Function printMenumanagerBreadcrumb
Prints the breadcrumbs of the current page
NOTE: this function is entirely dependedn on the menu tree you have generated. It will work only with static menu trees. That is, if the page upon which you call this function is not present in your menu tree it will not have any parent pages. Thus, menu items generated for instance by function calls cannot have parents in the printMenumanagerBreadcrumb sense.
Likewise if you have non exclusive menu links to a page the parentage of that page with respect to breadcrumbs may not reflect on the menu transitions that the user used to arrive on the page.
Package: plugins\menu-manager
Author: Stephen Billard (sbillard), Malte Müller (acrylian)
Located at zp-extensions/menu_manager.php
Author: Stephen Billard (sbillard), Malte Müller (acrylian)
Located at zp-extensions/menu_manager.php
string |
$menuset = 'default' |
current menu set |
string |
$before = '' |
before text |
string |
$between = ' | ' |
between text |
string |
$after = ' | ' |
after text |