1: <?php
3: /**
4: *
5: * You will be presented a list un-published albums and a list of not visible images. You can select albums and
6: * images from these lists to be published. (
7: * So you can freely upload albums and images then on a periodic basis review which ones to make available
8: * to visitors of your gallery.
9: * Only images that are older than specific date and time will be shown. (You can select that benchmark making it easy
10: * to allow new images to <i>age</i> before you decide to publish them.)
11: * There is no record of when albums were first encountered, so all un-published
12: * albums are show.
13: *
14: * If you have the <var>Zenpage</var> content management plugin enabled you will also have lists of
15: * unpublished <i>categories</i>, <i>news articles</i>, and <i>pages</i>.
16: *
17: * <b>NOTE:</b> The <var>fieldsets</var> for each of these displays is <i>collapsed</i> by default. Click on the <img src="%WEBPATH%/%ZENFOLDER%/images/arrow_down.png" /> icon to
18: * <i>open</i> the view. When the view is open, <img src="%WEBPATH%/%ZENFOLDER%/images/arrow_up.png" /> will close it.
19: *
20: * You can also change the default setting of the albums <i>published</i> and
21: * the images <i>visible</i> fields. (These are the same options provided in the <i>Gallery behavior</i> section of
22: * the gallery options tab.)
23: *
24: * @package plugins
25: * @subpackage admin
26: */
27: $plugin_is_filter = 500 | ADMIN_PLUGIN;
28: $plugin_description = gettext('A single place to quickly review your unpublished content.');
29: $plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
31: zp_register_filter('admin_utilities_buttons', 'publishContent::button');
33: class publishContent {
35: static function button($buttons) {
36: $buttons[] = array(
37: 'category' => gettext('Admin'),
38: 'enable' => true,
39: 'button_text' => gettext('Publish content'),
40: 'formname' => 'publishContent_button',
41: 'action' => WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/publishContent/publishContent.php',
42: 'icon' => 'images/calendar.png',
43: 'title' => gettext('Manage published state of content in your gallery.'),
44: 'alt' => '',
45: 'hidden' => '',
46: 'rights' => ALBUM_RIGHTS
47: );
48: return $buttons;
49: }
51: }
53: ?>