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if (defined('OFFSET_PATH')) {
$plugin_is_filter = 5 | ADMIN_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext("Provides a utility function to send e-mails to all users who have provided an e-mail address.");
$plugin_author = "Malte Müller (acrylian)";
$plugin_category = gettext('Mail');
zp_register_filter('admin_utilities_buttons', 'user_mailing_list_button');
function user_mailing_list_button($buttons) {
global $_zp_authority, $_zp_current_admin_obj;
$button = array(
'category' => gettext('Admin'),
'enable' => false,
'button_text' => gettext('User mailing list'),
'formname' => 'user_mailing_list.php',
'action' => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/user_mailing_list.php',
'icon' => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/icon_mail.png',
'title' => gettext('There are no other registered users who have provided an e-mail address.'),
'alt' => '',
'hidden' => '',
'rights' => ADMIN_RIGHTS
$currentadminuser = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser();
$admins = $_zp_authority->getAdministrators();
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
if (!empty($admin['email']) && $currentadminuser != $admin['user']) {
$button['enable'] = true;
$button['title'] = gettext('A tool to send e-mails to all registered users who have provided an e-mail address.');
$buttons[] = $button;
return $buttons;
} else {
define('OFFSET_PATH', 3);
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/admin-globals.php');
admin_securityChecks(NULL, currentRelativeURL());
if (isset($_GET['sendmail'])) {
$webpath = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/';
$admins = $_zp_authority->getAdministrators();
$zenphoto_tabs['overview']['subtabs'] = array(gettext('Mailing') => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/user_mailing_list.php');
printAdminHeader('overview', 'Mailing');
<?php printLogoAndLinks(); ?>
<div id="main">
<?php printTabs(); ?>
<div id="content">
<?php printSubtabs('Mailing'); ?>
<div class="tabbox">
<?php zp_apply_filter('admin_note', 'user_mailing', ''); ?>
<h1><?php echo gettext('User mailing list'); ?></h1>
<p><?php echo gettext("A tool to send e-mails to all registered users who have provided an e-mail address. There is always a copy sent to the current admin and all e-mails are sent as <em>blind copies</em>."); ?></p>
if (!zp_has_filter('sendmail')) {
$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
<p class="notebox">
echo gettext("<strong>Note: </strong>No <em>sendmail</em> filter is registered. You must activate and configure a mailer plugin.");
} else {
$disabled = '';
if (isset($_GET['sendmail'])) {
$subject = NULL;
$message = NULL;
if (isset($_POST['subject'])) {
$subject = sanitize($_POST['subject']);
if (isset($_POST['message'])) {
$message = sanitize($_POST['message']);
$cc_addresses = array();
$admincount = count($admins);
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
if (isset($_POST["admin_" . $admin['id']])) {
$cc_addresses[] = $admin['email'];
$currentadminmail = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getEmail();
if (!empty($currentadminmail)) {
$cc_addresses[] = $currentadminmail;
$err_msg = zp_mail($subject, $message, array(), array(), $cc_addresses);
if ($err_msg) {
echo '<p class="errorbox">' . $err_msg . '</p>';
} else {
echo '<p class="messagebox">' . gettext('Mail sent.') . '</p>';
<h3><strong><?php echo gettext('Subject:'); ?> </strong><?php echo $subject; ?></h3>
<p><strong><?php echo gettext('To:'); ?> </strong><?php echo implode(',', $cc_addresses); ?></p>
<strong><?php echo gettext('Message:'); ?> </strong><?php echo $message; ?>
<p class="buttons"><a href="user_mailing_list.php" title="<?php echo gettext('Send another mail'); ?>"><?php echo gettext('Send another mail'); ?></a></p>
} else {
<h2><?php echo gettext('Please enter the message you want to send.'); ?></h2>
<form class="dirty-check" id="massmail" action="?sendmail" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" autocomplete="off">
<?php XSRFToken('mailing_list'); ?>
<td valign="top">
<labelfor="subject"><?php echo gettext('Subject:'); ?></label><br />
<input type="text" id="subject" name="subject" value="" size="70"<?php echo $disabled; ?> /><br /><br />
<label for="message"><?php echo gettext('Message:'); ?></label><br />
<textarea id="message" name="message" value="" cols="68" rows="10"<?php echo $disabled; ?> ></textarea>
<td valign="top" align="left">
<?php echo gettext('Select users:'); ?>
<ul class="unindentedchecklist" style="height: 205px; width: 30em;">
$currentadminuser = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser();
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
if (!empty($admin['email']) && $currentadminuser != $admin['user']) {
<label for="admin_<?php echo $admin['id']; ?>">
<input name="admin_<?php echo $admin['id']; ?>" id="admin_<?php echo $admin['id']; ?>" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo html_encode($admin['email']); ?>" checked="checked" <?php echo $disabled; ?>/>
echo $admin['user'] . " (";
if (!empty($admin['name'])) {
echo $admin['name'] . " - ";
echo $admin['email'] . ")";
<br />
<p class="buttons">
<button class="submitbutton" type="submit"
title="<?php echo gettext("Send mail"); ?>"<?php echo $disabled; ?> ><img
src="../images/pass.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Send mail"); ?></strong></button>
<p class="buttons">
<button class="submitbutton" type="reset"
title="<?php echo gettext("Reset"); ?>"><img src="../images/reset.png"
alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Reset"); ?></strong></button>
<br style="clear: both" />
<?php } ?>
</div><!-- content -->
</div><!-- main -->
<?php printAdminFooter(); ?>