category |
getNewsContent | Gets the content of a news article |
getNewsCustomData | Gets the custom data field of the curent news article |
getNewsDate | Gets the date of the current news article |
getNewsExtraContent | Gets the extracontent of a news article if in single news articles view or returns FALSE |
getNewsID | Gets the id of a news article/item |
getNewsPagesStatistic | returns an array of how many pages, articles, categories and news or pages comments we got. |
getNewsPathNav | |
getNewsReadMore | Returns the text for the read more link for news articles or gallery items if in CombiNews mode |
getNewsTitle | Gets the news article title |
getNewsURL | Returns the link (url) of the current news article. or of the titlelink passed if not empty |
getNextNewsPageURL | Returns the url to the next news page |
getNextNewsURL | Returns the title and the titlelink of the next article in single news article pagination as an array Returns false if there is none (or option is empty) |
getNextPrevNews | Returns the title and the titlelink of the next or previous article in single news article pagination as an array Returns false if there is none (or option is empty) |
getNumNews | Returns the number of news articles. |
getNumPages | Returns a count of the pages |
getPageAuthor | Returns the author of a page |
getPageContent | Returns page content either of the current page or if requested by titlelink directly. If not both return false Set the titlelink of a page to call a specific even un-published page ($published = false) as a gallery description or on another custom page for example |
getPageCustomData | Gets the custom data field of the current page |
getPageDate | Returns the creation date of a page |
getPageExtraContent | Returns page extra content either of the current page or if requested by titlelink directly. If not both return false Set the titlelink of a page to call a specific even un-published page ($published = false) as a gallery description or on another custom page for example |
getPageID | Returns the id of a page |
getPageLastChangeDate | Returns the last change date of a page if available |
getPageParentID | Returns the id of the parent page of a page |
getPageSortorder | Returns the sortorder of a page |
getPageTitle | Returns title of a page |
getPageTitleLink | Returns titlelink of a page |
getPageURL | Returns full path to a specific page |
getPrevNewsPageURL | Returns the url to the previous news page |
getPrevNewsURL | Returns the title and the titlelink of the previous article in single news article pagination as an array Returns false if there is none (or option is empty) |
getTotalNewsPages | |
getZenpageStatistic | Gets the statistic for pages, news articles or categories as an unordered list |
is_AdminEditPage | Checks if the current admin-edit.php page is called for news articles or for pages. |
is_News | Checks if the current page is in news context. |
is_NewsArchive | Checks if the current page is a news archive page |
is_NewsArticle | Checks if the current page is a single news article page |
is_NewsCategory | Checks if the current page is a news category page |
is_NewsPage | Checks if the current page is the news page in general. |
is_Pages | Checks if the current page is a zenpage page |
next_news | Returns the next news item on a page. sets $_zp_current_zenpage_news to the next news item Returns true if there is an new item to be shown |
next_page | Returns pages from the current page object/search/or parent pages based on context Updates $_zp_zenpage_curent_page and returns true if there is another page to be delivered |
printAllNewsCategories | Prints all news categories as a unordered html list |
printArticleCategories | Print the categories of a news article for the news articles list |
printArticleDatesDropdown | Prints the dropdown menu for the date archive selector for the news articles list |
printArticlesPerPageDropdown | Prints the dropdown menu for the articles per page selector for the news articles list |
printBareNewsTitle | |
printBarePageTitle | prints the raw title of a page. |
printCategoriesStatistic | |
printCategoryCheckboxListEntry | Prints the checkboxes to select and/or show the category of an news article on the edit or add page |
printCategoryDropdown | Prints the dropdown menu for the category selector for the news articles list |
printCategoryListSortableTable | Prints the list entry of a single category for the sortable list |
printCategorySelection | Prints the checkboxes to select and/or show the category of an news article on the edit or add page |
printCurrentNewsArchive | Prints the current select news date (year-month) or formatted |
printCurrentNewsCategory | Prints the title of the currently selected news category |
printExpired | Prints data info for objects |
printLatestNews | Prints the latest news either only news articles or with the latest images or albums as a unordered html list |
printMostPopularItems | Prints the most popular pages, news articles and categories as an unordered list |
printMostRatedItems | Prints the most rated pages and news articles as an unordered list |
printNestedItemsList | Prints the nested list for pages and categories |
printNestedMenu | Prints a context sensitive menu of all pages as a unordered html list |
printNewsArchive | Prints the monthy news archives sorted by year NOTE: This does only include news articles. |
printNewsAuthor | Prints the author of a news article |
printNewsCategories | Prints the categories of current article as a unordered html list |
printNewsCategoryCustomData | Prints the custom data field of the news category |
printNewsCategoryDesc | Prints the description of the news category |
printNewsCategoryURL | Prints the full link to a news category |
printNewsContent | Prints the news article content. Note: TinyMCE used by Zenpage for news articles may already add a surrounding to the content. |
printNewsCustomData | Prints the custom data field of the curent news article |
printNewsDate | Prints the date of the current news article |
printNewsExtraContent | Prints the extracontent of a news article if in single news articles view |
printNewsIndexURL | Prints the full link of the news index page (news page 1 by default) |
printNewsPageList | Prints the page number list for news page navigation |
printNewsPageListWithNav | Prints the full news page navigation with prev/next links and the page number list |
printNewsStatistic | |
printNewsTitle | prints the news article title |
printNewsURL | Prints the title of a news article as a full html link |
printNextNewsLink | Prints the link of the next article in single news article pagination if available |
printNextNewsPageLink | Prints the link to the next news page |
printPageArticleTags | Print the categories of a news article for the news articles list |
printPageAuthor | Prints the author of a page |
printPageContent | Print page content either of the current page or if requested by titlelink directly. If not both return false Set the titlelink of a page to call a specific even un-published page ($published = false) as a gallery description or on another custom page for example |
printPageCustomData | Prints the custom data field of the current page |
printPageDate | Prints the creation date of a page |
printPageExtraContent | Prints page extra content if on a page either of the current page or if requested by titlelink directly. If not both return false Set the titlelink of a page to call a specific even un-published page ($published = false) as a gallery description or on another custom page for example |
printPageID | Prints the id of a page |
printPageLastChangeDate | Prints the last change date of a page |
printPageMenu | Prints a context sensitive menu of all pages as a unordered html list |
printPagesListTable | Prints the table part of a single page item for the sortable pages list |
printPagesStatistic | |
printPageTitle | Prints the title of a page |
printPageTitleLink | Prints titlelink of a page !!!!!!!!!!NOT THE URL TO THE PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
printPageURL | Prints the url to a specific zenpage page |
printPrevNewsLink | Prints the link of the previous article in single news article pagination if available |
printPrevNewsPageLink | Prints the link to the previous news page |
printPublished | Prints data info for objects |
printPublishIconLink | Prints the publish/un-published/scheduled publishing icon with a link for the pages and news articles list. |
printSortOrderDropdown | Prints the dropdown menu for the sortorder selector for the news articles list |
printSubPagesExcerpts | Prints excerpts of the direct subpages (1 level) of a page for a kind of overview. The setup is: page titlepage content excerpt read more |
printTopRatedItems | Prints the top rated pages and news articles as an unordered list |
printUnpublishedDropdown | Prints the dropdown menu for the published/un-publishd selector for the news articles list |
printZenpageIconLegend | |
printZenpageItemsBreadcrumb | Prints the parent items breadcrumb navigation for pages or categories |
printZenpageStatistic | Prints the statistics Zenpage items as an unordered list |
processTags | processes the taglist save |
processZenpageBulkActions | Processes the check box bulk actions |
skipScheduledPublishing | Skips the scheduled publishing by setting the date of a page or article to the current date to publish it immediately |
stickyNews | returns the "sticky" value of the news article |
updateArticle | Updates or adds a news article and returns the object of that article |
updateCategory | Updates or adds a category |
updateItemSortorder | Updates the sortorder of the items list in the database |
updatePage | Updates or adds a page and returns the object of that page |
zenpageAlbumImage | support to show an image from an album The imagename is optional. If absent the album thumb image will be used and the link will be to the album. If present the link will be to the image. |
zenpageBulkActionMessage | |
zenpageJSCSS | Prints the links to JavaScript and CSS files zenpage needs. Actually the same as for zenphoto but with different paths since we are in the plugins folder. |
zenpagePublish | Publishes a page or news article |