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if (isset($_REQUEST['performcrop'])) {
if (!defined('OFFSET_PATH'))
define('OFFSET_PATH', 3);
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/admin-globals.php');
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/functions-image.php');
admin_securityChecks(ALBUM_RIGHTS, $return = currentRelativeURL());
} else {
zp_register_filter('admin_toolbox_image', 'crop_image::toolbox');
zp_register_filter('edit_image_utilities', 'crop_image::edit', 99999);
$plugin_is_filter = 5 | ADMIN_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext("An image cropping tool.");
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
$plugin_category = gettext('Media');
class crop_image {
static function toolbox($albumname, $imagename) {
$album = newAlbum($albumname);
if ($album->isMyItem(ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
$image = newimage($album, $imagename);
if (isImagePhoto($image)) {
<a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER; ?>/crop_image.php?a=<?php echo pathurlencode($albumname); ?>
&i=<?php echo urlencode($imagename); ?>&performcrop=frontend "><?php echo gettext("Crop image"); ?></a>
static function edit($output, $image, $prefix, $subpage, $tagsort) {
if (isImagePhoto($image)) {
if (is_array($image->filename)) {
$albumname = dirname($image->filename['source']);
$imagename = basename($image->filename['source']);
} else {
$albumname = $image->albumlink;
$imagename = $image->filename;
$output .=
'<div class="button buttons tooltip" title="' . gettext('Permanently crop the actual image.') . '">' . "\n" .
'<a href="' . WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/crop_image.php?a=' . pathurlencode($albumname) . "\n" .
'&i=' . urlencode($imagename) . '&performcrop=backend&subpage=' . $subpage . '&tagsort=' . html_encode($tagsort) . '">' . "\n" .
'<img src="images/shape_handles.png" alt="" />' . gettext("Crop image") . '</a>' . "\n" .
'<br class="clearall" />' .
'</div>' . "\n";
return $output;
$albumname = sanitize_path($_REQUEST['a']);
$imagename = sanitize_path($_REQUEST['i']);
$album = newAlbum($albumname);
if (!$album->isMyItem(ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
if (!zp_apply_filter('admin_managed_albums_access', false, $return)) {
redirectURL(FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin.php?from=' . $return);
$use_side = getOption('image_use_side');
$albumobj = newAlbum($albumname);
$imageobj = newImage($albumobj, $imagename);
if (isImagePhoto($imageobj)) {
$imgpath = $imageobj->localpath;
$imagepart = basename($imgpath);
$timg = zp_imageGet($imgpath);
$width = $imageobj->getWidth();
$height = $imageobj->getHeight();
} else {
die(gettext('attempt to crop an object which is not an image.'));
switch ($use_side) {
case 'longest':
$size = min(400, $width, $height);
if ($width >= $height) {
$sr = $size / $width;
$sizedwidth = $size;
$sizedheight = round($height / $width * $size);
} else {
$sr = $size / $height;
$sizedwidth = Round($width / $height * $size);
$sizedheight = $size;
case 'shortest':
$size = min(400, $width, $height);
if ($width < $height) {
$sr = $size / $width;
$sizedwidth = $size;
$sizedheight = round($height / $width * $size);
} else {
$sr = $size / $height;
$sizedwidth = Round($width / $height * $size);
$sizedheight = $size;
case 'width':
$size = $width;
$sr = 1;
$sizedwidth = $size;
$sizedheight = round($height / $width * $size);
case 'height':
$size = $height;
$sr = 1;
$sizedwidth = Round($width / $height * $size);
$sizedheight = $size;
$args = array($size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL);
$imageurl = getImageProcessorURI($args, $albumname, $imagepart);
$iW = round($sizedwidth * 0.9);
$iH = round($sizedheight * 0.9);
$iX = round($sizedwidth * 0.05);
$iY = round($sizedheight * 0.05);
if (isset($_REQUEST['crop'])) {
$cw = $_REQUEST['w'];
$ch = $_REQUEST['h'];
$cx = $_REQUEST['x'];
$cy = $_REQUEST['y'];
$rw = $width / $sizedwidth;
$rh = $height / $sizedheight;
$cw = round($cw * $rw);
$ch = round($ch * $rh);
$cx = round($cx * $rw);
$cy = round($cy * $rh);
$quality = getOption('full_image_quality');
$rotate = false;
if (zp_imageCanRotate()) {
$rotate = getImageRotation($imgpath);
debugLog("image_crop: crop " . basename($imgpath) . ":\$cw=$cw, \$ch=$ch, \$cx=$cx, \$cy=$cy \$rotate=$rotate");
if ($rotate) {
$timg = zp_rotateImage($timg, $rotate);
$newim = zp_createImage($cw, $ch);
zp_resampleImage($newim, $timg, 0, 0, $cx, $cy, $cw, $ch, $cw, $ch, getSuffix($imagename));
@chmod($imgpath, 0777);
if (zp_imageOutput($newim, getSuffix($imgpath), $imgpath, $quality)) {
debugLog('image_crop Finished:' . basename($imgpath));
} else {
debugLog('image_crop: failed to create ' . $imgpath);
@chmod($imgpath, FILE_MOD);
Gallery::clearCache(SERVERCACHE . '/' . $albumname);
$imageobj->set('EXIFOrientation', 0);
$imageobj->set('thumbX', NULL);
$imageobj->set('thumbY', NULL);
$imageobj->set('thumbW', NULL);
$imageobj->set('thumbH', NULL);
if ($_REQUEST['performcrop'] == 'backend') {
$return = FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-edit.php?page=edit&album=' . pathurlencode($albumname) . '&saved&subpage=' . sanitize($_REQUEST['subpage']) . '&tagsort=' . sanitize($_REQUEST['tagsort']) . '&tab=imageinfo';
} else {
$return = FULLWEBPATH . $imageobj->getLink();
if (isset($_REQUEST['subpage'])) {
$subpage = sanitize($_REQUEST['subpage']);
$tagsort = sanitize($_REQUEST['tagsort']);
} else {
$subpage = $tagsort = '';
printAdminHeader('edit', gettext('crop image'));
<script src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER ?>/js/jquery.Jcrop.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER ?>/js/jquery.Jcrop.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER ?>/crop_image/crop_image.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" >
var jcrop_api;
jQuery(window).load(function() {
function initJcrop() {
jcrop_api = jQuery.Jcrop('#cropbox');
onchange: showCoords,
onSelect: showCoords,
bgOpacity: .4,
bgColor: 'black'
jcrop_api.setOptions({aspectRatio: 0});
function clearAspect() {
jcrop_api.setOptions({aspectRatio: 0});
function aspectChange() {
var aspectWidth = jQuery('#aspect-ratio-width').attr('value');
var aspectHeight = jQuery('#aspect-ratio-height').attr('value');
if (!aspectWidth)
aspectWidth = aspectHeight;
if (!aspectHeight)
aspectHeight = aspectWidth;
if (aspectHeight) {
jcrop_api.setOptions({aspectRatio: aspectWidth / aspectHeight});
} else {
jcrop_api.setOptions({aspectRatio: 0});
function swapAspect() {
var aspectHeight = $('#aspect-ratio-width').val();
var aspectWidth = $('#aspect-ratio-height').val();
jcrop_api.setOptions({aspectRatio: aspectWidth / aspectHeight});
function clearAspect() {
function showCoords(c) {
var new_width = Math.round(c.w * (<?php echo $width ?> /<?php echo $sizedwidth ?>));
var new_height = Math.round(c.h * (<?php echo $height ?> /<?php echo $sizedheight ?>));
function resetBoundingBox() {
jcrop_api.setSelect([<?php echo $iX; ?>, <?php echo $iY; ?>, <?php echo $iX + $iW; ?>, <?php echo $iY + $iH; ?>]);
function checkCoords() {
return true;
<?php printLogoAndLinks(); ?>
<div id="main">
<?php printTabs(); ?>
<div id="content">
<?php zp_apply_filter('admin_note', 'crop_image', ''); ?>
<h1><?php echo gettext("Image cropping") . ": <em>" . $albumobj->name . " (" . $albumobj->getTitle() . ") /" . $imageobj->filename . " (" . $imageobj->getTitle() . ")</em>"; ?></h1>
<div id="notice_div">
<p><?php echo gettext('You can crop your image by dragging the crop handles on the image'); ?></p>
<p id="notice" class="notebox" style="width:<?php echo $sizedwidth; ?>px" ><?php echo gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> If you save these changes they are permanent!'); ?></p>
<div style="display:block">
<div style="text-align:left; float: left;">
<div style="width: <?php echo $sizedwidth; ?>px; height: <?php echo $sizedheight; ?>px; margin-bottom: 10px; border: 4px solid gray;">
<!-- This is the image we're attaching Jcrop to -->
<img src="<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($imageurl)); ?>" id="cropbox" />
<p class="floatright">
<?php echo sprintf(gettext('(<span id="new-width">%1$u</span> x <span id="new-height">%2$u</span> pixels)'), round($iW * ($width / $sizedwidth)), round($iH * ($height / $sizedheight)));
<span class="clearall" ></span>
printf(gettext('width:%1$s %2$s height:%3$s %4$s clear %5$s'), '<input type="text" id="aspect-ratio-width" name="aspect-ratio-width" value="" size="5" />', ' <span id="aspect" ><a id="swap_button" href="javascript:swapAspect();" title="' . gettext('swap width and height fields') . '" > <img src="crop_image/swap.png"> </a></span> ', '<input type="text" id="aspect-ratio-height" name="aspect-ratio-height" value="" size="5" />', '<a href="javascript:clearAspect();" title="' . gettext('clear width and height fields') . '" >', '</a>')
<!-- This is the form that our event handler fills -->
<form class="dirty-check" name="crop" id="crop" action="?crop" onsubmit="return checkCoords();" autocomplete="off">
<?php XSRFToken('crop'); ?>
<input type="hidden" size="4" id="x" name="x" value="<?php echo $iX ?>" />
<input type="hidden" size="4" id="y" name="y" value="<?php echo $iY ?>" />
<input type="hidden" size="4" id="x2" name="x2" value="<?php echo $iX + $iW ?>" />
<input type="hidden" size="4" id="y2" name="y2" value="<?php echo $iY + $iH ?>" />
<input type="hidden" size="4" id="w" name="w" value="<?php echo $iW ?>" />
<input type="hidden" size="4" id="h" name="h" value="<?php echo $iH ?>" />
<input type="hidden" id="a" name="a" value="<?php echo html_encode($albumname); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" id="i" name="i" value="<?php echo html_encode($imagename); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" id="tagsort" name="tagsort" value="<?php echo html_encode($tagsort); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" id="subpage" name="subpage" value="<?php echo html_encode($subpage); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" id="crop" name="crop" value="crop" />
<input type="hidden" id="performcrop" name="performcrop" value="<?php echo html_encode(sanitize($_REQUEST['performcrop'])); ?>" />
<p class="buttons">
<button type="button" onclick="clearAspect();" >
<img src="../images/fail.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Reset"); ?></strong>
<button type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo gettext('Apply the cropping') ?>">
<img src="../images/pass.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Apply"); ?></strong>
if ($_REQUEST['performcrop'] == 'backend') {
<button type="reset" value="<?php echo gettext('Back') ?>" onclick="window.location = '../admin-edit.php?page=edit&album=<?php echo pathurlencode($albumname); ?>&subpage=<?php echo $subpage; ?>&tagsort=<?php echo html_encode($tagsort); ?>&tab=imageinfo'">
<img src="../images/arrow_left_blue_round.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Back"); ?></strong>
} else {
<button type="reset" value="<?php echo gettext('Back') ?>" onclick="window.location = '../../index.php?album=<?php echo pathurlencode($albumname); ?>&image=<?php echo urlencode($imagename); ?>'">
<img src="../images/arrow_left_blue_round.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Back"); ?></strong>
<br />
<br style="clear: both" />
</div><!-- block -->
</div><!-- content -->
<?php printAdminFooter(); ?>
</div><!-- main -->