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$plugin_is_filter = 5 | ADMIN_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext('View available <code>content macros</code>.');
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
$plugin_category = gettext('Development');
foreach (getEnabledPlugins() as $ext => $pn) {
$loadtype = $pn['priority'];
if ($loadtype & (FEATURE_PLUGIN | THEME_PLUGIN)) {
$macros = getMacros();
if (!empty($macros)) {
zp_register_filter('admin_tabs', 'macro_admin_tabs');
function macro_admin_tabs($tabs) {
if (zp_loggedin(ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
if (!isset($tabs['development'])) {
$tabs['development'] = array(
'text' => gettext("development"),
'subtabs' => NULL);
$tabs['development']['subtabs'][gettext("macros")] = FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/macroList/macroList_tab.php?page=macros&tab=' . gettext('macros');
$named = array_flip($tabs['development']['subtabs']);
$tabs['development']['subtabs'] = $named = array_flip($named);
$tabs['development']['link'] = array_shift($named);
return $tabs;
function macroList_show($macro, $detail) {
$warned = array();
echo '<dl>';
$warn = array();
if (preg_match('/[^\w]/', $macro)) {
$warn['identifier'] = gettext('Macro identifiers may not contain special characters.');
echo '<dt class="top"><code>[<span class="error">' . $macro . '</span>';
} else {
echo '<dt class="top"><code>[' . $macro;
$required = $array = false;
if ($detail['class'] == 'expression') {
preg_match_all('/\$\d+/', $detail['value'], $replacements);
foreach ($replacements as $rkey => $v) {
if (empty($v))
if (count($detail['params']) != count($replacements)) {
$warn['paremeters'] = gettext('The number of macro parameters must match the number of replacement tokens in the expression.');
} else if ($detail['class'] == 'function' || $detail['class'] == 'procedure') {
if (!is_callable($detail['value'])) {
$warn['method'] = sprintf(gettext('<code>%s</code> is not callable'), $detail['value']);
if (!empty($detail['params'])) {
$params = '';
$brace = '{';
for ($i = 1; $i <= count($detail['params']); $i++) {
$type = rtrim($rawtype = $detail['params'][$i - 1], '*');
if ($array) {
$params .= ' <em><span class="error">' . $type . ' %' . $i . '</span></em>';
$warn['array'] = gettext('An array parameter must be the last parameter.');
} else if ($type == $rawtype) {
if ($required) {
$params .= ' <em><span class="error">' . $type . ' %' . $i . '</span></em>';
$warn['required'] = gettext('Required parameters should not follow optional ones.');
} else {
$params = $params . ' <em>' . $type . " %$i</em>";
} else {
if ($detail['class'] == 'expression') {
$params = $params . " <em>$brace" . '<span class="error">' . $type . " %$i</span></em>";
$warn['expression'] = gettext('Expressions may not have optional parameters.');
} else {
$params = $params . " <em>$brace" . $type . " %$i</em>";
$required = true;
$brace = '';
$array = $array || $type == 'array';
if ($required)
$params .= "<em>}</em>";
echo $params;
echo ']</code> <em>(' . @$detail['owner'] . ')</em></dt><dd class="top">' . $detail['desc'] . '</dd>';
if (count($warn)) {
echo '<div class="notebox"><strong>Warning:</strong>';
foreach ($warn as $warning) {
echo '<p>' . $warning . '</p>';
echo '</dl>';