1: <?php
2: 3: 4: 5:
8: require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php');
10: define('TEXTAREA_COLUMNS', 50);
11: define('TEXT_INPUT_SIZE', 48);
12: define('TEXTAREA_COLUMNS_SHORT', 32);
13: define('TEXT_INPUT_SIZE_SHORT', 30);
14: if (!defined('EDITOR_SANITIZE_LEVEL'))
15: define('EDITOR_SANITIZE_LEVEL', 1);
17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23:
24: function printAdminFooter($addl = '') {
25: ?>
26: <div id="footer">
27: <?php
28: printf(gettext('<a href="http://www.zenphoto.org" title="The simpler media website CMS">Zen<strong>photo</strong></a> version %1$s [%2$s]'), ZENPHOTO_VERSION, ZENPHOTO_RELEASE);
29: if (!empty($addl)) {
30: echo ' | ' . $addl;
31: }
32: ?>
33: | <a href="<?php echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/license.php' ?>" title="<?php echo gettext('Zenphoto licence'); ?>"><?php echo gettext('License'); ?></a>
34: | <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/category/user-guide" title="<?php echo gettext('User guide'); ?>"><?php echo gettext('User guide'); ?></a>
35: | <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/support/" title="<?php echo gettext('Forum'); ?>"><?php echo gettext('Forum'); ?></a>
36: | <a href="https://github.com/zenphoto/zenphoto/issues" title="<?php echo gettext('Bugtracker'); ?>"><?php echo gettext('Bugtracker'); ?></a>
37: | <a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/category/changelog" title="<?php echo gettext('View Change log'); ?>"><?php echo gettext('Change log'); ?></a>
38: | <?php printf(gettext('Server date: %s'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); ?>
39: </div>
40: <?php
41: db_close();
42: }
44: function datepickerJS() {
45: $lang = str_replace('_', '-', getOption('locale'));
46: if (!file_exists(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/js/jqueryui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $lang . '.js')) {
47: $lang = substr($lang, 0, 2);
48: if (!file_exists(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/js/jqueryui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $lang . '.js')) {
49: $lang = '';
50: }
51: }
52: if (!empty($lang)) {
53: ?>
54: <script src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/jqueryui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-<?php echo $lang; ?>.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
55: <?php
56: }
57: }
59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65:
66: function printAdminHeader($tab, $subtab = NULL) {
67: global $_zp_admin_tab, $_zp_admin_subtab, $_zp_gallery, $zenphoto_tabs, $_zp_RTL_css;
68: $_zp_admin_tab = $tab;
69: if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
70: $_zp_admin_subtab = sanitize($_GET['tab'], 3);
71: } else {
72: $_zp_admin_subtab = $subtab;
73: }
74: $tabtext = $_zp_admin_tab;
75: $tabrow = NULL;
76: foreach ($zenphoto_tabs as $key => $tabrow) {
77: if ($key == $_zp_admin_tab) {
78: $tabtext = $tabrow['text'];
79: break;
80: }
81: $tabrow = NULL;
82: }
83: if (empty($_zp_admin_subtab) && $tabrow && isset($tabrow['default'])) {
84: $_zp_admin_subtab = $zenphoto_tabs[$_zp_admin_tab]['default'];
85: }
86: $subtabtext = '';
87: if ($_zp_admin_subtab && $tabrow && array_key_exists('subtabs', $tabrow) && $tabrow['subtabs']) {
88: foreach ($tabrow['subtabs'] as $key => $link) {
89: $i = strpos($link, '&tab=');
90: if ($i !== false) {
91: $text = substr($link, $i + 9);
92: if ($text == $_zp_admin_subtab) {
93: $subtabtext = '-' . $key;
94: break;
95: }
96: }
97: }
98: }
99: if (empty($subtabtext)) {
100: if ($_zp_admin_subtab) {
101: $subtabtext = '-' . $_zp_admin_subtab;
102: }
103: }
104: header('Last-Modified: ' . ZP_LAST_MODIFIED);
105: header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . LOCAL_CHARSET);
106: zp_apply_filter('admin_headers');
107: ?>
108: <!DOCTYPE html>
109: <html>
110: <head>
111: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo LOCAL_CHARSET; ?>" />
112: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/toggleElements.css" type="text/css" />
113: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/jqueryui/jquery-ui-zenphoto.css" type="text/css" />
114: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/admin.css" type="text/css" />
115: <?php
116: if ($_zp_RTL_css) {
117: ?>
118: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/admin-rtl.css" type="text/css" />
119: <?php
120: }
121: ?>
122: <title><?php echo sprintf(gettext('%1$s %2$s: %3$s%4$s'), html_encode($_zp_gallery->getTitle()), gettext('admin'), html_encode($tabtext), html_encode($subtabtext)); ?></title>
123: <script src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
124: <script src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/jqueryui/jquery-ui-zenphoto.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
125: <script src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/zenphoto.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
126: <script src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/admin.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
127: <script src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/jquery.scrollTo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
128: <script src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/jquery.dirtyforms.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
129: <script type="text/javascript">
132: $(document).ready(function() {
133: <?php
134: if (zp_has_filter('admin_head', 'colorbox::css')) {
135: ?>
136: $("a.colorbox").colorbox({
137: maxWidth: "98%",
138: maxHeight: "98%",
139: close: '<?php echo addslashes(gettext("close")); ?>'
140: });
142: <?php
143: }
144: ?>
145: $('form.dirty-check').dirtyForms({
146: message: '<?php echo addslashes(gettext('You have unsaved changes!')); ?>'
147: });
148: });
149: $(function() {
150: $(".tooltip ").tooltip({
151: show: 1000,
152: hide: 1000,
153: position: {
154: my: "center bottom-20",
155: at: "center top",
156: using: function(position, feedback) {
157: $(this).css(position);
158: $("<div>")
159: .addClass("arrow")
160: .addClass(feedback.vertical)
161: .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
162: .appendTo(this);
163: }
164: }
165: });
166: $(".page-list_icon").tooltip({
167: show: 1000,
168: hide: 1000,
169: position: {
170: my: "center bottom-20",
171: at: "center top",
172: using: function(position, feedback) {
173: $(this).css(position);
174: $("<div>")
175: .addClass("arrow")
176: .addClass(feedback.vertical)
177: .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
178: .appendTo(this);
179: }
180: }
181: });
182: });
183: jQuery(function($) {
184: $(".fade-message").fadeTo(5000, 1).fadeOut(1000);
185: })
187: </script>
188: <?php
189: zp_apply_filter('admin_head');
190: }
192: function printSortableHead() {
193: ?>
194: <!--Nested Sortables-->
195: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/js/jquery.ui.nestedSortable.js"></script>
196: <script type="text/javascript">
198: $(document).ready(function() {
200: $('ul.page-list').nestedSortable({
201: disableNesting: 'no-nest',
202: forcePlaceholderSize: true,
203: handle: 'div',
204: items: 'li',
205: opacity: .6,
206: placeholder: 'placeholder',
207: tabSize: 25,
208: tolerance: 'intersect',
209: toleranceElement: '> div',
210: listType: 'ul'
211: });
213: $('.serialize').click(function() {
214: serialized = $('ul.page-list').nestedSortable('serialize');
215: if (serialized != original_order) {
216: $('#serializeOutput').html('<input type="hidden" name="order" size="30" maxlength="1000" value="' + serialized + '" />');
217: }
218: })
219: var original_order = $('ul.page-list').nestedSortable('serialize');
220: });
222: </script>
223: <!--Nested Sortables End-->
224: <?php
225: }
227: 228: 229: 230: 231: 232:
233: function printLogoAndLinks() {
234: global $_zp_current_admin_obj, $_zp_admin_tab, $_zp_admin_subtab, $_zp_gallery;
235: if ($_zp_admin_subtab) {
236: $subtab = '-' . $_zp_admin_subtab;
237: } else {
238: $subtab = '';
239: }
240: ?>
241: <span id="administration">
242: <img id="logo" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/images/zen-logo.png"
243: title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('%1$s administration:%2$s%3$s'), html_encode($_zp_gallery->getTitle()), html_encode($_zp_admin_tab), html_encode($subtab)); ?>"
244: alt="<?php echo gettext('Zenphoto Administration'); ?>" align="bottom" />
245: </span>
246: <?php
247: echo "\n<div id=\"links\">";
248: echo "\n ";
249: if (!is_null($_zp_current_admin_obj)) {
250: $sec = (int) ((SERVER_PROTOCOL == 'https') & true);
251: $last = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getLastlogon();
252: if (empty($last)) {
253: printf(gettext('Logged in as %1$s'), $_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser());
254: } else {
255: printf(gettext('Logged in as %1$s (last login %2$s)'), $_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser(), $last);
256: }
257: if ($_zp_current_admin_obj->logout_link) {
258: $link = WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/admin.php?logout=" . $sec;
259: echo " | <a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . gettext("Log Out") . "</a> | ";
260: }
261: }
262: echo ' <a href="' . FULLWEBPATH . '/">';
263: $t = $_zp_gallery->getTitle();
264: if (!empty($t)) {
265: printf(gettext("View <em>%s</em>"), $t);
266: } else {
267: echo gettext("View gallery index");
268: }
269: echo "</a>";
270: echo "\n</div>";
271: }
273: 274: 275: 276: 277: 278: 279:
280: function printTabs() {
281: global $subtabs, $zenphoto_tabs, $main_tab_space, $_zp_admin_tab;
282: $chars = 0;
283: foreach ($zenphoto_tabs as $atab) {
284: $chars = $chars + mb_strlen($atab['text']);
285: }
286: switch (getOption('locale')) {
287: case 'zh_CN':
288: case 'zh_TW':
289: case 'ja_JP':
290: $main_tab_space = count($zenphoto_tabs) * 3 + $chars;
291: break;
292: default:
293: $main_tab_space = round((count($zenphoto_tabs) * 32 + round($chars * 7.5)) / 11.5);
294: break;
295: }
296: ?>
297: <ul class="nav" style="width: <?php echo $main_tab_space; ?>em">
298: <?php
299: foreach ($zenphoto_tabs as $key => $atab) {
300: ?>
301: <li <?php if ($_zp_admin_tab == $key) echo 'class="current"' ?>>
302: <a href="<?php echo html_encode($atab['link']); ?>"><?php echo html_encode(ucfirst($atab['text'])); ?></a>
303: <?php
304: $subtabs = $zenphoto_tabs[$key]['subtabs'];
305: if (is_array($subtabs)) {
306: if ($_zp_admin_tab != $key) {
307: ?>
308: <ul class="subdropdown">
309: <?php
310: foreach ($subtabs as $key => $link) {
311: if (strpos($link, '/') !== 0) {
312: $link = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . $link;
313: } else {
314: $link = WEBPATH . $link;
315: }
316: ?>
317: <li><a href="<?php echo html_encode($link); ?>"><?php echo html_encode(ucfirst($key)); ?></a></li>
318: <?php
319: }
320: ?>
321: </ul>
322: <?php
323: }
324: }
325: ?>
326: </li>
327: <?php
328: }
329: ?>
330: </ul>
331: <br class="clearall" /><!-- needed so the nav sits correctly -->
332: <?php
333: }
335: function getSubtabs() {
336: global $zenphoto_tabs, $_zp_admin_tab, $_zp_admin_subtab;
337: $tabs = @$zenphoto_tabs[$_zp_admin_tab]['subtabs'];
338: if (!is_array($tabs))
339: return $_zp_admin_subtab;
340: $current = $_zp_admin_subtab;
341: if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
342: $test = sanitize($_GET['tab']);
343: foreach ($tabs as $link) {
344: $i = strrpos($link, 'tab=');
345: $amp = strrpos($link, '&');
346: if ($i !== false) {
347: if ($amp > $i) {
348: $link = substr($link, 0, $amp);
349: }
350: if ($test == substr($link, $i + 4)) {
351: $current = $test;
352: break;
353: }
354: }
355: }
356: }
357: if (empty($current)) {
358: if (isset($zenphoto_tabs[$_zp_admin_tab]['default'])) {
359: $current = $zenphoto_tabs[$_zp_admin_tab]['default'];
360: } else if (empty($_zp_admin_subtab)) {
361: $current = array_shift($tabs);
362: $i = strrpos($current, 'tab=');
363: $amp = strrpos($current, '&');
364: if ($i === false) {
365: $current = '';
366: } else {
367: if ($amp > $i) {
368: $current = substr($current, 0, $amp);
369: }
370: $current = substr($current, $i + 4);
371: }
372: } else {
373: $current = $_zp_admin_subtab;
374: }
375: }
376: return $current;
377: }
379: function printSubtabs() {
380: global $zenphoto_tabs, $_zp_admin_tab, $_zp_admin_subtab;
381: $tabs = @$zenphoto_tabs[$_zp_admin_tab]['subtabs'];
382: $current = getSubtabs();
383: if (!empty($tabs)) {
384: $chars = 0;
385: foreach ($tabs as $atab => $val) {
386: $chars = $chars + mb_strlen($atab);
387: }
388: switch (getOption('locale')) {
389: case 'zh_CN':
390: case 'zh_TW':
391: case 'ja_JP':
392: $sub_tab_space = count($tabs) * 3 + $chars;
393: break;
394: default:
395: $sub_tab_space = round((count($tabs) * 32 + round($chars * 7.5)) / 11.5);
396: break;
397: }
398: ?>
399: <ul class="subnav" style="width: <?php echo $sub_tab_space; ?>em">
400: <?php
401: foreach ($tabs as $key => $link) {
402: $i = strrpos($link, 'tab=');
403: $amp = strrpos($link, '&');
404: if ($i === false) {
405: $tab = $_zp_admin_subtab;
406: } else {
407: if ($amp > $i) {
408: $source = substr($link, 0, $amp);
409: } else {
410: $source = $link;
411: }
412: $tab = substr($source, $i + 4);
413: }
414: if (!$link) {
415: $bt = debug_backtrace();
416: $bt = array_shift($bt);
417: if (isset($bt['file'])) {
418: $link = str_replace(SERVERPATH, '', str_replace('\\', '/', $bt['file']));
419: }
420: }
421: if (strpos($link, '/') !== 0) {
422: $link = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . $link;
423: } else {
424: $link = WEBPATH . $link;
425: }
426: echo '<li' . (($current == $tab) ? ' class="current"' : '') . '><a href="' . html_encode($link) . '">' . html_encode(ucfirst($key)) . '</a></li>' . "\n";
427: }
428: ?>
429: </ul>
430: <?php
431: }
432: return $current;
433: }
435: function setAlbumSubtabs($album) {
436: global $zenphoto_tabs;
437: $albumlink = '?page=edit&album=' . urlencode($album->name);
438: $default = NULL;
439: if (!is_array($zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs'])) {
440: $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs'] = array();
441: }
442: $subrights = $album->albumSubRights();
443: if (!$album->isDynamic() && $album->getNumImages()) {
445: $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs'] = array_merge(
446: array(gettext('Images') => 'admin-edit.php' . $albumlink . '&tab=imageinfo'), $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs']
447: );
448: $default = 'imageinfo';
449: }
450: if ($subrights & MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_EDIT) {
451: $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs'] = array_merge(
452: array(gettext('Image order') => 'admin-albumsort.php' . $albumlink . '&tab=sort'), $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs']
453: );
454: }
455: }
456: if (!$album->isDynamic() && $album->getNumAlbums()) {
457: $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs'] = array_merge(
458: array(gettext('Subalbums') => 'admin-edit.php' . $albumlink . '&tab=subalbuminfo'), $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs']
459: );
460: $default = 'subalbuminfo';
461: }
462: if ($subrights & MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_EDIT) {
463: $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs'] = array_merge(
464: array(gettext('Album') => 'admin-edit.php' . $albumlink . '&tab=albuminfo'), $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['subtabs']
465: );
466: $default = 'albuminfo';
467: }
468: $zenphoto_tabs['edit']['default'] = $default;
469: if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
470: return sanitize($_GET['tab']);
471: }
472: return $default;
473: }
475: function checked($checked, $current) {
476: if ($checked == $current)
477: echo ' checked="checked"';
478: }
480: function genAlbumList(&$list, $curAlbum = NULL, $rights = UPLOAD_RIGHTS) {
481: global $_zp_gallery;
482: if (is_null($curAlbum)) {
483: $albums = array();
484: $albumsprime = $_zp_gallery->getAlbums(0);
485: foreach ($albumsprime as $album) {
486: $albumobj = newAlbum($album);
487: if ($albumobj->isMyItem($rights)) {
488: $albums[] = $album;
489: }
490: }
491: } else {
492: $albums = $curAlbum->getAlbums(0);
493: }
494: if (is_array($albums)) {
495: foreach ($albums as $folder) {
496: $album = newAlbum($folder);
497: if ($album->isDynamic()) {
498: if ($rights == ALL_ALBUMS_RIGHTS) {
499: $list[$album->getFileName()] = $album->getTitle();
500: }
501: } else {
502: $list[$album->getFileName()] = $album->getTitle();
503: genAlbumList($list, $album, $rights);
504: }
505: }
506: }
507: }
510: 511: 512: 513: 514: 515: 516: 517: 518: 519: 520: 521: 522: 523: 524: 525: 526: 527: 528: 529: 530: 531: 532: 533: 534: 535: 536: 537: 538: 539: 540: 541:
542: define('OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX', 0);
543: define('OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX', 1);
544: define('OPTION_TYPE_CUSTOM', 2);
545: define('OPTION_TYPE_TEXTAREA', 3);
546: define('OPTION_TYPE_RADIO', 4);
547: define('OPTION_TYPE_SELECTOR', 5);
549: define('OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX_UL', 7);
550: define('OPTION_TYPE_COLOR_PICKER', 8);
551: define('OPTION_TYPE_CLEARTEXT', 9);
552: define('OPTION_TYPE_NOTE', 10);
553: define('OPTION_TYPE_PASSWORD', 11);
554: define('OPTION_TYPE_RICHTEXT', 12);
556: function customOptions($optionHandler, $indent = "", $album = NULL, $showhide = false, $supportedOptions = NULL, $theme = false, $initial = 'none', $extension = NULL) {
557: if (is_null($supportedOptions)) {
558: $supportedOptions = $optionHandler->getOptionsSupported();
559: }
560: if (count($supportedOptions) > 0) {
561: $whom = get_class($optionHandler);
562: $options = $supportedOptions;
563: $option = array_shift($options);
564: if (array_key_exists('order', $option)) {
565: $options = sortMultiArray($supportedOptions, 'order', false, true, false, true);
566: $options = array_keys($options);
567: } else {
568: $options = array_keys($supportedOptions);
569: natcasesort($options);
570: }
571: if (method_exists($optionHandler, 'handleOptionSave')) {
572: ?>
573: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX; ?>save-<?php echo $whom; ?>" value="<?php echo $extension; ?>" />
574: <?php
575: }
576: foreach ($options as $option) {
577: $row = $supportedOptions[$option];
578: if (false !== $i = stripos($option, chr(0))) {
579: $option = substr($option, 0, $i);
580: }
582: $type = $row['type'];
583: $desc = $row['desc'];
584: $key = @$row['key'];
585: $optionID = $whom . '_' . $key;
586: if (isset($row['multilingual'])) {
587: $multilingual = $row['multilingual'];
588: } else {
589: $multilingual = $type == OPTION_TYPE_TEXTAREA;
590: }
591: if (isset($row['texteditor']) && $row['texteditor']) {
592: $editor = 'texteditor';
593: } else {
594: $editor = '';
595: }
596: if (isset($row['disabled']) && $row['disabled']) {
597: $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
598: } else {
599: $disabled = '';
600: }
601: if (isset($row['deprecated']) && $option) {
602: $deprecated = $row['deprecated'];
603: if (!$deprecated) {
604: $deprecatedd = gettext('Deprecated.');
605: }
606: $option = '<div class="warningbox">' . $option . '<br /><em>' . $deprecated . '</em></div>';
607: }
608: if ($theme) {
609: $v = getThemeOption($key, $album, $theme);
610: } else {
611: $sql = "SELECT `value` FROM " . prefix('options') . " WHERE `name`=" . db_quote($key);
612: $db = query_single_row($sql);
613: if ($db) {
614: $v = $db['value'];
615: } else {
616: $v = NULL;
617: }
618: }
620: if ($showhide) {
621: ?>
622: <tr id="tr_<?php echo $optionID; ?>" class="<?php echo $showhide; ?>extrainfo" style="display:<?php echo $initial; ?>">
623: <?php
624: } else {
625: ?>
626: <tr id="tr_<?php echo $optionID; ?>">
627: <?php
628: }
629: if ($type != OPTION_TYPE_NOTE) {
630: ?>
631: <td width="175"><?php if ($option) echo $indent . $option; ?></td>
632: <?php
633: }
634: switch ($type) {
636: ?>
637: <td colspan="3"><?php echo $desc; ?></td>
638: <?php
639: break;
641: $multilingual = false;
646: if ($type == OPTION_TYPE_CLEARTEXT) {
647: $clear = 'clear';
648: } else {
649: $clear = '';
650: }
651: if ($type == OPTION_TYPE_PASSWORD) {
652: $inputtype = 'password';
653: $multilingual = false;
654: } else {
655: $inputtype = 'text';
656: }
657: ?>
658: <td width="350">
659: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . $clear . 'text-' . $key; ?>" value="1" />
660: <?php
661: if ($multilingual) {
662: print_language_string_list($v, $key, $type, NULL, $editor);
663: } else {
664: if ($type == OPTION_TYPE_TEXTAREA || $type == OPTION_TYPE_RICHTEXT) {
665: $v = get_language_string($v);
666: ?>
667: <textarea id="<?php echo $key; ?>"<?php if ($type == OPTION_TYPE_RICHTEXT) echo ' class="texteditor"'; ?> name="<?php echo $key; ?>" cols="<?php echo TEXTAREA_COLUMNS; ?>" style="width: 320px" rows="6"<?php echo $disabled; ?>><?php echo html_encode($v); ?></textarea>
668: <?php
669: } else {
670: ?>
671: <input type="<?php echo $inputtype; ?>" size="40" id="<?php echo $key; ?>" name="<?php echo $key; ?>" style="width: 338px" value="<?php echo html_encode($v); ?>"<?php echo $disabled; ?> />
672: <?php
673: }
674: }
675: ?>
676: </td>
677: <?php
678: break;
680: ?>
681: <td width="350">
682: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . 'chkbox-' . $key; ?>" value="1" />
683: <input type="checkbox" id="<?php echo $key; ?>" name="<?php echo $key; ?>" value="1" <?php checked('1', $v); ?><?php echo $disabled; ?> />
684: </td>
685: <?php
686: break;
688: ?>
689: <td width="350">
690: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . 'custom-' . $key; ?>" value="0" />
691: <?php $optionHandler->handleOption($key, $v); ?>
692: </td>
693: <?php
694: break;
696: $behind = (isset($row['behind']) && $row['behind']);
697: ?>
698: <td width="350">
699: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . 'radio-' . $key; ?>" value="1"<?php echo $disabled; ?> />
700: <?php generateRadiobuttonsFromArray($v, $row['buttons'], $key, $behind, 'checkboxlabel', $disabled); ?>
701: </td>
702: <?php
703: break;
705: ?>
706: <td width="350">
707: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . 'selector-' . $key ?>" value="1" />
708: <select id="<?php echo $key; ?>" name="<?php echo $key; ?>"<?php echo $disabled; ?> >
709: <?php
710: if (array_key_exists('null_selection', $row)) {
711: ?>
712: <option value=""<?php if (empty($v)) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?> style="background-color:LightGray;"><?php echo $row['null_selection']; ?></option>
713: <?php
714: }
715: ?>
716: <?php generateListFromArray(array($v), $row['selections'], false, true); ?>
717: </select>
718: </td>
719: <?php
720: break;
722: $behind = (isset($row['behind']) && $row['behind']);
723: ?>
724: <td width="350">
725: <?php
726: foreach ($row['checkboxes'] as $display => $checkbox) {
727: if ($theme) {
728: $v = getThemeOption($checkbox, $album, $theme);
729: } else {
730: $sql = "SELECT `value` FROM " . prefix('options') . " WHERE `name`=" . db_quote($checkbox);
731: $db = query_single_row($sql);
732: if ($db) {
733: $v = $db['value'];
734: } else {
735: $v = 0;
736: }
737: }
738: $display = str_replace(' ', ' ', $display);
739: ?>
740: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . 'chkbox-' . $checkbox; ?>" value="1" />
742: <label class="checkboxlabel">
743: <?php if ($behind) echo($display); ?>
744: <input type="checkbox" id="<?php echo $checkbox; ?>" name="<?php echo $checkbox; ?>" value="1"<?php checked('1', $v); ?><?php echo $disabled; ?> />
745: <?php if (!$behind) echo($display); ?>
746: </label>
747: <?php
748: }
749: ?>
750: </td>
751: <?php
752: break;
754: ?>
755: <td width="350">
756: <?php
757: $all = true;
758: $cvarray = array();
759: foreach ($row['checkboxes'] as $display => $checkbox) {
760: ?>
761: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . 'chkbox-' . $checkbox; ?>" value="1" />
762: <?php
763: if ($theme) {
764: $v = getThemeOption($checkbox, $album, $theme);
765: } else {
766: $sql = "SELECT `value` FROM " . prefix('options') . " WHERE `name`=" . db_quote($checkbox);
767: $db = query_single_row($sql);
768: if ($db) {
769: $v = $db['value'];
770: } else {
771: $v = 0;
772: }
773: }
774: if ($v) {
775: $cvarray[] = $checkbox;
776: } else {
777: $all = false;
778: }
779: }
780: ?>
781: <ul class="customchecklist">
782: <?php generateUnorderedListFromArray($cvarray, $row['checkboxes'], '', '', true, true, 'all_' . $key); ?>
783: </ul>
784: <script type="text/javascript">
786: function <?php echo $key; ?>_all() {
787: var check = $('#all_<?php echo $key; ?>').prop('checked');
788: $('.all_<?php echo $key; ?>').prop('checked', check);
789: }
791: </script>
792: <label>
793: <input type="checkbox" name="all_<?php echo $key; ?>" id="all_<?php echo $key; ?>" class="all_<?php echo $key; ?>" onclick="<?php echo $key; ?>_all();" <?php if ($all) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>/>
794: <?php echo gettext('all'); ?>
795: </label>
796: </td>
797: <?php
798: break;
800: if (empty($v))
801: $v = '#000000';
802: ?>
803: <td width="350" style="margin:0; padding:0">
804: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . 'text-' . $key; ?>" value="1" />
805: <script type="text/javascript">
807: $(document).ready(function() {
808: $('#<?php echo $key; ?>_colorpicker').farbtastic('#<?php echo $key; ?>');
809: });
811: </script>
812: <table style="margin:0; padding:0" >
813: <tr>
814: <td><input type="text" id="<?php echo $key; ?>" name="<?php echo $key; ?>" value="<?php echo $v; ?>" style="height:100px; width:100px; float:right;" /></td>
815: <td><div id="<?php echo $key; ?>_colorpicker"></div></td>
816: </tr>
817: </table>
818: </td>
819: <?php
820: break;
821: }
822: if ($type != OPTION_TYPE_NOTE) {
823: ?>
824: <td><?php echo $desc; ?></td>
825: <?php
826: }
827: ?>
828: </tr>
829: <?php
830: }
831: }
832: }
834: function processCustomOptionSave($returntab, $themename = NULL, $themealbum = NULL) {
835: $customHandlers = array();
836: foreach ($_POST as $postkey => $value) {
837: if (preg_match('/^' . CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX . '/', $postkey)) {
838: $key = substr($postkey, strpos($postkey, '-') + 1);
839: $switch = substr($postkey, strlen(CUSTOM_OPTION_PREFIX), -strlen($key) - 1);
840: switch ($switch) {
841: case 'text':
842: $value = process_language_string_save($key, 1);
843: break;
844: case 'cleartext':
845: if (isset($_POST[$key])) {
846: $value = sanitize($_POST[$key], 0);
847: } else {
848: $value = '';
849: }
850: break;
851: case 'chkbox':
852: $value = (int) isset($_POST[$key]);
853: break;
854: case 'save':
855: $customHandlers[] = array('whom' => $key, 'extension' => sanitize($_POST[$postkey]));
856: continue;
857: break;
858: default:
859: if (isset($_POST[$key])) {
860: $value = sanitize($_POST[$key], 1);
861: } else {
862: $value = '';
863: }
864: break;
865: }
866: if ($themename) {
867: setThemeOption($key, $value, $themealbum, $themename);
868: } else {
869: $creator = NULL;
870: if(isset($_GET['single'])) {
871: $ext = sanitize($_GET['single'],1);
872: $pl = getPlugin($ext . '.php',false,true);
873: $creator = str_replace(WEBPATH.'/','',$pl);
874: }
875: setOption($key, $value, true, $creator);
876: }
877: } else {
878: if (strpos($postkey, 'show-') === 0) {
879: if ($value)
880: $returntab .= '&' . $postkey;
881: }
882: }
883: }
884: foreach ($customHandlers as $custom) {
885: if ($extension = $custom['extension']) {
886: require_once(getPlugin($extension . '.php'));
887: }
888: $whom = new $custom['whom']();
889: $returntab = $whom->handleOptionSave($themename, $themealbum) . $returntab;
890: }
891: return $returntab;
892: }
894: 895: 896: 897: 898: 899:
900: function standardThemeOptions($theme, $album) {
901: setThemeOption('albums_per_page', 6, $album, $theme, true);
902: setThemeOption('albums_per_row', 3, $album, $theme, true);
903: setThemeOption('images_per_page', 20, $album, $theme, true);
904: setThemeOption('images_per_row', 5, $album, $theme, true);
905: setThemeOption('image_size', 595, $album, $theme, true);
906: setThemeOption('image_use_side', 'longest', $album, $theme, true);
907: setThemeOption('thumb_size', 100, $album, $theme, true);
908: setThemeOption('thumb_crop_width', 100, $album, $theme, true);
909: setThemeOption('thumb_crop_height', 100, $album, $theme, true);
910: setThemeOption('thumb_crop', 1, $album, $theme, true);
911: setThemeOption('thumb_transition', 1, $album, $theme, true);
912: }
914: 915: 916: 917: 918:
919: function postIndexEncode($str) {
920: return strtr(urlencode($str), array('.' => '__2E__', '+' => '__20__', '%' => '__25__', '&' => '__26__', "'" => '__27__', '(' => '__28__', ')' => '__29__'));
921: }
923: 924: 925: 926: 927: 928:
929: function postIndexDecode($str) {
930: return urldecode(strtr($str, array('__2E__' => '.', '__20__' => '+', '__25__' => '%', '__26__' => '&', '__27__' => "'", '__28__' => '(', '__29__' => ')')));
931: }
933: 934: 935: 936: 937: 938: 939: 940:
941: function generateRadiobuttonsFromArray($currentvalue, $list, $option, $behind = false, $class = 'checkboxlabel', $disabled = NULL) {
942: foreach ($list as $text => $value) {
943: $checked = "";
944: if ($value == $currentvalue) {
945: $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
946: }
947: ?>
948: <label<?php if ($class) echo ' class="' . $class . '"'; ?>>
949: <?php if ($behind) echo $text; ?>
950: <input type="radio" name="<?php echo $option; ?>" id="<?php echo $option . '-' . $value; ?>" value="<?php echo $value; ?>"<?php echo $checked; ?><?php echo $disabled; ?> />
951: <?php if (!$behind) echo $text; ?>
952: </label>
953: <?php
954: }
955: }
957: 958: 959: 960: 961: 962: 963: 964: 965: 966: 967:
968: function generateUnorderedListFromArray($currentValue, $list, $prefix, $alterrights, $sort, $localize, $class = NULL, $extra = NULL) {
969: if (is_null($extra))
970: $extra = array();
971: if (!empty($class))
972: $class = ' class="' . $class . '" ';
973: if ($sort) {
974: if ($localize) {
975: $list = array_flip($list);
976: natcasesort($list);
977: $list = array_flip($list);
978: } else {
979: natcasesort($list);
980: }
981: }
982: $cv = array_flip($currentValue);
983: foreach ($list as $key => $item) {
984: $listitem = postIndexEncode($prefix . $item);
985: if ($localize) {
986: $display = $key;
987: } else {
988: $display = $item;
989: }
990: ?>
991: <li id="<?php echo strtolower($listitem); ?>_element">
992: <label class="displayinline">
993: <input id="<?php echo strtolower($listitem); ?>"<?php echo $class; ?> name="<?php echo $listitem; ?>" type="checkbox"
994: <?php
995: if (isset($cv[$item])) {
996: echo ' checked="checked"';
997: }
998: ?> value="1" <?php echo $alterrights; ?> />
999: <?php echo html_encode($display); ?>
1000: </label>
1001: <?php
1002: if (array_key_exists($item, $extra)) {
1003: $unique = '';
1004: foreach (array_reverse($extra[$item]) as $box) {
1005: if ($box['display']) {
1006: if (isset($box['disable'])) {
1007: $disable = ' disabled="disabled"';
1008: } else {
1009: $disable = $alterrights;
1010: }
1011: if (isset($box['type'])) {
1012: $type = $box['type'];
1013: if ($type == 'radio')
1014: $unique++;
1015: } else {
1016: $type = 'checkbox';
1017: }
1018: ?>
1019: <label class="displayinlineright">
1020: <input type="<?php echo $type; ?>" id="<?php echo strtolower($listitem) . '_' . $box['name'] . $unique; ?>"<?php echo $class; ?> name="<?php echo $listitem . '_' . $box['name']; ?>"
1021: value="<?php echo html_encode($box['value']); ?>" <?php
1022: if ($box['checked']) {
1023: echo ' checked="checked"';
1024: }
1025: ?>
1026: <?php echo $disable; ?> /> <?php echo $box['display']; ?>
1027: </label>
1028: <?php
1029: } else {
1030: ?>
1031: <input type="hidden" id="<?php echo strtolower($listitem . '_' . $box['name']); ?>" name="<?php echo $listitem . '_' . $box['name']; ?>"<?php echo $class; ?>
1032: value="<?php echo html_encode($box['value']); ?>" />
1033: <?php
1034: }
1035: }
1036: }
1037: ?>
1038: </li>
1039: <?php
1040: }
1041: }
1043: 1044: 1045: 1046: 1047: 1048: 1049:
1050: function tagSelector($that, $postit, $showCounts = false, $mostused = false, $addnew = true, $resizeable = false, $class = 'checkTagsAuto') {
1051: global $_zp_admin_ordered_taglist, $_zp_admin_LC_taglist;
1052: if (is_null($_zp_admin_ordered_taglist)) {
1053: if ($mostused || $showCounts) {
1054: $counts = getAllTagsCount();
1055: if ($mostused)
1056: arsort($counts, SORT_NUMERIC);
1057: $them = array();
1058: foreach ($counts as $tag => $count) {
1059: $them[] = $tag;
1060: }
1061: } else {
1062: $them = getAllTagsUnique();
1063: }
1064: $_zp_admin_ordered_taglist = $them;
1065: $_zp_admin_LC_taglist = array();
1066: foreach ($them as $tag) {
1067: $_zp_admin_LC_taglist[] = mb_strtolower($tag);
1068: }
1069: } else {
1070: $them = $_zp_admin_ordered_taglist;
1071: }
1072: if (is_null($that)) {
1073: $tags = array();
1074: } else {
1075: $tags = $that->getTags();
1076: }
1078: if (count($tags) > 0) {
1079: foreach ($tags as $tag) {
1080: $tagLC = mb_strtolower($tag);
1081: $key = array_search($tagLC, $_zp_admin_LC_taglist);
1082: if ($key !== false) {
1083: unset($them[$key]);
1084: }
1085: }
1086: }
1087: if ($resizeable) {
1088: $tagclass = 'resizeable_tagchecklist';
1089: ?>
1090: <script>
1091: $(function() {
1092: $("#resizable_<?php echo $postit; ?>").resizable({
1093: <?php
1094: if (is_bool($resizeable)) {
1095: ?>
1096: maxWidth: 250,
1097: <?php
1098: }
1099: ?>
1100: minWidth: 250,
1101: minHeight: 120,
1102: resize: function(event, ui) {
1103: $('#list_<?php echo $postit; ?>').height($('#resizable_<?php echo $postit; ?>').height());
1104: }
1105: });
1106: });</script>
1107: <?php
1108: } else {
1109: $tagclass = 'tagchecklist';
1110: }
1111: if ($addnew) {
1112: ?>
1113: <span class="new_tag displayinline" >
1114: <a href="javascript:addNewTag('<?php echo $postit; ?>');" title="<?php echo gettext('add tag'); ?>">
1115: <img src="images/add.png" title="<?php echo gettext('add tag'); ?>"/>
1116: </a>
1117: <span class="tagSuggestContainer">
1118: <input class="tagsuggest <?php echo $class; ?> " type="text" value="" name="newtag_<?php echo $postit; ?>" id="newtag_<?php echo $postit; ?>" />
1119: </span>
1120: </span>
1122: <?php
1123: }
1124: ?>
1125: <div id="resizable_<?php echo $postit; ?>" class="tag_div">
1126: <ul id="list_<?php echo $postit; ?>" class="<?php echo $tagclass; ?>">
1127: <?php
1128: if ($showCounts) {
1129: $displaylist = array();
1130: foreach ($them as $tag) {
1131: $displaylist[$tag . ' [' . $counts[$tag] . ']'] = $tag;
1132: }
1133: } else {
1134: $displaylist = $them;
1135: }
1136: if (count($tags) > 0) {
1137: generateUnorderedListFromArray($tags, $tags, $postit, false, !$mostused, $showCounts, $class);
1138: ?>
1139: <li><hr /></li>
1140: <?php
1141: }
1142: generateUnorderedListFromArray(array(), $displaylist, $postit, false, !$mostused, $showCounts, $class);
1143: ?>
1144: </ul>
1145: </div>
1146: <?php
1147: }
1149: 1150: 1151: 1152: 1153: 1154: 1155: 1156:
1157: function printAlbumEditForm($index, $album, $buttons = true) {
1158: global $_zp_sortby, $_zp_gallery, $mcr_albumlist, $_zp_albumthumb_selector, $_zp_current_admin_obj;
1159: $isPrimaryAlbum = '';
1160: if (!zp_loggedin(MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
1161: $myalbum = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getAlbum();
1162: if ($myalbum && $album->getID() == $myalbum->getID()) {
1163: $isPrimaryAlbum = ' disabled="disabled"';
1164: }
1165: }
1166: $tagsort = getTagOrder();
1167: if ($index == 0) {
1168: $suffix = $prefix = '';
1169: } else {
1170: $prefix = "$index-";
1171: $suffix = "_$index";
1172: echo "<p><em><strong>" . $album->name . "</strong></em></p>";
1173: }
1174: ?>
1175: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>folder" value="<?php echo $album->name; ?>" />
1176: <input type="hidden" name="tagsort" value="<?php echo html_encode($tagsort); ?>" />
1177: <input type="hidden" name="password_enabled<?php echo $suffix; ?>" id="password_enabled<?php echo $suffix; ?>" value="0" />
1178: <?php
1179: if ($buttons) {
1180: ?>
1181: <span class="buttons">
1182: <?php
1183: $parent = dirname($album->name);
1184: if ($parent == '/' || $parent == '.' || empty($parent)) {
1185: $parent = '';
1186: } else {
1187: $parent = '&album=' . $parent . '&tab=subalbuminfo';
1188: }
1189: ?>
1190: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-edit.php?page=edit' . $parent; ?>">
1191: <img src="images/arrow_left_blue_round.png" alt="" />
1192: <strong><?php echo gettext("Back"); ?></strong>
1193: </a>
1194: <button type="submit">
1195: <img src="images/pass.png" alt="" />
1196: <strong><?php echo gettext("Apply"); ?></strong>
1197: </button>
1198: <button type="reset" onclick="javascript:$('.deletemsg').hide();" >
1199: <img src="images/fail.png" alt="" />
1200: <strong><?php echo gettext("Reset"); ?></strong>
1201: </button>
1202: <div class="floatright">
1203: <?php
1204: if (!$album->isDynamic()) {
1205: ?>
1206: <button type="button" title="<?php echo addslashes(gettext('New subalbum')); ?>" onclick="javascript:newAlbum('<?php echo pathurlencode($album->name); ?>', true);">
1207: <img src="images/folder.png" alt="" />
1208: <strong><?php echo gettext('New subalbum'); ?></strong>
1209: </button>
1210: <?php if(!$album->isDynamic()) { ?>
1211: <button type="button" title="<?php echo addslashes(gettext('New dynamic subalbum')); ?>" onclick="javascript:newDynAlbum('<?php echo pathurlencode($album->name); ?>', false);">
1212: <img src="images/folder.png" alt="" />
1213: <strong><?php echo gettext('New dynamic subalbum'); ?></strong>
1214: </button>
1215: <?php
1216: }
1217: }
1218: ?>
1219: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . "/index.php?album=" . html_encode(pathurlencode($album->getFileName())); ?>">
1220: <img src="images/view.png" alt="" />
1221: <strong><?php echo gettext('View Album'); ?></strong>
1222: </a>
1223: </div>
1224: </span>
1225: <?php
1226: }
1227: ?>
1228: <br class="clearall" /><br />
1229: <table class="formlayout">
1230: <tr>
1231: <td valign="top">
1232: <table class="width100percent">
1233: <tr>
1234: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Owner"); ?></td>
1235: <td class="middlecolumn">
1236: <?php
1237: if (zp_loggedin(MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
1238: ?>
1239: <select name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>owner">
1240: <?php echo admin_album_list($album->getOwner()); ?>
1241: </select>
1242: <?php
1243: } else {
1244: echo $album->getOwner();
1245: }
1246: ?>
1247: </td>
1248: </tr>
1249: <tr>
1250: <td class="leftcolumn">
1251: <?php echo gettext("Album Title"); ?>:
1252: </td>
1253: <td class="middlecolumn">
1254: <?php print_language_string_list($album->getTitle('all'), $prefix . "albumtitle", false, null, '', '100%'); ?>
1255: </td>
1256: </tr>
1258: <tr>
1259: <td class="leftcolumn">
1260: <?php echo gettext("Album Description:"); ?>
1261: </td>
1262: <td>
1263: <?php print_language_string_list($album->getDesc('all'), $prefix . "albumdesc", true, NULL, 'texteditor', '100%'); ?>
1264: </td>
1265: </tr>
1266: <?php
1267: if (GALLERY_SECURITY == 'public') {
1268: ?>
1269: <tr class="password<?php echo $suffix; ?>extrashow">
1270: <td class="leftcolumn">
1271: <p>
1272: <a href="javascript:toggle_passwords('<?php echo $suffix; ?>',true);">
1273: <?php echo gettext("Album password:"); ?>
1274: </a>
1275: </p>
1276: </td>
1277: <td class="middlecolumn">
1278: <p>
1279: <?php
1280: $x = $album->getPassword();
1281: if (empty($x)) {
1282: ?>
1283: <img src="images/lock_open.png" />
1284: <?php
1285: } else {
1286: $x = ' ';
1287: ?>
1288: <a onclick="resetPass('<?php echo $suffix; ?>');" title="<?php echo addslashes(gettext('clear password')); ?>"><img src="images/lock.png" /></a>
1289: <?php
1290: }
1291: ?>
1292: </p>
1293: </td>
1294: </tr>
1295: <tr class="password<?php echo $suffix; ?>extrahide" style="display:none" >
1296: <td class="leftcolumn">
1297: <p>
1298: <a href="javascript:toggle_passwords('<?php echo $suffix; ?>',false);">
1299: <?php echo gettext("Album guest user:"); ?>
1300: </a>
1301: </p>
1302: </td>
1303: <td>
1304: <p>
1305: <input type="text" size="<?php echo TEXT_INPUT_SIZE; ?>"
1306: onkeydown="passwordClear('<?php echo $suffix; ?>');"
1307: id="user_name<?php echo $suffix; ?>" name="user<?php echo $suffix; ?>"
1308: value="<?php echo $album->getUser(); ?>" />
1309: </p>
1310: </td>
1311: </tr>
1312: <tr class="password<?php echo $suffix; ?>extrahide" style="display:none" >
1313: <td class="leftcolumn">
1314: <p>
1315: <span id="strength<?php echo $suffix; ?>"><?php echo gettext("Album password:"); ?></span>
1316: </p>
1317: <p>
1318: <span id="match<?php echo $suffix; ?>" class="password_field_<?php echo $suffix; ?>">
1319: <?php echo gettext("Repeat password:"); ?>
1320: </span>
1321: </p>
1322: </td>
1323: <td>
1324: <p> <?php
1328: ?>
1329: <input class="dirtyignore" type="password" name="pass" style="display:none;" />
1330: <input type="password"
1331: id="pass<?php echo $suffix; ?>" name="pass<?php echo $suffix; ?>"
1332: onkeydown="passwordClearZ('<?php echo $suffix; ?>');"
1333: onkeyup="passwordStrength('<?php echo $suffix; ?>');"
1334: value="<?php echo $x; ?>" />
1335: <label><input class="dirtyignore" type="checkbox" name="disclose_password<?php echo $suffix; ?>"
1336: id="disclose_password<?php echo $suffix; ?>"
1337: onclick="passwordClear('<?php echo $suffix; ?>');
1338: togglePassword('<?php echo $suffix; ?>');" /><?php echo addslashes(gettext('Show password')); ?></label>
1339: <br />
1340: <span class="password_field_<?php echo $suffix; ?>">
1341: <input class="dirtyignore" type="password"
1342: id="pass_r<?php echo $suffix; ?>" name="pass_r<?php echo $suffix; ?>" disabled="disabled"
1343: onkeydown="passwordClear('<?php echo $suffix; ?>');"
1344: onkeyup="passwordMatch('<?php echo $suffix; ?>');"
1345: value="<?php echo $x; ?>" />
1346: </span>
1347: </p>
1348: </td>
1349: </tr>
1350: <tr class="password<?php echo $suffix; ?>extrahide" style="display:none" >
1351: <td>
1352: <p>
1353: <?php echo gettext("Password hint:"); ?>
1354: </p>
1355: </td>
1356: <td>
1357: <p>
1358: <?php print_language_string_list($album->getPasswordHint('all'), "hint" . $suffix, false, NULL, 'hint', '100%'); ?>
1359: </p>
1360: </td>
1361: </tr>
1362: <?php
1363: }
1364: $d = $album->getDateTime();
1365: if ($d == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
1366: $d = "";
1367: }
1368: ?>
1370: <tr>
1371: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Date:"); ?> </td>
1372: <td>
1373: <script type="text/javascript">
1375: $(function() {
1376: $("#datepicker<?php echo $suffix; ?>").datepicker({
1377: dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
1378: showOn: 'button',
1379: buttonImage: 'images/calendar.png',
1380: buttonText: '<?php echo addslashes(gettext('calendar')); ?>',
1381: buttonImageOnly: true
1382: });
1383: });
1385: </script>
1386: <input type="text" id="datepicker<?php echo $suffix; ?>" size="20" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>albumdate" value="<?php echo $d; ?>" />
1387: </td>
1388: </tr>
1389: <tr>
1390: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Location:"); ?> </td>
1391: <td class="middlecolumn">
1392: <?php print_language_string_list($album->getLocation(), $prefix . "albumlocation", false, NULL, 'hint', '100%'); ?>
1393: </td>
1394: </tr>
1395: <?php
1396: $custom = zp_apply_filter('edit_album_custom_data', '', $album, $prefix);
1397: if (empty($custom)) {
1398: ?>
1399: <tr>
1400: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Custom data:"); ?></td>
1401: <td><?php print_language_string_list($album->getCustomData('all'), $prefix . "album_custom_data", true, NULL, 'texteditor_albumcustomdata', '100%'); ?></td>
1402: </tr>
1403: <?php
1404: } else {
1405: echo $custom;
1406: }
1407: $sort = $_zp_sortby;
1408: if (!$album->isDynamic()) {
1409: $sort[gettext('Manual')] = 'manual';
1410: }
1411: $sort[gettext('Custom')] = 'custom';
1412: 1413: 1414: 1415:
1416: ?>
1417: <tr>
1418: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Sort subalbums by:"); ?> </td>
1419: <td>
1420: <span class="nowrap">
1421: <select id="albumsortselect<?php echo $prefix; ?>" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>subalbumsortby" onchange="update_direction(this, 'album_direction_div<?php echo $suffix; ?>', 'album_custom_div<?php echo $suffix; ?>');">
1422: <?php
1423: if (is_null($album->getParent())) {
1424: $globalsort = gettext("*gallery album sort order");
1425: } else {
1426: $globalsort = gettext("*parent album subalbum sort order");
1427: }
1428: echo "\n<option value =''>$globalsort</option>";
1429: $cvt = $type = strtolower($album->get('subalbum_sort_type'));
1430: if ($type && !in_array($type, $sort)) {
1431: $cv = array('custom');
1432: } else {
1433: $cv = array($type);
1434: }
1435: generateListFromArray($cv, $sort, false, true);
1436: ?>
1437: </select>
1438: <?php
1439: if (($type == 'manual') || ($type == 'random') || ($type == '')) {
1440: $dsp = 'none';
1441: } else {
1442: $dsp = 'inline';
1443: }
1444: ?>
1445: <label id="album_direction_div<?php echo $suffix; ?>" style="display:<?php echo $dsp; ?>;white-space:nowrap;">
1446: <?php echo gettext("Descending"); ?>
1447: <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>album_sortdirection" value="1" <?php
1448: if ($album->getSortDirection('album')) {
1449: echo "CHECKED";
1450: };
1451: ?> />
1452: </label>
1453: </span>
1454: <?php
1455: $flip = array_flip($sort);
1456: if (empty($type) || isset($flip[$type])) {
1457: $dsp = 'none';
1458: } else {
1459: $dsp = 'block';
1460: }
1461: ?>
1462: <span id="album_custom_div<?php echo $suffix; ?>" class="customText" style="display:<?php echo $dsp; ?>;white-space:nowrap;">
1463: <br />
1464: <?php echo gettext('custom fields:') ?>
1465: <span class="tagSuggestContainer">
1466: <input id="customalbumsort<?php echo $suffix; ?>" class="customalbumsort" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>customalbumsort" type="text" value="<?php echo html_encode($cvt); ?>" />
1467: </span>
1468: </span>
1469: </td>
1470: </tr>
1472: <tr>
1473: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Sort images by"); ?> </td>
1474: <td>
1475: <span class="nowrap">
1476: <select id="imagesortselect<?php echo $prefix; ?>" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>sortby" onchange="update_direction(this, 'image_direction_div<?php echo $suffix; ?>', 'image_custom_div<?php echo $suffix; ?>')">
1477: <?php
1478: if (is_null($album->getParent())) {
1479: $globalsort = gettext("*gallery image sort order");
1480: } else {
1481: $globalsort = gettext("*parent album image sort order");
1482: }
1483: ?>
1484: <option value =""><?php echo $globalsort; ?></option>
1485: <?php
1486: $cvt = $type = strtolower($album->get('sort_type'));
1487: if ($type && !in_array($type, $sort)) {
1488: $cv = array('custom');
1489: } else {
1490: $cv = array($type);
1491: }
1492: generateListFromArray($cv, $sort, false, true);
1493: ?>
1494: </select>
1495: <?php
1496: if (($type == 'manual') || ($type == 'random') || ($type == '')) {
1497: $dsp = 'none';
1498: } else {
1499: $dsp = 'inline';
1500: }
1501: ?>
1502: <label id="image_direction_div<?php echo $suffix; ?>" style="display:<?php echo $dsp; ?>;white-space:nowrap;">
1503: <?php echo gettext("Descending"); ?>
1504: <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>image_sortdirection" value="1"
1505: <?php
1506: if ($album->getSortDirection('image')) {
1507: echo ' checked="checked"';
1508: }
1509: ?> />
1510: </label>
1511: </span>
1512: <?php
1513: $flip = array_flip($sort);
1514: if (empty($type) || isset($flip[$type])) {
1515: $dsp = 'none';
1516: } else {
1517: $dsp = 'block';
1518: }
1519: ?>
1520: <span id="image_custom_div<?php echo $suffix; ?>" class="customText" style="display:<?php echo $dsp; ?>;white-space:nowrap;">
1521: <br />
1522: <?php echo gettext('custom fields:') ?>
1523: <span class="tagSuggestContainer">
1524: <input id="customimagesort<?php echo $suffix; ?>" class="customimagesort" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>customimagesort" type="text" value="<?php echo html_encode($cvt); ?>" />
1525: </span>
1526: </span>
1527: </td>
1528: </tr>
1530: <?php
1531: if (is_null($album->getParent())) {
1532: ?>
1533: <tr>
1534: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Album theme:"); ?> </td>
1535: <td>
1536: <select id="album_theme" class="album_theme" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>album_theme" <?php if (!zp_loggedin(THEMES_RIGHTS)) echo 'disabled="disabled" '; ?> >
1537: <?php
1538: $themes = $_zp_gallery->getThemes();
1539: $oldtheme = $album->getAlbumTheme();
1540: if (empty($oldtheme)) {
1541: $selected = 'selected="selected"';
1542: } else {
1543: $selected = '';
1544: }
1545: ?>
1546: <option value="" style="background-color:LightGray" <?php echo $selected; ?> ><?php echo gettext('*gallery theme'); ?></option>
1547: <?php
1548: foreach ($themes as $theme => $themeinfo) {
1549: if ($oldtheme == $theme) {
1550: $selected = 'selected="selected"';
1551: } else {
1552: $selected = '';
1553: }
1554: ?>
1555: <option value = "<?php echo $theme; ?>" <?php echo $selected; ?> ><?php echo $themeinfo['name']; ?></option>
1556: <?php
1557: }
1558: ?>
1559: </select>
1560: </td>
1561: </tr>
1562: <?php
1563: }
1564: if (!$album->isDynamic()) {
1565: ?>
1566: <tr>
1567: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Album watermarks:"); ?> </td>
1568: <td>
1569: <?php $current = $album->getWatermark(); ?>
1570: <select id="album_watermark<?php echo $suffix; ?>" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>album_watermark">
1571: <option value="<?php echo NO_WATERMARK; ?>" <?php if ($current == NO_WATERMARK) echo ' selected="selected"' ?> style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*no watermark'); ?></option>
1572: <option value="" <?php if (empty($current)) echo ' selected="selected"' ?> style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*default'); ?></option>
1573: <?php
1574: $watermarks = getWatermarks();
1575: generateListFromArray(array($current), $watermarks, false, false);
1576: ?>
1577: </select>
1578: <em><?php echo gettext('Images'); ?></em>
1579: </td>
1580: </tr>
1581: <tr>
1582: <td class="leftcolumn"></td>
1583: <td>
1584: <?php $current = $album->getWatermarkThumb(); ?>
1585: <select id="album_watermark_thumb<?php echo $suffix; ?>" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>album_watermark_thumb">
1586: <option value="<?php echo NO_WATERMARK; ?>" <?php if ($current == NO_WATERMARK) echo ' selected="selected"' ?> style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*no watermark'); ?></option>
1587: <option value="" <?php if (empty($current)) echo ' selected="selected"' ?> style="background-color:LightGray"><?php echo gettext('*default'); ?></option>
1588: <?php
1589: $watermarks = getWatermarks();
1590: generateListFromArray(array($current), $watermarks, false, false);
1591: ?>
1592: </select>
1593: <em><?php echo gettext('Thumbs'); ?></em>
1594: </td>
1595: </tr>
1596: <?php
1597: }
1598: if ($index == 0) {
1599: $showThumb = $_zp_gallery->getThumbSelectImages();
1600: $album->getAlbumThumbImage();
1601: $thumb = $album->get('thumb');
1602: $selections = array();
1603: $selected = array();
1604: foreach ($_zp_albumthumb_selector as $key => $selection) {
1605: $selections[$selection['desc']] = $key;
1606: if ($key == $thumb) {
1607: $selected[] = $key;
1608: }
1609: }
1610: ?>
1611: <tr>
1612: <td class="leftcolumn"><?php echo gettext("Thumbnail:"); ?> </td>
1613: <td>
1614: <?php
1615: if ($showThumb) {
1616: ?>
1617: <script type="text/javascript">
1619: updateThumbPreview(document.getElementById('thumbselect'));
1621: </script>
1622: <?php
1623: }
1624: ?>
1625: <select style="width:320px" <?php if ($showThumb) { ?>class="thumbselect" onchange="updateThumbPreview(this);" <?php } ?> name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>thumb">
1626: <?php
1627: generateListFromArray($selected, $selections, false, true);
1628: $imagelist = $album->getImages(0);
1629: $subalbums = $album->getAlbums(0);
1630: foreach ($subalbums as $folder) {
1631: $newalbum = newAlbum($folder);
1632: if ($_zp_gallery->getSecondLevelThumbs()) {
1633: $images = $newalbum->getImages(0);
1634: foreach ($images as $filename) {
1635: if (is_array($filename)) {
1636: $imagelist[] = $filename;
1637: } else {
1638: $imagelist[] = '/' . $folder . '/' . $filename;
1639: }
1640: }
1641: } else {
1642: $t = $newalbum->getAlbumThumbImage();
1643: if (strtolower(get_class($t)) !== 'transientimage' && $t->exists) {
1644: $imagelist[] = '/' . $t->getAlbumName() . '/' . $t->filename;
1645: }
1646: }
1647: }
1649: if ($thumb && !is_numeric($thumb)) {
1651: $target = $thumb;
1652: $targetA = array('folder' => dirname($thumb), 'filename' => basename($thumb));
1653: if (!in_array($target, $imagelist) && !in_array($targetA, $imagelist)) {
1654: array_unshift($imagelist, $target);
1655: }
1656: }
1657: if (!empty($imagelist)) {
1659: foreach ($imagelist as $imagename) {
1660: if (is_array($imagename)) {
1661: $image = newImage(NULL, $imagename);
1662: $imagename = '/' . $imagename['folder'] . '/' . $imagename['filename'];
1663: $filename = basename($imagename);
1664: } else {
1665: $albumname = trim(dirname($imagename), '/');
1666: if (empty($albumname) || $albumname == '.') {
1667: $thumbalbum = $album;
1668: } else {
1669: $thumbalbum = newAlbum($albumname);
1670: }
1671: $filename = basename($imagename);
1672: $image = newImage($thumbalbum, $filename);
1673: }
1674: $selected = ($imagename == $thumb);
1675: if (Gallery::validImage($filename) || !is_null($image->objectsThumb)) {
1676: echo "\n<option";
1677: if ($_zp_gallery->getThumbSelectImages()) {
1678: echo " class=\"thumboption\"";
1679: echo " style=\"background-image: url(" . html_encode(pathurlencode(getAdminThumb($image, 'large'))) . "); background-repeat: no-repeat;\"";
1680: }
1681: echo " value=\"" . $imagename . "\"";
1682: if ($selected) {
1683: echo " selected=\"selected\"";
1684: }
1685: echo ">" . $image->getTitle();
1686: if ($filename != $image->getTitle()) {
1687: echo " ($filename)";
1688: }
1689: echo "</option>";
1690: }
1691: }
1692: }
1693: ?>
1694: </select>
1695: </td>
1696: </tr>
1697: <?php
1698: }
1699: ?>
1700: <tr valign="top">
1701: <td class="leftcolumn topalign-nopadding"><br /><?php echo gettext("Codeblocks:"); ?></td>
1702: <td>
1703: <br />
1704: <?php printCodeblockEdit($album, (int) $suffix); ?>
1705: </td>
1706: </tr>
1707: </table>
1708: </td>
1709: <?php $bglevels = array('#fff', '#f8f8f8', '#efefef', '#e8e8e8', '#dfdfdf', '#d8d8d8', '#cfcfcf', '#c8c8c8'); ?>
1710: <td class="rightcolumn" valign="top">
1711: <h2 class="h2_bordered_edit"><?php echo gettext("General"); ?></h2>
1712: <div class="box-edit">
1713: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1714: <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>Published" value="1" <?php if ($album->getShow()) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> />
1715: <?php echo gettext("Published"); ?>
1716: </label>
1717: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1718: <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $prefix . 'allowcomments'; ?>" value="1" <?php
1719: if ($album->getCommentsAllowed()) {
1720: echo ' checked="checked"';
1721: }
1722: ?> />
1723: <?php echo gettext("Allow Comments"); ?>
1724: </label>
1725: <?php
1726: if (extensionEnabled('hitcounter')) {
1727: $hc = $album->get('hitcounter');
1728: if (empty($hc)) {
1729: $hc = '0';
1730: }
1731: ?>
1732: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1733: <input type="checkbox" name="reset_hitcounter<?php echo $prefix; ?>"<?php if (!$hc) echo ' disabled="disabled"'; ?> />
1734: <?php echo sprintf(ngettext("Reset hit counter (%u hit)", "Reset hit counter (%u hits)", $hc), $hc); ?>
1735: </label>
1736: <?php
1737: }
1738: if (extensionEnabled('rating')) {
1739: $tv = $album->get('total_value');
1740: $tc = $album->get('total_votes');
1742: if ($tc > 0) {
1743: $hc = $tv / $tc;
1744: ?>
1745: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1746: <input type="checkbox" id="reset_rating<?php echo $suffix; ?>" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>reset_rating" value="1" />
1747: <?php printf(gettext('Reset rating (%u stars)'), $hc); ?>
1748: </label>
1749: <?php
1750: } else {
1751: ?>
1752: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1753: <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $prefix; ?>reset_rating" value="1" disabled="disabled"/>
1754: <?php echo gettext('Reset rating (unrated)'); ?>
1755: </label>
1756: <?php
1757: }
1758: }
1759: $publishdate = $album->getPublishDate();
1760: $expirationdate = $album->getExpireDate();
1761: ?>
1762: <script type="text/javascript">
1764: $(function() {
1765: $("#<?php echo $prefix; ?>publishdate,#<?php echo $prefix; ?>expirationdate").datepicker({
1766: dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
1767: showOn: 'button',
1768: buttonImage: '../zp-core/images/calendar.png',
1769: buttonText: '<?php echo addslashes(gettext("calendar")); ?>',
1770: buttonImageOnly: true
1771: });
1772: $('#<?php echo $prefix; ?>publishdate').change(function() {
1773: var today = new Date();
1774: var pub = $('#<?php echo $prefix; ?>publishdate').datepicker('getDate');
1775: if (pub.getTime() > today.getTime()) {
1776: $(".<?php echo $prefix; ?>scheduledpublishing").html('<br /><?php echo addslashes(gettext('Future publishing date.')); ?>');
1777: } else {
1778: $(".<?php echo $prefix; ?>scheduledpublishing").html('');
1779: }
1780: });
1781: $('#<?php echo $prefix; ?>expirationdate').change(function() {
1782: var today = new Date();
1783: var expiry = $('#<?php echo $prefix; ?>expirationdate').datepicker('getDate');
1784: if (expiry.getTime() > today.getTime()) {
1785: $(".<?php echo $prefix; ?>expire").html('');
1786: } else {
1787: $(".<?php echo $prefix; ?>expire").html('<br /><?php echo addslashes(gettext('Expired!')); ?>');
1788: }
1789: });
1790: });
1792: </script>
1793: <br class="clearall" />
1794: <hr />
1795: <p>
1796: <label for="<?php echo $prefix; ?>publishdate"><?php echo gettext('Publish date'); ?> <small>(YYYY-MM-DD)</small></label>
1797: <br /><input value="<?php echo $publishdate; ?>" type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" name="publishdate-<?php echo $prefix; ?>" id="<?php echo $prefix; ?>publishdate" />
1798: <strong class="scheduledpublishing-<?php echo $prefix; ?>" style="color:red">
1799: <?php
1800: if (!empty($publishdate) && ($publishdate > date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) {
1801: echo '<br />' . gettext('Future publishing date.');
1802: }
1803: ?>
1804: </strong>
1805: <br /><br />
1806: <label for="<?php echo $prefix; ?>expirationdate"><?php echo gettext('Expiration date'); ?> <small>(YYYY-MM-DD)</small></label>
1807: <br /><input value="<?php echo $expirationdate; ?>" type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" name="expirationdate-<?php echo $prefix; ?>" id="<?php echo $prefix; ?>expirationdate" />
1808: <strong class="<?php echo $prefix; ?>expire" style="color:red">
1809: <?php
1810: if (!empty($expirationdate) && ($expirationdate <= date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) {
1811: echo '<br />' . gettext('Expired!');
1812: }
1813: ?>
1814: </strong>
1815: </p>
1816: </div>
1817: <!-- **************** Move/Copy/Rename ****************** -->
1818: <h2 class="h2_bordered_edit"><?php echo gettext("Utilities"); ?></h2>
1819: <div class="box-edit">
1821: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1822: <input type="radio" id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>move" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>MoveCopyRename" value="move"
1823: onclick="toggleAlbumMCR('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', 'move');"<?php echo $isPrimaryAlbum; ?> />
1824: <?php echo gettext("Move"); ?>
1825: </label>
1827: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1828: <input type="radio" id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>copy" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>MoveCopyRename" value="copy"
1829: onclick="toggleAlbumMCR('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', 'copy');"/>
1830: <?php echo gettext("Copy"); ?>
1831: </label>
1833: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1834: <input type="radio" id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>rename" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>MoveCopyRename" value="rename"
1835: onclick="toggleAlbumMCR('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', 'rename');" <?php echo $isPrimaryAlbum; ?> />
1836: <?php echo gettext("Rename Folder"); ?>
1837: </label>
1839: <label class="checkboxlabel">
1840: <input type="radio" id="Delete-<?php echo $prefix; ?>" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>MoveCopyRename" value="delete"
1841: <?php
1842: if ($isPrimaryAlbum) {
1843: ?>
1844: disabled="disabled"
1845: <?php
1846: } else {
1847: ?>
1848: onclick="toggleAlbumMCR('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', '');
1849: deleteConfirm('Delete-<?php echo $prefix; ?>', '<?php echo $prefix; ?>', deleteAlbum1);"
1850: <?php
1851: }
1852: ?> />
1853: <?php echo gettext("Delete album"); ?>
1854: </label>
1856: <br class="clearall" />
1857: <div class="deletemsg" id="deletemsg<?php echo $prefix; ?>" style="padding-top: .5em; padding-left: .5em; color: red; display: none">
1858: <?php echo gettext('Album will be deleted when changes are applied.'); ?>
1859: <br class="clearall" />
1860: <p class="buttons">
1861: <a href="javascript:toggleAlbumMCR('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', '');"><img src="images/reset.png" alt="" /><?php echo addslashes(gettext("Cancel")); ?></a>
1862: </p>
1863: </div>
1864: <div id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>movecopydiv" style="padding-top: .5em; padding-left: .5em; display: none;">
1865: <?php echo gettext("to:"); ?>
1866: <select id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>albumselectmenu" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>albumselect" onchange="">
1867: <?php
1868: $exclude = $album->name;
1869: if (count(explode('/', $exclude)) > 1 && zp_loggedin(MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
1870: ?>
1871: <option value="" selected="selected">/</option>
1872: <?php
1873: }
1874: foreach ($mcr_albumlist as $fullfolder => $albumtitle) {
1876: if ($fullfolder == dirname($exclude) || $fullfolder == $exclude || strpos($fullfolder, $exclude . '/') === 0) {
1877: $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
1878: } else {
1879: $disabled = '';
1880: }
1882: $singlefolder = $fullfolder;
1883: $saprefix = '';
1884: $salevel = 0;
1886: while (strstr($singlefolder, '/') !== false) {
1887: $singlefolder = substr(strstr($singlefolder, '/'), 1);
1888: $saprefix = " " . $saprefix;
1889: $salevel = ($salevel + 1) % 8;
1890: }
1891: echo '<option value="' . $fullfolder . '"' . ($salevel > 0 ? ' style="background-color: ' . $bglevels[$salevel] . ';"' : '')
1892: . "$disabled>" . $saprefix . $singlefolder . "</option>\n";
1893: }
1894: ?>
1895: </select>
1896: <br class="clearall" /><br />
1897: <p class="buttons">
1898: <a href="javascript:toggleAlbumMCR('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', '');"><img src="images/reset.png" alt="" /><?php echo addslashes(gettext("Cancel")); ?></a>
1899: </p>
1900: </div>
1901: <div id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>renamediv" style="padding-top: .5em; padding-left: .5em; display: none;">
1902: <?php echo gettext("to:"); ?>
1903: <input name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>renameto" type="text" value="<?php echo basename($album->name); ?>"/><br />
1904: <br class="clearall" />
1905: <p class="buttons">
1906: <a href="javascript:toggleAlbumMCR('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', '');"><img src="images/reset.png" alt="" /><?php echo addslashes(gettext("Cancel")); ?></a>
1907: </p>
1908: </div>
1909: <span class="clearall" ></span>
1910: <?php
1911: echo zp_apply_filter('edit_album_utilities', '', $album, $prefix);
1912: printAlbumButtons($album);
1913: ?>
1914: <span class="clearall" ></span>
1915: </div>
1916: <h2 class="h2_bordered_edit"><?php echo gettext("Tags"); ?></h2>
1917: <div class="box-edit-unpadded">
1918: <?php
1919: $tagsort = getTagOrder();
1920: tagSelector($album, 'tags_' . $prefix, false, $tagsort, true, true);
1921: ?>
1922: </div>
1923: </td>
1924: </tr>
1925: </table>
1926: <?php
1927: if ($album->isDynamic()) {
1928: ?>
1929: <table>
1930: <tr>
1931: <td align="left" valign="top" width="150"><?php echo gettext("Dynamic album search:"); ?></td>
1932: <td>
1933: <table class="noinput">
1934: <tr>
1935: <td><?php echo html_encode(urldecode($album->getSearchParams())); ?></td>
1936: </tr>
1937: </table>
1938: </td>
1939: </tr>
1940: </table>
1941: <?php
1942: }
1943: ?>
1945: <br class="clearall" />
1946: <?php
1947: if ($buttons) {
1948: ?>
1949: <span class="buttons">
1950: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-edit.php?page=edit' . $parent; ?>">
1951: <img src="images/arrow_left_blue_round.png" alt="" />
1952: <strong><?php echo gettext("Back"); ?></strong>
1953: </a>
1954: <button type="submit">
1955: <img src="images/pass.png" alt="" />
1956: <strong><?php echo gettext("Apply"); ?></strong>
1957: </button>
1958: <button type="reset" onclick="javascript:$('.deletemsg').hide();">
1959: <img src="images/fail.png" alt="" />
1960: <strong><?php echo gettext("Reset"); ?></strong>
1961: </button>
1962: <div class="floatright">
1963: <?php
1964: if (!$album->isDynamic()) {
1965: ?>
1966: <button type="button" title="<?php echo addslashes(gettext('New subalbum')); ?>" onclick="javascript:newAlbum('<?php echo pathurlencode($album->name); ?>', true);">
1967: <img src="images/folder.png" alt="" />
1968: <strong><?php echo gettext('New subalbum'); ?></strong>
1969: </button>
1970: <?php if(!$album->isDynamic()) { ?>
1971: <button type="button" title="<?php echo addslashes(gettext('New dynamic subalbum')); ?>" onclick="javascript:newDynAlbum('<?php echo pathurlencode($album->name); ?>', false);">
1972: <img src="images/folder.png" alt="" />
1973: <strong><?php echo gettext('New dynamic subalbum'); ?></strong>
1974: </button>
1975: <?php
1976: }
1977: }
1978: ?>
1979: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . "/index.php?album=" . html_encode(pathurlencode($album->getFileName())); ?>">
1980: <img src="images/view.png" alt="" />
1981: <strong><?php echo gettext('View Album'); ?></strong>
1982: </a>
1983: </div>
1984: </span>
1985: <?php
1986: }
1987: ?>
1988: <br class="clearall" />
1989: <?php
1990: }
1992: 1993: 1994: 1995: 1996:
1997: function printAlbumButtons($album) {
1998: if ($imagcount = $album->getNumImages() > 0) {
1999: ?>
2000: <div class="button buttons tooltip" title="<?php echo addslashes(gettext("Clears the s cached images.")); ?>">
2001: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-edit.php?action=clear_cache&album=' . html_encode($album->name); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('clear_cache'); ?>">
2002: <img src="images/edit-delete.png" /><?php echo gettext('Clear album image cache'); ?></a>
2003: <br class="clearall" />
2004: </div>
2005: <div class="button buttons tooltip" title="<?php echo gettext("Resets s hit counters."); ?>">
2006: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-edit.php?action=reset_hitcounters&album=' . html_encode($album->name) . '&albumid=' . $album->getID(); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('hitcounter'); ?>">
2007: <img src="images/reset.png" /><?php echo gettext('Reset album hit counters'); ?></a>
2008: <br class="clearall" />
2009: </div>
2010: <?php
2011: }
2012: if ($imagcount || (!$album->isDynamic() && $album->getNumAlbums())) {
2013: ?>
2014: <div class="button buttons tooltip" title="<?php echo gettext("Refreshes the metadata for the album."); ?>">
2015: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-refresh-metadata.php?album=' . html_encode($album->name) . '&return=' . html_encode($album->name); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('refresh'); ?>">
2016: <img src="images/cache.png" /><?php echo gettext('Refresh album metadata'); ?></a>
2017: <br class="clearall" />
2018: </div>
2019: <?php
2020: }
2021: }
2023: function printAlbumLegend() {
2024: ?>
2025: <ul class="iconlegend-l">
2026: <li><img src="images/folder_picture.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Albums"); ?></li>
2027: <li><img src="images/pictures.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Images"); ?></li>
2028: <li><img src="images/folder_picture_dn.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Albums (dynamic)"); ?></li>
2029: <li><img src="images/pictures_dn.png" alt="I" /><?php echo gettext("Images (dynamic)"); ?></li>
2030: </ul>
2031: <ul class="iconlegend">
2032: <?php
2033: if (GALLERY_SECURITY == 'public') {
2034: ?>
2035: <li><img src="images/lock.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Has Password"); ?></li>
2036: <?php
2037: }
2038: ?>
2039: <li><img src="images/pass.png" alt="Published" /><img src="images/action.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Published/Un-published"); ?></li>
2040: <li><img src="images/comments-on.png" alt="" /><img src="images/comments-off.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Comments on/off"); ?></li>
2041: <li><img src="images/view.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("View the album"); ?></li>
2042: <li><img src="images/refresh.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Refresh metadata"); ?></li>
2043: <?php
2044: if (extensionEnabled('hitcounter')) {
2045: ?>
2046: <li><img src="images/reset.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Reset hit counters"); ?></li>
2047: <?php
2048: }
2049: ?>
2050: <li><img src="images/fail.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Delete"); ?></li>
2051: </ul>
2052: <?php
2053: }
2055: 2056: 2057: 2058: 2059: 2060: 2061: 2062:
2063: function printAlbumEditRow($album, $show_thumb, $owner) {
2064: global $_zp_current_admin_obj;
2065: $enableEdit = $album->albumSubRights() & MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_EDIT;
2066: if (is_object($owner)) {
2067: $owner = $owner->name;
2068: }
2069: ?>
2070: <div class='page-list_row'>
2072: <div class="page-list_albumthumb">
2073: <?php
2074: if ($show_thumb) {
2075: $thumbimage = $album->getAlbumThumbImage();
2076: $thumb = getAdminThumb($thumbimage, 'small');
2077: } else {
2078: $thumb = 'images/thumb_standin.png';
2079: }
2080: if ($enableEdit) {
2081: ?>
2082: <a href="?page=edit&album=<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)); ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Edit this album: %s'), $album->name); ?>">
2083: <?php
2084: }
2085: ?>
2086: <img src="<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($thumb)); ?>" width="40" height="40" alt="" title="album thumb" />
2087: <?php
2088: if ($enableEdit) {
2089: ?>
2090: </a>
2091: <?php
2092: }
2093: ?>
2094: </div>
2095: <div class="page-list_albumtitle">
2096: <?php
2097: if ($enableEdit) {
2098: ?>
2099: <a href="?page=edit&album=<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)); ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Edit this album: %s'), $album->name); ?>">
2100: <?php
2101: }
2102: echo getBare($album->getTitle());
2103: if ($enableEdit) {
2104: ?>
2105: </a>
2106: <?php
2107: }
2108: ?>
2109: </div>
2110: <?php
2111: if ($album->isDynamic()) {
2112: $imgi = '<img src="images/pictures_dn.png" alt="" title="' . gettext('images') . '" />';
2113: $imga = '<img src="images/folder_picture_dn.png" alt="" title="' . gettext('albums') . '" />';
2114: } else {
2115: $imgi = '<img src="images/pictures.png" alt="" title="' . gettext('images') . '" />';
2116: $imga = '<img src="images/folder_picture.png" alt="" title="' . gettext('albums') . '" />';
2117: }
2118: $ci = count($album->getImages());
2119: $si = sprintf('%1$s <span>(%2$u)</span>', $imgi, $ci);
2120: if ($ci > 0 && !$album->isDynamic()) {
2121: $si = '<a href="?page=edit&album=' . html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)) . '&tab=imageinfo" title="' . gettext('Subalbum List') . '">' . $si . '</a>';
2122: }
2123: $ca = $album->getNumAlbums();
2124: $sa = sprintf('%1$s <span>(%2$u)</span>', $imga, $ca);
2125: if ($ca > 0 && !$album->isDynamic()) {
2126: $sa = '<a href="?page=edit&album=' . html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)) . '&tab=subalbuminfo" title="' . gettext('Subalbum List') . '">' . $sa . '</a>';
2127: }
2128: ?>
2129: <div class="page-list_extra">
2130: <?php echo $sa; ?>
2131: </div>
2132: <div class="page-list_extra">
2133: <?php echo $si; ?>
2134: </div>
2135: <?php $wide = '40px'; ?>
2136: <div class="page-list_iconwrapperalbum">
2137: <div class="page-list_icon">
2138: <?php
2139: $pwd = $album->getPassword();
2140: if (!empty($pwd)) {
2141: echo '<a title="' . gettext('Password protected') . '"><img src="images/lock.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="' . gettext('Password protected') . '" /></a>';
2142: }
2143: ?>
2144: </div>
2145: <div class="page-list_icon">
2146: <?php
2147: if ($album->getShow()) {
2148: if ($enableEdit) {
2149: ?>
2150: <a href="?action=publish&value=0&album=<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)); ?>&return=*<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($owner)); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('albumedit') ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Un-publish the album %s'), $album->name); ?>" >
2151: <?php
2152: }
2153: ?>
2154: <img src="images/pass.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext('Published'); ?>" />
2155: <?php
2156: if ($enableEdit) {
2157: ?>
2158: </a>
2159: <?php
2160: }
2161: } else {
2162: if ($enableEdit) {
2163: ?>
2164: <a href="?action=publish&value=1&album=<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)); ?>&return=*<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($owner)); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('albumedit') ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Publish the album %s'), $album->name); ?>">
2165: <?php
2166: }
2167: ?>
2168: <img src="images/action.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Unpublished'), $album->name); ?>" />
2169: <?php
2170: if ($enableEdit) {
2171: ?>
2172: </a>
2173: <?php
2174: }
2175: }
2176: ?>
2177: </div>
2178: <div class="page-list_icon">
2179: <?php
2180: if ($album->getCommentsAllowed()) {
2181: if ($enableEdit) {
2182: ?>
2183: <a href="?action=comments&commentson=0&album=<?php echo html_encode($album->getFileName()); ?>&return=*<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($owner)); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('albumedit') ?>" title="<?php echo gettext('Disable comments'); ?>">
2184: <?php
2185: }
2186: ?>
2187: <img src="images/comments-on.png" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext("Comments on"); ?>" style="border: 0px;"/>
2188: <?php
2189: if ($enableEdit) {
2190: ?>
2191: </a>
2192: <?php
2193: }
2194: } else {
2195: if ($enableEdit) {
2196: ?>
2197: <a href="?action=comments&commentson=1&album=<?php echo html_encode($album->getFileName()); ?>&return=*<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($owner)); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('albumedit') ?>" title="<?php echo gettext('Enable comments'); ?>">
2198: <?php
2199: }
2200: ?>
2201: <img src="images/comments-off.png" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext("Comments off"); ?>" style="border: 0px;"/>
2202: <?php
2203: if ($enableEdit) {
2204: ?>
2205: </a>
2206: <?php
2207: }
2208: }
2209: ?>
2210: </div>
2211: <div class="page-list_icon">
2212: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH; ?>/index.php?album=<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)); ?>" title="<?php echo gettext("View album"); ?>">
2213: <img src="images/view.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('View album %s'), $album->name); ?>" />
2214: </a>
2215: </div>
2216: <div class="page-list_icon">
2217: <?php
2218: if ($album->isDynamic() || !$enableEdit) {
2219: ?>
2220: <img src="images/icon_inactive.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext('unavailable'); ?>" />
2221: <?php
2222: } else {
2223: ?>
2224: <a class="warn" href="admin-refresh-metadata.php?page=edit&album=<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)); ?>&return=*<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($owner)); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('refresh') ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Refresh metadata for the album %s'), $album->name); ?>">
2225: <img src="images/refresh.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Refresh metadata in the album %s'), $album->name); ?>" />
2226: </a>
2227: <?php
2228: }
2229: ?>
2230: </div>
2231: <?php
2232: if (extensionEnabled('hitcounter')) {
2233: ?>
2234: <div class="page-list_icon">
2235: <?php
2236: if (!$enableEdit) {
2237: ?>
2238: <img src="images/icon_inactive.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext('unavailable'); ?>" />
2239: <?php
2240: } else {
2241: ?>
2242: <a class="reset" href="?action=reset_hitcounters&albumid=<?php echo $album->getID(); ?>&album=<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name)); ?>&subalbum=true&return=*<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($owner)); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('hitcounter') ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Reset hit counters for album %s'), $album->name); ?>">
2243: <img src="images/reset.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Reset hit counters for the album %s'), $album->name); ?>" />
2244: </a>
2245: <?php
2246: }
2247: ?>
2248: </div>
2249: <?php
2250: }
2251: ?>
2252: <div class="page-list_icon">
2253: <?php
2254: $myalbum = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getAlbum();
2255: $supress = !zp_loggedin(MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS) && $myalbum && $album->getID() == $myalbum->getID();
2256: if (!$enableEdit || $supress) {
2257: ?>
2258: <img src="images/icon_inactive.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext('unavailable'); ?>" />
2259: <?php
2260: } else {
2261: ?>
2262: <a class="delete" href="javascript:confirmDeleteAlbum('?page=edit&action=deletealbum&album=<?php echo urlencode(pathurlencode($album->name)); ?>&return=<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode(dirname($album->name))); ?>&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('delete') ?>');" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext("Delete the album %s"), js_encode($album->name)); ?>">
2263: <img src="images/fail.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="" title="<?php echo sprintf(gettext('Delete the album %s'), js_encode($album->name)); ?>" />
2264: </a>
2265: <?php
2266: }
2267: ?>
2268: </div>
2269: <?php
2270: if ($enableEdit) {
2271: ?>
2272: <div class="page-list_icon">
2273: <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="<?php echo $album->getFileName(); ?>" onclick="triggerAllBox(this.form, 'ids[]', this.form.allbox);" <?php if ($supress) echo ' disabled="disabled"'; ?> />
2274: </div>
2275: <?php
2276: }
2277: ?>
2278: </div>
2279: </div>
2280: <?php
2281: }
2283: 2284: 2285: 2286: 2287: 2288: 2289: 2290:
2291: function processAlbumEdit($index, $album, &$redirectto) {
2292: $redirectto = NULL;
2293: if ($index == 0) {
2294: $prefix = $suffix = '';
2295: } else {
2296: $prefix = "$index-";
2297: $suffix = "_$index";
2298: }
2299: $tagsprefix = 'tags_' . $prefix;
2300: $notify = '';
2301: $album->setTitle(process_language_string_save($prefix . 'albumtitle', 2));
2302: $album->setDesc(process_language_string_save($prefix . 'albumdesc', EDITOR_SANITIZE_LEVEL));
2303: $tags = array();
2304: $l = strlen($tagsprefix);
2305: foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
2306: $key = postIndexDecode($key);
2307: if (substr($key, 0, $l) == $tagsprefix) {
2308: if ($value) {
2309: $tags[] = sanitize(substr($key, $l));
2310: }
2311: }
2312: }
2313: $tags = array_unique($tags);
2314: $album->setTags($tags);
2315: $album->setDateTime(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . "albumdate"]));
2316: $album->setLocation(process_language_string_save($prefix . 'albumlocation', 3));
2317: if (isset($_POST[$prefix . 'thumb']))
2318: $album->setThumb(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'thumb']));
2319: $album->setShow((int) isset($_POST[$prefix . 'Published']));
2320: $album->setCommentsAllowed(isset($_POST[$prefix . 'allowcomments']));
2321: $sorttype = strtolower(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'sortby'], 3));
2322: if ($sorttype == 'custom') {
2323: $sorttype = unquote(strtolower(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'customimagesort'], 3)));
2324: }
2325: $album->setSortType($sorttype);
2326: if (($sorttype == 'manual') || ($sorttype == 'random')) {
2327: $album->setSortDirection(false, 'image');
2328: } else {
2329: if (empty($sorttype)) {
2330: $direction = false;
2331: } else {
2332: $direction = isset($_POST[$prefix . 'image_sortdirection']);
2333: }
2334: $album->setSortDirection($direction, 'image');
2335: }
2336: $sorttype = strtolower(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'subalbumsortby'], 3));
2337: if ($sorttype == 'custom')
2338: $sorttype = strtolower(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'customalbumsort'], 3));
2339: $album->setSortType($sorttype, 'album');
2340: if (($sorttype == 'manual') || ($sorttype == 'random')) {
2341: $album->setSortDirection(false, 'album');
2342: } else {
2343: $album->setSortDirection(isset($_POST[$prefix . 'album_sortdirection']), 'album');
2344: }
2345: if (isset($_POST['reset_hitcounter' . $prefix])) {
2346: $album->set('hitcounter', 0);
2347: }
2348: if (isset($_POST[$prefix . 'reset_rating'])) {
2349: $album->set('total_value', 0);
2350: $album->set('total_votes', 0);
2351: $album->set('used_ips', 0);
2352: }
2353: $album->setPublishDate(sanitize($_POST['publishdate-' . $prefix]));
2354: $album->setExpireDate(sanitize($_POST['expirationdate-' . $prefix]));
2355: $fail = '';
2356: processCredentials($album, $suffix);
2357: $oldtheme = $album->getAlbumTheme();
2358: if (isset($_POST[$prefix . 'album_theme'])) {
2359: $newtheme = sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'album_theme']);
2360: if ($oldtheme != $newtheme) {
2361: $album->setAlbumTheme($newtheme);
2362: }
2363: }
2364: if (isset($_POST[$prefix . 'album_watermark'])) {
2365: $album->setWatermark(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'album_watermark'], 3));
2366: $album->setWatermarkThumb(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'album_watermark_thumb'], 3));
2367: }
2368: if (zp_loggedin(CODEBLOCK_RIGHTS)) {
2369: $album->setCodeblock(processCodeblockSave((int) $prefix));
2370: }
2371: if (isset($_POST[$prefix . 'owner']))
2372: $album->setOwner(sanitize($_POST[$prefix . 'owner']));
2374: $custom = process_language_string_save($prefix . 'album_custom_data', 1);
2375: $album->setCustomData(zp_apply_filter('save_album_custom_data', $custom, $prefix));
2376: zp_apply_filter('save_album_utilities_data', $album, $prefix);
2377: $album->save();
2380: $movecopyrename_action = '';
2381: if (isset($_POST['a-' . $prefix . 'MoveCopyRename'])) {
2382: $movecopyrename_action = sanitize($_POST['a-' . $prefix . 'MoveCopyRename'], 3);
2383: }
2385: if ($movecopyrename_action == 'delete') {
2386: $dest = dirname($album->name);
2387: if ($album->remove()) {
2388: if ($dest == '/' || $dest == '.')
2389: $dest = '';
2390: $redirectto = $dest;
2391: } else {
2392: $notify = "&mcrerr=7";
2393: }
2394: }
2395: if ($movecopyrename_action == 'move') {
2396: $dest = sanitize_path($_POST['a' . $prefix . '-albumselect']);
2398: $dest = ($dest ? $dest . '/' : '') . (strpos($album->name, '/') === FALSE ? $album->name : basename($album->name));
2399: if ($dest && $dest != $album->name) {
2400: if ($suffix = $album->isDynamic()) {
2401: if (substr($dest, -4) != '.' . $suffix) {
2402: $dest .= '.' . suffix;
2403: }
2404: }
2405: if ($e = $album->move($dest)) {
2406: $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e;
2407: SearchEngine::clearSearchCache();
2408: } else {
2409: $redirectto = $dest;
2410: }
2411: } else {
2413: $notify = "&mcrerr=3";
2414: }
2415: } else if ($movecopyrename_action == 'copy') {
2416: $dest = sanitize_path($_POST['a' . $prefix . '-albumselect']);
2417: if ($dest && $dest != $album->name) {
2418: if ($e = $album->copy($dest)) {
2419: $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e;
2420: }
2421: } else {
2424: $notify = '&mcrerr=3';
2425: }
2426: } else if ($movecopyrename_action == 'rename') {
2427: $renameto = sanitize_path($_POST['a' . $prefix . '-renameto']);
2428: $renameto = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $renameto);
2429: if (dirname($album->name) != '.') {
2430: $renameto = dirname($album->name) . '/' . $renameto;
2431: }
2432: if ($renameto != $album->name) {
2433: if ($suffix = $album->isDynamic()) {
2434: if (substr($renameto, -4) != '.' . $suffix) {
2435: $renameto .= '.' . $suffix;
2436: }
2437: }
2438: if ($e = $album->rename($renameto)) {
2439: $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e;
2440: } else {
2441: $redirectto = $renameto;
2442: }
2443: } else {
2444: $notify = "&mcrerr=3";
2445: }
2446: }
2447: return $notify;
2448: }
2450: 2451: 2452: 2453: 2454: 2455:
2456: function processImageEdit($image, $index, $massedit=true) {
2458: $notify = '';
2459: if (isset($_POST[$index . '-MoveCopyRename'])) {
2460: $movecopyrename_action = sanitize($_POST[$index . '-MoveCopyRename'], 3);
2461: } else {
2462: $movecopyrename_action = '';
2463: }
2464: if ($movecopyrename_action == 'delete') {
2465: $image->remove();
2466: } else {
2467: if ($thumbnail = sanitize($_POST['album_thumb-' . $index])) {
2468: $talbum = newAlbum($thumbnail);
2469: if ($image->imagefolder == $thumbnail) {
2470: $talbum->setThumb($image->filename);
2471: } else {
2472: $talbum->setThumb('/' . $image->imagefolder . '/' . $image->filename);
2473: }
2474: $talbum->save();
2475: }
2476: if (isset($_POST[$index . '-reset_rating'])) {
2477: $image->set('total_value', 0);
2478: $image->set('total_votes', 0);
2479: $image->set('used_ips', 0);
2480: }
2481: $image->setPublishDate(sanitize($_POST['publishdate-' . $index]));
2482: $image->setExpireDate(sanitize($_POST['expirationdate-' . $index]));
2483: $image->setTitle(process_language_string_save("$index-title", 2));
2484: $image->setDesc(process_language_string_save("$index-desc", EDITOR_SANITIZE_LEVEL));
2485: if (isset($_POST[$index . '-oldrotation']) && isset($_POST[$index . '-rotation'])) {
2486: $oldrotation = (int) $_POST[$index . '-oldrotation'];
2487: $rotation = (int) $_POST[$index . '-rotation'];
2488: if ($rotation != $oldrotation) {
2489: $image->set('EXIFOrientation', $rotation);
2490: $image->updateDimensions();
2491: $album = $image->getAlbum();
2492: Gallery::clearCache(SERVERCACHE . '/' . $album->name);
2493: }
2494: }
2495: if (!$massedit) {
2496: $image->setLocation(process_language_string_save("$index-location", 3));
2497: $image->setCity(process_language_string_save("$index-city", 3));
2498: $image->setState(process_language_string_save("$index-state", 3));
2499: $image->setCountry(process_language_string_save("$index-country", 3));
2500: $image->setCredit(process_language_string_save("$index-credit", 1));
2501: $image->setCopyright(process_language_string_save("$index-copyright", 1));
2502: $tagsprefix = 'tags_' . $index . '-';
2503: $tags = array();
2504: $l = strlen($tagsprefix);
2505: foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
2506: $key = postIndexDecode($key);
2507: if (substr($key, 0, $l) == $tagsprefix) {
2508: if ($value) {
2509: $tags[] = sanitize(substr($key, $l));
2510: }
2511: }
2512: }
2513: $tags = array_unique($tags);
2514: $image->setTags($tags);
2515: if (zp_loggedin(CODEBLOCK_RIGHTS)) {
2516: $image->setCodeblock(processCodeblockSave($index));
2517: }
2518: $custom = process_language_string_save("$index-custom_data", 1);
2519: $image->setCustomData(zp_apply_filter('save_image_custom_data', $custom, $index));
2520: }
2521: $image->setDateTime(sanitize($_POST["$index-date"]));
2522: $image->setShow(isset($_POST["$index-Visible"]));
2523: $image->setCommentsAllowed(isset($_POST["$index-allowcomments"]));
2524: if (isset($_POST["reset_hitcounter$index"])) {
2525: $image->set('hitcounter', 0);
2526: }
2527: $wmt = sanitize($_POST["$index-image_watermark"], 3);
2528: $image->setWatermark($wmt);
2529: $wmuse = 0;
2530: if (isset($_POST['wm_image-' . $index]))
2531: $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_IMAGE;
2532: if (isset($_POST['wm_thumb-' . $index]))
2533: $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_THUMB;
2534: if (isset($_POST['wm_full-' . $index]))
2535: $wmuse = $wmuse | WATERMARK_FULL;
2536: $image->setWMUse($wmuse);
2538: if (isset($_POST[$index . '-owner']))
2539: $image->setOwner(sanitize($_POST[$index . '-owner']));
2540: $image->set('filesize', filesize($image->localpath));
2542: zp_apply_filter('save_image_utilities_data', $image, $index);
2543: $image->save();
2546: $folder = $image->getAlbumName();
2547: if ($movecopyrename_action == 'move') {
2548: $dest = sanitize_path($_POST[$index . '-albumselect']);
2549: if ($dest && $dest != $folder) {
2550: if ($e = $image->move($dest)) {
2551: SearchEngine::clearSearchCache();
2552: $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e;
2553: }
2554: } else {
2556: $notify = "&mcrerr=2";
2557: }
2558: } else if ($movecopyrename_action == 'copy') {
2559: $dest = sanitize_path($_POST[$index . '-albumselect']);
2560: if ($dest && $dest != $folder) {
2561: if ($e = $image->copy($dest)) {
2562: $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e;
2563: }
2564: } else {
2567: $notify = "&mcrerr=2";
2568: }
2569: } else if ($movecopyrename_action == 'rename') {
2570: $renameto = sanitize_path($_POST[$index . '-renameto']);
2571: if ($e = $image->rename($renameto)) {
2572: SearchEngine::clearSearchCache();
2573: $notify = "&mcrerr=" . $e;
2574: }
2575: }
2576: }
2577: return $notify;
2578: }
2580: function adminPageNav($pagenum, $totalpages, $adminpage, $parms, $tab = '') {
2581: if (empty($parms)) {
2582: $url = '?';
2583: } else {
2584: $url = $parms . '&';
2585: }
2586: echo '<ul class="pagelist"><li class="prev">';
2587: if ($pagenum > 1) {
2588: echo '<a href="' . $url . 'subpage=' . ($p = $pagenum - 1) . $tab . '" title="' . sprintf(gettext('page %u'), $p) . '">' . '« ' . gettext("Previous page") . '</a>';
2589: } else {
2590: echo '<span class="disabledlink">« ' . gettext("Previous page") . '</span>';
2591: }
2592: echo "</li>";
2593: $start = max(1, $pagenum - 7);
2594: $total = min($start + 15, $totalpages + 1);
2595: if ($start != 1) {
2596: echo "\n <li><a href=" . $url . 'subpage=' . ($p = max($start - 8, 1)) . $tab . ' title="' . sprintf(gettext('page %u'), $p) . '">. . .</a></li>';
2597: }
2598: for ($i = $start; $i < $total; $i++) {
2599: if ($i == $pagenum) {
2600: echo "<li class=\"current\">" . $i . '</li>';
2601: } else {
2602: echo '<li><a href="' . $url . 'subpage=' . $i . $tab . '" title="' . sprintf(gettext('page %u'), $i) . '">' . $i . '</a></li>';
2603: }
2604: }
2605: if ($i < $totalpages) {
2606: echo "\n <li><a href=" . $url . 'subpage=' . ($p = min($pagenum + 22, $totalpages + 1)) . $tab . ' title="' . sprintf(gettext('page %u'), $p) . '">. . .</a></li>';
2607: }
2608: echo "<li class=\"next\">";
2609: if ($pagenum < $totalpages) {
2610: echo '<a href="' . $url . 'subpage=' . ($p = $pagenum + 1) . $tab . '" title="' . sprintf(gettext('page %u'), $p) . '">' . gettext("Next page") . ' »' . '</a>';
2611: } else {
2612: echo '<span class="disabledlink">' . gettext("Next page") . ' »</span>';
2613: }
2614: echo '</li></ul>';
2615: }
2617: $_zp_current_locale = NULL;
2619: 2620: 2621: 2622: 2623: 2624: 2625: 2626: 2627: 2628: 2629: 2630:
2631: function print_language_string_list($dbstring, $name, $textbox = false, $locale = NULL, $edit = '', $wide = TEXT_INPUT_SIZE, $ulclass = 'language_string_list', $rows = 6) {
2632: global $_zp_active_languages, $_zp_current_locale;
2633: $dbstring = zpFunctions::unTagURLs($dbstring);
2634: if (!empty($edit))
2635: $edit = ' class="' . $edit . '"';
2636: if (is_null($locale)) {
2637: $locale = getUserLocale();
2638: }
2639: $strings = getSerializedArray($dbstring);
2640: if (count($strings) == 1) {
2641: $keys = array_keys($strings);
2642: $lang = array_shift($keys);
2643: if (!is_string($lang)) {
2644: $strings = array($locale => array_shift($strings));
2645: }
2646: }
2647: $activelang = generateLanguageList();
2649: if (getOption('multi_lingual') && !empty($activelang)) {
2650: if ($textbox) {
2651: if (strpos($wide, '%') === false) {
2652: $width = ' cols="' . $wide . '"';
2653: } else {
2654: $width = ' style="width:' . ((int) $wide - 1) . '%;"';
2655: }
2656: } else {
2657: if (strpos($wide, '%') === false) {
2658: $width = ' size="' . $wide . '"';
2659: } else {
2660: $width = ' style="width:' . ((int) $wide - 2) . '%;"';
2661: }
2662: }
2665: $preferred = array($_zp_current_locale);
2666: foreach (parseHttpAcceptLanguage() as $lang) {
2667: $preferred[] = str_replace('-', '_', $lang['fullcode']);
2668: }
2669: $preferred = array_unique($preferred);
2670: $emptylang = array();
2672: foreach ($preferred as $lang) {
2673: foreach ($activelang as $key => $active) {
2674: if ($active == $lang) {
2675: $emptylang[$active] = $key;
2676: unset($activelang[$key]);
2677: continue 2;
2678: }
2679: }
2680: if (strlen($lang) == 2) {
2681: foreach ($activelang as $key => $active) {
2682: if (substr($active, 0, 2) == $lang) {
2683: $emptylang[$active] = $key;
2684: }
2685: }
2686: }
2687: }
2688: foreach ($activelang as $key => $active) {
2689: $emptylang[$active] = $key;
2690: }
2692: if ($textbox) {
2693: $class = 'box';
2694: } else {
2695: $class = '';
2696: }
2697: echo '<ul class="' . $ulclass . $class . '"' . ">\n";
2698: $empty = true;
2700: foreach ($emptylang as $key => $lang) {
2701: if (isset($strings[$key])) {
2702: $string = $strings[$key];
2703: if (!empty($string)) {
2704: unset($emptylang[$key]);
2705: $empty = false;
2706: ?>
2707: <li>
2708: <label for="<?php echo $name . '_' . $key; ?>"><?php echo $lang; ?></label>
2709: <?php
2710: if ($textbox) {
2711: echo "\n" . '<textarea name="' . $name . '_' . $key . '"' . $edit . $width . ' rows="' . $rows . '">' . html_encode($string) . '</textarea>';
2712: } else {
2713: echo '<br /><input id="' . $name . '_' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '_' . $key . '"' . $edit . ' type="text" value="' . html_encode($string) . '"' . $width . ' />';
2714: }
2715: ?>
2716: </li>
2717: <?php
2718: }
2719: }
2720: }
2721: foreach ($emptylang as $key => $lang) {
2722: ?>
2723: <li>
2724: <label for="<?php echo $name . '_' . $key; ?>"><?php echo $lang; ?></label>
2725: <?php
2726: if ($textbox) {
2727: echo "\n" . '<textarea name="' . $name . '_' . $key . '"' . $edit . $width . ' rows="' . $rows . '"></textarea>';
2728: } else {
2729: echo '<br /><input id="' . $name . '_' . $key . '" name="' . $name . '_' . $key . '"' . $edit . ' type="text" value=""' . $width . ' />';
2730: }
2731: ?>
2732: </li>
2733: <?php
2734: }
2735: echo "</ul>\n";
2736: } else {
2737: if ($textbox) {
2738: if (strpos($wide, '%') === false) {
2739: $width = ' cols="' . $wide . '"';
2740: } else {
2741: $width = ' style="width:' . $wide . ';"';
2742: }
2743: } else {
2744: if (strpos($wide, '%') === false) {
2745: $width = ' size="' . $wide . '"';
2746: } else {
2747: $width = ' style="width:' . $wide . ';"';
2748: }
2749: }
2750: if (empty($locale))
2751: $locale = 'en_US';
2752: if (isset($strings[$locale])) {
2753: $dbstring = $strings[$locale];
2754: } else {
2755: $dbstring = array_shift($strings);
2756: }
2757: if ($textbox) {
2758: echo '<textarea name="' . $name . '_' . $locale . '"' . $edit . $width . ' rows="' . $rows . '">' . html_encode($dbstring) . '</textarea>';
2759: } else {
2760: echo '<input name="' . $name . '_' . $locale . '"' . $edit . ' type="text" value="' . html_encode($dbstring) . '"' . $width . ' />';
2761: }
2762: }
2763: }
2765: 2766: 2767: 2768: 2769: 2770: 2771:
2772: function process_language_string_save($name, $sanitize_level = 3) {
2773: $languages = generateLanguageList();
2774: $l = strlen($name) + 1;
2775: $strings = array();
2776: foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
2777: if ($value && preg_match('/^' . $name . '_[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}$/', $key)) {
2778: $key = substr($key, $l);
2779: if (in_array($key, $languages)) {
2780: $strings[$key] = sanitize($value, $sanitize_level);
2781: }
2782: }
2783: }
2784: switch (count($strings)) {
2785: case 0:
2786: if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
2787: return sanitize($_POST[$name], $sanitize_level);
2788: } else {
2789: return '';
2790: }
2791: default:
2792: return serialize($strings);
2793: }
2794: }
2796: 2797: 2798: 2799: 2800:
2801: function getTagOrder() {
2802: if (isset($_REQUEST['tagsort'])) {
2803: $tagsort = sanitize($_REQUEST['tagsort']);
2804: setOption('tagsort', (int) ($tagsort && true));
2805: } else {
2806: $tagsort = getOption('tagsort');
2807: }
2808: return $tagsort;
2809: }
2811: 2812: 2813: 2814: 2815: 2816:
2817: function unzip($file, $dir) {
2818: if (function_exists('zip_open')) {
2819: $zip = zip_open($file);
2820: if ($zip) {
2821: while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
2822: $fname = zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
2823: $seoname = internalToFilesystem(seoFriendly($fname));
2824: if (Gallery::validImage($seoname) || Gallery::validImageAlt($seoname)) {
2825: if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
2826: $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
2827: $path_file = str_replace("/", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dir . '/' . $seoname);
2828: $fp = fopen($path_file, "w");
2829: fwrite($fp, $buf);
2830: fclose($fp);
2831: clearstatcache();
2832: zip_entry_close($zip_entry);
2833: $albumname = substr($dir, strlen(ALBUM_FOLDER_SERVERPATH));
2834: $album = newAlbum($albumname);
2835: $image = newImage($album, $seoname);
2836: if ($fname != $seoname) {
2837: $image->setTitle($fname);
2838: $image->save();
2839: }
2840: }
2841: }
2842: }
2843: zip_close($zip);
2844: }
2845: } else {
2846: require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib-pclzip.php');
2847: $zip = new PclZip($file);
2848: if ($zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $dir, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH) == 0) {
2849: return false;
2850: }
2851: }
2852: return true;
2853: }
2855: 2856: 2857: 2858: 2859: 2860:
2861: function is_zip($filename) {
2862: $ext = getSuffix($filename);
2863: return ($ext == "zip");
2864: }
2866: 2867: 2868: 2869: 2870: 2871: 2872:
2873: function isolate($target, $str) {
2874: if (preg_match('|' . preg_quote($target) . '\s*?=(.+?);[ \f\v\t]*[\n\r]|s', $str, $matches)) {
2875: return $matches[0];
2876: }
2877: return false;
2878: }
2880: 2881: 2882: 2883: 2884: 2885: 2886: 2887: 2888: 2889: 2890:
2891: function listDirectoryFiles($dir) {
2892: $file_list = array();
2893: $stack[] = $dir;
2894: while ($stack) {
2895: $current_dir = array_pop($stack);
2896: if ($dh = @opendir($current_dir)) {
2897: while (($file = @readdir($dh)) !== false) {
2898: if ($file !== '.' AND $file !== '..') {
2899: $current_file = "{$current_dir}/{$file}";
2900: if (is_file($current_file) && is_readable($current_file)) {
2901: $file_list[] = "{$current_dir}/{$file}";
2902: } elseif (is_dir($current_file)) {
2903: $stack[] = $current_file;
2904: }
2905: }
2906: }
2907: }
2908: }
2909: return $file_list;
2910: }
2912: 2913: 2914: 2915: 2916: 2917: 2918:
2919: function themeIsEditable($theme) {
2920: if (function_exists('readlink')) {
2921: $link = @readlink(SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . $theme);
2922: } else {
2923: $link = '';
2924: }
2925: if (empty($link) || str_replace('\\', '/', $link) == SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . $theme) {
2926: $zplist = getSerializedArray(getOption('Zenphoto_theme_list'));
2927: return (!in_array($theme, $zplist));
2928: } else {
2929: return false;
2930: }
2931: }
2933: function zenPhotoTheme($theme) {
2934: $zplist = getSerializedArray(getOption('Zenphoto_theme_list'));
2935: return (in_array($theme, $zplist));
2936: }
2938: 2939: 2940: 2941: 2942: 2943: 2944: 2945: 2946:
2947: function copyThemeDirectory($source, $target, $newname) {
2948: global $_zp_current_admin_obj;
2949: $message = true;
2950: $source = SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . internalToFilesystem($source);
2951: $target = SERVERPATH . '/themes/' . internalToFilesystem($target);
2954: if (is_dir($target)) {
2955: return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . sprintf(gettext('Directory “%s” already exists!'), basename($target));
2956: }
2959: if (!is_dir($source)) {
2960: return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . sprintf(gettext('Cannot find theme directory “%s” to copy!'), basename($source));
2961: }
2964: if (!is_writable(dirname($target))) {
2965: return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . gettext('The <tt>/themes</tt> directory is not writable!');
2966: }
2969: if (!mkdir($target, FOLDER_MOD)) {
2970: return gettext('Cannot create new theme.') . ' ' . gettext('Could not create directory for the new theme');
2971: }
2972: @chmod($target, FOLDER_MOD);
2975: $source_files = array_filter(listDirectoryFiles($source), create_function('$str', 'return strpos($str, "/.svn/") === false;'));
2979: $dirs_to_create = array();
2980: foreach ($source_files as $path) {
2981: $path = explode('/', dirname(str_replace($source . '/', '', $path)));
2982: $dirs = '';
2983: foreach ($path as $subdir) {
2984: if ($subdir == '.svn' or $subdir == '.') {
2985: continue 2;
2986: }
2987: $dirs = "$dirs/$subdir";
2988: $dirs_to_create[$dirs] = $dirs;
2989: }
2990: }
2993: foreach ($dirs_to_create as $dir) {
2994: mkdir("$target/$dir", FOLDER_MOD);
2995: @chmod("$target/$dir", FOLDER_MOD);
2996: }
2999: foreach ($source_files as $file) {
3000: $newfile = str_replace($source, $target, $file);
3001: if (!copy("$file", "$newfile"))
3002: return sprintf(gettext("An error occurred while copying files. Please delete manually the new theme directory “%s” and retry or copy files manually."), basename($target));
3003: @chmod("$newfile", FOLDER_MOD);
3004: }
3007: if (file_exists($target . '/theme_description.php')) {
3008: $theme_description = array();
3009: require($target . '/theme_description.php');
3010: $theme_description['desc'] = sprintf(gettext('Your theme, based on theme %s'), $theme_description['name']);
3011: } else {
3012: $theme_description['desc'] = gettext('Your theme');
3013: }
3014: $theme_description['name'] = $newname;
3015: $theme_description['author'] = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser();
3016: $theme_description['version'] = '1.0';
3017: $theme_description['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:m:s', time());
3019: $description = sprintf('<' . '?php
3020: // Zenphoto theme definition file
3021: $theme_description["name"] = "%s";
3022: $theme_description["author"] = "%s";
3023: $theme_description["version"] = "%s";
3024: $theme_description["date"] = "%s";
3025: $theme_description["desc"] = "%s";
3026: ?' . '>', html_encode($theme_description['name']), html_encode($theme_description['author']), html_encode($theme_description['version']), html_encode($theme_description['date']), html_encode($theme_description['desc']));
3028: $f = fopen($target . '/theme_description.php', 'w');
3029: if ($f !== FALSE) {
3030: @fwrite($f, $description);
3031: fclose($f);
3032: $message = gettext('New custom theme created successfully!');
3033: } else {
3034: $message = gettext('New custom theme created, but its description could not be updated');
3035: }
3038: if (file_exists("$target/theme.png"))
3039: $themeimage = "$target/theme.png";
3040: else if (file_exists("$target/theme.gif"))
3041: $themeimage = "$target/theme.gif";
3042: else if (file_exists("$target/theme.jpg"))
3043: $themeimage = "$target/theme.jpg";
3044: else
3045: $themeimage = false;
3046: if ($themeimage) {
3047: if ($im = zp_imageGet($themeimage)) {
3048: $x = zp_imageWidth($im) / 2 - 45;
3049: $y = zp_imageHeight($im) / 2 - 10;
3050: $text = "CUSTOM COPY";
3051: $font = zp_imageLoadFont();
3052: $ink = zp_colorAllocate($im, 0x0ff, 0x0ff, 0x0ff);
3054: $overlay = zp_createImage(zp_imageWidth($im), zp_imageHeight($im));
3055: $back = zp_colorAllocate($overlay, 0x060, 0x060, 0x090);
3056: zp_imageFill($overlay, 0, 0, $back);
3058: zp_imageMerge($im, $overlay, 0, 0, 0, 0, zp_imageWidth($im), zp_imageHeight($im), 45);
3060: zp_writeString($im, $font, $x - 1, $y - 1, $text, $ink);
3061: zp_writeString($im, $font, $x + 1, $y + 1, $text, $ink);
3062: zp_writeString($im, $font, $x, $y, $text, $ink);
3064: zp_imageOutput($im, 'png', $themeimage);
3065: }
3066: }
3068: return $message;
3069: }
3071: function deleteThemeDirectory($source) {
3072: if (is_dir($source)) {
3073: $result = true;
3074: $handle = opendir($source);
3075: while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) {
3076: $fullname = $source . '/' . $filename;
3077: if (is_dir($fullname)) {
3078: if (($filename != '.') && ($filename != '..')) {
3079: $result = $result && deleteThemeDirectory($fullname);
3080: }
3081: } else {
3082: if (file_exists($fullname)) {
3083: @chmod($fullname, 0777);
3084: $result = $result && unlink($fullname);
3085: }
3086: }
3087: }
3088: closedir($handle);
3089: $result = $result && rmdir($source);
3090: return $result;
3091: }
3092: return false;
3093: }
3095: 3096: 3097: 3098: 3099: 3100: 3101: 3102: 3103:
3104: function currentRelativeURL() {
3105: $source = str_replace(SERVERPATH, WEBPATH, str_replace('\\', '/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
3106: if (empty($_GET)) {
3107: $q = '';
3108: } else {
3109: $q = '?' . http_build_query($_GET);
3110: }
3111: return pathurlencode($source) . $q;
3112: }
3114: 3115: 3116: 3117: 3118: 3119:
3120: function getParentAlbumsAdmin($album) {
3121: $parents = array();
3122: while (!is_null($album = $album->getParent())) {
3123: array_unshift($parents, $album);
3124: }
3125: return $parents;
3126: }
3128: function getAlbumBreadcrumbAdmin($album) {
3129: $link = '';
3130: $parents = getParentAlbumsAdmin($album);
3131: foreach ($parents as $parent) {
3132: $link .= "<a href='" . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . "/admin-edit.php?page=edit&album=" . html_encode(pathurlencode($parent->name)) . "'>" . removeParentAlbumNames($parent) . "</a>/";
3133: }
3134: return $link;
3135: }
3137: 3138: 3139: 3140: 3141: 3142:
3143: function removeParentAlbumNames($album) {
3144: $slash = stristr($album->name, "/");
3145: if ($slash) {
3146: $array = array_reverse(explode("/", $album->name));
3147: $albumname = $array[0];
3148: } else {
3149: $albumname = $album->name;
3150: }
3151: return $albumname;
3152: }
3154: 3155: 3156: 3157: 3158: 3159: 3160: 3161:
3162: function printAdminRightsTable($id, $background, $alterrights, $rights) {
3163: $rightslist = sortMultiArray(Zenphoto_Authority::getRights(), array('set', 'value'));
3164: ?>
3165: <div class="box-rights">
3166: <strong><?php echo gettext("Rights:"); ?></strong>
3167: <?php
3168: $element = 3;
3169: $activeset = false;
3170: foreach ($rightslist as $rightselement => $right) {
3171: if ($right['display']) {
3172: if (($right['set'] != gettext('Pages') && $right['set'] != gettext('News')) || extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
3173: if ($activeset != $right['set']) {
3174: if ($activeset) {
3175: ?>
3176: </fieldset>
3177: <?php
3178: }
3179: $activeset = $right['set'];
3180: ?>
3181: <fieldset><legend><?php echo $activeset; ?></legend>
3182: <?php
3183: }
3184: ?>
3185: <label title="<?php echo html_encode(get_language_string($right['hint'])); ?>">
3186: <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $id . '-' . $rightselement; ?>" id="<?php echo $rightselement . '-' . $id; ?>" class="user-<?php echo $id; ?>"
3187: value="<?php echo $right['value']; ?>"<?php
3188: if ($rights & $right['value'])
3189: echo ' checked="checked"';
3190: echo $alterrights;
3191: ?> /> <?php echo $right['name']; ?>
3192: </label>
3193: <?php
3194: } else {
3195: ?>
3196: <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $id . '-' . $rightselement; ?>" id="<?php echo $rightselement . '-' . $id; ?>" value="<?php echo $right['value']; ?>" />
3197: <?php
3198: }
3199: }
3200: }
3201: ?>
3202: </fieldset>
3203: </div>
3204: <?php
3205: }
3207: 3208: 3209: 3210: 3211: 3212: 3213: 3214: 3215: 3216: 3217:
3218: function printManagedObjects($type, $objlist, $alterrights, $userobj, $prefix_id, $kind, $flag) {
3219: $rest = $extra = $extra2 = array();
3220: $rights = $userobj->getRights();
3221: $legend = '';
3222: switch ($type) {
3223: case 'albums':
3224: if ($rights & (MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS | ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
3225: $cv = $objlist;
3226: $alterrights = ' disabled="disabled"';
3227: } else {
3228: $full = $userobj->getObjects();
3229: $cv = $extra = array();
3230: $icon_edit_album = '<img src="' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/options.png" class="icon-position-top3" alt="" title="' . gettext('edit rights') . '" />';
3231: $icon_view_image = '<img src="' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/action.png" class="icon-position-top3" alt="" title="' . gettext('view unpublished items') . '" />';
3232: $icon_upload = '<img src="' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/arrow_up.png" class="icon-position-top3" alt="" title="' . gettext('upload rights') . '"/>';
3233: $icon_upload_disabled = '<img src="' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/arrow_up.png" class="icon-position-top3" alt="" title="' . gettext('the album is dynamic') . '"/>';
3234: if (!empty($flag)) {
3235: $legend .= '* ' . gettext('Primary album') . ' ';
3236: }
3237: $legend .= $icon_edit_album . ' ' . gettext('edit') . ' ';
3238: if ($rights & UPLOAD_RIGHTS)
3239: $legend .= $icon_upload . ' ' . gettext('upload') . ' ';
3240: if (!($rights & VIEW_UNPUBLISHED_RIGHTS))
3241: $legend .= $icon_view_image . ' ' . gettext('view unpublished') . ' ';
3242: foreach ($full as $item) {
3243: if ($item['type'] == 'album') {
3244: if (in_array($item['data'], $flag)) {
3245: $note = '*';
3246: } else {
3247: $note = '';
3248: }
3249: $cv[$item['name'] . $note] = $item['data'];
3250: $extra[$item['data']][] = array('name' => 'name', 'value' => $item['name'], 'display' => '', 'checked' => 0);
3251: $extra[$item['data']][] = array('name' => 'edit', 'value' => MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_EDIT, 'display' => $icon_edit_album, 'checked' => $item['edit'] & MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_EDIT);
3252: if (($rights & UPLOAD_RIGHTS)) {
3253: if (hasDynamicAlbumSuffix($item['data']) && !is_dir(ALBUM_FOLDER_SERVERPATH . $item['data'])) {
3254: $extra[$item['data']][] = array('name' => 'upload', 'value' => MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_UPLOAD, 'display' => $icon_upload_disabled, 'checked' => 0, 'disable' => true);
3255: } else {
3256: $extra[$item['data']][] = array('name' => 'upload', 'value' => MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_UPLOAD, 'display' => $icon_upload, 'checked' => $item['edit'] & MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_UPLOAD);
3257: }
3258: }
3259: if (!($rights & VIEW_UNPUBLISHED_RIGHTS)) {
3260: $extra[$item['data']][] = array('name' => 'view', 'value' => MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_VIEW, 'display' => $icon_view_image, 'checked' => $item['edit'] & MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_VIEW);
3261: }
3262: }
3263: }
3264: $rest = array_diff($objlist, $cv);
3265: foreach ($rest as $unmanaged) {
3266: $extra2[$unmanaged][] = array('name' => 'name', 'value' => $unmanaged, 'display' => '', 'checked' => 0);
3267: $extra2[$unmanaged][] = array('name' => 'edit', 'value' => MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_EDIT, 'display' => $icon_edit_album, 'checked' => 1);
3268: if (($rights & UPLOAD_RIGHTS)) {
3269: if (hasDynamicAlbumSuffix($unmanaged) && !is_dir(ALBUM_FOLDER_SERVERPATH . $unmanaged)) {
3270: $extra2[$unmanaged][] = array('name' => 'upload', 'value' => MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_UPLOAD, 'display' => $icon_upload_disabled, 'checked' => 0, 'disable' => true);
3271: } else {
3272: $extra2[$unmanaged][] = array('name' => 'upload', 'value' => MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_UPLOAD, 'display' => $icon_upload, 'checked' => 1);
3273: }
3274: }
3275: if (!($rights & VIEW_UNPUBLISHED_RIGHTS)) {
3276: $extra2[$unmanaged][] = array('name' => 'view', 'value' => MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_VIEW, 'display' => $icon_view_image, 'checked' => 1);
3277: }
3278: }
3279: }
3280: $text = gettext("Managed albums:");
3281: $simplename = $objectname = gettext('Albums');
3282: $prefix = 'managed_albums_list_' . $prefix_id . '_';
3283: break;
3284: case 'news':
3285: if ($rights & (MANAGE_ALL_NEWS_RIGHTS | ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
3286: $cv = $objlist;
3287: $rest = array();
3288: $alterrights = ' disabled="disabled"';
3289: } else {
3290: $cv = $userobj->getObjects('news');
3291: $rest = array_diff($objlist, $cv);
3292: }
3293: $text = gettext("Managed news categories:");
3294: $simplename = gettext('News');
3295: $objectname = gettext('News categories');
3296: $prefix = 'managed_news_list_' . $prefix_id . '_';
3297: break;
3298: case 'pages':
3299: if ($rights & (MANAGE_ALL_PAGES_RIGHTS | ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
3300: $cv = $objlist;
3301: $rest = array();
3302: $alterrights = ' disabled="disabled"';
3303: } else {
3304: $cv = $userobj->getObjects('pages');
3305: $rest = array_diff($objlist, $cv);
3306: }
3307: $text = gettext("Managed pages:");
3308: $simplename = $objectname = gettext('Pages');
3309: $prefix = 'managed_pages_list_' . $prefix_id . '_';
3310: break;
3311: }
3312: if (empty($alterrights)) {
3313: $hint = sprintf(gettext('Select one or more %1$s for the %2$s to manage.'), $simplename, $kind) . ' ';
3314: if ($kind == gettext('user')) {
3315: $hint .= sprintf(gettext('Users with "Admin" or "Manage all %1$s" rights can manage all %2$s. All others may manage only those that are selected.'), $type, $objectname);
3316: }
3317: } else {
3318: $hint = sprintf(gettext('You may manage these %s subject to the above rights.'), $simplename);
3319: }
3320: if (count($cv) > 0) {
3321: $itemcount = ' (' . count($cv) . ')';
3322: } else {
3323: $itemcount = '';
3324: }
3325: ?>
3327: <div class="box-albums-unpadded">
3328: <h2 class="h2_bordered_albums">
3329: <a href="javascript:toggle('<?php echo $prefix ?>');" title="<?php echo html_encode($hint); ?>" ><?php echo $text . $itemcount; ?></a>
3330: </h2>
3331: <div id="<?php echo $prefix ?>" style="display:none;">
3332: <ul class="albumchecklist">
3333: <?php
3334: generateUnorderedListFromArray($cv, $cv, $prefix, $alterrights, true, true, 'user-' . $prefix_id, $extra);
3335: generateUnorderedListFromArray(array(), $rest, $prefix, $alterrights, true, true, 'user-' . $prefix_id, $extra2);
3336: ?>
3337: </ul>
3338: <span class="floatright"><?php echo $legend; ?> </span>
3339: <br class="clearall" />
3340: </div>
3341: </div>
3342: <?php
3343: }
3345: 3346: 3347: 3348: 3349: 3350:
3351: function processRights($i) {
3352: if (isset($_POST[$i . '-confirmed'])) {
3353: $rights = NO_RIGHTS;
3354: } else {
3355: $rights = 0;
3356: }
3357: foreach (Zenphoto_Authority::getRights() as $name => $right) {
3358: if (isset($_POST[$i . '-' . $name])) {
3359: $rights = $rights | $right['value'] | NO_RIGHTS;
3360: }
3361: }
3362: if ($rights & MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS) {
3363: $rights = $rights | ALL_ALBUMS_RIGHTS | ALBUM_RIGHTS;
3364: }
3365: if ($rights & MANAGE_ALL_NEWS_RIGHTS) {
3366: $rights = $rights | ALL_NEWS_RIGHTS | ZENPAGE_NEWS_RIGHTS;
3367: }
3368: if ($rights & MANAGE_ALL_PAGES_RIGHTS) {
3369: $rights = $rights | ALL_PAGES_RIGHTS | ZENPAGE_PAGES_RIGHTS;
3370: }
3371: return $rights;
3372: }
3374: function processManagedObjects($i, &$rights) {
3375: $objects = array();
3376: $albums = array();
3377: $pages = array();
3378: $news = array();
3379: $l_a = strlen($prefix_a = 'managed_albums_list_' . $i . '_');
3380: $l_p = strlen($prefix_p = 'managed_pages_list_' . $i . '_');
3381: $l_n = strlen($prefix_n = 'managed_news_list_' . $i . '_');
3382: foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
3383: $key = postIndexDecode($key);
3384: if (substr($key, 0, $l_a) == $prefix_a) {
3385: $key = substr($key, $l_a);
3386: if (preg_match('/(.*)(_edit|_view|_upload|_name)$/', $key, $matches)) {
3387: $key = $matches[1];
3388: if (array_key_exists($key, $albums)) {
3389: switch ($matches[2]) {
3390: case '_edit':
3391: $albums[$key]['edit'] = $albums[$key]['edit'] | MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_EDIT;
3392: break;
3393: case '_upload':
3394: $albums[$key]['edit'] = $albums[$key]['edit'] | MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_UPLOAD;
3395: break;
3396: case '_view':
3397: $albums[$key]['edit'] = $albums[$key]['edit'] | MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_VIEW;
3398: break;
3399: case '_name':
3400: $albums[$key]['name'] = $value;
3401: break;
3402: }
3403: }
3404: } else if ($value) {
3405: $albums[$key] = array('data' => $key, 'name' => '', 'type' => 'album', 'edit' => 32767 & ~(MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_EDIT | MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_UPLOAD | MANAGED_OBJECT_RIGHTS_VIEW));
3406: }
3407: }
3408: if (substr($key, 0, $l_p) == $prefix_p) {
3409: if ($value) {
3410: $pages[] = array('data' => substr($key, $l_p), 'type' => 'pages');
3411: }
3412: }
3413: if (substr($key, 0, $l_n) == $prefix_n) {
3414: if ($value) {
3415: $news[] = array('data' => substr($key, $l_n), 'type' => 'news');
3416: }
3417: }
3418: }
3419: foreach ($albums as $key => $analbum) {
3420: unset($albums[$key]);
3421: $albums[] = $analbum;
3422: }
3423: if (empty($albums)) {
3424: if (!($rights & MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
3425: $rights = $rights & ~ALBUM_RIGHTS;
3426: }
3427: } else {
3428: $rights = $rights | ALBUM_RIGHTS;
3429: if ($rights & (MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS | ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
3430: $albums = array();
3431: }
3432: }
3433: if (empty($pages)) {
3434: if (!($rights & MANAGE_ALL_PAGES_RIGHTS)) {
3435: $rights = $rights & ~ZENPAGE_PAGES_RIGHTS;
3436: }
3437: } else {
3438: $rights = $rights | ZENPAGE_PAGES_RIGHTS;
3439: if ($rights & (MANAGE_ALL_PAGES_RIGHTS | ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
3440: $pages = array();
3441: }
3442: }
3443: if (empty($news)) {
3444: if (!($rights & MANAGE_ALL_NEWS_RIGHTS)) {
3445: $rights = $rights & ~ZENPAGE_NEWS_RIGHTS;
3446: }
3447: } else {
3448: $rights = $rights | ZENPAGE_NEWS_RIGHTS;
3449: if ($rights & (MANAGE_ALL_NEWS_RIGHTS | ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
3450: $news = array();
3451: }
3452: }
3453: $objects = array_merge($albums, $pages, $news);
3454: return $objects;
3455: }
3457: 3458: 3459: 3460: 3461: 3462:
3463: function getCheckboxState($id) {
3464: if (isset($_REQUEST[$id]))
3465: return 1;
3466: else
3467: return 0;
3468: }
3470: 3471: 3472: 3473: 3474: 3475:
3476: function standardScripts() {
3477: $standardlist = array('themeoptions', 'password', 'theme_description', '404', 'slideshow', 'search', 'image', 'index', 'album', 'customfunctions', 'functions');
3478: if (extensionEnabled('zenpage'))
3479: $standardlist = array_merge($standardlist, array('news', 'pages'));
3480: return $standardlist;
3481: }
3483: 3484: 3485: 3486: 3487:
3488: function getWatermarks() {
3489: $list = array();
3490: $curdir = getcwd();
3491: chdir($basepath = SERVERPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . '/watermarks/');
3492: $filelist = safe_glob('*.png');
3493: foreach ($filelist as $file) {
3494: $list[filesystemToInternal(substr(basename($file), 0, -4))] = $basepath . $file;
3495: }
3496: $basepath = SERVERPATH . "/" . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/watermarks/';
3497: if (is_dir($basepath)) {
3498: chdir($basepath);
3499: $filelist = safe_glob('*.png');
3500: foreach ($filelist as $file) {
3501: $list[filesystemToInternal(substr(basename($file), 0, -4))] = $basepath . $file;
3502: }
3503: }
3504: chdir($curdir);
3505: $watermarks = array_keys($list);
3506: return $watermarks;
3507: }
3509: 3510: 3511: 3512: 3513: 3514: 3515:
3516: function processOrder($orderstr) {
3517: $order = $result = array();
3518: parse_str($orderstr, $order);
3519: $order = array_shift($order);
3521: $parents = $curorder = array();
3522: $curowner = '';
3523: foreach ($order as $id => $parent) {
3524: if ($parent != $curowner) {
3525: if (($key = array_search($parent, $parents)) === false) {
3526: array_push($parents, $parent);
3527: array_push($curorder, -1);
3528: } else {
3529: $parents = array_slice($parents, 0, $key + 1);
3530: $curorder = array_slice($curorder, 0, $key + 1);
3531: }
3532: }
3533: $l = count($curorder) - 1;
3534: $curorder[$l] = sprintf('%03u', $curorder[$l] + 1);
3535: $result[$id] = $curorder;
3536: }
3537: return $result;
3538: }
3540: 3541: 3542: 3543: 3544: 3545:
3546: function postAlbumSort($parentid) {
3547: if (isset($_POST['order']) && !empty($_POST['order'])) {
3548: $order = processOrder(sanitize($_POST['order']));
3549: $sortToID = array();
3550: foreach ($order as $id => $orderlist) {
3551: $id = str_replace('id_', '', $id);
3552: $sortToID[implode('-', $orderlist)] = $id;
3553: }
3554: foreach ($order as $item => $orderlist) {
3555: $item = str_replace('id_', '', $item);
3556: $currentalbum = query_single_row('SELECT * FROM ' . prefix('albums') . ' WHERE `id`=' . $item);
3557: $sortorder = array_pop($orderlist);
3558: if (count($orderlist) > 0) {
3559: $newparent = $sortToID[implode('-', $orderlist)];
3560: } else {
3561: $newparent = $parentid;
3562: }
3563: if ($newparent == $currentalbum['parentid']) {
3564: $sql = 'UPDATE ' . prefix('albums') . ' SET `sort_order`=' . db_quote($sortorder) . ' WHERE `id`=' . $item;
3565: query($sql);
3566: } else {
3567: $albumname = $currentalbum['folder'];
3568: $album = newAlbum($albumname);
3569: if (strpos($albumname, '/') !== false) {
3570: $albumname = basename($albumname);
3571: }
3572: if (is_null($newparent)) {
3573: $dest = $albumname;
3574: } else {
3575: $parent = query_single_row('SELECT * FROM ' . prefix('albums') . ' WHERE `id`=' . $newparent);
3576: if ($parent['dynamic']) {
3577: return "&mcrerr=5";
3578: } else {
3579: $dest = $parent['folder'] . '/' . $albumname;
3580: }
3581: }
3582: if ($e = $album->move($dest)) {
3583: return "&mcrerr=" . $e;
3584: } else {
3585: $album->setSortOrder($sortorder);
3586: $album->save();
3587: }
3588: }
3589: }
3590: return true;
3591: }
3592: return false;
3593: }
3595: 3596: 3597: 3598: 3599: 3600: 3601: 3602: 3603: 3604:
3605: function printNestedAlbumsList($albums, $show_thumb, $owner) {
3606: $indent = 1;
3607: $open = array(1 => 0);
3608: $rslt = false;
3609: foreach ($albums as $album) {
3610: $order = $album['sort_order'];
3611: $level = max(1, count($order));
3612: if ($toodeep = $level > 1 && $order[$level - 1] === '') {
3613: $rslt = true;
3614: }
3615: if ($level > $indent) {
3616: echo "\n" . str_pad("\t", $indent, "\t") . "<ul class=\"page-list\">\n";
3617: $indent++;
3618: $open[$indent] = 0;
3619: } else if ($level < $indent) {
3620: while ($indent > $level) {
3621: $open[$indent] --;
3622: $indent--;
3623: echo "</li>\n" . str_pad("\t", $indent, "\t") . "</ul>\n";
3624: }
3625: } else {
3626: if ($open[$indent]) {
3627: echo str_pad("\t", $indent, "\t") . "</li>\n";
3628: $open[$indent] --;
3629: } else {
3630: echo "\n";
3631: }
3632: }
3633: if ($open[$indent]) {
3634: echo str_pad("\t", $indent, "\t") . "</li>\n";
3635: $open[$indent] --;
3636: }
3637: $albumobj = newAlbum($album['name']);
3638: if ($albumobj->isDynamic()) {
3639: $nonest = ' class="no-nest"';
3640: } else {
3641: $nonest = '';
3642: }
3643: echo str_pad("\t", $indent - 1, "\t") . "<li id=\"id_" . $albumobj->getID() . "\"$nonest >";
3644: printAlbumEditRow($albumobj, $show_thumb, $owner);
3645: $open[$indent] ++;
3646: }
3647: while ($indent > 1) {
3648: echo "</li>\n";
3649: $open[$indent] --;
3650: $indent--;
3651: echo str_pad("\t", $indent, "\t") . "</ul>";
3652: }
3653: if ($open[$indent]) {
3654: echo "</li>\n";
3655: } else {
3656: echo "\n";
3657: }
3658: return $rslt;
3659: }
3661: 3662: 3663: 3664:
3665: function printEditDropdown($subtab, $nestinglevels, $nesting) {
3666: switch ($subtab) {
3667: case '':
3668: $link = '?selection=';
3669: break;
3670: case 'subalbuminfo':
3671: $link = '?page=edit&album=' . html_encode($_GET['album']) . '&tab=subalbuminfo&selection=';
3672: break;
3673: case 'imageinfo':
3674: if (isset($_GET['tagsort'])) {
3675: $tagsort = '&tagsort=' . sanitize($_GET['tagsort']);
3676: } else {
3677: $tagsort = '';
3678: }
3679: $link = '?page=edit&album=' . html_encode($_GET['album']) . '&tab=imageinfo' . html_encode($tagsort) . '&selection=';
3680: break;
3681: }
3682: ?>
3683: <form name="AutoListBox2" style="float: right;" action="#" >
3684: <select name="ListBoxURL" size="1" onchange="gotoLink(this.form);">
3685: <?php
3686: foreach ($nestinglevels as $nestinglevel) {
3687: if ($nesting == $nestinglevel) {
3688: $selected = 'selected="selected"';
3689: } else {
3690: $selected = "";
3691: }
3692: echo '<option ' . $selected . ' value="admin-edit.php' . $link . $nestinglevel . '">';
3693: switch ($subtab) {
3694: case '':
3695: case 'subalbuminfo':
3696: printf(ngettext('Show %u album level', 'Show %u album levels', $nestinglevel), $nestinglevel);
3697: break;
3698: case 'imageinfo':
3699: printf(ngettext('%u image per page', '%u images per page', $nestinglevel), $nestinglevel);
3700: break;
3701: }
3702: echo '</option>';
3703: }
3704: ?>
3705: </select>
3706: <script type="text/javascript" >
3708: function gotoLink(form) {
3709: var OptionIndex = form.ListBoxURL.selectedIndex;
3710: parent.location = form.ListBoxURL.options[OptionIndex].value;
3711: }
3713: </script>
3714: </form>
3715: <?php
3716: }
3718: function processEditSelection($subtab) {
3719: global $subalbum_nesting, $album_nesting, $imagesTab_imageCount;
3720: if (isset($_GET['selection'])) {
3721: switch ($subtab) {
3722: case '':
3723: $album_nesting = max(1, sanitize_numeric($_GET['selection']));
3724: zp_setCookie('gallery_nesting', $album_nesting);
3725: break;
3726: case 'subalbuminfo':
3727: $subalbum_nesting = max(1, sanitize_numeric($_GET['selection']));
3728: zp_setCookie('subalbum_nesting', $subalbum_nesting);
3729: break;
3730: case 'imageinfo':
3731: $imagesTab_imageCount = max(ADMIN_IMAGES_STEP, sanitize_numeric($_GET['selection']));
3732: zp_setCookie('imagesTab_imageCount', $imagesTab_imageCount);
3733: break;
3734: }
3735: } else {
3736: switch ($subtab) {
3737: case '':
3738: $album_nesting = zp_getCookie('gallery_nesting');
3739: break;
3740: case 'subalbuminfo':
3741: $subalbum_nesting = zp_getCookie('subalbum_nesting');
3742: break;
3743: case 'imageinfo':
3744: $count = zp_getCookie('imagesTab_imageCount');
3745: if ($count)
3746: $imagesTab_imageCount = $count;
3747: break;
3748: }
3749: }
3750: }
3752: 3753: 3754: 3755: 3756:
3757: function printBulkActions($checkarray, $checkAll = false) {
3758: $tags = in_array('addtags', $checkarray) || in_array('alltags', $checkarray);
3759: $movecopy = in_array('moveimages', $checkarray) || in_array('copyimages', $checkarray);
3760: $categories = in_array('addcats', $checkarray) || in_array('clearcats', $checkarray);
3761: $changeowner = in_array('changeowner', $checkarray);
3762: if ($tags || $movecopy || $categories || $changeowner) {
3763: ?>
3764: <script type="text/javascript">
3766: function checkFor(obj) {
3767: var sel = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;
3768: <?php
3769: if ($tags) {
3770: ?>
3771: if (sel == 'addtags' || sel == 'alltags') {
3772: $.colorbox({
3773: href: "#mass_tags_data",
3774: inline: true,
3775: open: true,
3776: close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?>'
3777: });
3778: }
3779: <?php
3780: }
3781: if ($movecopy) {
3782: ?>
3783: if (sel == 'moveimages' || sel == 'copyimages') {
3784: $.colorbox({
3785: href: "#mass_movecopy_data",
3786: inline: true,
3787: open: true,
3788: close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?>'
3789: });
3790: }
3791: <?php
3792: }
3793: if ($categories) {
3794: ?>
3795: if (sel == 'addcats') {
3796: $.colorbox({
3797: href: "#mass_cats_data",
3798: inline: true,
3799: open: true,
3800: close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?>'
3801: });
3802: }
3803: <?php
3804: }
3805: if ($changeowner) {
3806: ?>
3807: if (sel == 'changeowner') {
3808: $.colorbox({
3809: href: "#mass_owner_data",
3810: inline: true,
3811: open: true,
3812: close: '<?php echo gettext("ok"); ?>'
3813: });
3814: }
3815: <?php
3816: }
3817: ?>
3818: }
3820: </script>
3821: <?php
3822: }
3823: ?>
3824: <span style="float:right">
3825: <select class="dirtyignore" name="checkallaction" id="checkallaction" size="1" onchange="checkFor(this);" >
3826: <?php generateListFromArray(array('noaction'), $checkarray, false, true); ?>
3827: </select>
3828: <?php
3829: if ($checkAll) {
3830: ?>
3831: <br />
3832: <?php
3833: echo gettext("Check All");
3834: ?>
3835: <input class="dirtyignore" type="checkbox" name="allbox" id="allbox" onclick="checkAll(this.form, 'ids[]', this.checked);" />
3836: <?php
3837: }
3838: ?>
3839: </span>
3840: <?php
3841: if ($tags) {
3842: ?>
3843: <div id="mass_tags" style="display:none;">
3844: <div id="mass_tags_data">
3845: <?php
3846: tagSelector(NULL, 'mass_tags_', false, false, true, false, 'checkTagsAuto dirtyignore');
3847: ?>
3848: </div>
3849: </div>
3850: <?php
3851: }
3852: if ($categories) {
3853: ?>
3854: <div id="mass_cats" style="display:none;">
3855: <ul id="mass_cats_data">
3856: <?php
3857: printNestedItemsList('cats-checkboxlist', '', 'all', 'dirtyignore');
3858: ?>
3859: </ul>
3860: </div>
3861: <?php
3862: }
3863: if ($changeowner) {
3864: ?>
3865: <div id="mass_owner" style="display:none;">
3866: <ul id="mass_owner_data">
3867: <select class="dirtyignore" id="massownermenu" name="massownerselect" onchange="">
3868: <?php
3869: echo admin_album_list(NULL);
3870: ?>
3871: </select>
3872: </ul>
3873: </div>
3874: <?php
3875: }
3876: if ($movecopy) {
3877: global $mcr_albumlist, $album, $bglevels;
3878: ?>
3879: <div id="mass_movecopy_copy" style="display:none;">
3880: <div id="mass_movecopy_data">
3881: <input type="hidden" name="massfolder" value="<?php echo $album->name; ?>" />
3882: <?php
3883: echo gettext('Destination');
3884: ?>
3885: <select class="dirtyignore" id="massalbumselectmenu" name="massalbumselect" onchange="">
3886: <?php
3887: foreach ($mcr_albumlist as $fullfolder => $albumtitle) {
3888: $singlefolder = $fullfolder;
3889: $saprefix = "";
3890: $salevel = 0;
3891: $selected = "";
3892: if ($album->name == $fullfolder) {
3893: $selected = " selected=\"selected\" ";
3894: }
3896: while (strstr($singlefolder, '/') !== false) {
3897: $singlefolder = substr(strstr($singlefolder, '/'), 1);
3898: $saprefix = " " . $saprefix;
3899: $salevel++;
3900: }
3901: echo '<option value="' . $fullfolder . '"' . ($salevel > 0 ? ' style="background-color: ' . $bglevels[$salevel] . ';"' : '')
3902: . "$selected>" . $saprefix . $singlefolder . "</option>\n";
3903: }
3904: ?>
3905: </select>
3906: </div>
3907: </div>
3908: <?php
3909: }
3910: }
3912: 3913: 3914: 3915: 3916:
3917: function bulkActionRedirect($action) {
3918: $uri = getRequestURI();
3919: if (strpos($uri, '?')) {
3920: $uri .= '&bulkaction=' . $action;
3921: } else {
3922: $uri .= '?bulkaction=' . $action;
3923: }
3924: header('Location: ' . $uri);
3925: exitZP();
3926: }
3928: 3929: 3930: 3931: 3932:
3933: function bulkTags() {
3934: $tags = array();
3935: foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
3936: $key = postIndexDecode($key);
3937: if ($value && substr($key, 0, 10) == 'mass_tags_') {
3938: $tags[] = sanitize(substr($key, 10));
3939: }
3940: }
3941: return $tags;
3942: }
3944: 3945: 3946: 3947:
3948: function processAlbumBulkActions() {
3949: if (isset($_POST['ids'])) {
3950: $ids = sanitize($_POST['ids']);
3951: $action = sanitize($_POST['checkallaction']);
3952: $total = count($ids);
3953: if ($action != 'noaction' && $total > 0) {
3954: if ($action == 'addtags' || $action == 'alltags') {
3955: $tags = bulkTags();
3956: }
3957: if ($action == 'changeowner') {
3958: $newowner = sanitize($_POST['massownerselect']);
3959: }
3960: $n = 0;
3961: foreach ($ids as $albumname) {
3962: $n++;
3963: $albumobj = newAlbum($albumname);
3964: switch ($action) {
3965: case 'deleteallalbum':
3966: $albumobj->remove();
3967: SearchEngine::clearSearchCache();
3968: break;
3969: case 'showall':
3970: $albumobj->setShow(1);
3971: break;
3972: case 'hideall':
3973: $albumobj->setShow(0);
3974: break;
3975: case 'commentson':
3976: $albumobj->setCommentsAllowed(1);
3977: break;
3978: case 'commentsoff':
3979: $albumobj->setCommentsAllowed(0);
3980: break;
3981: case 'resethitcounter':
3982: $albumobj->set('hitcounter', 0);
3983: break;
3984: case 'addtags':
3985: $mytags = array_unique(array_merge($tags, $albumobj->getTags()));
3986: $albumobj->setTags($mytags);
3987: break;
3988: case 'cleartags':
3989: $albumobj->setTags(array());
3990: break;
3991: case 'alltags':
3992: $images = $albumobj->getImages();
3993: foreach ($images as $imagename) {
3994: $imageobj = newImage($albumobj, $imagename);
3995: $mytags = array_unique(array_merge($tags, $imageobj->getTags()));
3996: $imageobj->setTags($mytags);
3997: $imageobj->save();
3998: }
3999: break;
4000: case 'clearalltags':
4001: $images = $albumobj->getImages();
4002: foreach ($images as $imagename) {
4003: $imageobj = newImage($albumobj, $imagename);
4004: $imageobj->setTags(array());
4005: $imageobj->save();
4006: }
4007: break;
4008: case 'changeowner':
4009: $albumobj->setOwner($newowner);
4010: break;
4011: default:
4012: $action = call_user_func($action, $albumobj);
4013: break;
4014: }
4015: $albumobj->save();
4016: }
4017: return $action;
4018: }
4019: }
4020: return false;
4021: }
4023: 4024: 4025: 4026:
4027: function processImageBulkActions($album) {
4028: $action = sanitize($_POST['checkallaction']);
4029: $ids = sanitize($_POST['ids']);
4030: $total = count($ids);
4031: if ($action != 'noaction') {
4032: if ($total > 0) {
4033: if ($action == 'addtags') {
4034: $tags = bulkTags();
4035: }
4036: if ($action == 'moveimages' || $action == 'copyimages') {
4037: $dest = sanitize($_POST['massalbumselect']);
4038: $folder = sanitize($_POST['massfolder']);
4039: if (!$dest || $dest == $folder) {
4040: return "&mcrerr=2";
4041: }
4042: }
4043: if ($action == 'changeowner') {
4044: $newowner = sanitize($_POST['massownerselect']);
4045: }
4046: $n = 0;
4047: foreach ($ids as $filename) {
4048: $n++;
4049: $imageobj = newImage($album, $filename);
4050: switch ($action) {
4051: case 'deleteall':
4052: $imageobj->remove();
4053: SearchEngine::clearSearchCache();
4054: break;
4055: case 'showall':
4056: $imageobj->set('show', 1);
4057: break;
4058: case 'hideall':
4059: $imageobj->set('show', 0);
4060: break;
4061: case 'commentson':
4062: $imageobj->set('commentson', 1);
4063: break;
4064: case 'commentsoff':
4065: $imageobj->set('commentson', 0);
4066: break;
4067: case 'resethitcounter':
4068: $imageobj->set('hitcounter', 0);
4069: break;
4070: case 'addtags':
4071: $mytags = array_unique(array_merge($tags, $imageobj->getTags()));
4072: $imageobj->setTags($mytags);
4073: break;
4074: case 'cleartags':
4075: $imageobj->setTags(array());
4076: break;
4077: case 'copyimages':
4078: if ($e = $imageobj->copy($dest)) {
4079: return "&mcrerr=" . $e;
4080: }
4081: break;
4082: case 'moveimages':
4083: if ($e = $imageobj->move($dest)) {
4084: SearchEngine::clearSearchCache();
4085: return "&mcrerr=" . $e;
4086: }
4087: break;
4088: case 'changeowner':
4089: $imageobj->setOwner($newowner);
4090: break;
4091: default:
4092: $action = call_user_func($action, $imageobj);
4093: break;
4094: }
4095: $imageobj->save();
4096: }
4097: }
4098: return $action;
4099: }
4100: }
4102: 4103: 4104: 4105:
4106: function processCommentBulkActions() {
4107: if (isset($_POST['ids'])) {
4108: $action = sanitize($_POST['checkallaction']);
4109: if ($action != 'noaction') {
4110: $ids = sanitize($_POST['ids']);
4111: if (count($ids) > 0) {
4112: foreach ($ids as $id) {
4113: $comment = new Comment(sanitize_numeric($id));
4114: switch ($action) {
4115: case 'deleteall':
4116: $comment->remove();
4117: break;
4118: case 'spam':
4119: if (!$comment->getInModeration()) {
4120: $comment->setInModeration(1);
4121: zp_apply_filter('comment_disapprove', $comment);
4122: }
4123: break;
4124: case 'approve':
4125: if ($comment->getInModeration()) {
4126: $comment->setInModeration(0);
4127: zp_apply_filter('comment_approve', $comment);
4128: }
4129: break;
4130: }
4131: $comment->save();
4132: }
4133: }
4134: }
4135: }
4136: return $action;
4137: }
4139: 4140: 4141: 4142:
4143: function codeblocktabsJS() {
4144: ?>
4145: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
4147: $(function() {
4148: var tabContainers = $('div.tabs > div');
4149: $('.first').addClass('selected');
4150: });
4152: function cbclick(num, id) {
4153: $('.cbx-' + id).hide();
4154: $('#cb' + num + '-' + id).show();
4155: $('.cbt-' + id).removeClass('selected');
4156: $('#cbt' + num + '-' + id).addClass('selected');
4157: }
4159: function cbadd(id, offset) {
4160: var num = $('#cbu-' + id + ' li').size() - offset;
4161: $('li:last', $('#cbu-' + id)).remove();
4162: $('#cbu-' + id).append('<li><a class="cbt-' + id + '" id="cbt' + num + '-' + id + '" href="javascript:cbclick(' + num + ',' + id + ');" title="' + '<?php echo gettext('codeblock %u'); ?>'.replace(/%u/, num) + '"> ' + num + ' </a></li>');
4163: $('#cbu-' + id).append('<li><a id="cbp-' + id + '" href="javascript:cbadd(' + id + ',' + offset + ');" title="<?php echo gettext('add codeblock'); ?>"> + </a></li>');
4164: $('#cbd-' + id).append('<div class="cbx-' + id + '" id="cb' + num + '-' + id + '" style="display:none">' +
4165: '<textarea name="codeblock' + num + '-' + id + '" class="codeblock" id="codeblock' + num + '-' + id + '" rows="40" cols="60"></textarea>' +
4166: '</div>');
4167: cbclick(num, id);
4168: }
4170: </script>
4171: <?php
4172: }
4174: 4175: 4176: 4177: 4178: 4179:
4180: function printCodeblockEdit($obj, $id) {
4181: $codeblock = getSerializedArray($obj->getCodeblock());
4182: $keys = array_keys($codeblock);
4183: array_push($keys, 1);
4184: $codeblockCount = max($keys) + 1;
4186: if (array_key_exists(0, $codeblock) && !empty($codeblock)) {
4187: $start = 0;
4188: } else {
4189: $start = (int) getOption('codeblock_first_tab');
4190: }
4191: ?>
4192: <div id="cbd-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="tabs">
4193: <ul id="<?php echo 'cbu' . '-' . $id; ?>" class="tabNavigation">
4194: <?php
4195: for ($i = $start; $i < $codeblockCount; $i++) {
4196: ?>
4197: <li><a class="<?php if ($i == 1) echo 'first '; ?>cbt-<?php echo $id; ?>" id="<?php echo 'cbt' . $i . '-' . $id; ?>" href="javascript:cbclick(<?php echo $i . ',' . $id; ?>);" title="<?php printf(gettext('codeblock %u'), $i); ?>"> <?php echo $i; ?> </a></li>
4198: <?php
4199: }
4200: if (zp_loggedin(CODEBLOCK_RIGHTS)) {
4201: $disabled = '';
4202: ?>
4203: <li><a id="<?php echo 'cbp' . '-' . $id; ?>" href="javascript:cbadd(<?php echo $id; ?>,<?php echo 1 - $start; ?>);" title="<?php echo gettext('add codeblock'); ?>"> + </a></li>
4204: <?php
4205: } else {
4206: $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
4207: }
4208: ?>
4209: </ul>
4211: <?php
4212: for ($i = $start; $i < $codeblockCount; $i++) {
4213: ?>
4214: <div class="cbx-<?php echo $id; ?>" id="cb<?php echo $i . '-' . $id; ?>"<?php if ($i != 1) echo ' style="display:none"'; ?>>
4215: <?php
4216: if (!$i) {
4217: ?>
4218: <span class="notebox"><?php echo gettext('Codeblock 0 is deprecated.') ?></span>
4219: <?php
4220: }
4221: ?>
4222: <textarea name="codeblock<?php echo $i; ?>-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="codeblock" id="codeblock<?php echo $i; ?>-<?php echo $id; ?>" rows="40" cols="60"<?php echo $disabled; ?>><?php echo html_encode(@$codeblock[$i]); ?></textarea>
4223: </div>
4224: <?php
4225: }
4226: ?>
4227: </div>
4228: <?php
4229: }
4231: 4232: 4233: 4234: 4235: 4236: 4237:
4238: function processCodeblockSave($id) {
4239: $codeblock = array();
4240: $i = (int) !isset($_POST['codeblock0-' . $id]);
4241: while (isset($_POST['codeblock' . $i . '-' . $id])) {
4242: $v = sanitize($_POST['codeblock' . $i . '-' . $id], 0);
4243: if ($v) {
4244: $codeblock[$i] = $v;
4245: }
4246: $i++;
4247: }
4248: return serialize($codeblock);
4249: }
4251: 4252: 4253: 4254: 4255:
4256: function admin_securityChecks($rights, $return) {
4257: global $_zp_current_admin_obj, $_zp_loggedin;
4258: checkInstall();
4259: httpsRedirect();
4261: if ($_zp_current_admin_obj && $_zp_current_admin_obj->reset) {
4262: $_zp_loggedin = USER_RIGHTS;
4263: }
4264: if (!zp_loggedin($rights)) {
4266: $returnurl = urldecode($return);
4267: if (!zp_apply_filter('admin_allow_access', false, $returnurl)) {
4268: $uri = explode('?', $returnurl);
4269: header("HTTP/1.0 302 Found");
4270: header("Status: 302 Found");
4271: header('Location: ' . FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin.php?from=' . $uri[0]);
4272: exitZP();
4273: }
4274: }
4275: }
4277: 4278: 4279: 4280:
4281: function httpsRedirect() {
4282: if (SERVER_PROTOCOL == 'https_admin') {
4284: if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) {
4285: $redirect = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . getRequestURI();
4286: header("Location:$redirect");
4287: exitZP();
4288: }
4289: }
4290: }
4292: 4293: 4294: 4295:
4296: function XSRFdefender($action) {
4297: $token = getXSRFToken($action);
4298: if (!isset($_REQUEST['XSRFToken']) || $_REQUEST['XSRFToken'] != $token) {
4299: zp_apply_filter('admin_XSRF_access', false, $action);
4300: header("HTTP/1.0 302 Found");
4301: header("Status: 302 Found");
4302: header('Location: ' . FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin.php?action=external&error&msg=' . sprintf(gettext('“%s” Cross Site Request Forgery blocked.'), $action));
4303: exitZP();
4304: }
4305: unset($_REQUEST['XSRFToken']);
4306: unset($_POST['XSRFToken']);
4307: unset($_GET['XSRFToken']);
4308: }
4310: 4311: 4312: 4313: 4314: 4315: 4316:
4317: function minDiff($string1, $string2) {
4318: if ($string1 == $string2) {
4319: return $string2;
4320: }
4321: if (empty($string1)) {
4322: return substr($string2, 0, 10);
4323: }
4324: if (empty($string2)) {
4325: return substr($string1, 0, 10);
4326: }
4327: if (strlen($string2) > strlen($string1)) {
4328: $base = $string2;
4329: } else {
4330: $base = $string1;
4331: }
4332: for ($i = 0; $i < min(strlen($string1), strlen($string2)); $i++) {
4333: if ($string1[$i] != $string2[$i]) {
4334: $base = substr($string2, 0, max($i + 1, 10));
4335: break;
4336: }
4337: }
4338: return rtrim($base, '-_');
4339: }
4341: 4342: 4343: 4344: 4345: 4346: 4347: 4348:
4349: function fullText($string1, $string2) {
4350: return $string2;
4351: }
4353: 4354: 4355: 4356: 4357: 4358: 4359: 4360:
4361: function dateDiff($date1, $date2) {
4362: $separators = array('', '-', '-', ' ', ':', ':');
4363: preg_match('/(.*)-(.*)-(.*) (.*):(.*):(.*)/', $date1, $matches1);
4364: preg_match('/(.*)-(.*)-(.*) (.*):(.*):(.*)/', $date2, $matches2);
4365: if (empty($matches1)) {
4366: $matches1 = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
4367: }
4368: if (empty($matches2)) {
4369: $matches2 = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
4370: }
4372: $date = '';
4373: for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
4374: if (@$matches1[$i] != @$matches2[$i]) {
4375: break;
4376: }
4377: }
4378: switch ($i) {
4379: case 7:
4380: case 6:
4381: $date = ':' . $matches2[6];
4382: case 5:
4383: case 4:
4384: $date = ' ' . $matches2[4] . ':' . $matches2[5] . $date;
4385: default:
4386: $date = $matches2[1] . '-' . $matches2[2] . '-' . $matches2[3] . $date;
4387: }
4388: return rtrim($date, ':-');
4389: }
4391: 4392: 4393: 4394: 4395: 4396: 4397: 4398: 4399: 4400: 4401: 4402:
4403: function getPageSelector($list, $itmes_per_page, $diff = 'fullText') {
4404: $rangeset = array();
4405: $pages = round(ceil(count($list) / (int) $itmes_per_page));
4406: $list = array_values($list);
4407: if ($pages > 1) {
4408: $ranges = array();
4409: for ($page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++) {
4410: $ranges[$page]['start'] = strtolower(get_language_string($list[$page * $itmes_per_page]));
4411: $last = (int) ($page * $itmes_per_page + $itmes_per_page - 1);
4412: if (array_key_exists($last, $list)) {
4413: $ranges[$page]['end'] = strtolower(get_language_string($list[$last]));
4414: } else {
4415: $ranges[$page]['end'] = strtolower(get_language_string(@array_pop($list)));
4416: }
4417: }
4418: $last = '';
4419: foreach ($ranges as $page => $range) {
4420: $next = @$ranges[$page + 1]['start'];
4421: $rangeset[$page] = $diff($last, $range['start']) . ' » ' . $diff($next, $range['end']);
4422: $last = $range['end'];
4423: }
4424: }
4425: return $rangeset;
4426: }
4428: function printPageSelector($subpage, $rangeset, $script, $queryParams) {
4429: global $instances;
4430: $pages = count($rangeset);
4431: $jump = $query = '';
4432: foreach ($queryParams as $param => $value) {
4433: $query .= html_encode($param) . '=' . html_encode($value) . '&';
4434: $jump .= "'" . html_encode($param) . "=" . html_encode($value) . "',";
4435: }
4436: $query = '?' . $query;
4437: if ($subpage > 0) {
4438: ?>
4439: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . $script . $query; ?>subpage=<?php echo ($subpage - 1); ?>" >« <?php echo gettext('prev'); ?></a>
4440: <?php
4441: }
4442: if ($pages > 2) {
4443: if ($subpage > 0) {
4444: ?>
4445: |
4446: <?php
4447: }
4448: ?>
4449: <select name="subpage" class="dirtyignore" id="subpage<?php echo $instances; ?>" onchange="launchScript('<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . $script; ?>',
4450: [<?php echo $jump; ?>'subpage=' + $('#subpage<?php echo $instances; ?>').val()]);" >
4451: <?php
4452: foreach ($rangeset as $page => $range) {
4453: ?>
4454: <option value="<?php echo $page; ?>" <?php if ($page == $subpage) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>><?php echo $range; ?></option>
4455: <?php
4456: }
4457: ?>
4458: </select>
4459: <?php
4460: }
4461: if ($pages > $subpage + 1) {
4462: if ($pages > 2) {
4463: ?>
4464: |
4465: <?php }
4466: ?>
4467: <a href="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . $script . $query; ?>subpage=<?php echo ($subpage + 1); ?>" ><?php echo gettext('next'); ?> »</a>
4468: <?php
4469: }
4470: $instances++;
4471: }
4473: 4474: 4475: 4476:
4477: function unQuote($string) {
4478: $string = trim($string);
4479: $q = $string{0};
4480: if ($q == '"' || $q == "'") {
4481: $string = trim($string, $q);
4482: }
4483: return $string;
4484: }
4486: 4487: 4488: 4489: 4490:
4491: function admin_album_list($owner) {
4492: global $_zp_authority;
4493: $adminlist = '';
4494: $admins = $_zp_authority->getAdministrators();
4495: foreach ($admins as $user) {
4496: if (($user['rights'] & (UPLOAD_RIGHTS | ADMIN_RIGHTS | MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS))) {
4497: $adminlist .= '<option value="' . $user['user'] . '"';
4498: if ($owner == $user['user']) {
4499: $adminlist .= ' SELECTED="SELECTED"';
4500: }
4501: $adminlist .= '>' . $user['user'] . "</option>\n";
4502: }
4503: }
4504: return $adminlist;
4505: }
4507: 4508: 4509:
4510: function getLogTabs() {
4511: $subtabs = array();
4512: $default = NULL;
4513: $localizer = array('setup' => gettext('setup'), 'security' => gettext('security'), 'debug' => gettext('debug'));
4514: $filelist = safe_glob(SERVERPATH . "/" . DATA_FOLDER . '/*.log');
4515: if (count($filelist) > 0) {
4516: $tab = sanitize(@$_GET['tab'], 3);
4517: foreach ($filelist as $logfile) {
4518: $log = substr(basename($logfile), 0, -4);
4519: if ($log == $tab) {
4520: $default = $tab;
4521: }
4522: if (array_key_exists($log, $localizer)) {
4523: $logfiletext = $localizer[$log];
4524: } else {
4525: $logfiletext = str_replace('_', ' ', $log);
4526: }
4527: $subtabs = array_merge($subtabs, array($logfiletext => 'admin-logs.php?page=logs&tab=' . $log));
4528: if (filesize($logfile) > 0 && empty($default)) {
4529: $default = $log;
4530: }
4531: }
4532: }
4534: $names = array_flip($subtabs);
4535: natcasesort($names);
4536: $subtabs = array_flip($names);
4538: return array($subtabs, $default);
4539: }
4541: 4542: 4543:
4544: function getPluginTabs() {
4545: if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
4546: $default = sanitize($_GET['tab']);
4547: } else {
4548: $default = 'all';
4549: }
4550: $paths = getPluginFiles('*.php');
4552: $classXlate = array(
4553: 'all' => gettext('all'),
4554: 'admin' => gettext('admin'),
4555: 'demo' => gettext('demo'),
4556: 'development' => gettext('development'),
4557: 'feed' => gettext('feed'),
4558: 'mail' => gettext('mail'),
4559: 'media' => gettext('media'),
4560: 'misc' => gettext('misc'),
4561: 'spam' => gettext('spam'),
4562: 'seo' => gettext('seo'),
4563: 'uploader' => gettext('uploader'),
4564: 'users' => gettext('users')
4565: );
4566: zp_apply_filter('plugin_tabs', $classXlate);
4568: $currentlist = $classes = $member = array();
4569: foreach ($paths as $plugin => $path) {
4570: $p = file_get_contents($path);
4571: $i = strpos($p, '* @subpackage');
4572: if (($key = $i) !== false) {
4573: $key = strtolower(trim(substr($p, $i + 13, strpos($p, "\n", $i) - $i - 13)));
4574: }
4575: if (empty($key)) {
4576: $key = 'misc';
4577: }
4578: $classes[$key]['list'][] = $plugin;
4579: if (array_key_exists($key, $classXlate)) {
4580: $local = $classXlate[$key];
4581: } else {
4582: $local = $classXlate[$key] = $key;
4583: }
4584: $member[$plugin] = $local;
4585: }
4587: ksort($classes);
4588: $tabs[$classXlate['all']] = 'admin-plugins.php?page=plugins&tab=all';
4589: $currentlist = array_keys($paths);
4592: foreach ($classes as $class => $list) {
4593: $tabs[$classXlate[$class]] = 'admin-plugins.php?page=plugins&tab=' . $class;
4594: if ($class == $default) {
4595: $currentlist = $list['list'];
4596: }
4597: }
4598: return array($tabs, $default, $currentlist, $paths, $member);
4599: }
4601: function getAdminThumb($image, $size) {
4602: switch ($size) {
4603: case 'large':
4604: return $image->getCustomImage(80, NULL, NULL, 80, 80, NULL, NULL, -1);
4605: default:
4606: return $image->getCustomImage(40, NULL, NULL, 40, 40, NULL, NULL, -1);
4607: }
4608: }
4610: 4611: 4612: 4613: 4614:
4615: function processCredentials($object, $suffix = '') {
4616: $notify = '';
4617: if (isset($_POST['password_enabled' . $suffix]) && $_POST['password_enabled' . $suffix]) {
4618: if (is_object($object)) {
4619: $olduser = $object->getUser();
4620: } else {
4621: $olduser = getOption($object . '_user');
4622: }
4623: $newuser = trim(sanitize($_POST['user' . $suffix], 3));
4624: $pwd = trim(sanitize($_POST['pass' . $suffix]));
4625: if (isset($_POST['disclose_password' . $suffix])) {
4626: $pass2 = $pwd;
4627: } else {
4628: if (isset($_POST['pass_r' . $suffix])) {
4629: $pass2 = trim(sanitize($_POST['pass_r' . $suffix]));
4630: } else {
4631: $pass2 = '';
4632: }
4633: }
4634: $fail = '';
4635: if ($olduser != $newuser) {
4636: if (!empty($newuser) && strlen($_POST['pass' . $suffix]) == 0) {
4637: $fail = '?mismatch=user';
4638: }
4639: }
4640: if (!$fail && $pwd == $pass2) {
4641: if (is_object($object)) {
4642: $object->setUser($newuser);
4643: } else {
4644: setOption($object . '_user', $newuser);
4645: }
4646: if (empty($pwd)) {
4647: if (strlen($_POST['pass' . $suffix]) == 0) {
4649: if (is_object($object)) {
4650: $object->setPassword(NULL);
4651: } else {
4652: setOption($object . '_password', NULL);
4653: }
4654: }
4655: } else {
4656: if (is_object($object)) {
4657: $object->setPassword(Zenphoto_Authority::passwordHash($newuser, $pwd));
4658: } else {
4659: setOption($object . '_password', Zenphoto_Authority::passwordHash($newuser, $pwd));
4660: }
4661: }
4662: } else {
4663: if (empty($fail)) {
4664: $notify = '?mismatch';
4665: } else {
4666: $notify = $fail;
4667: }
4668: }
4669: $hint = process_language_string_save('hint' . $suffix, 3);
4670: if (is_object($object)) {
4671: $object->setPasswordHint($hint);
4672: } else {
4673: setOption($object . '_hint', $hint);
4674: }
4675: }
4676: return $notify;
4677: }
4679: function consolidatedEditMessages($subtab) {
4680: zp_apply_filter('admin_note', 'albums', $subtab);
4681: $messagebox = $errorbox = $notebox = array();
4682: if (isset($_GET['ndeleted'])) {
4683: $ntdel = sanitize_numeric($_GET['ndeleted']);
4684: if ($ntdel <= 2) {
4685: $msg = gettext("Image");
4686: } else {
4687: $msg = gettext("Album");
4688: $ntdel = $ntdel - 2;
4689: }
4690: if ($ntdel == 2) {
4691: $errorbox[] = sprintf(gettext("%s failed to delete."), $msg);
4692: } else {
4693: $messagebox[] = sprintf(gettext("%s deleted successfully."), $msg);
4694: }
4695: }
4696: if (isset($_GET['mismatch'])) {
4697: if ($_GET['mismatch'] == 'user') {
4698: $errorbox[] = gettext("You must supply a password.");
4699: } else {
4700: $errorbox[] = gettext("Your passwords did not match.");
4701: }
4702: }
4703: if (isset($_GET['edit_error'])) {
4704: $errorbox[] = html_encode(sanitize($_GET['edit_error']));
4705: }
4706: if (isset($_GET['post_error'])) {
4707: $messagebox[] = gettext('The image edit form submission has been truncated. Try displaying fewer images on a page.');
4708: }
4709: if (isset($_GET['counters_reset'])) {
4710: $messagebox[] = gettext("Hit counters have been reset.");
4711: }
4712: if (isset($_GET['cleared']) || isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'clear_cache') {
4713: $messagebox[] = gettext("Cache has been purged.");
4714: }
4715: if (isset($_GET['uploaded'])) {
4716: $messagebox[] = gettext('Your files have been uploaded.');
4717: }
4718: if (isset($_GET['exists'])) {
4719: $errorbox[] = sprintf(gettext("<em>%s</em> already exists."), sanitize($_GET['exists']));
4720: }
4721: if (isset($_GET['saved'])) {
4722: $messagebox[] = gettext("Changes applied");
4723: }
4724: if (isset($_GET['noaction'])) {
4725: $notebox[] = gettext("Nothing changed");
4726: }
4727: if (isset($_GET['bulkmessage'])) {
4728: $action = sanitize($_GET['bulkmessage']);
4729: switch ($action) {
4730: case 'deleteallalbum':
4731: case 'deleteall':
4732: $messagebox[] = gettext('Selected items deleted');
4733: break;
4734: case 'showall':
4735: $messagebox[] = gettext('Selected items published');
4736: break;
4737: case 'hideall':
4738: $messagebox[] = gettext('Selected items unpublished');
4739: break;
4740: case 'commentson':
4741: $messagebox[] = gettext('Comments enabled for selected items');
4742: break;
4743: case 'commentsoff':
4744: $messagebox[] = gettext('Comments disabled for selected items');
4745: break;
4746: case 'resethitcounter':
4747: $messagebox[] = gettext('Hitcounter for selected items');
4748: break;
4749: case 'addtags':
4750: $messagebox[] = gettext('Tags added for selected items');
4751: break;
4752: case 'cleartags':
4753: $messagebox[] = gettext('Tags cleared for selected items');
4754: break;
4755: case 'alltags':
4756: $messagebox[] = gettext('Tags added for images of selected items');
4757: break;
4758: case 'clearalltags':
4759: $messagebox[] = gettext('Tags cleared for images of selected items');
4760: break;
4761: default:
4762: $messagebox[] = $action;
4763: break;
4764: }
4765: }
4766: if (isset($_GET['mcrerr'])) {
4767: switch (sanitize_numeric($_GET['mcrerr'])) {
4768: case 2:
4769: $errorbox[] = gettext("Image already exists.");
4770: break;
4771: case 3:
4772: $errorbox[] = gettext("Album already exists.");
4773: break;
4774: case 4:
4775: $errorbox[] = gettext("Cannot move, copy, or rename to a subalbum of this album.");
4776: break;
4777: case 5:
4778: $errorbox[] = gettext("Cannot move, copy, or rename to a dynamic album.");
4779: break;
4780: case 6:
4781: $errorbox[] = gettext('Cannot rename an image to a different suffix');
4782: break;
4783: case 7:
4784: $errorbox[] = gettext('Album delete failed');
4785: break;
4786: default:
4787: $errorbox[] = sprintf(gettext("There was an error #%d with a move, copy, or rename operation."), sanitize_numeric($_GET['mcrerr']));
4788: break;
4789: }
4790: }
4791: if (!empty($errorbox)) {
4792: ?>
4793: <div class="errorbox fade-message">
4794: <?php echo implode('<br />', $errorbox); ?>
4795: </div>
4796: <?php
4797: }
4798: if (!empty($notebox)) {
4799: ?>
4800: <div class="notebox fade-message">
4801: <?php echo implode('<br />', $notebox); ?>
4802: </div>
4803: <?php
4804: }
4805: if (!empty($messagebox)) {
4806: ?>
4807: <div class="messagebox fade-message">
4808: <?php echo implode('<br />', $messagebox); ?>
4809: </div>
4810: <?php
4811: }
4812: }
4814: 4815: 4816: 4817: 4818:
4819: function getThemeFiles($exclude) {
4820: global $_zp_gallery;
4821: $files = array();
4822: foreach (array_keys($_zp_gallery->getThemes()) as $theme) {
4823: $curdir = getcwd();
4824: $root = SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . $theme . '/';
4825: chdir($root);
4826: $filelist = safe_glob('*.php');
4827: $list = array();
4828: foreach ($filelist as $file) {
4829: if (!in_array($file, $exclude)) {
4830: $files[$theme][] = filesystemToInternal($file);
4831: }
4832: }
4833: chdir($curdir);
4834: }
4835: return $files;
4836: }
4838: 4839: 4840: 4841: 4842: 4843:
4844: function checkAlbumParentid($albumname, $id, $recorder) {
4845: $album = newAlbum($albumname);
4846: $oldid = $album->getParentID();
4847: if ($oldid != $id) {
4848: $album->set('parentid', $id);
4849: $album->save();
4850: if (is_null($oldid))
4851: $oldid = '<em>NULL</em>';
4852: if (is_null($id))
4853: $id = '<em>NULL</em>';
4854: $msg = sprintf('Fixed album <strong>%1$s</strong>: parentid was %2$s should have been %3$s<br />', $albumname, $oldid, $id);
4855: $recorder($msg, true);
4856: echo $msg;
4857: }
4858: $id = $album->getID();
4859: if (!$album->isDynamic()) {
4860: $albums = $album->getAlbums();
4861: foreach ($albums as $albumname) {
4862: checkAlbumParentid($albumname, $id, $recorder);
4863: }
4864: }
4865: }
4867: function clonedFrom() {
4869: return false;
4870: } else {
4871: $zen = str_replace('\\', '/', @readlink(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER));
4872: return dirname($zen);
4873: }
4874: }
4876: 4877: 4878: 4879: 4880: 4881:
4882: function checkAlbumimagesort($val) {
4883: global $_zp_sortby;
4884: $sortcheck = $_zp_sortby;
4885: $sortcheck[gettext('Manual')] = 'manual';
4886: foreach ($sortcheck as $sort) {
4887: if ($val == $sort || $val == $sort . '_desc') {
4888: return $val;
4889: }
4890: }
4891: }
4893: ?>