1: <?php
3: 4: 5:
7: class Zenpage_internal_deprecations {
9: 10: 11: 12:
13: public static function getNextPrevNews() {
14: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Sort parameter options should be set instead with the setSortType() and setSortDirection() object methods at the head of your script.').gettext('This includes getNextPrevNews(), getNextNewsURL(), printNextNewsLink(), getPrevNewsURL() and printPrevNewsLink().'));
15: }
17: 18: 19: 20:
21: public static function getIndex() {
22: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Sort parameter options should be set instead with the setSortType(), setSortDirection() and setSortSticky() object methods at the head of your script.'));
23: }
25: 26: 27: 28:
29: public static function getPrevArticle() {
30: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Sort parameter options should be set instead with the setSortType(), setSortDirection() and setSortSticky() object methods at the head of your script.'));
31: }
33: 34: 35: 36:
37: public static function getNextArticle() {
38: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Sort parameter options should be set instead with the setSortType(), setSortDirection() and setSortSticky() object methods at the head of your script.'));
39: }
41: 42: 43: 44:
45: public static function getLatestNews() {
46: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. Remove the "$option" parameter. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
47: }
49: 50: 51: 52:
53: public static function printLatestNews() {
54: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. Remove the "$option" parameter. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
55: }
57: 58: 59: 60:
61: public static function next_news() {
62: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Sort parameter options should be set instead with the setSortType() and setSortDirection() object methods at the head of your script.'));
63: }
65: 66: 67: 68:
69: public static function next_page() {
70: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Sort parameter options should be set instead with the setSortType() and setSortDirection() object methods at the head of your script.'));
71: }
73: 74: 75: 76:
77: static function getNewsLink() {
78: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the getLink method instead'));
79: }
81: 82: 83: 84:
85: static function getCategoryLink() {
86: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the getLink method instead'));
87: }
89: 90: 91: 92:
93: static function getPageLink() {
94: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the getLink method instead'));
95: }
97: 98: 99: 100:
101: static function getPagesLinkPath() {
102: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Create an object and use its getLink method.'));
103: }
105: 106: 107: 108:
109: static function getNewsTitlePath() {
110: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Create an object and use its getLink method.'));
111: }
113: 114: 115: 116:
117: static function getNewsCategoryPath() {
118: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Create an object and use its getLink method.'));
119: }
121: 122: 123: 124:
125: static function getNewsArchivePath() {
126: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use getNewsArchivePath().'));
127: }
129: 130: 131: 132:
133: static function getNewsIndexURL() {
134: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('The Zenpage class method is deprecated. Use the global function getNewsIndexURL().'));
135: }
137: 138: 139: 140:
141: static function getSubPages() {
142: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the Zenpage Page class->getPages() method.'));
143: }
145: }
147: 148: 149: 150:
151: function getZenpageHitcounter($mode = "", $obj = NULL) {
152: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use getHitcounter().'));
153: return @call_user_func('getHitcounter');
154: }
156: 157: 158: 159:
160: function zenpageHitcounter($option = 'pages', $viewonly = false, $id = NULL) {
161: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use getHitcounter().'));
162: return @call_user_func('getHitcounter');
163: }
165: 166: 167: 168:
169: function getNewsImageTags() {
170: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use object->getTags() method.'));
171: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
172: if (is_object($_zp_current_zenpage_news)) {
173: return $_zp_current_zenpage_news->getTags();
174: } else {
175: return false;
176: }
177: }
179: 180: 181: 182:
183: function printNewsImageTags($option = 'links', $preText = NULL, $class = 'taglist', $separator = ', ', $editable = TRUE) {
184: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use printTags().'));
185: printTags($option, $preText, $class, $separator);
186: }
188: 189: 190: 191:
192: function getSubCategories($catlink) {
193: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method getSubCategories().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
194: $catlink = sanitize($catlink);
195: $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($catlink);
196: return $catobj->getSubCategories();
197: }
199: 200: 201: 202:
203: function inProtectedNewsCategory($articleobj = NULL, $checkProtection = true) {
204: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage news class method inProtectedCategory().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
205: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
206: if (empty($articleobj) && !is_null($_zp_current_zenpage_news) && get_class($_zp_current_zenpage_news) == 'zenpagenews') {
207: $articleobj = $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
208: }
209: if (!is_object($articleobj))
210: return false;
211: return $articleobj->inProtectedCategory();
212: $categories = $articleobj->getCategories();
213: }
215: 216: 217: 218:
219: function isProtectedNewsCategory($catlink = '') {
220: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method isProtected().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
221: global $_zp_current_category;
222: if (empty($catlink) && !is_null($_zp_current_category)) {
223: $cat = $_zp_current_category;
224: } else {
225: $cat = new ZenpageCategory($catlink);
226: }
227: return $cat->isProtected();
228: }
230: 231: 232: 233:
234: function getParentNewsCategories($parentid, $initparents = true) {
235: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method getParents().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
236: return getParentItems('categories', $parentid, $initparents);
237: }
239: 240: 241: 242:
243: function getCategoryTitle($catlink) {
244: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method getTitle().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
245: $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($catlink);
246: return $catobj->getTitle();
247: }
249: 250: 251: 252:
253: function getCategoryID($catlink) {
254: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method getID().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
255: $catlink = sanitize($catlink);
256: $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($catlink);
257: return $catobj->getID();
258: }
260: 261: 262: 263:
264: function getCategoryParentID($catlink) {
265: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method getParentID().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
266: $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($catlink);
267: return $catobj->getParentID();
268: }
270: 271: 272: 273:
274: function getCategorySortOrder($catlink) {
275: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method getSortOrder().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
276: $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($catlink);
277: return $catobj->getSortOrder();
278: }
280: 281: 282: 283:
284: function getParentPages(&$parentid, $initparents = true) {
285: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage page class method getParents().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
286: return getParentItems('pages', $parentid, $initparents);
287: }
289: 290: 291: 292:
293: function isProtectedPage($pageobj = NULL) {
294: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage page class method isProtected().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
295: global $_zp_current_zenpage_page;
296: if (is_null($pageobj))
297: $pageobj = $_zp_current_zenpage_page;
298: return $pageobj->checkforGuest() != 'zp_public_access';
299: }
301: 302: 303: 304:
305: function isMyPage($pageobj = NULL, $action) {
306: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method isMyItem().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
307: global $_zp_current_zenpage_page;
308: if (is_null($pageobj))
309: $pageobj = $_zp_current_zenpage_page;
310: return $pageobj->isMyItem($action);
311: }
313: 314: 315: 316:
317: function checkPagePassword($pageobj, &$hint, &$show) {
318: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method checkforGuest().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
319: return $pageobj->checkforGuest();
320: }
324: 325: 326: 327:
328: function isMyNews($newsobj, $action) {
329: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage news class method isMyItem().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
330: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
331: return $_zp_current_zenpage_news->isMyItem();
332: }
334: 335: 336: 337:
338: function checkNewsAccess($newsobj, &$hint, &$show) {
339: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage news class method checkNewsAccess().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
340: return $newsobj->checkNewsAccess($hint, $show);
341: }
343: 344: 345: 346:
347: function checkNewsCategoryPassword($catlink, $hint, $show) {
348: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category class method checkforGuest().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
349: $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($catlink);
350: return $catobj->checkforGuest();
351: }
353: 354: 355: 356:
357: function getCurrentNewsCategory() {
358: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category global object variable: $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
359: global $_zp_current_category;
360: return $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink();
361: }
363: 364: 365: 366:
367: function getCurrentNewsCategoryID() {
368: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category global object variable: $_zp_current_category->getID().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
369: global $_zp_current_category;
370: return $_zp_current_category->getID();
371: }
373: 374: 375: 376:
377: function getCurrentNewsCategoryParentID() {
378: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category global object variable: $_zp_current_category->getParentID().'), E_USER_NOTICE);
379: global $_zp_current_category;
380: return $_zp_current_category->getParentID();
381: }
383: 384: 385: 386:
387: function inNewsCategory($catlink) {
388: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage news global object variable: $_zp_current_zenpage_news->inNewsCategory($catlink).'), E_USER_NOTICE);
389: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
390: return $_zp_current_zenpage_news->inNewsCategory($catlink);
391: }
393: 394: 395: 396:
397: function inSubNewsCategoryOf($catlink) {
398: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage news global object variable: $_zp_current_zenpage_news->inSubNewsCategoryOf($catlink).'), E_USER_NOTICE);
399: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
400: return $_zp_current_zenpage_news->inSubNewsCategoryOf($catlink);
401: }
403: 404: 405: 406:
407: function isSubNewsCategoryOf($catlink) {
408: global $_zp_current_category;
409: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use instead the Zenpage category global object variable: $_zp_current_category->isSubNewsCategoryOf($catlink).'), E_USER_NOTICE);
410: return $_zp_current_category->isSubNewsCategoryOf($catlink);
411: }
413: 414: 415: 416:
417: function printNewsReadMoreLink($readmore = '') {
418: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Functionality is now included in getNewsContent(), printNewsContent() and getContentShorten() to properly cover custom shortening via TinyMCE <pagebreak>.'), E_USER_NOTICE);
419: $readmore = getNewsReadMore($readmore);
420: if (!empty($readmore)) {
421: $newsurl = getNewsURL();
422: echo "<a href='" . $newsurl . "' title=\"" . getBareNewsTitle() . "\">" . html_encode($readmore) . "</a>";
423: }
424: }
426: 427: 428: 429:
430: function getNewsContentShorten($articlecontent, $shorten, $shortenindicator = '', $readmore = '') {
431: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use getContentShorten() instead. Note the read more url must be passed directly.'), E_USER_NOTICE);
432: return getContentShorten($articlecontent, $shorten, $shortenindicator, '');
433: }
435: 436: 437: 438:
439: function processExpired($table) {
440: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('This happens automatically.'));
441: }
443: 444: 445: 446:
447: function getParentItems($mode = 'pages', &$parentid, $initparents = true) {
448: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the method from either the ZenpagePage or the ZenpageCategory class instead.'));
449: global $_zp_current_zenpage_page, $_zp_current_category;
450: switch ($mode) {
451: case 'pages':
452: if (!is_null($_zp_current_zenpage_page))
453: return $_zp_current_zenpage_page->getParents();
454: break;
455: case 'categories':
456: if (!is_null($_zp_current_category))
457: return $_zp_current_category->getParents();
458: break;
459: }
460: }
462: 463: 464: 465:
466: function getPages($published = NULL) {
467: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the Zenpage class method instead.'));
468: global $_zp_zenpage;
469: return $_zp_zenpage->getPages($published);
470: }
472: 473: 474: 475:
476: function getArticles($articles_per_page = '', $category = '', $published = NULL, $ignorepagination = false, $sortorder = "date", $sortdirection = "desc", $sticky = true) {
477: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the Zenpage class method instead.'));
478: global $_zp_zenpage, $_zp_current_category;
479: if (!empty($category)) {
480: $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($category);
481: return $catobj->getArticles($articles_per_page, $category, $published, $ignorepagination, $sortorder, $sortdirection, $sticky);
482: } elseif (in_context(ZP_ZENPAGE_NEWS_CATEGORY)) {
483: return $_zp_current_category->getArticles($articles_per_page, $category, $published, $ignorepagination, $sortorder, $sortdirection, $sticky);
484: } else {
485: return $_zp_zenpage->getArticles($articles_per_page, $category, $published, $ignorepagination, $sortorder, $sortdirection, $sticky);
486: }
487: }
489: 490: 491: 492:
493: function countArticles($category = '', $published = 'published', $count_subcat_articles = true) {
494: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Count the articles instead.'));
495: global $_zp_post_date;
496: if (zp_loggedin(ZENPAGE_NEWS_RIGHTS)) {
497: $published = "all";
498: } else {
499: $published = "published";
500: }
501: $show = "";
502: if (empty($category)) {
503: switch ($published) {
504: case "published":
505: $show = " WHERE `show` = 1 AND date <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'";
506: break;
507: case "unpublished":
508: $show = " WHERE `show` = 0 AND date <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'";
509: break;
510: case "all":
511: $show = "";
512: break;
513: }
515: if (in_context(ZP_ZENPAGE_NEWS_DATE)) {
516: if (empty($show)) {
517: $and = " WHERE ";
518: } else {
519: $and = " AND ";
520: }
521: $datesearch = $and . "date LIKE '$_zp_post_date%'";
522: } else {
523: $datesearch = "";
524: }
525: $count = db_count('news', $show . $datesearch);
526: return $count;
527: } else {
528: $catobj = new ZenpageCategory($category);
529: switch ($published) {
530: case "published":
531: $show = " AND news.show = 1 AND news.date <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'";
532: break;
533: case "unpublished":
534: $show = " AND news.show = 0 AND news.date <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'";
535: break;
536: case "all":
537: $show = "";
538: break;
539: }
540: if ($count_subcat_articles)
541: $subcats = $catobj->getSubCategories();
542: if ($subcats && $count_subcat_articles) {
543: $cat = " (cat.cat_id = '" . $catobj->getID() . "'";
544: foreach ($subcats as $subcat) {
545: $subcatobj = new ZenpageCategory($subcat);
546: $cat .= "OR cat.cat_id = '" . $subcatobj->getID() . "' ";
547: }
548: $cat .= ") AND cat.news_id = news.id ";
549: } else {
550: $cat = " cat.cat_id = '" . $catobj->getID() . "' AND cat.news_id = news.id ";
551: }
552: $result = query_full_array("SELECT DISTINCT news.titlelink FROM " . prefix('news2cat') . " as cat, " . prefix('news') . " as news WHERE " . $cat . $show);
553: $count = count($result);
554: return $count;
555: }
556: }
558: 559: 560: 561: 562: 563:
564: function getTotalArticles() {
565: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the Zenpage class method instead.'));
566: global $_zp_zenpage;
567: return $_zp_zenpage->getTotalArticles();
568: }
570: 571: 572: 573:
574: function getAllArticleDates($yearsonly = false) {
575: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the Zenpage class method instead.'));
576: global $_zp_zenpage;
577: return $_zp_zenpage->getAllArticleDates($yearsonly);
578: }
580: 581: 582: 583:
584: function getCurrentNewsPage() {
585: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the global $_zp_page instead.'));
586: global $_zp_page;
587: return $_zp_page;
588: }
590: 591: 592: 593:
594: function getCombiNews($articles_per_page = '', $mode = '', $published = NULL, $sortorder = '', $sticky = true) {
595: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Combinews is removed.'));
596: return array();
597: }
599: 600: 601: 602:
603: function countCombiNews($published = NULL) {
604: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Combinews is removed.'));
605: return 0;
606: }
608: 609: 610: 611:
612: function getCategoryLink($catname) {
613: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the Zenpage class method instead.'));
614: global $_zp_zenpage;
615: return $_zp_zenpage->getCategoryLink($catname);
616: }
618: 619: 620: 621:
622: function getCategory($id) {
623: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the Zenpage class method instead.'));
624: global $_zp_zenpage;
625: return $_zp_zenpage->getCategory($id);
626: }
628: 629: 630: 631:
632: function getAllCategories() {
633: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the Zenpage class method instead.'));
634: global $_zp_zenpage;
635: return $_zp_zenpage->getAllCategories();
636: }
638: 639: 640: 641:
642: function getZenpageRSSHeaderLink($option = '', $categorylink = '', $linktext = '', $lang = '') {
643: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Use the template function <code>getRSSLink()</code> instead. NOTE: While this function gets a full html link <code>getRSSLink()</code> just returns the URL.'));
644: global $_zp_current_category;
645: $host = html_encode($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
646: $protocol = PROTOCOL . '://';
647: if (empty($lang)) {
648: $lang = getOption("locale");
649: }
650: if ($option == 'Category') {
651: if (!is_null($categorylink)) {
652: $categorylink = '&category=' . html_encode($categorylink);
653: } elseif (empty($categorylink) AND ! is_null($_zp_current_category)) {
654: $categorylink = '&category=' . $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink();
655: } else {
656: $categorylink = '';
657: }
658: }
659: switch ($option) {
660: case "News":
661: if (getOption('RSS_articles')) {
662: return "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"" . html_encode(strip_tags($linktext)) . "\" href=\"" . $protocol . $host . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss=news&lang=" . $lang . "\" />\n";
663: }
664: case "Category":
665: if (getOption('RSS_articles')) {
666: return "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"" . html_encode(strip_tags($linktext)) . "\" href=\"" . $protocol . $host . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss=news&lang=" . $lang . $categorylink . "\" />\n";
667: }
668: case "NewsWithImages":
669: if (getOption('RSS_articles')) {
670: return "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"" . html_encode(strip_tags($linktext)) . "\" href=\"" . $protocol . $host . WEBPATH . "/index.php?rss=news&withimages&lang=" . $lang . "\" />\n";
671: }
672: }
673: }
675: 676: 677: 678:
679: function printLatestZenpageComments($number, $shorten = '123', $id = 'showlatestcomments', $type = "all", $itemID = "") {
680: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use printLatestComments($number, $shorten, $type, $itemID, $id, $shortenindicator);'));
681: printLatestComments($number, $shorten, $type, $itemID, $id, $shortenindicator);
682: }
684: 685: 686: 687:
688: function getZenpageRSSLink($option = 'News', $categorylink = '', $lang = NULL) {
689: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use getRSSLink($option,$lang,$categorylink).'));
690: return getRSSLink($option, $lang, $categorylink);
691: }
693: 694: 695: 696:
697: function printZenpageRSSLink($option = 'News', $categorylink = '', $prev = '', $linktext = '', $next = '', $printIcon = true, $class = null, $lang = NULL) {
698: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use printRSSLink($option, $prev, $linktext, $next, $printIcon, $class, $lang, $categoryLink).'));
699: if (class_exists('RSS'))
700: printRSSLink($option, $prev, $linktext, $next, $printIcon, $class, $lang, $categoryLink);
701: }
703: 704: 705: 706:
707: function printZenpageRSSHeaderLink($option = 'News', $categorylink = '', $linktext = '', $lang = null) {
708: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use printRSSHeaderLink($option, $linktext, $lang, $categorylink).'));
709: if (class_exists('RSS'))
710: printRSSHeaderLink($option, $linktext, $lang, $categorylink);
711: }
713: 714: 715: 716: 717: 718: 719: 720: 721:
722: function getNewsType($newsobj = NULL) {
723: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
724: return 'news';
725: }
727: 728: 729: 730: 731: 732: 733: 734: 735: 736:
737: function is_NewsType($type, $newsobj = NULL) {
738: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
739: return 'news' == $type;
740: }
742: 743: 744: 745: 746: 747:
748: function is_GalleryNewsType() {
749: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
750: return false;
751: }
753: 754: 755: 756: 757: 758:
759: function getNewsVideoContent($imageobj) {
760: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
761: return NULL;
762: }
764: 765: 766: 767: 768: 769:
770: function getNewsAlbumTitle() {
771: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
772: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
773: return false;
774: }
776: 777: 778: 779: 780: 781:
782: function getBareNewsAlbumTitle() {
783: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
784: return strip_tags(getNewsAlbumTitle());
785: }
787: 788: 789: 790: 791: 792:
793: function getNewsAlbumName() {
794: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
795: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
796: return false;
797: }
799: 800: 801: 802: 803: 804:
805: function getNewsAlbumURL() {
806: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
807: if (getNewsAlbumName()) {
808: return rewrite_path(html_encode(getNewsAlbumName()), "index.php?album=" . html_encode(getNewsAlbumName()));
809: } else {
810: return false;
811: }
812: }
814: 815: 816: 817: 818: 819:
820: function getFullNewsImage() {
821: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
822: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('CombiNews is deprecated. See the <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.6">Zenphoto 1.4.6 release notes</a>.'));
823: return false;
824: }
826: 827: 828: 829:
830: function getPageLinkPath($titlelink) {
831: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Create an object and use the object getLink'));
832: $obj = new ZenpagePage($titlelink);
833: return $obj->getLink();
834: }
836: 837: 838: 839:
840: function getNewsTitlePath($titlelink) {
841: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Create an object and use the object getLink'));
842: $obj = new ZenpageNews($titlelink);
843: return $obj->getLink();
844: }
846: 847: 848: 849:
850: function getNewsCategoryPath($category, $page) {
851: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('Create an object and use the object getLink'));
852: $obj = new ZenpageCategory($category);
853: return $obj->getLink($page);
854: }
856: 857: 858: 859:
860: function getNewsTitleLink() {
861: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use getNewsURL()'));
862: return getNewsURL();
863: }
865: 866: 867: 868:
869: function printNewsTitleLink($before = '') {
870: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use printNewsURL()'));
871: printNewsURL($before);
872: }
874: 875: 876: 877:
878: function getNewsLink($titlelink = '') {
879: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use getNewsURL()'));
880: return getNewsURL($titlelink);
881: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
882: }
884: 885: 886: 887:
888: function getPageLinkURL($titlelink = '') {
889: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use getPageURL()'));
890: return getPageURL($titlelink);
891: }
893: 894: 895: 896:
897: function printPageLinkURL($linktext, $titlelink, $prev = '', $next = '', $class = NULL) {
898: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use printPageURL()'));
899: printPageURL($linktext, $titlelink, $prev, $next, $class);
900: }
902: 903: 904: 905:
906: function printNewsLink($before = '') {
907: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext('use printNewsURL()'));
908: printNewsURL($before);
909: }
911: 912: 913: 914:
915: function zenpageOpenedForComments() {
916: deprecated_functions::notify(gettext("use the object’s getCommentsAllowed() method"));
917: global $_zp_current_zenpage_news, $_zp_current_zenpage_page;
918: if (is_NewsArticle()) {
919: $obj = $_zp_current_zenpage_news;
920: }
921: if (is_Pages()) {
922: $obj = $_zp_current_zenpage_page;
923: }
924: return $obj->getCommentsAllowed();
925: }
927: ?>