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$plugin_is_filter = 5 | ADMIN_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext('Provides file handling for the <code>upload/files</code> tab and the <em>TinyMCE</em> file browser.');
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
$plugin_category = gettext('Uploader');
$option_interface = 'elFinder_options';
class elFinder_options {
function __construct() {
setOptionDefault('elFinder_files', 1);
setOptionDefault('elFinder_tinymce', 0);
function getOptionsSupported() {
$options = array(gettext('Files tab') => array('key' => 'elFinder_files', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX,
'desc' => gettext('Use as the upload <em>files</em> subtab.')),
gettext('TinyMCE plugin') => array('key' => 'elFinder_tinymce', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX,
'desc' => gettext('Enable plugin for TinyMCE.'))
return $options;
function handleOption($option, $currentValue) {
if (getOption('elFinder_files') && zp_loggedin(FILES_RIGHTS)) {
zp_register_filter('admin_tabs', 'elFinder_admin_tabs', 50);
if (getOption('elFinder_tinymce')) {
zp_register_filter('tinymce_zenpage_config', 'elFinder_tinymce');
function elFinder_admin_tabs($tabs) {
$me = sprintf(gettext('files (%s)'), 'elFinder');
$mylink = FULLWEBPATH . '/'. ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/elFinder/filemanager.php?page=upload&tab=elFinder&type=' . gettext('files');
if (is_null($tabs['upload'])) {
$tabs['upload'] = array(
'text' => gettext("upload"),
'link' => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-upload.php',
'subtabs' => NULL);
$tabs['upload']['subtabs'][$me] = $mylink;
if (zp_getcookie('zpcms_admin_uploadtype') == 'elFinder')
$tabs['upload']['link'] = $mylink;
return $tabs;
function elFinder_tinymce($discard) {
$file = FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/elFinder/elfinder.php?XSRFToken=' . getXSRFToken('elFinder');
<script type="text/javascript">
function elFinderBrowser(field_name, url, type, win) {
file: '<?php echo $file; ?>',
title: 'elFinder 2.0',
width: 900,
height: 450,
close_previous: 'no',
inline: 'yes',
popup_css: false,
resizable: 'yes'
}, {
setUrl: function(url) {
win.document.getElementById(field_name).value = url;
return false;
return 'elFinderBrowser';